• Published 27th Sep 2019
  • 2,700 Views, 137 Comments

Home Again - Ninjadeadbeard

Sunset just wanted to fix the portal to Equestria, not cause the apocalypse. Again.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - The Last Temptation of Discord

“Eugh,” Discord slowly dragged his conscious mind back to reality, “did somepony get the number of that Yak?”

As the physical world began to realize it needed to exist, Discord decided to do a quick head count.


Good, one head was plenty for his current needs. He also took the time to extend his senses and figure out just what had exactly happened. He could tell he was still a Draconequus, small mercies. He could tell without opening his eyes that the ground was still a technicolor nightmare. And he could tell that there were two ponies shaking him awake.

“Please Mr. Discord!” a sweetly melodic voice begged him, “please get up!”

“Are you alright?” asked the other, calmer and more bookish voice, “That looked like it hurt significantly.”

Well, Discord would hate to disappoint the first voice, obviously Fluttershy, at least. He sat up with a groan and opened his eyes. The first voice was indeed his beloved pony’s not-normally-pony-but-today-was-an-exception self. She was delicately wiping away some stray tears with her tail. How fascinating that she could adjust so quickly. But then, that’s what he loved most about…

The other pony wasn’t a pony at all. In fact, he was staring at the still-human form of Twilight Sparkle.

“Huh,” he said, “a lot of things are surprising me today, but you staying… well, you, is right up there. Especially after…” he waved one paw around noncommittedly towards where he’d exploded. Thinking about that would come later.

She shrugged, still analyzing him for any bumps, bruises, or scrapes. “Well, I suppose the wall helped.”

“Wall?” Discord glanced over to see the free-standing brick wall. “Oh, that survived? I do good work. Pops always said I could go into brick laying if being Lord of Chaos didn’t work out…”

Twilight’s curious gaze met Discord’s as she pressed her face into his, “Wait! That was you? You stopped the original prank from changing me? Why?” She blinked, “You had a father?”

Flustered, Fluttershy stepped between the two, pushing Twilight back with both hooves. A bit defensive, wasn’t she? Discord hopped up himself and began to dust off.

“Well,” he began, “if going Pranking with Pinkie and Dashie has taught me anything, it’s that someponies can’t handle the same sort of ribbing as others.”

She seemed… hurt by that. “I… you’re saying I can’t take a joke?”

He just shook his head. “Not at all. In fact, I think you can take more than most. But last night was… shall we say, difficult for you. I wanted to raise some spirits with a good laugh, but I thought you’d gone through quite enough, my dear.”

“That’s…” her eyes took on a curious look, “That’s very thoughtful of you, actually.”

“Come on Discord!” Sunset’s voice rang out from closer to the Wondercolt statue, “Wake up! You! Need! To! Fix! This!” It sounded like she was jumping up and down on something.

With a weary sigh, Discord turned to face the riled-up unicorn. “Sunset, I’m already awake. No need… to… shout?”

Sunset and Discord locked eyes with one another. Sunset’s shifted from eyes full of tired rage to ones full of irritated confusion. She looked at Discord for several long, silent seconds. And then she looked down at the human Discord for several more. When she looked back up to complain about Discord’s use of clones to mess with her however…

Discord supposed the deeply, deeply confused feeling writhing in his gut was plainly visible on his face, if Sunset’s was anything to go by.

While human Discord started slowly dragging himself to his feet, aided by Sunset and the now slightly-more-comfortable-moving-as-ponies Rainbow Dash and Rarity, the original Discord had a quick glance about.

That Chaos-Supercharge was a bad one, he reckoned. Back, way back in the days before his first memories (paradoxically, there were always more memories the further back he went), he’d remembered these happening all the time as he grew into his own as the avatar of Chaos in Equestria. But as he’d used more and more magic, it had calmed down considerably in his care.

But this universe had so much Chaos, he started to think, perhaps it decided one Discord wasn’t enough to contain it?

Well, in any case, the grass hadn’t changed much with that hit. It was still pleasantly ridiculous. Some of the flowers had been replaced with eyeballs, but that gave it character. The front of the school… actually, the entire front edifice seemed to be made of an obnoxious pink bubblegum. Neat.

Less neat was the sidewalk and city beyond. The sidewalks looked like one of those brightly colored fruit candies, each cement block now a different flavor and color. He supposed Pinkie would love that, though anyone walking on them seemed to be slowly sinking into a sugary prison. Not ideal. The city beyond… well, several buildings were now walking about on stilts or hairy yak hooves, and any number of streetlights had apparently turned into car-sized fireflies and flown away.

