• Member Since 15th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 21st, 2022


Earth pony enthusiast


This story is a sequel to Earth Ponies Are Overpowered

As Twilight works to improve her life infusion treatment, Maud stops by to offer her expertise. There's just one problem: Maud isn't as thrilled as Twilight and her friends about using earth pony magic to make everyone immortal.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 59 )

Why do I get the feeling that lasers will definitely help Dash ascend?

"At least as qualified as Thorax" isn't exactly a glowing recommendation...

She flipped it back over and slid a smaller book onto the pages; then she closed the cover over it.

Granny Pie always said that it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.

We don't do nearly enough with Granny Pie and Nana Pinkie.

“Of course it is.” She tilted her head for a moment as if listening to something only she could hear before nodding. “This castle is the tree's offspring.”

Junior is best castle.

When I ruled Equestria, that would be the first thing to change.

:twilightoops: Oh my. Alicorn instincts kicking in, a side effect of sampling the life force of an organism with a unique relationship with causality, or just Twilight's resentment towards the EEA making itself known?

In any case, I'm thrilled to see this story begin. Eagerly looking forward to more, and to Maud's arguments against Twilight's proposals.

Glad to see this is continuing. I have a feeling Maud is also immortal, or close to it, just like Pinkie. With her strong connection to earth, stronger even than Pinkie's, she could probably reach down deeper. Maybe she didn't go to the alicorn place, but I don't doubt Maud was able to get that far...and probably just ignore it, like everything else.

At first I was a little iffy, seeing as I don't get into complete diversions from the series, but this is amazing: I love stories that roll around in the underlying physics of a world.

This should be fun. I’m very curious to hear Maud’s argument.

“I didn't steal them,” deadpanned Maud. “I borrowed them without asking. Granny Pie always said that it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.”

I love it when we're given hard evidence that Maud is related to Pinkie

“If the castle is . . .” I stared at her for a second. This was a little strange even for a Pie. “I mean, I know the castle is an outgrowth of the Tree of Harmony, but I never thought of the castle being its own living entity.”

Wow, rude ;p

9864053 To ascend, Dash must mount an astral motorcycle with Borg Spheres for wheels and leap over the Dark Galaxy while a giant space shark with a frickin' laser beam on its head reaches out from the central black hole with enormous cyborg arms to seize her. To fend it off, she shall have to slash at it with a Blood Sword filled with the power of a thousand crying saints and Jesus. :rainbowkiss:

This will probably happen in G5. :trollestia:


You can't link that without the video

Yeah, I so totally saw Maud being longer lived than Twilight. That mare is more rock than pony, and rocks are immortal...sort of. I see Spike took it well, learning he would live at least 1500 years longer than everyone else (if Twilight realizes long-term immortality is wrong).

As for AppleDash...well, ehm...in the leaked final episode, it's the second most canon relationship after CheesePie. AJ and RD are more affectionate than FlutterCord in the last episode, with Rainbow basically rubbing AJ's head in the final shot of the Mane 6. FlutterCord didn't even get to HUG. So sad. That's my OTP.

Wow! I've gotta read th—

Rated E.

Oh. Um, n/m. :twilightblush:

Twilight doesnt know about Vaccuum energy, LQG and MBranes yet? Vaccuum energy alone in a sugar cube could replace the next million years planetary offering. Would be intresting for the Castle, being the antenna design it is, could convert solar energy to magic more directly. Then while in the Castle, Twilight wouldnt have to worry about tapping the Core, for a given rate of tapping?

Is Spikes value due to being a Dragon, or being a Harmony Dragon?

I'm not sure, but that's where Doodle went to get our wedding invitations printed, and they printed the wrong date.

:derpyderp2: "I did no such thing! I outsourced the print job to an inexperienced child and... yeah, that's worse, isn't it?"

“And yet,” said Rainbow, her eyes half-lidded, “you guys shut the door on another princess.”

:derpyderp1: "That wasn't them, that was... I'm just going to stop talking."

The mood was somewhat ruined when Applejack noticed Cranky, Matilda, and a few ponies staring at her hugging and nuzzling her friend.

Lyra sighed and passed five bits to Bonbon. "Thought for sure she'd go for Rarity."

And Maud does make a good point. You don't get a free lunch with earth pony magic. The energy has to come from somewhere, and mass immortality would tax any reservoir. This is going to require some careful thought...

Do asteroids live? What about stars? What are the consequences of tapping into other planes of existence, especially Discord's? There are many sources out there, but accessibility, practicality, and side effects all have to be taken into account.


Alicorn instincts kicking in, a side effect of sampling the life force of an organism with a unique relationship with causality, or just Twilight's resentment towards the EEA making itself known?

It's kind of a combination of all three.

Maud doesn't understand friendship well enough to ascend to the Astral Plane, although she certainly has enough magic and creativity.

Thank you! You've come to the right place for that.



I love it when we're given hard evidence that Maud is related to Pinkie

Well, they do seem to be the closest emotionally out of all the Pie sisters. I imagine they both spent a lot of time with Granny Pie when they were young.

