-Resistance Fleet-
4:06 PM
Twilight sat in her seat next to her friends as the light from the windows faded away, the stars being the only natural source of light as the Noah 7 transport exited the atmosphere. As the change in lighting occurred, some of the rescued ponies from Canterlot looked up in curiosity as they wondered where their sunlight went. One filly even began to tear up before her older brother comforted her, the small pony hugging the colt in fear as the ship flew higher into space.
Standing up, Twilight trotted over to the cockpit, her friends doing the same as they went to see what the Resistance starship looked like. On the radio, Rainbow Dash spoke up as she and Noah 7 came closer to the ship. "Wow... You guys all seeing this?" Rainbow said to her friends, looking down to her radio for a moment as she didn't expect a reply.
"Yeah... she's an interestin' one." Applejack replied to her friend in the captured attacker as the two ships came closer to the Resistance command ship. The vessel looked like one of the city destroyers from the first attack, but upon closer examination, Twilight could see some slight differences on it. The hanger lights were a bluish-white color, and around the bulky ring section were several turrets, all of them sharing a blue glow as they faced another object, one that Twilight recognized. The Harvester mothership was hovering near the moon, as still as a statue as a few fighters engaged the defending ships around the Resistance destroyer.
Around the flagship were several other starships, most of them bearing a different design as Twilight examined them. One seemed to be a dagger shape, a ring around the pointy sides of the vessel, as well as boasting a set of four large mandibles around the ring. Another ship bore green, seemingly translucent armor, an odd purple glow emitting from the back of the vessel. A third ship had an organic look to it, it had several holes around it's... breathing armor, and Twilight could see several small objects flying in and out from various holes, most likely fighters. The fourth ship was a puzzling one, what was supposed to be one ship was made out of several hexagonal pods, some of them breaking off to assist the defending fighters against the Harvester mothership.
"They call her the Whitmore," Noah 7's pilot began. "After the War of 2016, we managed to reactivate the last intact destroyer that sat in Umbutu, an area on the African continent on planet Earth. After some help from our alien allies, we gave the ship some additional gear and equipment to help her serve our cause."
Twilight stared at the vessel as she took in the information, her friends giving impressed looks as the pilot tapped a button on the controls, the radio activating as the pilot spoke. "Command, this is Noah 7, our mission was a success and we are requesting permission to land."
As the transport came closer to the hangar, the officer on the other replied. "Permission granted, Noah 7. Welcome home." The radio went silent as the Noah 7 passed through the bluish white force field, the other side being a massive hangar reminiscent of the destroyer back at the desert. Unlike that one, however, the area was crowded with ponies, transports, and several Resistance fighters, some of them having taken damage as Twilight's transport began to descend to the floor of the hangar.
As the ship's landing gear touched the ground, the side doors opened as the passengers stepped out. Twilight heard a few of the ponies onboard the Whitmore cry out over the alien ship, but became quiet as they saw who was flying the fighter.
As Rainbow Dash's fighter lowered to the floor, she scanned the area, trying to find Scootaloo or any other ponies she knew. As she nearly finished looking, she saw two ponies, her parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, both of them looking anxiously at her ship as it touched the ground.
Twilight searched the area as well, spotting no one at first until she heard a familiar voice. "Twilight, dearie!" Turning to her right, her parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light galloped over to her, Twilight growing a thankful grin as she did the same, the three ponies holding each other tightly in an embrace.
Rainbow followed suite as she flew to her parents. "Mom! Dad!" She called out, the couple crying out joyfully as their daughter hugged them tightly, not letting go for a good long minute until Dash spoke up. "I wasn't sure if you two made it after that attack!"
"We feared the same, sweetie!" Windy whimpered to her daughter as Bow Hothoof put a hoof to Rainbow's shoulder before adding his own comment.
"We're glad you and your friends made it, honey!" As the family stood together, Rainbow looked to Twilight, watching her interact with her own family.
"They've destroyed our home, Twilight!" Twilight Velvet cried into her daughter's chest, Night Light wiping his eyes as he spoke to his daughter.
"What happened to Shining Armor?" Twilight's eyes widened as she remembered the Crystal Empire.
Uncertain about their fate, Twilight simply said, "I don't know, they haven't sent another letter yet."
Rarity looked around the area as she stepped out of the transport, not spotting her sister or any other familiar faces before one voice called out. "Rarity!"
The fashionista's face became one of thankful glee upon seeing her friend from Manehattan. "Coco!"
The two mares raced towards each other before holding each other in a tight embrace, Coco tearing up as she spoke to Rarity. "They destroyed Manehattan, Rarity!"
"And Canterlot!" The elegant mare replied as the two released themselves from the hug, Coco wiping her eyes as the two looked to Twilight and Rainbow's families. "Come with me, we've got a lot to talk about."
