• Published 4th Jul 2020
  • 3,039 Views, 46 Comments

Independence Day: Resistance - Admiral Wyatt Stone

40 years after the first invasion of 1996, the alien invaders strike at another target. Fortunately, another force has come to help the planet's inhabitants.

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08: Victory

8:37 AM

Capper sneakily walked through one of the last intact buildings within the city of Tabbytown, Chummer at his side as they both hid from the attacking alien ships. Shortly before Panthera had fallen to the invaders, the two Abyssinian felines were doing everything in their power to get away from the large saucer that was responsible for the destruction of their former home. Now, they were in a city that was right next to it, the sounds of lasers and explosions filling the area as a battle ensued between the aliens and... well, he sure knew the other combatants weren't his people, at least, not the ones in the sky.

As the two bipedal cats sat against the wall of the building, Chummer spoke up. "Is this it, Capper? Is this... really how we're gonna go out?"

Capper could only give a look of uncertainty as he answered his partner in crime. "I don't have a clue. I hope it ain't."

As the two thieves sat in disturbed silence together, their ears perked as they heard a loud explosion, along with the sound of metal grinding from outside. Curious as to what caused that strange noise, Capper slowly stood from his spot, Chummer watching as he dared to take a peek outside. As the feline creature poked his head out of the open doorway, his eyes went wide as he looked up to the large ship near the city. Fire burst from various areas all around it, the underside of the vessel being engulfed in explosions as it began to descend.

As hope had returned to Capper, he looked to his friend. "Chummer, look at this!" The feline in question stood up from his spot before taking a look past Capper, seeing the now burning alien vessel as three strange ships flew over them.

As they stared at the falling warship, Capper and Chummer broke out into cheers of excitement, happy to know that this bringer of destruction had finally fallen.

-Saddle Arabia-
8:57 AM

Amira watched as the large Harvester destroyer charged it's cannon, preparing to fire as one of the Resistance fighters came towards it. Getting close to the cannon, it fired a missile before breaking away from the ship. As the missile struck the vessel, the cannon exploded in a ball of orange fire before that fire quickly spread all over the ship, the front and sides of the vessel bursting with flames as the huge ship began to descend.

Looking behind her, she saw her people cry out in excited joy as they watched the Harvester warship crash to the ground. Turning to her right, Haakim smiled with satisfaction as he spoke to his friend. "It seems we have won, my dear Amira. The Harvester threat is no more."

"Yes." The large mare replied, both of them looking to the burning wreck ahead of them as Amira continued. "Hopefully, with the mothership up there destroyed, our land is safe."

-Starlight's Village-
8:58 AM

Sugar Belle's horn glowed as she watched Night Glider, the mare flying over the city as she lured the damaged alien fighter to her friend. Taking her opportunity, she fired a powerful bolt of magic at the fighter, hitting it on it's right side as it began to spiral out of control. As the fighter crashed near the edge of the town, Sugar Belle's ears perked as she heard a loud boom from nearby. Turning around, she saw the large invading warship as it's underside exploded, the whole ship soon being engulfed in flames as Party Favor, Night Glider, and Double Diamond joined their friend.

"Did... Did we do it?" Sugar Belle asked her friends, a faint smile forming on her face as Night Glider let out a cheer.

"Yeah, we did!" As the large, burning vessel began to descend, the four friends cheered at the three incoming fighters that had arrived earlier to protect them, the alien fighters breaking away from the small town as one of the allied fighters pursued one of the attackers.

-Ponyville Ruins-
8:58 AM

Cheese Sandwich sat on his haunches in sorrow, sulking at the destroyed town of Ponyville. The poor stallion was coming to see Pinkie for a little party for a young filly here, but now... now it was just a broken ghost town, with some kind of large spaceship hovering over the mountain that had held Canterlot. Cheese wasn't sure what happened to Pinkie and her friends, they could have gone to somewhere safe before things got bad, or maybe they were indeed dead, buried underneath the rubble of the many homes of various ponies that lived here.

But there was something strange, there were no bodies to be found. Surely they were rescued somehow, or evacuated before the town was destroyed.

As Cheese pondered through his thoughts within the destroyed home of Pinkie Pie and her friends, a voice not familiar to him spoke. "I hope you are watching that ship up there, my dear friend."

As the stallion swiftly turned his head to see who it was, he was shocked to see Discord standing next to him, a bowl of popcorn in his claws as Cheese began to speak. "What happened he-"

Discord put a claw to his muzzle to shut him up before answering. "Just an FYI, your friends are safe, and that big ship up there is the cause of this disaster."

As Cheese watched the large ship hover over Canterlot, he gasped as he understood what Discord had said. Then, lifting a claw up into the air, Discord continued. "And it's about time I forced some sort of chaotic payback for what they did earlier." Snapping a finger, the dented section of the destroyer exploded, the rest of the ship soon being covered in bursts of fire as the ship began to descend.

Looking to Discord, Cheese asked Discord, "How did you do that?"

