• Published 18th Jun 2024
  • 798 Views, 62 Comments

Outcast - Lord King Cocoon

When Rarity and Sweetie Belle were invited to the Royal Wedding, Queen Chrysalis attacks, and the two sisters’ secret is revealed. How will their friends react? And with their secret revealed, who will protect them?

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1-5: Investigation and Interrogation

After hearing Applejack’s threat, Fluttershy had left Rarity’s cell. She chose to check on Sweetie Belle. If Rarity was to be believed, Sweetie Belle was just an innocent filly with a mistaken identity. She knew that Rarity loved her sister enough that she’d give into Applejack’s demands. At least, that’s what she believed based on the Rarity she knew.

That is, if she really was the same Rarity that she knew.

But despite that thought, Fluttershy wanted to see if Sweetie Belle was okay. If the three crusaders are still supporting each other, it doesn’t change the fact that Sweetie Belle may want an adult to comfort her. Her friends can only do so much. An adult can make a child feel protected.

As she was heading down the hall, she noticed Apple Bloom heading away from Sweetie Belle’s cell.

“Oh, hello, Apple Bloom,” Fluttershy said shyly, “I would’ve thought that you would’ve wanted to be with Sweetie Belle.”

“I do wanna. I jus’…” Apple Bloom paused, “I’m jus’ confused ‘bout everythin’ that’s goin’ on. I jus’ need ta clear my head.”

“I think we all are a little confused,” Fluttershy agreed, wrapping Apple Bloom in a wing, “But from what I understand, I think Sweetie Belle is even more confused than anypony else. And scared.”

Apple Bloom looked up into the shy mare’s eyes, “Will she be okay?” she asked, “I mean, do ya think she’ll have ta stay in the dungeon ferever?”

“I hope not,” the Pegasus replied, “I was actually on my way to check on her.” Fluttershy was careful not to tell the Apple filly what her sister had threatened Rarity with. The two parted ways, and Fluttershy headed towards Sweetie Belle’s cell.

“Are you sure you don’t know anything?” Scootaloo asked suspiciously.

“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t?” Sweetie Belle replied, “How do you expect me to know something like that?”

“Because you’re a Changeling. And Changelings are bugs, right?” Scootaloo asked, “Aren’t you connected to some hivemind or something like that? Can’t other Changelings tell you telepathically?”

“That’s actually a common misconception about insects,” Fluttershy said as she entered the cell, having overheard the conversation, “The hivemind that ponies think insects have is really just pheromones that the queen sends out. Those insects react to those pheromones instinctively, with different pheromones giving different instructions. But there’s no telepathic link. And not all insects have that ‘hivemind’.”

The Pegasus and Changeling looked at Fluttershy, surprised at such an encyclopedic explanation, “I think you’ve been hanging around Twilight too much,” Scootaloo said.

Fluttershy didn’t mind the filly’s comment. After all, perhaps it was true, and Twilight was rubbing off on her. But it’s not like that’s a bad thing. Regardless, Fluttershy did have knowledge about animals, including insects.

That brought her mind back to the present. Fluttershy looked down at the Changeling filly. It was strange. On the outside, she was unrecognizable as the filly she had come to know. She was an insectoid with holes in her limbs and hard chitin. But on the inside, Fluttershy could see that little Unicorn filly that she’d come to know and love. The look in her eyes… despite them being gradient blue orbs, the way she held herself, a slight gentle nervousness, scared, and confused. There was no question in her mind that this was the Sweetie Belle she knew all along.

“Are you okay, Sweetie Belle?” Fluttershy asked.

The little Changeling shifted uncomfortably, “I don’t know,” Sweetie Belle whimpered, “I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t know what I am anymore. I just don’t know.”

Seeing how distraught the little faux filly was, Fluttershy’s heart went out to her and embraced her in a hug. The smooth, cold exoskeleton felt odd to Fluttershy, but she ignored it in order to comfort the little ling. Fluttershy even used her wings to add extra protection from the outside world.

Their interaction would be short-lived however as the royal guards approached the cell.

“Let me just clarify something,” Twilight said, following up on a detail in Rarity’s testimony, “Sweetie Belle is eleven, correct?”

“Correct,” Rarity confirmed.

“And you are eighteen, correct?”


“Then that would mean that you were seven when Sweetie Belle was… hatched, correct?”


“Is this the result of something… inappropriate, or does a Changeling’s biology work differently than a Pony’s in the case of reproductive development?” Twilight asked, her inquisitive nature taking over, “I mean, you did say a proper lady doesn’t talk about such things. But you don’t have to talk about your experience specifically if you don’t want to. Because ponies aren’t capable of reproducing until their mid-teens.”