Speaking of cars, and yes, the Lord of Chaos knew what those were, there were mercifully few sounds of crashing vehicles coming from the city. Discord was many things, but he had learned to not enjoy actual pain of others at the hands of his pranks. He did, however, watch with some amusement as a yellow school bus grew a set of airplane wings and a jet thruster before rocketing… sideways of all directions… directly into the sky, which was thankfully still blue. Though the rings of rainbow-colored clouds centered on the school were a lot more ominous than not.

Finally, Discord began to register how few… humans there were. Seemed like a lot more ponies than he’d initially planned were standing around, gasping in horror at their hooves or crying their eyes out. Though, in fairness, he could see a human Flash Sentry crashing down from an initial flight with his new pegasus wings.

Well, the Trixies didn’t seem to mind. Both unicorns were using each other like a mirror at the moment, admiring the way their manes bounced, their coats shone, and how their wizard-hats sat at the perfect jaunty angle to express just how Great and Powerful they were.

Discord knew he’d get blamed for this.

Discord was not having a good day. And considering it was his first day, ever, that was not an ideal state of affairs. He’d literally come into being moments ago when he was torn out of... himself... was smashed into the ground, and then had some pony with a mane that reminded him of breakfast jump up and down on his stomach! It didn’t help that he now had three ponies failing to grab onto him with their useless hooves and pull him up.

How did this happen? Oh, wait… Discord threw his memories back, and watched the entirety of the infinite expanse of time and space resolve before him. Chaos, okay got that. Ponies? Hm, could do worse. Fluttershy… file that one away. Villainy? Reformation? The… the prank that just created himself? Interesting…

Suddenly, Discord felt an odd pair of appendages heft him up. Felt like a paw and a claw, and as soon as he realized that, he knew precisely what was up.

The two Discords simply stood and studied each other. The Draconequus looked slightly down on the Human, in more ways than one. He wondered if he’d worn it better. The Human, naturally, wondered whatever had he seen in being so tall and so… Draconequus-y.

“Well,” said the human Discord, “This is a new one.”

The other Discord concurred, “It does seem a tad strange, even for us.”

“The fact that we have to use the word ‘us’ is doubly strange.”

Twilight and Fluttershy stood behind the Draconequus Discord, while Sunset, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash took up space nearer the human one. The Trixies happened to remain off to the side and in between the two camps. Spike just huddled behind the small brick wall. Best to not get involved unless they needed him.

Both Discords stared one another down, face to muzzle.

“Discord?” Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, “Is everything alright?”

The human Discord looked to her, “Actually, everything’s fine Flutter… oh rats!”

“Ha!” The Draconequus jumped up and clicked his heels together, “You blinked!”

Human Discord grumbled. “Oh fine… you can be regular Discord.” A thought came to him then, and he smiled, “But then I get to be Disqord.”

Discord paused in mid-air. “Did… did you just change it to a ‘Q’?”

“I did,” said Disqord.

“For the meta?” Discord asked.

He smiled, “Of course!”

Discord took Disqord into a one-harmed hug, cheering as he did so, “That’s my boy!”

Sunset stared in horror at whatever this was. She wasn’t angry anymore. Anger was impossible with such confusion. Now she merely dreaded having to explain that there were two Discords. Well, she knew he could do that normally… but something about this felt off.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head. “Um… both those names sound exactly alike.”

“Only on audiobook,” Discord chuckled.

“But Discord, dear,” Rarity seemed equally confused, “How will we be able to tell you from this other Disqord like that…” she paused, and seemed to roll the words around her mouth again.

Disqord laughed, “At least this one catches on quick.”

“Discord?” Sunset felt a twinge of worry now. Magic was one of her best talents, and she’d never even heard of a true duplication effect like this. “How… how is this different from the way you normally are? And should we be worried?”

Disqord tilted his own head towards Discord. “Shall I?”

“Oh, I insist!”

Disqord took a step towards Sunset, and said, “What did my erstwhile self tell you about Chaos Magic?”

Erstwhile self? That… did not sound promising.

“He said the human world was saturated in the stuff,” she said, any true anger now fully extinguished by the old student of Celestia’s she once was; hungry for the answer to a mystery.

