• Member Since 15th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 21st, 2022


Earth pony enthusiast


When Spike finds out that the Power Ponies comic book series was canceled, he visits Shining Armor to commiserate. But Shining has news for Spike: the Power Ponies are actually being rebooted, and the writers are making some changes that Spike isn't too happy with.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 59 )

“You don't understand. Power Ponies means a lot to me. When I first heard about the series, it seemed like just another 'girl crew' comic, but it's so much more than that. I could relate to all the characters, but they also inspired me to be a better dragon. Sure, they argued, but that made them feel more like real friends. And yeah, Big Mac was right about the stories being cheesy, but they never felt like they talked down to the fans ... I just don't want it to end.”

You wouldn't be trying to lean on a certain wall there, would you? :raritywink:

Very meta of you.

I see what you did there!

This is a really good commentary on the shows end. Well done!

This story represents 2 types of fans and how they all feel FIM is ending and how G5 might be more mature for teens, various designs, and it could possibly be just as good as FIM if not better. The story also points out some repetitive stories on how each character has to learn the same lesson.

You know, this is kind of comforting in a very meta sort of way. Perhaps a bit on the nose, but I think it's a fair perspective for looking at the new reboot with optimism.

I know it's been said before, but how delightfully meta. :twilightsmile:

And as a big comic-book reader, this discussion feels really familiar to me. XD

Shining opened his eyes and took his hoof away from his head, although he kept it upraised. “Because you acted like there was an emergency!”

:moustache: "If there was an emergency with Twilight, I would've sent you the usual form letter first."

Lovely bit of audience surrogacy. And even after the reboot, there will still be plenty of fans making plenty of stories about the previous versions. Here's to the past, the future, and enjoying the best of both. Thank you for this.

Shining, my dude. Have you seen the state of reboots these days? Teen Titans Go, Powerpuff Girls, Ben 10. I feel as if Spike's fears are grounded.

After all this time, this story is the thing that actually pushed me to look at what's been leaked.

This story represents 2 types of fans and how they all feel FIM is ending and how G5 might be more mature for teens, various designs, and it could possibly be just as good as FIM if not better. The story also points out some repetitive stories on how each character has to learn the same lesson.

I guess I'm in the Shining camp, albeit a little more negative. The show's been spinning it's wheels for years now. A restart my be what's needed here.

Well, this CAN work out. I remember when the original X-Men was rebooted with Wolverine & the others

I know that this is meant to parallel the coming G5 but I feel Spike is right to be worried, if hes thinking it will happen like it happened like other...recent shows, assuming they have parallels.
Even though the situation is substantionally different.

This is a "same team does it again" senario taking palce at the most a year after the last iteration, on a show known for rebooting and changing in ways not always good or bad.
I bet it'll be decent.

Power Ponies, being a x-men xpy, was a good choice to parallel MLP, given a simular nature of frequent reboots to whatever media it currently operates on, with inconsitent quality.

The constant stream of shit reboots is caused entitely by companies owning popular long-ended properties and seeing money making potential. They pull them out and slap together a team to produce them, and cooperate itself dictates the direction.
Well, cooperate doesn't really get anything about the popularity and just molds it to be something seemingly garenteed to make money.

And the worst part is it works, getting sufficant money to encourage continued production.



I agree. One could say that it's a very brutal shot to the 4th wall, mane six or not. :pinkiehappy:

Not all of them are bad. The Ducktales reboot is amazing.
But yeah, let's just hope G5 is nothing like those 3. Here's hoping!

This is a good story, and a definite good message about giving reboots and remakes a chance. Here's hoping G5 ends up being good.

That's just a diamond in the rough, though.

But hey, Hasbro managed to do it right with G4. I am confident they will be able to do the same with G5. And hopefully even improve it. Get some better villains, avoid bad episodes like Dragon Quest and Spike At Your Service, have some proper buildup to some of the events. Like Twilight becoming an Alicorn Princess.

Well, it would all depend on their intent. Are they going to appeal to a more mature audience or is it going to return to its main target audience of very young girls? They can do either well, it'll all depend on what they think is a better market.

