• Published 15th Oct 2019
  • 873 Views, 16 Comments

My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic (Season IX) - DakariKingMykan

Evil creatures try to destroy all love, and Celestia unleashes Daybreaker

  • ...

Episode 11: Factory Destruction Line


One morning, Rarity was up and about, and looking herself over in the mirror. “Hello Me.” She would complement to her reflection, and then she was off to work, prettying herself up-- straightening her lashes, brushing and curling her mane and tail, and even polishing up her armor vest until she could see her reflection in it.

As Rarity admired her appearance in the mirror again, she saw Spike standing in the doorway behind her, smiling lovingly at her.

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall…” he said sweetly as he approached her “Who is the loveliest pony of all?”

“Ooh, hoo, hoo…” chuckled Rarity while under the affectionate embrace of her husband.

“I love you, Rarity.”

“I love you, Spikey-Wikey.”

Their faces moved closer together, but before their lips could meet, the baby began to cry from the nursery.

The couple rolled their eyes, and Spike left to go check on her while Rarity continued to pretty herself up more.

They had no beats to walk and no assignments, so they planned to head to New Cloudsdale for an airshow that was going to take place, and Rainbow Dash was going to be in it with the Wonderbolts, as the head flyer.

Soon, the family was ready to go, with Twilight strapped into her little carry harness in front of Spike.

Daddy stroked his little sweetheart’s mane. “You ready to go, honey?” he cooed.

Twilight only cooed and shook her rattle.

Rarity giggled and pecked her daughter’s little head, and then looked up at her husband “And as for you…” she kissed him deeply on his lips.

Spike could only sigh. He felt like the luckiest dragon in the galaxy to have such a loving family, and he always wanted to make sure it stayed that way.

Nothing he wanted to go wrong!

Soon, they were all flying high, and little Twilight didn’t seem to mind; she was strapped in really good.

They ran into Pinkie Pie who was also on her way to the show. “Hiya peeps.” She called, and then tickled the baby’s little chin “High wittle Twiwight. How are you?” to which the baby cooed, and Pinkie giggled.

“Oh, Pinkie, I tell you…” said Rarity “Being a mother is a joy that I never believed would be just that, but it is.”

Pinkie began to feel one day she would like to be a mother, as she was already great with children and babies.

Then she thought, “Who am I kidding, I don’t even have a lover yet.”

This made her think back to Dearka, and those same mixed feelings of wanting him, but knowing he was the enemy.

“Pinkie, watch where you’re going!!” shouted Spike.

Pinkie snapped back to her senses to see she was heading straight for a huge smokestack at the weather factory.


She managed to zip up and over it before hitting it, while still flying forward, and she wiped her brow in relief, only to crash into a second stack.

The family winced, and Pinkie pulled herself off the stack and shook herself back to her senses.

“Are you okay?” asked Rarity.

“Ah, sure, it takes more than that to hurt me.”

The family flew off for the stadium, while the factory was fully operational, and the worker ponies were all hard at it.

True... all the clouds in United Equestria were usually formed the same natural way-- evaporation of water condensing into moisture that formed into clouds-- but it was in fact the Weather Factory in New Cloudsdale that could produce clouds at will for arranged weather, as well as rainbows and snowflakes, whatever and whenever was needed.

All the workers did their best to keep the place fully operational, but the place was also heavily guarded to ensure that no one would hijack the factory and use to cause trouble all over the land.

The Foreman pony looked over his plans and orders for weather and locations.

“Pick up the pace people, we got a few rainbows wanted in New Filydelpheia, and an overcast wanted in New Las Pegasus.”

The workers agreed and got straight to work, especially those managing the cloud-makers, which absorbed moisture from the air, and through sophisticated machinery, and naturally, mixed with magic to puff clouds of the smoke stacks and ready to be shipped out all over the planet.

The factory was being observed in The Devils’ World by Von Devilor’s evil magic.

“That factory will be perfect!” he hissed “Summon Dearka at once!”

The guards bowed and went off to find him.

Dearka was by himself in are full of mist, and blue flame torches, with stone columns all around him.

He was gazing down at his locket again, at that charred picture of whoever the man was.

He looked down at it angrily and closed his eyes, as memories seemed to fly past him, and voices calling out, taunting, hooting, and demanding someone leave!

Even a woman’s voice called to him.

“You are a loser, and a good for nothing failure! Get out, now!!”