“It’s our insectoid nature. Changelings become… ‘active’ at what ponies would consider a young age,” Rarity explained, “Our metamorphosis is the equivalent to puberty in ponies. We become capable of becoming gravid just like ponies are capable of bearing foals after puberty. It just happens to be that the metamorphosis happens when we are only three months old. Our mental and sexual development is faster than ponies, as you may have already deducted. Perhaps that’s why Sweetie Belle is so smart for her age. Hypothetically, I’m old enough to be a grandmother. And we don’t share the same social taboos that ponies do when it comes to how old it’s appropriate to bear a child.”

“CAN WE PLEASE STOP TALKING ABOUT THAT?!!” Twilight and Rarity turned their heads to see Rainbow Dash blushing furiously, wings flared at the awkward conversation.

Twilight turned back to Rarity, doing her best to stay calm and collected, and awkwardly cleared her throat, “I believe I’ve learned what I need about… that detail.”

“I agree. I don’t believe there’s any more information that I can provide on the subject,” Rarity agreed, also trying to sound professional, overcompensating in the process.

“From a more… not so intimate view of the topic, what exactly is the metamorphosis?” Twilight asked, “You mentioned the… coming of age detail. But is it similar to other insectoids?”

“Precisely,” Rarity confirmed, “When we first hatch, we are in a larval form, similar to a grub or a caterpillar. Then we form a chrysalis, which we spend in for about three days. It was an odd sensation during that time, at least from what I remember from my metamorphosis. I was in a state someplace between consciousness and unconsciousness. Perhaps that’s the mind’s way of keeping the mind calm while the changes occur. If my semiconscious state weren’t keeping me calm, the sensation of feeling my body slowly changing its natural shape would’ve made my skin crawl… if I still had skin to crawl. Those first three days are just the first part, however. After that, we don’t actually emerge from our chrysalis, but rather, that chrysalis conforms to our more equinoid nymph form. You see, despite finishing the transformation, we still need to grow our first chitin, which takes about a week. So as protection, our chrysalis acts as our proto-chitin. After a week, we shed our proto-chitin and reveal fresh new chitin.”

Twilight had made sure to write the entire process down. She found it too fascinating not to document the process, “On another topic, how were you able to recognize that Cadenza was an imposter?” Twilight asked.

“It had to do with Changeling pheromones,” Rarity said, “Changeling pheromones are used for Changelings to identify each other, whether it be in disguise or in our natural state, seeing as most Changelings look identical. Queens, however, produce a different kind of pheromone. It’s still used to identify, but queens produce an extra chemical acting on our instincts. Simply put, that instinctive desire is to please our queen. However, a Queen’s pheromones don’t affect Changelings from another Queen’s hive, which is why Chrysalis can’t hold dominion over Sweetie Belle. As for me, because I’m a Queen myself, her influence doesn’t affect me as much. Though I thought the influence wouldn’t have any effect anymore. Perhaps the fact that I haven’t chosen to build my hive further is slowing my transition from Proto-Queen to full Queen.”

“So you recognized Chrysalis because you recognized her pheromones?” Twilight asked.

“Partly. At first, I didn’t recognize it because it’s been so long since I’ve seen her last,” Rarity continued, “But when I first saw her, I impulsively had the desire to please her, no matter what her desires were. The instinct wasn’t as strong as it used to be, though. But it is still there. Even now, a part of me wants to return to her and beg for her forgiveness.”

A thought came to Twilight’s mind, “If Changelings are prone to the influence of their Queen’s pheromones, and you are Sweetie Belle’s Queen…” Twilight’s expression fell slightly, “She’s not dedicated to you because of her love for her sister, is she?”

“If I could, I would control the pheromone production so that she could love me for me,” Rarity continued, her tone dropping, “But instead of obsessing over the sister she loves, she’s just unconditionally devoted to her queen. Sometimes, I wish that I could ask her to do something for me and have her say no. But she simply can’t resist that instinctive desire to serve her queen.”

“That’s why you don’t live with your step-parents, but Sweetie Belle does, isn’t it?” Twilight asked, despite being confident in the answer, “You want to create that separation so that Sweetie can be her own pony.”

Rarity nodded in confirmation, “Perhaps being in separate cells can help her with that,” she then sighed in resignation, “And it’s why I both love and despise her being in the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

“Love and despise?” Twilight asked skeptically.