Discord looked to him with a smug expression as he replied. "Oh, while I was up there in space with your friends, I took the time to see where that destroyer's big ol' core was."

Cheese smiled with him as he continued to watch the burning ship fall to the surface, but looked back to Discord as he cleared his throat. "But, I'm behind schedule, so you're coming with me back to the Whitmore."

"The wha-" Cheese tried to ask, but was cut off as Discord snapped another figure, both of them and Cheese's travel cart disappearing from the decaying town as the Harvester destroyer in the sky burned to the ground.

-Peaks of Peril-
9:02 AM

Autumn Blaze stood ready as her large, red horn glowed blue, her and her fellow kirin looking up to the large Harvester destroyer above them as it's cannon began to charge. Above them, a Resistance fighter flew towards the cannon, firing a beam at it as the shields flickered out.

On the radio near the kirin leader, Rain Shine, the pilot gave the word. "Now!" At that moment, Autumn and the other kirin fired a collective wave of magic bolts at the cannon simultaneously, the large structure exploding as it was hit.

As Autumn watched, she let out an excited cheer as the rest of the ship caught fire, the rest of her friends joining in with her as they watched the Harvester vessel slowly descend downwards towards them. Normally, she would be running as the large ship crashed above them, but with their magic slowly lifting the ship away from the mountain, their home would survive.

Joining her fellow kirin in levitating the now slightly lighter wreck to the nearby edge of the mountain, Autumn Blaze grit her teeth as she strained herself.

As the large ship slowly hit the pointy peaks of the mountain, Autumn and her fellow kirin released their grip before wiping their heads of the heavy amounts of sweat they had produced. Watching the Harvester vessel above groan as it began to turn away, Autumn and the kirin around her cheered a victorious cry of joy as the still burning ship began to slide off of the Peaks of Peril.

-Whitmore Hangar Bay-
9:07 AM

The enormous crowd within the hangar cheered and clapped as Twilight and the remnants of Spitfire Squadron entered the area, David and Jake walking out into the room as the fighters began to descend to the floor. As Twilight's fighter touched the ground, she pressed a button as her ship's cockpit window opened, Twilight and Spike hopping out of the fighter before being greeted by Applejack and Pinkie Pie. The two hugged her and the dragon tightly, crying tears of joy as they were happy to see them alive.

Nearby, Rainbow Dash took a bite out of Pinkie's cupcake before she flew out of her fighter and onto the floor, Scootaloo racing up to her before the two embraced. As the two broke off, Rainbow and Scootaloo trotted over to Twilight and her friends, the Wonderbolt's fellow squadmates flying over to them as well as David and Jake made their way to the group.

Breaking the teary hug, Twilight looked to the two humans as her friends stood next to her. With Twilight and Rainbow's team ready for their debriefing, David spoke to them. "Good job, everyone. With that mothership down, we've got them on the run."

"We've got reports of other areas across the planet being successful in destroying most of the remaining destroyers." Jake said as Twilight and her friends smiled at the news.

As Twilight opened her mouth to speak, she stopped as Discord appeared near them, Pinkie growing an enormous grin as she saw who was accompanying him. "CHEESE!"

"PINKIE! You're alive!" Cheese cried back as the two embraced, crying joyfully as Twilight looked to Discord.

"What's the status of the Crystal Empire?" Discord gave a pleasant smirk as he answered the Princess of Friendship.

"Well, despite our casualties, I think you'll be happy to know that the Empire is safe." The group let out cheers of excitement as they took in the news.

Then, remembering something else that was there, "And Cadance and Shining Armor?"

The draconequus gave a sad look as he replied. "Unfortunately, I didn't get word about their fate before I left. I don't know."

Twilight's face fell to a sad frown as her friends comforted her, Applejack putting a hoof to Twilight's shoulder as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle trotted over.

"Don't worry, sugarcube, I'm sure they're okay." As the farmpony said that, Jake pointed past Twilight and her friends, all of them looking to the edge of the hangar to see at least three transports and several fighters entering the Whitmore. As the middle one touched the ground, the doors opened to reveal several ponies and other creatures. Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight and Rainbow's parents, the Royal Sisters, Thorax, Chrysalis, and... two faces Twilight was hoping to see since the start of this disaster.

"Cadance! Shining!" Twilight almost screamed joyfully as she galloped towards the two ponies, tears forming in her eyes as she hugged them tightly. As Shining Armor and Cadance returned the favor, the former spoke up.

"We're so glad to know you're alright, Twiley, but try to be careful with us, we're still recovering." At that last part, Twilight broke from the hug, looking nervous as she looked at the two leaders of the Crystal Empire.

Cadance let out a light laugh as she spoke to Twilight. "Yeah, it's taking some effort just trotting."

"Sorry, sorry." Twilight replied apologetically as the doors of the other transports opened, Starlight, Sunburst, Trixie, and Flash Sentry trotting out from one of them as Spike looked to Thorax, amazed by his new appearance.