Dearka clutched his locket tightly, growling angrily. “What I would give to go back there, and make them all--”

He was interrupted by Scarlet’s presence. She looked very snarky and pouty, “The king wants you, but I really he should have left me to this one.”

Dearka pocketed his locket, regaining his composure, and began to walk off.

Scarlet had to ask, “We’re you thinking of the past again?”

Dearka stopped right in his tracks.

“You know you really should get over it.”

While it was tempting to stay and threaten her, Dearka left silently, to go and meet his king.

Once there, Von Devilor presented Dearka with one of his dark seeds, and showed him the Weather Factory.

“I see…” hissed Dearka “With this I can infect the factory, causing it to spew the smog of our atmosphere into United Equestria that will infect anyone it touches, and eventually poison them all into nothing.”

“…Precisely.” hissed Von Devilor “Instead of infecting individuals, we can swarm the entire planet at once. Think of all the energy we will harness, and even though they are immune to our influence, if Starfleet interferes, they will be helpless when subjected to our atmosphere.”

Dearka acted humble, “Once again, your majesty, your ideas astound me. I shall begin at once.”

Von Devilor could only snicker softly.

Rarity and Spike first dropped Twilight off at the stadium daycare where all the minors and infants were kept a good watch over.

Shining Light was already there, as Lightning and Starla were participating in the opening ceremonies, and the family then ran into Rhymey and Fluttershy who were dropping off Button Fly.

“We couldn’t resist seeing the show.” said Fluttershy

“We’re especially excited to see Rainbow.” rhymed Rhymey.

The stadium was packed to the brim with spectators.

Further down the long row of seats sat Artie and Sunset. Artie had brought her to give her a tour of the world, and let her see what the Wonderbolts were like in New Cloudsdale, plus he was hoping to get some inspiration from the show to make new artworks.

They almost seemed like they were out on a date.

They waved to their friends, and the friends waved back.

Still, there were no seats available down where they were, so the two families and Pinkie sat together, in a row.

Then along came Buddy, with Applejack and Apple Spice.

“Hey, what’s happening?” said Buddy.

“Hiya.” chirped Pinkie.

Spice looked right up at her, feeling all warm and cozy again. “Um… hello, Colonel…”

“Oh, please, call me “Pinkie” All of my friends do.” she fluttered her eyes at him, which made him blush and giggle nervously.

Even more so when he was sitting next to her, and Applejack

“Wow, I can’t believe I’m sitting next to Pinkie Pie!” he thought with butterflies in his stomach “I know I’m supposed to be here with Applejack but… Oh…!”

“So why are you guys here?” Spike asked.

“It was my folks’ idea.” answered Applejack “They said Spice and I should spend more together, since… you know… So they got us these tickets and insisted we come here.”

“Aw, that’s sweet; your first date.” cooed Pinkie.

Both Applejack and Spice blushed with embarrassment and awkwardness.

“And just think, soon you’ll be married, and come here together and maybe bring your children here too.”

Applejack pulled her hat down over her face, and Spice felt his nerves turning.

“Pinkie, I think you should stop right there.” Buddy whispered to her.

Meanwhile, the workers at the factory heard the whistle blew for lunchtime.

So everyone dropped what they were doing and settled down for a bite, but the factory still remained well-guarded both inside and outside.

…But that didn’t stop Dearka. He was hiding behind some rock formations with the factory in view.

He held out the dark seed, and magically sent it floating in the air. “Go… and fulfil your purpose.”

Because was so small, it was easy for the guards and cameras to not see it, and it didn’t trigger any alarms as it faded its way through the walls, past the workers at lunch, and made its way over to the cloud making machines where it inserted itself into the main tank.

All at once, the clouds began to change from pure white to nasty dark as they were infected with The Devils’ aura.

The smoke began to seep through the tank and spread through the entire room as a couple of workers had come in after finishing their lunches quickly and were ready to get back to work, when they noticed the smoke.

“What in the world…?!”

“What is this?!”

The suddenly got their answer; taking one whiff of that air, and they became infected as well.

Now under The Devil’s influence, the two ponies set to work, rerouting the cloud machines to work full blast, and spread further throughout the factory which infected the entire workforce, and the security guards!

Dearka saw all was clear and faded in through the walls snickering at what he had done. “Excellent. It won’t be long now.”

Even as he spoke, all the stacks were blowing the toxic smog from the factory, which slowly crept down to the mainland.