“When she’s with her friends, it allows her to be her own mare. Even though she acts as the voice of reason, it’s the result of me telling her not to get into trouble or get hurt. But when I hear about the day she’s had, I can hear in her voice just how much fun she had, even if she did something that I told her not to,” Rarity explained why she loved the CMCs as Twilight chose to take note of this, despite the topic not being part of the primary investigation, “It’s almost as if she’s her own filly when she’s with them. When she comes home after crusading and covered in tree sap, even after I’ve told her to avoid messes, be careful, or not get in trouble, even though she knows I’d be displeased with the mess, how much fun she had always brought joy to my heart.”

“That explains why you would love her for being in the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Twilight confirmed, “But what about the ‘despise’ part?”

“Do I really need to point out the kind of trouble they get into?” Rarity deadpanned. A mirthful chuckle was heard coming from Rainbow Dash before she got herself back under control.

Twilight then lifted her list of notes in her magic, “Do you have anything more to add?”

“I don’t know if it’s necessary for the investigation,” Rarity admitted, “But I do have some more I have to mention about Sweetie Belle.”

Twilight paused for a second, “Do you believe this information can help the investigation, or do you just want to talk?”

Rarity seemed unsure of herself, “To be honest, I don’t know,” Rarity admitted, “Perhaps it’s a little bit of both. Personally, I like to think it’s my generous nature trying to help you with the investigation.”

“You don’t mind if we continue tomorrow, do you?” Twilight asked, “Although more information can help, I believe what we have now is sufficient enough. And it’s getting late.”

“Alright,” Rarity said simply. Twilight took her notes and left the cell.

Rainbow Dash gave one last glare to Rarity before following Twilight out.

As Fluttershy was comforting the young ling, Applejack arrived to check in on the other inmate. The apple farmer was surprised to be met with a harsh glare from Fluttershy.

“How DARE you!” Fluttershy shouted in a rare show of fury, “You have some nerve coming here after what you said to Rarity! Sweetie Belle is just a child! But you threatened the rest of her life simply to get Rarity to talk?!”

“I-It aint what ya think,” Applejack studdered, taken aback by Fluttershy’s assertiveness, “I wouldn’t say-”

“Visiting hours are over,” a royal guard informed, “All visitors are to vacate the cell.”

The ponies visiting Sweetie Belle started heading out. But then Applejack paused, “Hold up. Visitin’ hours don’t end ‘til 8’o clock,” the apple farmer pointed out, “We still got about a half hour ‘til visitin’ hours are over. And last I checked, only one guard needs to be on duty guardin’ a prisoner at a time. What’s with the lot of you goin’ towards the cell?”

It didn’t occur to her until then, but Fluttershy also noticed what Applejack pointed out.

“We’re here on orders from Captain Armor,” one of the guards said as they all noticed Shining Armor arriving on the scene, “We’re taking this time to question the prisoner.”

“That ain’t no excuse to end visitin’ hours without warnin’!”

“This is a matter of national security,” Shining Armor replied, “These are unique circumstances that require special consideration.”

“But Sweetie Belle has rights too!” Fluttershy exclaimed, glaring at the guards, “And we have the right to visit her for another half hour!”

“Those rights only apply to Ponies,” Shining Armor asserted, “And last I checked, Changelings aren’t Ponies!”

“And last I checked, the rest of us are Ponies!” Fluttershy said in another rare case of assertiveness as she stood in the way of the guards, “And that means that we still have the right to visit her!”

“Stand down, Fluttershy!” Shining demanded, unphased by Fluttershy’s stare.

“I’m not one of your guards!” Fluttershy pointed out, “So you don’t have the authority to make demands of me!”

“I repeat, stand down now!” Shining Armor demanded, the glare in his eyes rivaling Fluttershy’s own stare, “Don’t make me put the rest of you in a dungeon for obstruction! As Royal Guards, we also have a duty, which includes questioning terrorists! And terrorists’ rights are forfeited!”

“How DARE you call Sweetie Belle a terrorist!!!” Fluttershy’s assertiveness was beginning to worry Applejack.

“Fine! Guards, take them to a dungeon cell!” Shining instructed, “Terrorist sympathizers should be treated as terrorists themselves!”

“Hold up a sec’!” Applejack said, running over to Fluttershy, “Come on, Fluttershy. It ain’t worth it. We ain’t gonna be no help to nopony if we’re stuck in a cell too.”

This seemed to get through to Fluttershy as she let Applejack pull her aside to let the guards through. Though Applejack herself gave the guards the stink-eye as they passed by.

Applejack could feel Fluttershy trembling. She then looked to the two fillies, “You two should go back to your room for now,” Applejack instructed, her voice sounding emotionally drained, “We’ll come check on ya later.”

