I...I am a monument to all your sins...
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Well geez, when you say it like that, you make it sound so sexy.
Would you have preferred
> a deluge of cum rivaling the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
>more ocellus porn
and this is why, no matter how much anthroshit you put out, i stick around
this good shit
A reference to the Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919 would have been better xD
She’s up for round two with our man
And thus his second round of adventures begins. Looking forward to this.
In the end the sex is so great he chooses them all while sucking off Sandbar.
Hmmm.... did Twilight want to up-stage Cadance with all these shippings? I wonder if she has ulterior motive since she seemed very frustrate for not having a piece of Anon yet.
“Ah shit, here we go again”
That'll get explained...eventually
I'm going to be honest. I didn't see any of this coming.
But i'm not complaining.
Hope all goes well!!
B-but, when is my lavender alicorn waifu gonna get her some of that hot monkey dick?

Well, I'll say this, Twilight plays a much more prominent role in this season, so stay tuned
Also, there's gonna be a FINAL CHAPTERTM which will effectively be a CYOA that may include a secret option or two. Stay tuned...
Yes! I've been waiting for the return of AtJ!
Am eager to see what's next.
Loved it.
Has Anon forgotten about polygamy?
He's not a very smart man
"After all, I can just shapeshift into them and sleep with you anyway.
(Just assume she turned into Twilight mid-sentence to make the point clear)
Damn! Turn up EVERYTHING!
If those Changelings were Pharynx and Thorax I'm gonna fuckin' scream.
I'll leave it to your imagination
Though, if you know me, you can probably guess who they are...
Everything in Season 2 is dialed up to 11
Love it, cant wait to see what the other characters have in store for anon
... Nope, don't have a clue.
Well, Ocellus does have parents. =D
... She does? Oookay then, that's kinda weird but then again I'm reading about a faceless green man fucking insectoid equines, so it's not that weird.
Oh, she does. If you watched The Hearth's Warming Club, then you should have seen them.
From left to right (excluding Ocellus herself), father, brother, sister, mother. (Spoiler, in case someone didn't watch the episode yet.)
I've watched the entire series, if only for context. I admit, I'm more interested in reading than watching MLP.
Given that we started this phase with Ocellus, just like last time, does that mean the remaining "dates" are gonna be in the same order? (i.e., Smolder => Silverstream => Yona => Gallus?)
I stopped after the Season 6 finale. I still have to watch Season 7+. Also the Movie with Fizzy, Best Gift Ever and Rainbow Roadtrip.
Yeah, I caught a lot of spoilers, so I know at least something of Season 7+ and the movies. x3
Hmm that was sweet and nice. I'm gonna assume that the two Changelings are Ocellus' parents and wanted to reward him for giving so much love to their daughter. Really looking forward to the Smolder part next.
Also, is Anon not familiar with the term harem or polygamy?
Again...He's not a very bright man...
I really can’t figure out how the others would top this. Personally my vote goes to oculus only!
Poor Gallus I hope he gets some more Anon loving later
I'll just keep waiting for Twilight to get bored of tormenting Anon and introduce him to herding.
I find your lack of faith disturbing...
No, no, I have faith in you about it. I just can’t think of anything the others could do to top what Occulus has done.
I look forward to the next installment and I do have faith that you will do amazing as always.
Well, you'll just have to see!
I'm planning on pumping out one a month, so stay tuned!
Very nice
I wonder if Anon is ever going to find out, question, or ask who the other two changelings are? It'd be really weird for Anon to spend those 24 hours with her and never consider asking Ocellus who the other two, or for her not to tell anon who they are. If it's Ocellus' parents, it'd also be stranger for neither Ocellus or them to introduce themselves to Anon. Then again, considering Anon's luck, he's going to find out in a way that would mess around with him in the most humorous way possible.
He didn't help the other two finish!
Oh my~
Always great to see another addition to this series.
This was adorable and spicy I hope they make a herd.
Also, I wasn't aware Gallus had romantic feelings for Anon. Or am I misinterpreting this?
Honest answer
Gallus was just interested in getting some action. No real romantic/emotional attachment, besides being a friend.
Well, that's what I thought all along.
She did approve them all. She never said to choose