“Anyone who so much as gets caught under the shadows will be caught in the influence.” hissed Dearka. He extended his claws and his legion of follows-- the factory workforce-- stood with him. “We’re ready for you now, Starfleet.”

The opening ceremonies were underway, headed by Spitfire, whom had been promoted from captain to major.

“We Wonderbolts are still the best in our field, we know it, and you know it, but we’re still honored to be joined by Starlfeet in this show we’ve prepared for you.

You’ll be wowed!

You’ll be powed, as you look into the sky and note the aerobatic skills our flyers have prepared and trained for, just to impress all of you, and if you can’t say “We’re awesome” then maybe you don’t know the meaning!”

She sounded very serious as she tipped her shades to everyone.

Lightning then took the stand, “As Commander of Starfleet, and hereby call your attentions to the sky for the first round of aerobatics, headed by Starfleet’s own… Colonel Rainbow Dash!”

At that precise second, Rainbow came zooming in, via a rainbow streak, and Dyno and Myte shot fireworks and air bombs into the sky for a dramatic scene.

Rainbow stopped in midair, with the Wonderbolts joining up behind her.




The combined attacks all made bedazzling lights and explosives as the Wonderbolts all stood in formation, causing the crowd to erupt in thunderous applause.

Pinkie leapt up screaming and hooting with joy before sitting back down again, and her hand touched Spice’s.


“Oh, sorry about that.” said Pinkie, and she gave him a smile, which made his heart race and his cheeks go bright red.

This did not go unnoticed by Rarity or Applejack. They both didn’t need any more proof that Spice had the hots for Pinkie, but sadly, Pinkie herself didn’t seem to notice one bit.

“Are you okay?” she asked “Why is your face so red?”

Spice knew he needed to cool off and excused himself to use the restroom.

“Poor guy,” said Applejack. She still couldn’t bring herself to tell Pinkie the obvious truth, because it was possible she didn’t feel the same about him, and it still didn’t break the contract that she herself was to marry him.

“What’s that?” Fluttershy suddenly asked.

“Oh, just Spice running off to the bathroom.” answered Pinkie.

“No… I mean that.”

She pointed off in the distance where very black clouds seemed to be slowly heading for the stadium, and all over New Cloudsdale.

“What’s going on?” asked Spitfire “We explicitly asked the weather be smooth sailing.”

Starla got out her mini-telescope and looked off at the smog in the distance, and it didn’t take long to realize, “That’s the Devil’s Aura!”

Lightning growled, and he quickly dashed to the mic ordering everyone inside, “Sound the alarms! All hands, level-one battle stations!”

The alarms sounded and the crowds began to head rush inside in panic.

“Ah, man!” groaned Rainbow “…And just when the show was getting started!”

The Wonderbolts were equally upset, so was Spitfire, but as allies of Starfleet, she knew the importance of priorities, especially when Lightning gave her assignments.

“You and the Wonderbolts guard everyone, and then standby for further orders. We’re going to investigate the smog and try to stop it.”

Spitfire saluted, “Aye-Aye sir.” And she called up to the Wonderbolts, “Well, you heard him! Man your posts!!”

Her underlings saluted and flew off to different areas around the stadium.

Artie was escorting Sunset inside. “Are you going to be okay?” he asked.

“I’ll be fine, but you be careful out there.” She sounded genuinely concerned for him, which he felt was sweet.

“Artie… let’s go!” called Starla.

Artie dashed off to catch up to his teammates.

“Transform!” shouted Lightning.

He and the Space Ponies went first…


Followed by the Equestrians…


And finally Spike…

“Dragon Power”

The headed off in the direction of the smoke.

“It’s coming from the Weather Factory.” said Rainbow.

“Look down below!” cried Buddy “The smog is causing everyone to turn spiteful!”

Everyone looked down through the clouds-- with their visors telescopic function-- as the shadows loomed over the lands below, ponies and other creatures turned very nasty.

An elderly pony began to angrily to destroy her flower garden.

The paperboy began to shred the papers and toss them all over.

Little birds were squawking and pecking angrily at one another while squirrels threw nuts at each other in a fight.

“Oh…! That’s horrible!” cried Fluttershy.

“It’s worse than that,” said Starla as she scanned the smog, “Remember, over time this stuff becomes poisonous. We’ve got to shut down the factory and clear the smoke before it’s too late.”

Lightning agreed, and decided to divide up the teams.

