• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...


Comments ( 54 )

Wow. What a chapter!!!!

Twilight wants to join but can't

Maybe you'll be in for a surprise! X3


Very nice job! As per usual. Silverstream's part should be interesting...

Comment posted by MisterEdd deleted Dec 12th, 2019

This had to come out on the day before my Microbio final...
Anyway, hopefully Silverstream will be more down-to-earth than Ocellus and Smolder. But considering her species' nature, I'm not so sure.


Silverstream's is slated to be released on Jan 8th
Hers is, by no small margin, my favorite

Very nice!! I'm surprised you haven't given Twilight her own story

I honestly love Smolder and Ember, but Silverstream I'm extremely looking forward to if only for a chance of possibly seeing more Skystar and Novo.

I've got to say, this has to be one of the most kicky's stories I've ever read. And I'm loving it. Keep up the great work, looking forward to more.

Damn, that was good. Didn't expect some cuckqueening in this as well. I was kind of hoping for a threesome between Anon, Smolder, and Ember.

Quite.......delectable. Yes, quite delectable.

Good luck on your final.

Love how you get that lovely feature with almost every story

Your stories always manage to hit the perfect combination of being both heartwarming and kinky. I'm looking forward to the next one!

I guess folks like my stuff?
Like, if I had to guess, people like my consistency, broad array of lewd BS, or maybe my style.

I confess my intrigue is in the different cultures and the fate of the protagonist. That's all :scootangel: Totally. :twilightblush:

P.S: Are these stories/things in the series on a release schedule?

For this arc, I'm releasing one a month! X3


Awww... poor Ember. She deserves some hot hominid dicking too.

Comment posted by Friendly Spartan IV deleted Dec 12th, 2019

For those interested, the full cover (nsfw, of course) has derpibooru id #1954663 :raritywink:

That's the plan

Already got several installments finished
Next one is being released in January

I was talking about a next chapter to this story that continues Anon's time in the Dragonlands.


my intrigue is in the different cultures and the fate of the protagonist.

Huh, if someone can claim that with a straight face, I may have to give this series a look. (Programme note: I am asexual/aromantic, and look at porn mostly to make my browser history look less strange for my age and gender. You know, in case any shadowy organizations and/or world governments are spying on me.)

While I freely admit that most of what I write is porn, that doesn't mean I don't do my damnedest to make the stories compelling!

I'd be happy to hear what you think!

I hope yona is next

“You can sit there and watch my glorious man service me.

Well, that is a compliment you don’t hear very often.

Love it :moustache:

Trotting out to greet them, presumably having heard her student’s call, Twilight paused. The alicorn looked him over, inspecting Anon from head to toe, almost as if she was appraising him for his journey. Now, it may have been his imagination, but he could swear he saw her shiver slightly, as her gaze settled upon his collar and leash.

My gut tell me Twilight is working on a possibly pervert project involving a certain alien and keep all the data in her super secret safe somewhere.

Not gonna lie, I hope silverstream wins. Shes just the best of them (in my opinion).

Leech's claim is correct, while most do contain a sexual nature, it's works are not just sex for the sake of it. Mostly.

That was epic ,can you make this a 2 partner and give DL Ember get some D to.?

I feel like she's the only one who has actual, romantic feelings for him.

Exactly, and shes cute.

Damn fine story. But the Changeling have still my favorite nr1 place yet... :raritywink:

So Twilight is into dominant role play... Huh neat :twilightblush:

Quite the hot adventure. Figurativly and literally :eeyup:

This feels like a two parter considering this was apparently just the beginning of the day....

And I have a large Smolder Bias so I'd be completely OK with that, show of hands, who else?

“What brings you to our lands, man thing ,” she hissed - at least, Anon presumed it was a she, given her timber.

i cant tell if this is breaking the fourth wall or not


I guess folks like my stuff?
Like, if I had to guess, people like my consistency, broad array of lewd BS, or maybe my style.

Your lewd BS. For example: tender moments of vulnerability, caring for others, hand/hoof/claw holding.
I also come for the alliteration.

Well done and personally I'm very excited for Anon's date with SilverStream. Keep up the good work cause I joined this site a few days ago without any plans of ever leaving!

Well we're glad to have ya!

As I mentioned before, Silverstream's story is slated to be released mid January!

Comment posted by Fracturedheart deleted Dec 15th, 2019

Excellent stories about the Student Six, and IMO you're quite good at writing clop that has a good story behind it. Good job. I admit I'm a bit jealous of that skill of yours - I'm decently good at writing a good story, but I just can't write good clop. I always just chicken out.

Yeah, I know a good bit of my stuff is NSFW, but I try to make it fun, funny, or entertaining! :twilightsmile:

Some say to this day, he still didn't get that breakfast.

Jokes aside, more Smolder is always great. Tiny and commanding is the best combination.

Is it bad that I liked this before I even read it:derpytongue2:?

“If you choose her, and I pray you do, know that I’ll be enacting primae noctis …” Ember growled, dragging her tongue over his ear.

Oh good god:rainbowderp:.

Hoof/hand/claw holding, the lewdest of the lewd lol :rainbowlaugh:


Stifling herself, biting her lip, Ember peaked mere moments after Smolder and Ember.

Parse error: Unbound recursion.

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