Disqord smiled, “Indeed it was!”

Trixie, the actual pony, hesitantly asked, “Was?”

“Good catch, Blue!” Disqord dropped a baseball onto her head, despite being several yards away and not having one beforehand. “Chaos was all over this dimension, ever since it first formed. But there was little actual magic, so it was quite bored and didn’t have much in the way to do besides make everything in the universe just a skosh more random than usual.”

“Wait,” Twilight’s mind started reeling, “But that would mean… but Chaos Theory states…”

Discord politely handed her a small bag of popcorn. “Don’t interrupt the story. He’s on a roll.”

“Thank you, Discord.”

“You’re very welcome, Disqord.”

Disqord continued. “But then, Chaos noticed this wonderful, beautiful creature pop into reality. Like a cross between… well, everything!” He held out one hand towards Discord, who held his fore-appendages together and shook them like a champion boxer, “And Chaos thought, ‘Well, if that’s how the other universes are doing things, I bet I can do better!’”

Discord paused, “Better?”

“Better!” Disqord waved his hands to indicate his whole form. “Human is very in, this year. It goes with everything, and is chic, unique, and magni-freak!”

Only Rainbow Dash heard what foul curses Rarity uttered when she heard that.

“Draconequus, on the other hand,” he indicated Discord with a sigh, “Well, it’s passé.

“So, Chaos took that old-fashioned Draconequus and whipped up something with a little more pizazz! And so here I am,” he smiled, “All of the old, old Discord’s knowledge and memory, none of the baggage, and all of the Chaos of this world!”

There wasn’t as much applause as Disqord’d hoped to hear. There was, in fact, none. Not that that didn’t stop Twilight Sparkle from filling the void with her out-loud thoughts and borderline Pinkie-tier hopping as she contemplated all she heard.

“That’s amazing! Chaos Magic has something like a rudimentary will, and the capacity to observe and learn? Does it operate like Starswirl’s Homunculus Matrix? Is Firaga’s Method involved? How many magical secrets are still…?”

She paused, then withdrew back into herself, “Sorry… I got carried away again.”

Disqord snorted, “Eugh, would you stop!” He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, “I swear it’s always ‘Midnight Sparkle this’, and ‘Midnight Sparkle that’ with you these days! Why not let her come out and get it over with?”

Now the other Discord snarled, “Hey! Enough of that!”

“Or what!?” Disqord shot back, “You haven’t done anything cruel or wicked enough in years to make me back off! I should know!”

Both Lords of Chaos suddenly found themselves facing off again. This time, however, there was no staring contest. A light ripple of unreality was the only sign that they were each ready, and able, to have it out here and now.

Sunset, however, saw something else.

“Wait!” she cried, “This is great!”

“Of course I am!” both Discords snapped at once, neither looking away while they said it. Both Trixies also said it at the same time, but quieter.

Discord, slightly confused, followed with, “Wait… what is?”

“There’s two of you!” Sunset beamed brighter than she had in… ever! “If Chaos is satisfied with that, what are the odds of another duplication happening?”

“Nonexistent,” said Disqord, verbally preening himself, “It got it right on the first try.”

“Then it won’t… make more of you?” Rainbow Dash ventured.

When both Draconequus and Human nodded, Sunset practically yipped, “Perfect! Then you two can fix this whole debacle! All it will take is a snap of your fingers, and we can get back to Starswirl’s spell!”

But while Discord scratched his beard and nodded with a light, happy-my-friend-isn’t-mad-anymore smile, Disqord merely raised a questioning eyebrow and leveled a confused frown.


Shimmer paused in her celebration, “What? What do you mean, why?”

The newly-minted human Lord of Chaos nodded once. “I asked, why? I rather like it this way,” he said, indicating the rainbow sky, the candy sidewalks, and the scattered-and-still-panicking ponies lying about the school grounds.

“But,” Sunset was started to feel a tight, cloying feeling deep down, “But aren’t you our friend?”

“No.” He didn’t even hesitate.

Trixie, the pony, started tapping her hooves nervously. She knew a bad, bad audience when she saw one, and Disqord was angling for a bad, bad show. “I… I… I’ll go get Twilight!” She cried out and bolted for the portal.

Which proved quite solid when she smashed into it at full speed. The human-turned-pony Trixie, Rarity, and Dash rushed to make sure she was alright.

Disqord barely took notice. “I’m not even convinced you’re his friend,” he indicated Discord with a tilt of his head.