He, along with Starla, Pinkie, Artie, Rarity, and Spike, would infiltrate the factory and try to stop whatever what happening while everyone else helped in evacuating all areas in the smoke’s path and try to stop it from spreading.

“The fumes are toxic, so activate Space Gear.”

Everyone agreed, and with one press of their energizers, they donned their space helmets, which provided them with an hour of air.

Their wings magically transferred through the suits so they could fly and still not let the elements in, but this made it difficult to use certain kinds of attacks-- hopefully they wouldn’t be needed.

Contact could only be maintained by magical wavelengths so everyone could hear one another as if they had no helmets on, but only by short range, meaning the rest for the team would be cut off.

“Alright… Let’s go!” said Lightning.

The teams split up.

Rainbow, Fluttershy and Rhymey stayed in New Cloudsdale to try and keep the smog spreading to the main city.

“Time for some aerobatics after all.” said Rainbow, and she flew round and around in furious circles, producing tornados and twisters, blowing the smog back.

Rhymey cast some magic on his wings, and began to flutter them rapidly blowing the smog back towards the factory as well, and Fluttershy did the same thing.

Together, the trio of ponies managed to slow the smog down from spreading.

“Our force may be strong,
But we can’t keep this up long.” said Rhymey.

“I hope the others can save the citizens below.” called Fluttershy.

The smog was creeping deeper into the villages, and many of the citizens who weren’t yet infected began to run for the warp portals set up by Krysta and her fairies, teleporting them all to the safe distances away from the oncoming smog.

“Come on! Keep moving! Go, Go, Go!!” Krysta hollered.

“Gracias, Chica.” called Dyno.

Krysta winked at them all, but the shadow began to creep towards her, and she protected herself with a barrier of soft light.

“I’ll get the air purifier!” said Myte, and he leap over to a lamppost, and used the remote code to engage the purifier out of the lamppost and other lampposts all around; they began to vacuum up some of the smog and dispel it.

Still, more smog was coming in than ever from the skies, and worse than that were all the brainwashed citizens were marching in extremely large groups chanting.



“Sweet Hay Fields!” cried Applejack “I don’t think even the Healing of Love can cure them all at once!”

Buddy agreed, “We’ll have to capture them. At least it’ll stop the smog from infecting them too much.”

“I’ll help you guys.” hollered Krysta, and she whistled for her fairy soldiers to assist her, protected by their barriers and with their wands ready.

“That’s what I call a great little army.” joked Dyno

“Dyno!” snapped Myte, but Krysta took it as a compliment.

“Let’s go!” shouted Buddy.

Applejack agreed, and she shouted “Valkyira!” and she became the Valkyrie of Honesty, while still in her spacesuit.

“Take this!” she shouted as she held out her sword and bound up large gaggles of the ponies in light rings.



The three male fighters used their finishers to imprison the groups in spheres, but many more infected ponies still remained. That’s where Krysta and her fairies used their portal warping skills to send them all to The Moon where they wouldn’t hurt anyone.

“I’ll go notify the Luna Station.” hollered Krysta.

The others agreed, and watched he vanish, but the job was far from over.

“There’s so many of them!” cried Dyno.

“For each one that we capture, two more take its place.” added Myte.

Buddy grunted in frustration, “It’s all up to Lightning and the others now.”

“They better hurry,” said Applejack “That smog won’t stay back forever, and our suit oxygen won’t last!”

Lightning and the others now stood before the gates of the factory, and the smog was as thick as ever, forcing them to use infrared vison on their visors.

The main gate didn’t seem to be guarded, but Lightnign and the others agreed, it was best for the old rush in maneuver.

“Get ready…!” said Lightning.

Starla armed her bow…

Artie held his staff…

Spike griped his sword…

And Pinkie and Rarity stood poised and ready.

In a swift rage, Lightning kicked down the massive doors, and everyone rushed through the main entrance and into the main chamber of the factory.

There stood Dearka, and he wasn’t even wearing his mask due to the toxic atmosphere in the factory, allowing him to breathe safely.

Pinkie couldn’t help but fall into a soft daze at the sight of his super handsome looks.

“Welcome!” Dearka hissed “Though you took your sweet time getting here, and I thought you were better trained.”

The fighters all looked furious.

“I’m only going to say this once;” sneered Lightning “Shut down this factory and go back whence you came!”

