• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,115 Views, 131 Comments

Blaze - Blazing_Mane01

The ponies embark with the mysterious Blaze to unravel his past.

  • ...

Chapter 12.) Canterlot

The throne room was completely trashed. The 'Ursa' stood amongst where the princess's chair once did. Staring at me. Neither of us ever blinking. I dared not miss a split second of my demise. For they didn't, and yet their eyes are still open, also gazing unto mine...

A cyan-colored one with a mane of six hues... Stabbed through the left, gashes down her face, stained with blood. Her form was no longer of a pegasus, either, for this monster spared no detail in its brutal work.

A pure white one... was in two different corners of the room. It's once beautiful hair had seen better days, and that's an understatement.

An orange pony's head lay directly in front of me. It no longer owned a body. Nor did it contain its signature hat, which had been burned to a crisp.

A creamy colored one, now white, for she had been petrified. Too much exposure to those piercing eyes begins to enrage ponies, apparently.

A pink body was still stuck on the claws of the creature. No doubt, when it throws its arms up, she'll slide off and take flight, which her soul had a head start on.

And a purple one... Potent as her magic may be, no barrier of any strength could repel the brutality of an 'Ursa.' A tear of hers still streaked across my hoof, she lost consciousness forever while her head lay rested against my hooves. Her first and last kiss... was with me.

They sacrified themselves for me... Again...


My body was being pushed to and fro. It lets a moan slide by while my eyelids adjust at a sluggish rate. After about ten seconds of being yelled at and shoved around, I start making sense of my environment. I was in a cabin, and the voices belonged to a couple friends; particularly Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle.

Phew. Thank Celestia that wasn't reality. Now let's just hope it won't be.

Twilight spoke again, "Blaze? Wake up! We've arrived at Canterlot!"

Hearing these words act as a stimulator, as my body lunges upward to a sitting position almost involuntarily. "What!?"

"C'mon! Celestia wants to see you NOW!" Rainbow was her usual impatient self.

Hopping out of the sheets, I land at the foot of the bed a couple feet away from the sky blue pony. Doing so makes her wings flutter back, with a careful expression on her face. "Well, good morning, everypony. Let's go see the princess."

Confirming my message, the two ponies smile and turn to the door leaving the cabin and into the brilliant sun. I followed closely, anxious to both meet the goddess and find my elder. Sunlight meets my eyes mercilessly, and I shift my head for my pupils to adjust further. After I can see without excessive difficulty, I look up to see a white stallion easily two times my size. Brilliant white coat, enchanted mane and tail, horseshoes the shape of our star, wings and horn three times the dimensions of mine... and unfortunately, battle-worn with minor cuts and bruises. I reflexively take a bow, because even though I've never met this pony, I'm sure I know who it is.

"So, you must be..."

The stallion replied with a rather tranquilizing voice, "Indeed, I am. And you must be Blaze! Twilight Sparkle has sent many letters concerning you."

I turn to face the violet pony, who had her head hung slightly low and extra color flowing through her cheeks. I raise one eyebrow at her, questioning her reasons. She catches sight of this, then smiles and stands upright again. Assured, I return to the princess. "...I see."

"I understand we both have been eager to make acquaintances with each other, but maybe we can do that in a less threatening scenario. Thank you for coming, Blaze. I'm sure Twilight has briefed you on the situation?"

"Oh, yeah." I nod. "And now that we're here, I will do everything in my power to aid in the capture of the... the... well, you called it an 'Ursa.'"

Celestia smiled. "Indeed, I did. We can converse after the threat has passed. Again, I apologize for having to finally meet in the state of crisis..."

"Don't sweat it." I winked. I spoke to the princess as if she were any other pony, realizing she may be offended, but she seemed cool with it.

The princess then signaled to our group of seven to follow her. I was directly behind her, but give it a few seconds and Twilight will come barging up the single file line we fell into to walk alongside her teacher. However, it seemed that seeing all the death and destruction zipped everypony's mouths shut. Whole buildings were ripped from their foundation, the majority of the dead ponies had their insides turned out, their head and body separated, their limbs mutilated. Even I shuddered at this gruesome violence.

We were passing the front gates of Canterlot now. Based on the stories my friends have told me about it, it's... ...pretty big. We still have a long walk ahead of us. A walk full of inviting carcasses and rubble. I understand my village was also hit and completely destroyed, but I know just by viewing that Canterlot has suffered much more. For two reasons: the fact that it was a city, and that it wasn't completely destroyed. I feel sorry for the souls who will obviously want to bring it back to life.

Every step of our hooves is welcomed by more and more chaos. ...Wait, that's not quite the right word for it. Chaos makes me think of Discord. No, this is rampage. The deeper we head into the city, the angrier I gradually get. This onslaught has gone on for far too long. And who knows how much destruction it caused before us? This monster cannot be allowed to exist for this. It's utterly unacceptable. That thing shouldn't just get locked away in some dark realm...

"It should go to Hell," I mutter under my breath.

After a long walk - I wasn't keeping track of time, maybe like an hour - we arrive at the castle's front wall. Celestia didn't exaggerate when she wrote the throne room didn't exist. She may as well just said that the castle itself was devastated. The outside pillars have all collapsed, bringing the monument's stone overhang with it. It was a maze to get to the door, especially for the ponies who couldn't fly or refused to fly. Thinking on it now, I actually would've been able to move the majority of it with my magic.

We break the door down, expecting more rubbish strewn all around. Yeah, rubbish is an understatement. No ceiling, no pretty glass I remember hearing about, and you can bearly see the floor under all the rubble. Inside, we find something we all jumped back from. I was so busy observing the destruction, that I forgot we were headed to what was responsible. The shadow was sleeping over the rotunda where the throne chair once was. It's appearance to everypony makes them all shriek, except me; I only tensed my eyebrows and grit my teeth. It's breathing was like an angry growl mixed with a raspy throat, and the odor - blech, the smell of the fire must've concealed it really well.

"Easy, keep it down." I whispered. "Don't wanna wake him up. C'mon, let's go slowly..."

Everypony - even the princess - nodded and followed suit behind me. I guess we all assigned myself the new lead. But, I realized quickly, however, is that on hoof, our approach would be too loud. I lifted my being into a hover. I signal this to the others. Those with wings follow my lead (slowly with required coaxing or otherwise), and the others have sceptical faces of disapproval. I tap my horn in an attempt to say, 'use magic.'

Twilight caught on to this quickly, and a magenta-colored aura began to envelop the latter. One by one, the four ponies started to levitate, followed by faces of shock, disbelief, and one face contained cheery goofiness in its smile. They learned how to move their bodies at their own paces, and follow me.

Slowly but surely, we inch up to the unconscious evil. We were about ten feet away from its head...

When Twilight's spell wore off.

AppleJack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Twilight Sparkle all hit the ground with their chests simultaneously. I squint and toss my head to the side, because it made a good deal of noise. Fortunately, the monster seems unfazed by the thud, and we all let out a sigh of relief. But I quickly take it back, because even though I'm facing away from it...

I heard it's eyes open.