Discord huffed, “Well now you’re just being ridiculous. I have friends. Lots of friends!” Did… did his voice crack just then?

But Disqord whirled on himself and began counting on his long, grey fingers, “The Princesses still wish the Elements of Harmony were around so we could be ‘Stoned’ one day, I’m pretty sure Spike and Big Mac only invite you around because they pity you, Fluttershy doesn’t count…”

“Hey!” Fluttershy scowled suddenly.

“… Princess Twilight and her precious purple pupil Glimmyglam have about a dozen contingency spells and plans worked up with you in mind specifically, just in case…”

Pony Trixie coughed, lifted her head, “Well, you do have a record…”

“And that brings me to my last point: Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset balked, “What’d I do?”

Disqord smirked, “What didn’t you do?” He stalked towards her, hands clasped behind his back. As he circled the red-gold maned unicorn, Twilight began to feel a lot of Cinch-related queasiness as he said, “First, you broke poor Celestia’s heart, the only real mother you ever had, by insulting her and then running away. Then, you tried to rob your better, prettier, more ‘Princess-worthy’ replacement, trap her in this dimension, and conquer her home with an army of mind-controlled children, also conveniently allowing you to show up dear old Mommy Sunbutt…”

As the Lord of Chaos circled, the cold feeling in Sunset’s stomach grew worse. Just having her faults and failings thrown back in her face would normally be bad enough, but she knew he was working towards something else. But as he talked, a fire also grew inside her. The Old Sunset Shimmer may have been a hothead and a mess of a pony, but that anger was still within her.

“I paid for my mistakes!” She roared back. A drizzle of tiny chocolate chips began to fall as she growled, “I’ve changed! So whatever else you want to dredge up out of my past, just get on with it!”

“Oh, I will!” he guffawed, still circling, “Then after all of that and more, after betraying your closest loved ones, enslaving children, lying to everyone you knew for years while you bullied and humiliated your new ‘friends’… you were forgiven.

“A bit of a sappy end, but there you have it,” he shrugged and continued, “Without earning it, friendship was offered to you. And after saving the day a few times the rest of the school grew to tolerate you. Like you, trust you. You made friends, of all things!”

Discord frowned, “You’re belaboring the point a bit, junior.”

Disqord knelt down suddenly, bringing himself down to Sunset’s eye level. “And then, when your old pal Discord played a harmless prank on you because he felt just awful about egging on the Princess last night, and making you all sad and depressed over Midnight Sparkle… you remembered how no one had trusted you with that whole Anon-a-Miss business…”

“How did you…?”

“Omnipotence,” he dismissed her, “The Chaos in this universe remembers that fiasco! A wonderful bit of mayhem. But after recalling that experience and all the pain you went through from having no one take your side or even offer you the benefit of a doubt, you had a good laugh, gently explained to Discord what he got wrong, and then let bygones be bygones with your friend…

“Oh, wait!” he snapped his fingers. “No, that’s not it! You yelled at him! You said he wasn’t your friend!”

Sunset’s mind whirled, “That’s not…”

“Face it, Sunnybean,” Disqord tapped her on her nose, “You never thought he was your friend!”

Sunset fell back onto her haunches. She turned her head to look at Discord…

She really wished she hadn’t. The Lord of Chaos was truly speechless, his yellow eyes some terrible mixture of sadness and haunting realization. Sunset couldn’t face him, couldn’t bear the sudden knowledge that… that Disqord was right, so she looked away.

When that Anon-a-Miss business had happened, she’d been ostracized again. She’d lost everything she’d ever worked towards, every friend and every good deed undone. It was even worse than when everyone had their good memories of her erased by the Memory Stone, because at least then they didn’t have the option to weigh her good and bad deeds… and find the bad far greater.

She never thought…

Discord’s hoof and claw-foot came into her field of vision. He leaned down, and gently picked her up, setting Sunset down on all four of her hooves. His voice came out like maple syrup, slow and heavy, as he said, “I’m sorry.”

She finally looked up at the Draconequus, a tear threatening to fall from her eyes. “What?”

“I’m sorry,” he sighed, “I… I thought my familiarity with you created something like friendship. But I realize now that wasn’t enough.”

Discord held out his claw, like he was looking for a handshake, “So… I’m sorry for my bit of fun. I should have… I should have thought about how important this was for you… instead of how it might make me feel better about what happened, about what I did… I’m always making this about me, after all.

