• Member Since 24th Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


Every day is always crazy!



This story is a sequel to Sombra in the Legion

The Legion of Doom led by Grogar have planned to conquer Equestria and destroy its protectors. However, without any warning, an old acquaintance of Grogar waylays him and his legion and sends them to a place they never thought they would see or encounter except for the ram. With an unusual turn of events and an odd alliance of ancient creatures occurring, the Legion must work together to fight this new threat and the newfound power that could end their existence.

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 18 )


Fuck, friendship can blind everyone’s judgement

Huh. I thought they were in the afterlife.

So? Pinky and the Brain had to save the world so they could take it over a few times.

so true! I used friendship to manipulate a group of kids in my class...

oof! Poor doctor Fauna! It's very interesting, this story!

Everyone says "how a animal can talk" But the dont notice the are animals too

The funny thing is that they don’t view themselves as animals.

Humans can talk. We're also animals. Being sapient doesn't remove us from the animal kingdom.

Oh i read everything
It was great!
You should do a sequel to this.

And of course it was Discord who unleashed hell by releasing a villain for his own amusement. Ponies actually died, my dude.
I love how Tirek and Chrysalis just up and left. Wonder where they went for their vacation 👀 I‘d love to read that mini sequel.
I have more fun with this story than I first thought. Wild in a few scenes, but good.

500 years seems a bit short since nightmare moon was in the moon for a thousand

I know this reply is really late, and I wasn’t planning to reply, but after thinking it over, I might consider writing that mini-sequel... or maybe two.

You know, I'm actually hoping that the Legion of Doom come out on top of everything this time.

human is center of universe and animals are created to served human. either change your belief or be stoned to death you heretic. holy book is circular. holy book is never wrong.:trollestia:

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