Expectedly, Dearka laughed, “I’ve got a better idea…” he snapped his fingers, and the entire factory workforce, under his control, marched in forming a huge army before him.

“Oh, no!” cried Rarity.

“Oh, yes!” hissed Dearka “Not only do we outnumber you, but in this current atmosphere, our powers are twice as strong without any of your disgusting love and light to slow us up.

You and your cohorts may try, but there’s no way you’ll stop the smog from infecting your planet!”

“We’ll see about that!” said Lightning, and his team stood ready to take on the workers.

Lightning rushed straight at Dearka, aiming a punch at him, but missed when Dearka zipped out of the way and kicked him hard across the factory with incredible strength.

“Lightning!!” cried Starla.

Lightning got up slowly groaning, “He IS stronger! Be careful, guys!”

The others agreed, and the fight was on.

The workers all charged forth, firing powerful dark pulses at the fighters.



Artie and Starla fired their stars and bombs against the pulses, which exploded in large bangs.

“Whoa!” cried Artie “That’s a lot of power!”

The workers charged forth to combat the fighters. Just as Lightning warned them, their strengths were intensified.

Pinkie got flipped over, Rarity was punched hard actually making sparks fly, and Spike took a swing with his sword, but his opponent kicked him in the arm, knocking the sword away, and then blasting him right in his chest plating, knocking him hard into Artie.


Starla fired a powerful shot at Dearka, but his simply put his hand up and blocked it as though it was nothing.

“I don’t believe this!” cried Starla.

Dearka laughed at the commotions. “Keep trying, all you’re doing is accelerating and strengthening the smog, even your suits won’t be able to protect you!”

He demonstrated by striking his claws into the ground and sending huge shockwaves at the fighters, making sparks and explosions as the team fell over.

Lightning’s suit systems began to warn him-- the smog was very slowly and softly starting to dissolve the special fabrics and paddings of his suit and helmet.

The others saw the same thing.

“We have to get out of here quick!” cried Starla.

“But we have to shut the factory down, or the planet will suffer!” said Artie.

The swarm of workers looked ready for more, and with the smog all around them, the scanners showed their strength was increasing, but very soon, they would all succumb to the deadly effects of the poison.

“We’ve got to shut down this factory, but how can we get past Dearka and the workers.” thought Lightning. “Plus, thanks to all this darkness, we won’t be able to capture them!”

Then suddenly, he had a mighty thought…

“Wait a minute! We may have trouble attacking Dearka and the workers, but what if we try attacking the darkness itself?”

He stood up strong and tall, and then powered down his spacesuit.

“Lightning, what are you doing?!” screamed Starla.

“Get your suit back on!!” added Artie, but Lightning instead let out a huge roar, with his golden horn glowing, and he changed into his Enticorn form.

“AAAAHH… WHAT IS THIS?!!” Dearka shouted as braced himself from the glowing brightness.

Already the smog began to wave a little as the light emitting from Lightning was very strong.

“It’s working!” hollered Pinkie.

Starla and Artie then concentrated hard, enveloping their bodies in their own glowing auras, waving back more of the Lightning.

Rarity, Pinkie and Spike did the same things, and the smog was waving back so much it was now a little easier to see.

“Okay, Dearka!” thundered Lightning “Let’s try this again!”

Dearka growled and flexed his claws, still enveloped by the darkness around him. “No one defies the wishes of King Von Devilor and lives!!”

He fired loads of dark thunder blasts from his claws, forcing Lightning to counter with small Uniforce pulses, resulting in bigger explosions as the two forces made contact.

Both forces of Light and Dark seemed perfectly matched, but neither side was ready to give in.

Lightning rushed in to attack Dearka, and the two engaged in a long fight, throwing their punches and kicks at one another while trying to keep their guard up as well.

The workers all marched towards the rest of the team.

“Lead them towards the doors!” hollered Starla.

The others agreed, and Pinkie began to taunt and tease the workers by going, “Nya-Nya, you can’t catch me!” which aggravated them enough to open fire on her, and she back-flipped on and on, heading for the main doors.

Others began to dash straight for Artie, but he leapt up high and over them, and began to whirl his staff round and around like a propeller, and cast magic on it to produce strong winds, blowing them all, along with a lot of the smog clear across the room and out into the entrance halls.

The workers tried to run back into the factory, but Spike stood before them.

“DRAGON FLAME” he breathed a blaze of fire before them, making small explosions, and the brightness stunned them.

