Centuries have passed since Princess Twilight's coronation, and she has decided that enough time has passed to finally rectify a grave mistake. Now that a former student's transgressions are little more than a footnote in history, it's finally time for a second chance. It's time for Cozy Glow to wake up in the future and find what awaits her in this new world.
Interesting idea so far, let's see where it goes.
I kind of like your characterization of Twilight here. Hundreds of years old and still the awkward nerd she was, at least in private.
This story is pretty interesting so far, I'm curious for more.
You had my attention. Now, you have my interest.
I'd hold off on the gloating Cozy. Twilight's had 400 years to grow up. I seriously doubt she's not taken some precautions. Plus let's be honest.
One on one, Twilight would kick Cozy's flank if she needed to. I get the feeling she planned for this to happen. And let it as a sign of trust.
I don't like that plan... Twilight, careful now.
You surely take your time to establish the conflict. I hope you know what you’re doing.
I've always thought that Cozy's biggest mistakes in the show were borne out of youth and inexperience, despite her talent for manipulating ponies, and I see that happening here too. In the show she tried going too big too fast, rather than playing to the Long Game. She got greedy and arrogant, when she should have been cautious and assessing of her potential adversaries. Twilight, on the other hoof, while not having Cozy's natural talent for manipulating ponies, nevertheless has had four centuries to plan this out and learn and master rehabilitation psychology.
I don't think Cozy is going to have such an easy time of things as she thinks, and I get the feeling Auto Spell/Sparky might have a few other "hidden features" other than potential monitoring and restricted information. Now, I don't think it's up to the level of a true Synthetic Intelligence, but that doesn't mean that Twilight couldn't have programmed it in such a way where any "Help" it offers cozy won't be couched in such a way to at least Try to guide her down Twilight's desired path.
Hmmmm. A world where she's a trivia question. She's not going to like this.
It took Twilight 4 centuries to change her mind about her punishment? Peace and Harmony blinds anyone sense of time.
We don't even know if she's in the real world. Could be locked in a simulation to see what she would do with freedom.
Mild language
I realize Cozy needs to take the job for Doylist reasons, but I half-expected her to think "getting ponies to feel sorry for me has never been a problem", and walk away anyway. Or do it simply because Twilight obviously wants her in the castle.
Of course, a four-hundred-year reign has most likely gotten Twilight up to speed on Xanatos gambits, so possibly it wouldn't have mattered what Cozy chose - Twilight could have had frameworks and setups in place for centuries waiting for Cozy to do anything at all.
From the text, it seems like Twilight never changed her mind about whether she thought the punishment was a good idea. She may have decided very shortly after her coronation to leave Cozy where she was for long enough for memory to fade, and stuck to that decision.
Excellent update. Really can’t wait to see the new Council in action.
So I wonder who is on the counsil now? Or if they are related to any of the three groups that we know of?
Interesting that they're still using "Year of Celestial Peace" (Anno Pax Celestia) and didn't reset things to "Year of Twilight" (Anno Crepusculum).
Cozy? Being... affected? Hmmm... very interesting turn.
Interesting idea with the raven. Twilight should really try talking to Cozy about her parents.
I wonder what cozy life was really like to get a fake smile like? all we know those two could be just as fake as her a double life for home and public
I hope that Twilight one day finds out about why Cozy destroyed all of her stuff. That is very telling about just what is wrong with Cozy Glow and possible treatments that could help her. However Cozy will need to want that help for it to work.
This is a pretty interesting fic. Good job exploring what pony society in 400 years would be like, and you have a pretty good handle on the show characters. It is a bit odd that Twilight would lose track of the obvious friendship problem growing right in Canterlot with the flier vs. non-flier issue, but then again I can see her missing it if she doesn't get people on her council from there. Speaking of which, good job making sure it didn't turn into Blade Runner world or something, and instead is something that would make sense for Twilight to create.
Before I read this, I must know: Why only Cozy Glow? Why not give Chrysalis and Tirek a chance?
Looks like Cozy's just as smart as ever. I wonder how unreformed changelings still exist though.