That'll be in the third story of the "Overpowered Earth Ponies" trilogy . . . Maybe. :trollestia:

All of the Pie family members are powerful even for earth ponies. Maud doesn't have as much raw power as Pinkie, but she has much better control over her magic, in large part because of her education.

Spike's still overly optimistic that Twilight's project will work and allow everypony to live as long as him (because almost all of Twilight's magic projects work).

Not that kind of suck. :raritywink:

Twilight doesn't know about vacuum energy yet. :trixieshiftright:

All very good points. There are other energy sources that exist, it's accessing them that presents a challenge.

Twilight probably should have mentioned that Celestia is planning on interstellar colonization. There could even be asteroid life-force mining in the (relative) short term, assuming that there is a belt in the Equus system. Not to mention the moon.


Twilight might have Freindship and Magic down, but all the quasistable dynamically morphable adaptive spell structures that look remarkably like Life, are what happens when you peer closely at the Turing boundary between Harmony and Chaos through the lens of Penrose.

You do find the limits of immortality there, but the exponential notation values are cumbersome in normal text, in size.A bottom bound for total number of entities possible seems to be about 2 to the power of 5 million. I cant handle the maths needed for computing the upper bound because Grahams number is around the decimal point. :twilightoops::pinkiecrazy:

Dont worry Twilight. After reading Isaac Azimovs, The Gods Themselves, and Ian M Banks, Excession, arranging to have an n dimentional equalisation goverened regulating throttle is just one of the safety features you find implemented before trying for total immortality. Of course it even better if someone realises such an event and system is possible and implements it just in case.

Some of those aincient artifacts have mysterious purposes and powers that noone remembers or even knew of origionally?

I just get this image of Spike eating his way down to the core to make measurements, and then corrupting the readings because he is so fat as to be a sizable fraction of the structure he is trying to measure. :twilightoops:

They just need to find a magical supermassive black hole with a soul in it.

Like the one that houses the cosmic space shark with a frickin' laser beam on its head!

Then they'll have TRILLIONS of years worth of energy! :pinkiecrazy:

9864596 … Still makes about as much sense as the "End of Evangelion" did in the first place. :rainbowlaugh:

“Maybe there's a way to read the longevity of the earth's core, just like that meter measures ponies and dragons.” Fluttershy pointed to the longevity gauge.

And so they read the core.

"N-no..." Twilight backed away from the meter in horror. "That CAN'T be right! It just can't be!"

The others crowded around, each expression becoming aghast as they stared in muted disbelief at the declaration of their imminent doom spelled out plainly upon the meter's readout: "Seven Days"


Maud was quiet for a beat, her expression as stoic as ever. “Let me see if I've got this straight. Princess Celestia wants to use up this world and move on to the next one?”

President Bill Pullman walked up to the plexiglass wall and pressed the intercom button, "I know there is much we can learn from each other if we agree to work together. Can there be a peace between us?"

"Peace," snarled the smoky apparition. "No peace."

"What do you want us to do?"


"Sorry about that," Celestia trotted over. "He gets like that sometimes. Also, devouring your life force now! YOINK!"

Everyhuman was sucked dry by the adorable pony invaders. :trollestia:

Pinkie not wanting to stand out does seem pretty ironic... though how often does she actually try to stand out as opposed to doing so by just being Pinkie?

“How old do you think I am?” asked Spike.

:fluttershyouch: "I'm not old enough to repeat what Arven is saying."

Rarity straightened her posture. “Actually, I discovered something intriguing in the Foalish Manuscript.”

What, you mean the earliest known O&O sourcebook?

As for Rarity using the Map to enhance her abilities, I don't see the problem there. Chronomancy is either worthless or too dangerous to ever mess with; there's no in-between. But simply using the Map as a catalyst seems only as harmful as whatever spell she plans on using. As long as she doesn't eject her soul so far the silver cord snaps, it should be fine. Though I'm sure Twilight has her reasons.

“Always the optimist.” Maud put her hoof over her sister's and blinked. “Yes, magic can solve anything. I will try my best to find a way to do just what you said, Pinkie.”

Good thing Maud is a conservationist, otherwise this fic might turn in into 'Dark' and 'Sad' ending. Maybe we need Fluttershy to become an Alicorn of Nature before deciding what to do with the planet?

Glad Maud's there to act as the straight mare/Grogar's advocate.

This did not really capture Maud as a character.

I remember Arven from the Long Patrol too. Sleep well Brian Jaques. Your books were a wonderful impact on my young life.

In what way? What should I change about the way I write Maud in future chapters?


I just get this image of Spike eating his way down to the core to make measurements, and then corrupting the readings because he is so fat as to be a sizable fraction of the structure he is trying to measure.


"Spike, when Maud said a dragon could survive reaching the core, that wasn't a challenge!"
"Says you. I just didn't expect the core to be this small."


What, you mean the earliest known O&O sourcebook?

I was wondering if anyone would catch that stealth reference (and now I'm giggling imagining a group of nerds from the 1500s writing out their RPG rulebook).

As for Rarity using the Map to enhance her abilities, I don't see the problem there. Chronomancy is either worthless or too dangerous to ever mess with; there's no in-between. But simply using the Map as a catalyst seems only as harmful as whatever spell she plans on using. As long as she doesn't eject her soul so far the silver cord snaps, it should be fine. Though I'm sure Twilight has her reasons.