“Can we… start over?”

Sunset stared at that claw for what felt like the longest five seconds in all of history. Finally, she reached out with one hoof, and set it in Discord’s grip. Disqord thoroughly harrumphed at this.

“Friends?” she smiled.

“Friends,” he smiled back.

And then her eyes went wide. White light poured out of them as Sunset froze in place, and Discord leaned back, shocked.

“I didn’t do it!” he cried out, head swiveling around to confront the accusers. But no one or pony said anything. It was like they’d seen this before…

Sunset blinked away the light, and then held her head with one hoof like she’d just woken up from whatever head injury Trixie was shaking off next to the statue.

“I… I get it,” she whispered.

Disqord, tired of being ignored this long, snorted. “Get what?”

“You!” she turned back to him, a smug grin plastered all across her face, “I understand you, because you’re me!”

“Ex-cuse you!?” he reared back.

The other Discord was at his side already, “Yeah Bacon, we might be friends now, but that was a low blow!”

“No, you dip!” she laughed, “I mean, you’re just like I used to be: angry, jealous, and most importantly, lonely! I can’t believe I didn’t see it before, considering how often it ends up being the answer to these sorts of problems…”

“And what might that be?” Disqord sneered, then added sarcastically, “The Magic of Friendship?”

Sunset smiled, “Well… yeah.”

He laughed back in her face, “Ridiculous!”

Trixie’s voice came from the base of the statue, “Is it though?” All eyes were on the showpony as she rose from the ground, dusted off her hat, and began slowly walking towards the human Lord of Chaos.

“Trixie would just like to say that Sunset is only half-right about you, Disqord,” she sniffed the air imperiously. “While it is true you would like nothing more than to have friends, you are in fact most similar to I, the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Neither Discord looked particularly amused, but the Draconequus one shrugged and said, “Oh well, you should at least hear her out. She’s usually good for a laugh.” They then snapped their fingers to summon up their thrones, upon which they took their seats.

Disqord noted, gleefully, that his was bigger.

Trixie, however, continued unabated, causing light sparks to fly from one hoof while she began to trace circles and shapes into the air before them. “You and Trixie are stageponies… draconequus… whatever. You live for an audience!”

She brought down her hoof and a flash of smoke enveloped her. Trixie reappeared standing in between the Lords of Chaos’ thrones, and neither had actually seen her do it! There wasn’t even the pop of a teleport.

“You live for the flash! The applause! The adulation of a crowd who enjoyed your show is the one thing we truly want out of life,” she gave Disqord a sly wink, and then reached up to pull a deck of cards out of his ear. He looked quite impressed, to be fair.

Returning to ‘center stage’, she ruffled the cards. She cut the deck one way, then another. She made cards dance along her hooves, rolling over and under each other in a swift and dazzling display, all without a hint of a magic aura. Human-turned-pony Trixie could only stare in true, gob-smacked astonishment.

Maybe… she was the real Great and Powerful?

“And!” she flourished and disappeared the cards to the Discords’ light applause, “Every show… person knows that the first act is the most important of the night. You want to make a good impression on your audience! You want them hooked and amazed! Why waste your opening routine being a jerk… like Trixie once was… when instead you can make them love you!?”

Taking the brim of her hat, the Great and Powerful Trixie pulled it off, and left it at her side. She… she seemed so much smaller without the hat, Disqord noted.

“And…” she was quieter, “It’s all an act. Because even the Great and Powerful Trixie… she’s just a mask. A performance, like you.”

Disqord… watched.

Trixie smiled, then returned her hat to its rightful, Great and Powerful place.

“But just because Trixie can be herself with her friends, that doesn’t mean she can’t also be the Great and Powerful magician she knows she is!” A firework launched seemingly from her upraised hoof, where it fired high into the sky… before sputtering out and coming down to a sodden, chocolate-smeared sidewalk below.

Trixie coughed, “Well… if the last trick doesn’t work, at least your audience, and your friends, will have still liked the show.” A more serious expression overcame her for a moment, “So if you are really a whole new Discord, you have no act to follow. No lies, or japes to be haunted by. Your first act could either be Great and Powerful… or more of the same, tired, villainous Discord we’ve all gotten sick of, even Discord.”

All eyes shifted to the Lord of Chaos, the one who didn’t have horns and wings. He sat, motionless in his seat. His Draconequus self leaned towards him, chin held up by a paw, eyes watching, questioning the next move.

