• Member Since 16th Jan, 2019
  • offline last seen Sunday


Writing wrongs.

Comments ( 39 )

I'm assuming you want us to downvote this based on the description. Unfortunately, Lord 'I Aten't Dead' Palpatine has recently brought my standards below your current threshold.

Carry on.

flew through the wind shield (that protects from the wind in space)

That's an upvote

Less that I want downvotes and more that I don't mind them. It was an idea that I wanted to throw together for funsies, and hopefully some people get a good laugh. Honestly, research (aka 10 minutes on youtube) made me realize why Jar Jar is so hated, and I think he makes for a hilariously awful character to throw into a story.


Wait. You just had your first encounter with Mesah So Loathed?

Have the cure.

Not quite. The last time I saw Episode I was in the theater, and i was like 13 or so. I didn't mind Jar Jar, because ha ha, he talked funny. Now, though, it was actually kinda painful. Also, I love ashens. Him and his iconic brown sofa.

If he had balls, he'd be them-deep in her.

Dammit, I can only upvote once?!?

well, that was amusing. in a masochistic sort of way.


Meesa no wanna read this


He had it coming.

He knows what he did.

lol, I never would have imagined a story where Jar-Jar Binks somehow gets to Equestria. I hope you will understand if I don't read this but give you a downvote with a lot of love for having the balls to do this. I just can't! :rainbowlaugh:

Well... I read this. I think it’s about what I expected. But then, I have read your work before.

This is proof that we are, without a doubt, in the darkest timeline.

Amazing. I love your work.

You've crossed the line.

Comments like yours make writing worth writing.

I love your you.

You know what they say: Why did the chicken cross the line.

This is gold good sir! I got a good laugh out of this!

Please do not reproduce.

I am humbled by your offer, truly, but I must decline.

If they didn't, then who'd get to bang Rainbow Dash? No one else is worthy of her. :(

Majin Syeekoh

Joke's on you

He reproduces asexually

Me and many other Rainbow Dash waifu fans are worth of reproducing with her.

Then why did she just take a load of Jar Jar Jelly Jizz

Sometimes I wish God would just take away my ability to read disgusting comments like what the fuck you just wrote.

That's not very Dash-money of you

Someone's gonna nut to this...

Was that a roundabout way of saying "What did I just read?"

It sure as every last working left nut on an orangutan it was.

Comment posted by MysticalMine deleted Dec 26th, 2019
Comment posted by MysticalMine deleted Dec 26th, 2019

Is he at least Darth Jar-Jar?

I died from reading this. Thank you for the experience. What killed me made me stronger.

Then I smashed that thumbs up button like the fist of an angry god.

I have discovered this in the year 2020. I wish I could go back in time to when I didn't see this.

Enjoy the nightmares, friend.

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