You're right, but keep in mind that this story takes place shortly after Starlight used the Map to modify Star Swirl's spell, and it's still kind of frozen. Twilight doesn't yet realize that it'll be easy enough to fix after Starlight gets back and tinkers with it.

Won't it, though? :pinkiecrazy: Ok, in all seriousness, I would have added a Dark tag if it ever got that far.

I'm glad it works for Maud to present the other side.

No one should have allowed a project like this to be anywhere near Twilight. She focuses too hard on what she believes is her ideal outcome and doesn't consider anything else long enough for it to matter.

She has not done a tenth of the required thought and foreplanning necessary to even begin stepping in the direction of working on this. She's just so hyped over "everyone will live forever and never be sad" she never considered in the slightest that this is a horrifyingly stupid idea.

The way Twilight is going about using life infusion is definitely reckless, but also consistent with the way she's approached magic in the past. And her friends are going along with it because they trust her and they also want all of their friends and families to live forever.


Oh, I know. It's consistent. I just mean... someone should have stopped her. Not that they would have, but they SHOULD have. She didn't consider potential long-term issues of anything, really. Or at least, not enough. There's far more that needs to be understood before making huge, sweeping plans and changes like she is.

Long-term physiological studies, PSYCHOLOGICAL studies (can a complete normal run of the mill pony, who is likely not made to live forever, stay sane?), magical studies of ponies affected, sociological and criminology studies (If everyone is an alicorn, what happens when a bunch of like-minded assholes get together and make an evil god force? Because duh it'll happen. "The rest of the ponies don't need to be powerful like us/need as much life force as they have. We'll just take it for ourselves! Mwahaha!")

Far, far more than I've mentioned here. So much more.

"I am The Maud,

I speak for the rocks."

Maud is going to accidently an ascension, isn't she?

>It's got to be her destiny
>"I don't know if I could make that kind of a choice."
>She knew what she had to do
>Ritual involves straddling the map while magic is pumped through it, but we don't see the end
Accidentally nothing.


"Ritual involves straddling the map while magic is pumped through it..."

Was that an accident?

I am curious yet afraid to see where Rarity's idea is going to take her

Harmony Jr.: ...I need an adult.

Maud: I am an adult.

Spike jumped as well. “How do you keep sneaking up on ponies?”

“It's a gift,” she deadpanned.

Nah, it's run in the family! :pinkiehappy:

Ah, that would be telling! :raritywink:

This story is full of characters having dangerous ideas.

True, the Pies share many unusual skills.

“That was a rhetorical question, darling. Anyway, I thought that perhaps my destiny is to make a suit of crystals that would enhance the wearer's magic.” Using her telekinesis, she flipped a page in her sketchpad and turned it to face her friends. “Voila!”

Twilight gazed at the drawing with a puzzled expression, "I... can't help but notice you have a central blue crystal in a web surrounding a giant spider..."

Rarity tsk'd, "They prefer to be called 'Eight-legs'!"

Twilight sighed and went into the other room. She knew she'd heard of a similar spell before. "Spike!" she called. "Go get the Book of Magic!" Spike did so and then slided away like a dragon. Then Twilight casted the spell and everything became bigger and eight.

"Oh, I am a spider now."

And so, everything comes "Full Circle."

(Discord reels, "My god... a crossover within a crossover within a reference. SHE CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE, MON CAPITAN!!")


Sitting back on her haunches, Fluttershy adopted the closest equine approximation of a lotus position.

"If you are not prepared to dislocate your hips in the name of oneness with the cosmos, you are not prepared for that oneness."
—Somnambula, Pillar of Hope

“You're right – it was a stretch. But you can't ascend to alicornhood without pushing your limits.”

"That was also a stretch."

Rarity's enhancer suit definitely shows promise, though she may want to work her way up. It's not like Twilight was blowing up dragons and turning ponies into cacti from the... beginning...
Er, carry on.

As for what Namepending Castle wants Maud to do... This could go a lot of different ways. I look forward to seeing what happens, but I can't help but feel a little dread.

Vitameter is probably best here, despite being a Latin-Greek bastardization, because AFAIK the Greek words that would fit best are pneuma and psyche, both of which have distracting connotations. Other etymology nerds should feel free to chime in.

FoME, thank you for that video. It's so nice to know that other people understand the importance of treating books well.

I sense a Maud-corn coming up. I feel like she's the ONLY one with enough connection to the core to actually distribute the needed life energy in a way that's safe and equal. With alicorn powers, perhaps she could even speak to Equestria itself. That would make her impressively powerful. Not even Celestia can speak to the planet.

"I am the Mauderator. All life injection inquiries must now be approved by the Mauds. Please speak to your local Maud to address any concerns."

Ooh, a sequel to one of my favorite stories!


will this ever be updated?
and will the alicorn 6 become a thing by its end?
find out next time on ponyball z!

ah, someone else who's read Redwall novels
Pearls of Lutra is one of my top faves

hi? this story is awesome and is there a way for me to know what happens next?

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