Fingers crossed for a more mature audience. Something like Steven Universe's audience.
Plus I don't think they're going to go to only the little girls audience, seeing as how there were enough young and adult male audience members to create the term Brony.

MLP as we know it is literally a counterexample.

:twilightblush: So big brother helped you out with the new magazines?
:moustache: Yeah! Hustler and PlayColt
:twilightoops: Wut!
:moustache: Rarity's even in this one!
:twilightangry2: Your kidding me!
:duck: Oh Spikey Wikey reads the fashion articles !
:moustache: and your center fold was tastefully done you look great!
:facehoof: Now I'll have to give Spike the talk
:moustache: That's okay I got all I need on page twenty five "How to woo a lady"
:raritystarry: Spikey I wrote that!
:moustache: Really? It's about us isn't it?
:twilightoops: Damn reboots
:ajbemused: Here Twi use mine...Time to kick a few flanks

Not really. It premiered years before the others.

I might be going on a tangent here, but...alright here goes.

I don't get why everybody's freaking out about G5 so much. Media franchises evolve, they move on. Honestly, if FIM went on forever, it would be boring. 9 years is a LONG TIME for TV shows to be on the air. Not every show can be The Simpsons. I for one am excited for G5. I think they're going to create some new, really cute characters that i'll fall in love with, just like i did with the Mane Six. To me, it'll be no different than falling in love with characters introduced later in the show, like Starlight or Autumn Blaze, or Gabby. They won't be the Mane Six, and no characters will ever replace the Mane Six for me, but i'll still love these new characters and give them a place in my heart.

We're still bronies. This is still MLP. Even if it's not the same, we still have each other and the franchise we love.

I thank you for acknowledging my comment.
I agree that it's time to let the show end even though we'll have a season 10 in the form of comics. If they release a MLP FIM complete series I will buy it and remember the good times but will gladly see what G5 has in store for us.

Puts hand to chin
Eh, the current iteration had a good run, I'd say. I'd prefer if there were new Power Ponies in a new setting with new themes to explore.
And besides, there's always conventions and stuff for the old ones, and I think they're getting some sort of new 'season' in a different format...?

To be fair though, after G3, anything was an improvement. The problem Spike is seeing, is that they writers are taking a perfectly good (in his eyes) comic and changing it.


I've heard scuttlebutt that Gen 5 will be done with 3-dimensional models, like that new Pinkie Short.

I am concerned.

Spike picked up a gemstone in one hand and his comic book in the other, staring despondently at the latter. “You don't understand. Power Ponies means a lot to me. When I first heard about the series, it seemed like just another 'girl crew' comic, but it's so much more than that. I could relate to all the characters, but they also inspired me to be a better dragon. Sure, they argued, but that made them feel more like real friends. And yeah, Big Mac was right about the stories being cheesy, but they never felt like they talked down to the fans.” Spike drew in a deep breath and blew it out. “I just don't want it to end.” He popped the jewel in his mouth.

You've done gone and hit the nail on the head with this description that sounds an awful lot like a certain show that we all know and love. :ajsmug::eeyup:

I thought this would be a metaphor for superhero movies at first.

What would the Power Ponies equivalent of past gens be?

You magnificent meta bastard:scootangel:

I’m impressed you managed to work some well-known aspects of the Brony fandom into your story. This is a very good story and lesson for those of us worried about the end of Generation 4 and its replacement by Generation Five. Like Shining Armor, I’m willing to give the reboot a chance and welcome it with open arms.

At least Friendship is Magic has one advantage over Power Ponies: It has recently been announced that Friendship is Magic will be getting a Season 10 comic books series in April 2020 (https://www.equestriadaily.com/2019/10/idw-my-little-pony-season-10-comic.html?m=1). So we could potentially see a continuation of Friendship is Magic at the same time as the premiere of Generation Five for next year.

9870159 Changing something can have any of the many possible outcomes. It all depends on the talent and vision involved.

Like with Batman.