The fillies nodded and headed back to their room. Once they were gone, the last remnants of adrenaline left Fluttershy’s system, and she broke down in tears. Applejack held her to be a shoulder to cry on. Despite her act of defiance, Fluttershy was terrified. And now that she was no longer in mamma bear mode, that fear came crashing down on her. That and her worry for Sweetie Belle made the normally shy Pegasus an emotional mess.

None of them were aware of a shadow in the corner following the fillies.

“What ya did there was mighty brave of ya, Fluttershy,” Applejack said as she tried to soothe her feathered friend, “Maybe a might bit stupid. But brave nonetheless.”

“No, it wasn’t,” Fluttershy whimpered, “I was terrified the whole time.”

“Exactly. You were terrified, but ya still stood up to them there guards,” Applejack argued as she rubbed Fluttershy’s back to help calm her down, “Ya stood up to the Captain, somethin’ that only a Princess has the guts ta do. And it was to protect Sweetie Belle.”

Fluttershy looked back down the hall where the guards had gone down, “It’s not fair,” she whimpered again, “It doesn’t matter what species she is or what alleged crime she’s guilty of. Sweetie Belle still has rights.”

“Ah know, Sugarcube,” Applejack said, “But there ain’t nothin’ we can do ‘bout it right now. And…sorry, ‘bout earlier.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“Durin’ the interrogation of Rarity,” Applejack elaborated, “Ah’m sorry fer threatenin’ her by usin’ her sis…well, daughter, Ah s’ppose. Ah was outta line. Ah was relyin’ on not havin’ any authority over what happens ta Sweetie.”

The two of them entered Fluttershy’s temporary quarters, “You did what believed you had to do,” Fluttershy tried to comfort Applejack, “It was…wrong of you. But it got the information we needed.”

“It ain’t no excuse!” Applejack snapped, “Sorry, Ah didn’t mean to snap. But Ah lost any honor Ah had in doin’ that. Ah’m already in too deep.”

“Don’t say that, Applejack,” Fluttershy said.

“But it’s true,” Applejack continued, “Since Ah’ve sunken to being underhanded, Ah’ll take advantage of that and be underhanded again. You don’t need to get involved in this. But I plan on breakin’ Sweetie outta here.”

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise at the implication, “B-But…they may still find her innocent!” Fluttershy exclaimed, “She may still be sent free!”

“She could be found innocent,” Applejack said, but unconvinced, “But what’re the chances of that? After the Changeling attack and after what Twilight’s brother went through, the chances of her gettin’ out’s low. Ah’m jus’ sayin’ that she’s gettin’ outta there one way er ‘nother.

Two-thirds of the Cutie Mark Crusaders returned to their room. Despite knowing that their Unicorn friend was, in fact, not a Unicorn but a Changeling, they also knew their friend well enough to know that the Youngling being kept in that cell was not an imposter or a deceiver. She was the friend that they knew from the start. Granted, they were friends for less than a year. But the Apple family prides themselves in honesty. So, Apple Bloom had a nose for lies.

“What are we gonna do, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked as she sat down on the bed, “I mean, she is the Sweetie Belle that we know, right? If that’s so, then she’s innocent and doesn’t deserve to be in that cage.”

“Ah wouldn’t exactly call that a ‘cage’,” Apple Bloom said, “Fer a dungeon cell, it’s pretty nice. A large room, private bathroom, comfy bed…”

“Apple Bloom! This is not the time to be thinking about the decor!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

“Sorry,” Apple Bloom apologized, “Ah guess Ah jus’ don’t wanna think about everythin’ that’s goin’ on. It’s all so sudden.”

“Well, I say we help investigate!” Scootaloo said, “Sweetie Belle is innocent! So we should take part in helping to prove her innocence! That way, when she goes free, we can say we did it! And we could even get out cutie marks in investigating!”

CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS Investi-gators…” The two realized that it just wasn’t the same with just the two of them.

“You two wish to help the Youngling known as Sweetie Belle?” a voice asked, startling the fillies. They turned to see a mysterious cloaked figure standing there. It was unclear what Tribe this pony was from, or even what gender. Their true form was magically hidden, just like their voice that was magically distorted. Whoever this Pony was, they didn’t want to be identified, “Your sister also has the same intent in mind.”

Author's Note:

When re-reading the last chapter, I noticed what is perhaps the most awesome misspelling of all time. The reason I call it that is… well, I misspelled ‘metamorphosis’. The reason why it’s awesome… I misspelled it as ‘megamorphosis’. That sounds like something from Pokemon or Digimon or perhaps something else.

This chapter took a long time to finish. Most of that time was procrastination, but I was also having trouble getting the word count to one that I preferred more.