“Oh, I hate attacking innocent civilians!” cried Rarity “But I have no choice. It’s all in the line of duty, and they’ll thank me later.”

She then charged like a bull, and rammed hard into the foreman, shoving him into his workers, causing a chain reaction so they all were bashed clear out through the doors and outside.

“Look there!” called Fluttershy.

“The factory workers!” cried Rainbow.

The workers all began to look weary as the effects of the poison were starting to take their toll on them. Some of them were falling to their knees and starting to choke.

“They’re getting sick,
Let’s heal them quick!” cried Rhymey.

“Do you think it will work?” asked Fluttershy.

“Only one way to find out for sure.” said Rainbow.

Together, the trio tapped their energizers, “THE HEALING OF LOVE”

Since the smog was weaker, the workers were healed, but were still in danger if the smog got to them again.

“Quick, capture them before they become infected again!” shouted Fluttershy.

Rhymey got out his sword, and increased the range of attack force.


KAPOW!! A massive magical explosion erupted, and all the workers were imprisoned; protected from the smog within the spheres.

“Well, that’s all for them.” said Rainbow “But the others better shut down the factory. We can’t keep this smog back much longer.”

Lightning and Dearka’s fists clashed constantly, until they engaged in a struggle. The both of them poured on much of their power, making jolts of sparks, and the light and darkness both seemed to grow huge, until…

KABOOM!! There was a massive explosion in their powers, which sent them both flying backward through the air.

Lightning crashed into the wall, while Dearka slammed so hard into vital machinery, breaking some of their parts, and causing them to overload and go haywire.

This caused the entire factory to begin to rumble and crumple as pipes, platting, and bits of rubble began to fall from above.

Wires began to pop out making sparks and explosions fly out as an automatic voice called out over the PA, “Danger! Critical Overload! Evacuate Facility Immediately!”

“This whole place is going to blow sky-high!” shouted Lightning. He powered down into his normal state, “Everybody out!”

Starla and Artie scanned all over the factory with their visors and could find no other signs of life, other than the gang.

“Let’s go!” shouted Starla “Hurry before the emergency barrier comes on!!”

“Don’t have to tell me twice!” hollered Artie.

The emergency barrier was a special emergency protocol whenever buildings like the factory or power-plants were going to blow or fall:

To prevent widespread damage from the explosion or aftereffects of a collapse, a large barrier would form around the entire building in order to contain the explosion and other dangers, and let them burn them out.

There was no way to get through this, so it was best to get out fast!!

But while most of the team had fled, Pinkie had stayed behind, noticing Dearka was trapped under loads of rubble and debris, and despite the fact that it was outrageous to save a villain, it was Starfleet’s priority to protect and help those in need as best they could.

So she leapt over, just as Rarity was about to leave after the others.

“Pinkie Pie, What are you doing?!”

She was already pushing and kicking the rubble out of the way, and looked down at Dearka, offering her hand to him, but he just up and grabbed her, holding her hostage.

“What are you doing?! I was trying to save you?!”

“Ha!” snarled Dearka “You’re an even bigger fool than I thought!”

“How can you say that to me!” wailed Pinkie “You gave me those flowers, and I… I told you that I like you, and I just tried to help you!!”

“For the last time, I did no such action. I would never do such a thing, especially to a worthless creature like you!!


“AH…!!!” Pinkie actually felt that blow strike her right in the middle!

“The only thing I will like about you is seeing you destroyed!” Dearka hammered in “I’ll hold you here until the last possible moment, and then leave you to meet your end!”

“NOOO…!!” shouted Rarity as she leapt in and kicked The Devil hard in his face sending him crashing through the walls, and outside where the air was starting to clear up, which was poisonous to him.

“I’m out of here!” he growled, and he was gone in a flash.

The alarms sounded, and the barrier started to form at the tippy top of the factory, slowly making its way down and around it.

“Let’s move!” shouted Fluttershy, and she and the others zipped over to where Lightning and the team were rushing away from the factory.

“Where are Pinkie and Rarity?” asked Rainbow.

“Rarity was right behind me.” Said Spike, and then he gasped. “Don’t tell me they’re still in there?!”

“I’m going back for them!” said Lightning.

“I’m going with you!” said Starla, but he held her back “No, no sense in us both risking it. If I’m not back before the barrier drops, get everyone away from here!”

“Lightning!!” cried Starla, but her husband already zipped for the entrance, just as the barrier was halfway down.