I'm sure we all agree that the Bat Credit Card was a brilliant addition. "Ice to meet you. Take a chill pill." :trollestia:

9869807 Two words: Thundercats Roar.

Sometimes a series should just end. What comes back... ain't what you put in. Don't bury FiM in the pet cemetery! :pinkiecrazy:

9869376 And let's not forget the mutilation of "Thundercats".

9869693 Using 'SU's audience' and 'mature' in the same sentence unironically...

That's the fandom that sent death threats to the creator for not making the characters lesbian enough to suit their fetishes.


Thanks! I thought Spike and Shining were good choices to present both perspectives.

Glad you liked it. I'm sure the G4 fandom will live on. It might dwindle over the years, but it'll always be there.

Yeah, I'm a little concerned that G5 is going to be bland like G3, but the concept art and some of the other idea I've seen give me hIope that it will be more mature and interesting.

I agree.


Power Ponies, being a x-men xpy, was a good choice to parallel MLP, given a similar nature of frequent reboots to whatever media it currently operates on, with inconsitent quality.

Power Ponies is tailor-made to parallel the Mane 7, so it was a natural choice to write a parallel on the series ending.

Couldn't agree more!

I lean more toward the Shining camp myself. And I'm glad they're continuing to make G4 comics.

Dude. This is so meta.

REALLY good job on the exchange, characterizations and general wrap-up. I especially liked the little Leaning on the Fourth Wall points concerning G4 and G5 on both ends.

Me, I'm just going to take it as it comes. Of course, I can understand the fan divide.

After all, for every reboot that actually turns out great (the 2017 DuckTales being the most popular example) there are at least five where the writers completely dropped the ball. So, I'll give it a fair chance when it comes, but I'll keep what is commonly referred to as cautiously optimistic.

“Yeah, I guess some of the comics have been repetitive lately, but I still like some of the newer issues. 'The Search for the Mane-iac's Hairbrush' is one of my all-time favorite storylines!” Spike gazed down at the comic book in his claws. “I'm just sad that the Power Ponies that I grew up with are over.”

If you just referenced a Christian TV show for children that stars various organic foodstuffs, you have made my day.

Nice meta story.
Good work Maran 👍

I am still against the idea of a mature MLP pony show.
At least I have the good memories of G4.

I don't like big changes.
Maybe is because I am Asperger.

I don't have a problem with the reboot of the mane 6.
My ONLY problem is the new Applejack.
Looks like she is going to be the polar opposite of
G4 Applejack
That makes me angry and sad at the same time 😔

If MLP Gen 5 ends up being good or bad, I will always say that Gen4 was the best of all generations.


The Ben 10 reboot is actually pretty good IMO. Didn't see PPG so I can't comment on that, and I agree on TTG.

That being said, I think we should give G5 a chance before condemning it as a failed reboot.

Good news is that the original creators are doing a reboot. I'm just pretending the Netflix version never happened.

Comic book reboots, when characterization goes to die.

Glad you liked it! And I'm cautiously optimistic as well.

It wasn't my inspiration for that line, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think of "O Where Is My Hairbrush" immediately after writing it.

Here, here!

9871736 Not ALWAYS... I mean look at Valiant Comics


I’m excited for gen 5. Series need to end sometimes so that something new can come out of it. If g3 never ended then Fim would not exist.

Still I will miss this gen

I'd be less worried about them revamping Spike's character if I knew they even intended him to be in gen 5 at all!

There's no concept art of him that I've seen, and he was always meant to be a background character/token-male-character in gen 4. The only reason he got more emphasis over time was because the series went beyond its original scope and well past its expected run. But they had trouble placing a male character in what was supposed to be a show oriented at young girls, and it shows in some episodes unfortunately. He's always been a divisive character, so they may have just decided to do away with him entirely and keep gen 5 directed at the intended demographic. Sad, because he actually had some of the best potential of any of the characters, in terms of character growth, origin story, and internal drama.

It's funny, in a way. I grew up watching gen 1 because we got it very late over here, but thanks to that I've always thought of mlp as an ever changing show that constantly reinvented itself. Thanks to that perspective I actually understand Big Mac's reaction and to me it makes the most sense.

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