Not the author (clearly) but I suspect when Discord mentioned his "guest", it was Tirek or Chrysalis.
Probably a plan by Chrysalis that she had on the back burner. It had things in operation while she is being a statue.
oooh, classic changelings! in this time it I guess it not desperate starvation or health issues for a classic changeling to need to reform or want to I guess some lings didn't think thorax rule style was their cup of tea the skittles style must of have run out of favor for some or just as some ponies like crime guess some lings like taking and blending serious not peaceful style lings not following rules or rebelling against society standers not surprising. dragons are cool and scary so maybe reform or classic un reform wear dark as a statement of danger or just cool???
they are too dangerous I guess. cozy can’t drain magic or love
if I had to guess I would say that newly born changelings are unreformed, and need to be reformed into skittle bugs. kinda like how caterpillars turn into butterflies. So I guess these ones didn’t reform
Interesting chapter. The perspective change to Sable was unexpected. I'm also surprised we're being thrown into a full blown adventure.
Yer very creative.
Ah hope Cozy Glow takes over the world! Hurray! :)
Ah like it! Woo, Cozy!
Quite the rescue mission. Very interesting use of the pheonix.
I’m agreeing with cozy’s final line there, lovely story
jeez leave it to cozy to not care in the least of someone sacrificing themselves for you. at least its in character.
Hurrayyy!!!!!! Yay Glozy!
Why do I think the recording device had already been turned on before Cozy requested it? I wonder when Twilight will be arriving, because as soon as Cozy was in danger she should have been make to Cozy’s location.
Pretty interesting chapter. That's a creative use of phoenixes, and it makes sense that dragons spreading could lead to their decline. Hopefully no one died in those explosions.
jeez man just gotta keep ramping up the joker vibes eh. looks like a new member has been added to the ‘still alive’ club, considering sable got mixed with Phoenix powers. also looks like the secret is out, I’m surprised it happened so quickly but I guess sable doesn’t mess around.
Oh dear... Cozy’s a bit crazier than usual today...
This is usually my favorite part of these sorts of stories. I absolutely cannot wait to see everyone else’s reactions to Cozy. I’m so excited! How do you handle having to work with a nightmare thought centuries dead?
Huh. That's a very fun chapter! Oh no! Twilight Sparkle has been makin' an immortal army of never agin' filles. Ahhh. That's moar scary than an' army of... (whispers) Ladeeebugsss eatin' quesidillassssss.
How unnatural.
Silliness aside, ah think you did a swell job with the describin' and shenaniganin. Very fun an' colorful! Thank you!!!
Twilight you have some explaining to do. She tried to pull a Celestia and I think it could end up backfiring on her.
Nice to see the aftermath of that last adventure. Can't wait to see Twilight being confronted about Cozy.
Good to see everyone's alright. So the emotion dampener is what stopped Cozy from getting too upset at the end of the last chapter? I'm unclear what it actually did.
I would assume Twilight has a reputation for reforming former villains, so hopefully the Council members understand this.
It's completely normal to fuck up a person for Twilight, no matter what the justification would be
I wonder if cozy got some firebird in her now? with her experience with holding magics a small bit with chaos and alicorn so weird fire phoenix immortal isn't that far fetched.
so... was twilight going to give that same kind of damping or altering emotion pendent to every young creature for the "good" of her world? the method there now it would be very twilight like of her to try to control a problem before it begins who to say cozy isn't the trial run?
mind magic is scary so easy to abuse an easy answer to many of twilight life problems reformations and suggestion magics can't have a conflict or arguments everyone must get along no exception the harmony shall last forever!
Interesting story. Looking forward to seeing more.
Alright, Jean-Babtiste Alphonse Cozy-Glow :P
Albeit with Twilight it may become some less violent version of Altered Carbon (book, not movie representation, movie is a classical "cyber samurai" fic)
Sable got magically augmented.
A nicely done dramatic buildup toward the discovery
Ohhh that must be pain ful for twilight seeing as she's immortal and it's been 400 years