“Rarity!!” cried Spike.

With Dearka gone, Rarity and Pinkie prepared to leave, when suddenly the collapse factory buried them both under large amounts of rubble.

Pinkie managed to set herself free, but Rarity was buried really deep under all the wreckage.

“Rarity!!” cried Pinkie “Hang on, I’ll get you out!”

“There’s no time, Pinkie!” protested Rarity “Get out of here! Save yourself!”


Rarity hated what she was about to do, but shot Pinkie with a strong blast from her horn, blasting her clear to the entrance, smacking her clean into Lightning.


Pinkie bolted upright and wailed, “Rarity! She’s still in there!!”

“RARITY--------!!!” Lightning screamed through the door just as the barrier slammed on the ground, completely sealing the crumpling building inside.

Spike and the others rushed over, and they already heard because of Lightning’s scream…!!

“Rarity!!” Spike cried, and he pounded at the barrier, which felt like a strong solid wall!! “RARITY!! WE’VE GOT TO GET HER OUT!!!

“TOO LATE!! ITS COMING DOWN!!” screamed Artie

The factory began to collapse, and the rumbling was so violent that everyone trembled with it!

“HIT THE DIIIIIIIIIIIIRT!!!” screamed Starla.

Everyone slammed down hard, and Lightning shielded them with a Uniforce barrier as the factory came crashing down, followed by several explosions!

Spike could only scream in the shaking and noise, “RARITY-----------------!!!”

All faded to white, to the very next day…

The smog had faded when the factory was destroyed, and those who were infected were treated and cleansed.

The factory rubble was vaporized to sand that was disposed of, and naturally, a big new factory was hauled out of storage and placed where the previous one stood.

…Just a precaution the pegasi took in case of emergency. If one factory fell, they had another ready to be planted.

As for Rarity… she was found among all that wreckage before it was cleared up, and in a miracle to end all miracles, she was still alive, but barely.

It was deduced that the rubble she was pinned under protected her a little from the falling debris, but still, in the collapse and the explosions, she was a complete mess!

Such a mess, that she sat in the New Ponyville hospital, in a full body cast covering her entire body from head to toe, so barely an inch of her was visible-- and just as well, she was that messed up.

She couldn’t move at all, or even talk as she was unconscious, and also she was given vaccinations to numb her pains.

Her family were gathered around the bed-- her parents, her sister, Spike, and baby Twilight.

“Oh, Rarity…” sobbed Sweetie “I’m so happy you made it! You almost died!”

Her mother blew her nose in a hankie and cried on her husband’s shoulder. The both of them thanked the stars that Rarity was at least alive, but in her condition, who knew what her ultimate fate would be.

Spike softly loomed over his wife’s head, but didn’t touch her, and he held the baby softly up. “Say hi to Mommy, honey.”

Twilight only cooed and flailed her little arms trying to reach and pull at the bandages, but Spike wouldn’t let her.

Spike felt like crying, but he was trying to be brave his daughter, and the family.

“What’s going to happen to her?” asked Sweetie.

“I don’t know…” answered Spike.

Outside, Lightning was looking through the window of the room, and he felt devastated for Rarity. Thankful she was alive, but after what she had just been through, it was astounded she was alive at all.

He was talking with Doctor Penny and her team of surgeons, and it didn’t look good as Penny gave him the analysis.

“We’re looking at extensive tissue damage, fifty-five fractures, a major concussion, all coupled with extensive internal trauma.

She’s in real bad shape, and I don’t hold up much hope.”

Lightning clenched his fists, and they trembled.

“I lost Twilight Sparkle in action, and, Galloping Galaxies, I won’t let Rarity fall, especially after risking her life to save a solider!”

Penny shrugged her shoulders. “We’ve done all we can.”

“No!” Lightning said with determination “I just said I won’t let her fall. There’s got to be some way to help her, and I’ll find it.


For now, all that could be done was leave Rarity as she was, strapped to the bed, completely motionless and helpless.


In our next episode: While Rarity is given a special surgery to reshape her damaged body, Daybreaker plans to fuse together with Celestia to prevent her interference ever again, forcing the team to act hard to keep the queen protected, which proves hard as Pinkie Pie is still droopy in the chops over things and finds it hard to fight.

What is the plan to help Rarity, and will Daybreaker get away with her fiendish scheme?

Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!”

(Next Episode: “Hot Decisions”)