"Whoa, Thorax, buddy! You look... more colorful." The young drake said with wide eyes as the changeling in question laughed a little, Chrysalis doing the same as Thorax replied.

"Yeah, some things have gotten crazy down there." The two of them then turned towards Cadance, who looked up to Chrysalis as she spoke.

"So, I'm guessing we're allies now, huh?" Chrysalis nodded as she replied.

"Indeed, and after what happened down there... I think I owe you both an apology for the wedding crash from earlier." The changeling queen then gave a genuine look of shame as she regretted not realizing how bad her past actions were.

"Well, after saving the Empire, and not to mention our lives, I think that's more than enough to prove it." Shining accepted Chrysalis' reply before playfully punching her hoof, the changeling queen smiling at the prince before they both looked to Rainbow Dash, who was chatting with Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger as they trotted forward.

"You two did a great job down there, Fluttershy too." The two Wonderbolts smiled with salutes as Fluttershy blushed at Rainbow's comment. Then, Rainbow seemed to feel unsure about herself, Soarin', Gilda, and the other Wonderbolts looked to her as she spoke. "I don't know, if I'm supposed to be the leader of the Wonderbolts now, how can I compare to Spitfire? I got two of us killed back there."

As Rainbow frowned at herself, Soarin' trotted over to his friend and leader, raising a hoof to her chin as to bring her eyes to his. "Well, if you want my thoughts on it," And as he said that, Soarin' pushed his muzzle against Rainbow's, some of the group and Resistance officers whistling and stomping hooves as the two flyers kissed. As the two pegasi broke their physical bonding, Soarin' finished with, "I think you'll fit right into that spot nicely."

Rainbow smiled at her friend, both of them letting out laughs as Flash trotted over to Twilight, the latter looking to her friends as she spoke up. "I'm so proud of you all, because of you, we've once again saved Equestria from destruction. And even better, our races have come together as one at last."

Shining raised a hoof as he replied to his sister. "Yeah, but it's not just us. If you hadn't flown into that mothership and blown it up, we'd all be dead."

Celestia smiled warmly as she trotted up behind Twilight, putting a hoof onto her back as she added, "We're all proud of you Twilight, as you are of us."

"If you want my view on it," Dylan said as he walked over to the group, all of them looking to the leader of Legacy Squadron as he continued. "We won because we stood together. As one force."

"Very true." Luna said as they all looked to Pinkie Pie, who pulled out her party cannon from seemingly nowhere as she spoke up.

"And now, I think it's time for a little celebration!" The group cheered as they agreed with the party pony, only to be silenced briefly by the Cakes.

"Now now, don't use any of those fireworks, deary. You could damage the ship!" Mrs Cake warned as Pinkie gave a small pouting face, only for it to change into one of curious confusion as Discord spoke up.

"Actually, I think I have the perfect choice for that. Captain Hiller, is that destroyer from the Crystal Empire still around?"

The captain nodded as he replied. "Yes, it just left orbit and should be nearby."

With that, Discord motioned for everyone to follow him to the edge of the hangar bay, everyone doing so as they trotted and walked towards the nearly invisible force field. As they stopped behind Discord, they could all see the last Harvester destroyer slowly flying away from the planet, but it's escape failed as Discord snapped his fingers, the ship's topside exploding as fire quickly spread all around the vessel.

The group cheered as they watched the last destroyer burn away, Pinkie firing confetti from her party cannon as the group laughed at the sudden surprise as David looked to Twilight. "Um, excuse me, Princess? I hope you don't mind, but can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Twilight replied as the Head Advisor for the Resistance asked his question.

"Seeing how well you all did back there, how would you like to join the Resistance?" The group gave approving nods to David, Twilight smiling as she answered herself.

"We wouldn't have it any other way." With that, Twilight and her friends watched the Harvester destroyer burn as it shot small specks of fire out from it, the 'fireworks' Discord was talking about now appearing for the show.

"Oh, and I almost forgot to say it but, happy Independence Day, everyone." Discord added as the group let out light cheers and whistles before continuing to watch the fire show, some of the other creatures and Resistance officers trotting and walking over to watch as well. Today was a crazy experience for Equestria, they had been broken, but out of the fires of destruction, they were reborn. As one power. Granted, it would take time and effort to rebuild, to restore what was lost. But now they would also start anew, creating new relationships and advancements with the Harvester technology that was left. And today, the day that the Harvesters had fallen, would be celebrated by the Equestrian nations for eons to come.

Today was indeed their day to fight back, today was the day that Equestria... had won.


Comments ( 7 )

Well, it was fun while it lasted *clap clap* it was wonderful that I came across this good story.

To be honest, I didn't want to leave it alone either. XD

Interesting, but enjoyable

Very enjoyable story, great work! Added to favorites now.

Hopefully, there’s a sequel that involves the creatures of Equus recovering from their fight against the aliens

I loved it all. Even if they don't make a third movie, this is the closest thing to ever being a sequel. I hope you make a sequel to this great story, my friend. If I had five pairs of hands, ten thumbs up.

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