Then, he rose, and walked to a point just beside Trixie’s ‘center stage’, where he could be clearly seen and understood. Upstaging, it was called.

“I can’t believe you think so lowly of me,” he frowned, “As nice of a speech as that was, it still misses the point that I don’t need friends. I’m Disqord! Lord of Chaos!!!” Lightning cracked behind him, “I can do what I want, and when I want, and nothing you say can change that!”

A malevolent light shone in his eyes. “And I think it’s high time I reminded everyone of…” He paused. Something was tugging at his pantleg. Disqord looked down into the pale blue eyes of a yellow pegasus with a bright pink mane.

Fluttershy looked… so sad…

“What is it? Can’t you see I’m monologuing here?”

So… sad…

“You know, the Stare won’t work on me,” Disqord growled, “So knock it off!”


Disqord began to sweat, “I’m not changing my ways! Villains deserve the chance to be villains! Reforming again would just be boring!!!”

There were tears now. So sad… saaaaaaad…

“What do you want from me!?” Disqord cried, any louder and he’d be using the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Fluttershy sniffed. “Disqord… you’re breaking my heart…”

That did it. His whole form seemed to deflate instantly, all wrath and villainous glee flew from him like ducks at a wedding (doves? Passé). Disqord reached down and pulled his Fluttershy up and into his arms. He hugged her as tight as a scared child his teddy bear, and she smiled as she nuzzled and hugged him back.

“Fine!” he shouted through the tears, “Fine! I’ll be good! I’ll help! I’ll be your friend, just please stop that!”

A collective sigh rang out, not just from the assembled ponies, Spike, and human Twilight, but from the dozen or so human and pony students who’d been close enough to watch the proceedings. Except for Flash, who was stuck on the school roof after his wings finally let him crash land. He was just happy to not be constantly falling.

Sunset trotted up to Trixie. “Nice job, oh Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“Thank you,” she grinned, “But I couldn’t have done it without my Great and Powerful assistant.” She held out one hoof towards the other Trixie, who revealed a used sparkler and set of smoke bombs beneath her own wizard cape.

“Great work, by the way,” she told her former-human self, “We’ll make a true Showpony out of you, yet!”

“Why thank you, Trixie,” said Trixie, “But that sleight-of-hoof with those cards was truly Powerful! We would love to learn more.”

As the two laughed, Sunset couldn’t help but sigh in relief. She felt a paw pat her on the top of her mane, and looking up she saw Discord smiling down at her… while wearing a woolen cap.

“That’ll do, Bacon,” he said in an accent, “That’ll do.”

She laughed! Nah, she thought, he couldn’t ruin her mood now. “I’m just glad this nightmare is…”

Sunset Shimmer!”

Why she ever opened her mouth, Sunset never understood. She and the others turned towards the school doors as a still-human Vice Principal Luna rode out of them… yes, rode out on top of what looked to be a donkey wearing a toupee.

As Luna reached the group most likely responsible for all this, she hopped off the donkey. “Thank you, Cranky.”

“The Union will hear of this,” he grunted ominously, then trudged off.

Sunset stepped forward, a slightly… more Twilight element of anxious worry in her voice than she liked as she said, “Vice Principal! How are you doing this fine Monday morning?”

Luna looked down at the unicorn, who only came up to her waist. And should have been a human girl. Luna was really taking this whole thing well, considering the lack of screaming.

“It is a Monday,” she sighed, then with one raised eyebrow she indicated the… well, chaos around them. “Care to explain the rest?”

Twilight, from behind her brick wall, provided an answer, “We tried to make the portal, and magic, safer. But then the avatar of the universal concept of Chaos pulled a prank, and that prank has gone a little out of control. But thanks to Sunset and Trixie, Chaos is on our side, and the portal shall be fixed and all set right momentarily.”

Luna nodded. “Well… good. Glad to see things are well in… hoof.”

Discord and Disqord, now standing beside each other, wrapped their snapping-arms around at the elbow, like an elaborate dance. They nodded to the assembled ponies.

Discord said, “One working portal, coming right up!”

“And one regular old, boring universe… perhaps not too boring and regular,” Disqord chuckled, “Also coming up!”

Unfortunately, Sunset chose that moment to sigh, “Finally…” And just before she could clamp her mouth shut again, the world exploded.