As Rainbow's family and the others joined the Twilight, a human walked towards them all. As Twilight looked to him, she examined his appearance. He had a set of fuzzy brown hair, blue eyes, and a faint beard on his face.
"Good to see you all here," The officer said, looking down to Twilight as he continued. "I'm Captain Jake Morrison, we've got plenty of room for your people."
Twilight nodded to Jake as she introduced herself. "I'm Princess Twilight, these are my friends, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash." The princess pointed a hoof to each of her friends respectively, Rainbow's parents giving proud smiles as Twilight introduced their daughter.
"Pleasure to meet you." Jake said with a smile on his face as he looked a Rainbow for a moment, then to the alien fighter she flew. "You managed to snag one of those things from them?" The human asked the pegasus with a curious smirk on his face.
"You bet, and I think I'm gonna keep her, she's a fun one to fly." Rainbow and Jake shared a laugh as the latter replied.
"Skilled and daring, that's good, we need more like you." Dash smiled at those words, Applejack raising a hoof to ask a question.
"There's somethin' I wanna ask ya about." Jake nodded in approval as the farmpony asked the officer, "What happened to Ponyville?"
Rarity, Fluttershy and the others' eyes went wide as they remembered what Dakwa had said, Jake motioning for them to follow him as he replied. "You mean those smaller populations?" The girls nodded as they stopped at a nearby console, Celestia and Luna trotting out of the ship as Jake tapped the console's screen. After a moment, a section on the top of the console opened up as it shined a holographic image in front of them. What the group saw horrified them, the image was of Ponyville... or what was left of it. Town Hall was nothing but a pile of burning rubble, same with the houses, many of them still on fire and having collapsed to the ground.
Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stood frozen as they took in the picture. Ponyville was destroyed, everyone either dead or having left via train or flight in the case of a pegasus. Fluttershy began to cry as Applejack's legs quivered, the mare almost falling to her knees had it not been for Soarin, who had trotted over from the Noah 7 as they walked with Jake.
"...Sc-... Scootaloo." Rainbow whispered under her breath, tears filling her eyes as she remembered the little filly who had looked up to her ever since she started living in Ponyville.
Jake looked to them mournfully. "..I'm sorry, we couldn't get the-" He was cut off as several troops began crying out at something, the officer and the group of ponies turning to see a strange creature, which was holding it's hand and claw up as it tried to broker peace with the soldiers.
"At ease, everyone!" Celestia called out to the Resistance warriors, all of them standing back and she, Luna and Twilight's group trotted over to the familiar draconequus.
"Discord!" Fluttershy called out to him, the tall being smiling down at her as he replied back.
"Fluttershy, it's good to see you're alright! I was so worried about you all!" Though there was a hint of sarcasm, as if he knew they were fine, his expression was warming.
Jake walked over to the group, pointing a finger at the draconequus before asking, "Who's your friend here?"
"And why is there a huge curtain behind you?" Rainbow asked as the group all saw the gray curtain that was hovering anomalously behind Discord.
"Ah yes, about that. You see, during this whole Harvester invasion, I was getting something for you all," Discord cleared his throat as he corrected himself. "Scratch that, make that a lot of things." At those words, Discord pulled down the curtain, the surprise behind it bringing a tearful, yet thankful smile from Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.
Behind Discord were loads of ponies and other various creatures, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, the Apple Family, and even Fluttershy's animals.
"SIS!" Apple Bloom cried out excitedly, Applejack racing towards her, Big Mac, and Granny Smith before hugging her siblings tightly, Rarity and Rainbow doing the same as Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo raced to them. The mares and fillies cried and cheered together, happy to know that their family was safe.
"Angel!" Fluttershy called out to her pet bunny, who jumped up excitedly as his owner hugged him with tear-filled eyes. The other animals gathered around them both, comforting the shy pegasus as she cried joyfully.
Around the group, ponies and Resistance officers clapped and cheered, celebrating the massive amount of life saved. Soarin's eyes perked up as he saw a familiar face amongst the crowd. "F-Fleetfoot?!"
The bruised and bandaged pegasus gave a smirk as her teammate wrapped his hooves around her, but stopping as he heard a grunt from Fleetfoot. Giving a look of worry as the Wonderbolt answered his concern. "I'm down... but not out." As she said that, she pointed a hoof at one of her wings, which was bandaged up. It took a moment, but Soarin' looked to his friend in dismay as it hit him. Fleetfoot's wings were broken, and from the looks of it, probably irreparably. He looked down for a moment as he took in the fact that Fleetfoot would never fly again, but his smile returned as he was glad that she was still alive.
Twilight wiped her eyes as she smiled at the uplifting sight, her family and Rainbow's doing the same as they enjoyed this joyous moment in this time of terror...
-Whitmore Medical Bay-
8:15 PM
Rainbow Dash took a deep breath to keep her composure as she, Soarin', and Scootaloo trotted through the doors of the medical center, the surviving Wonderbolts and an older mare sitting near Spitfire. The mare was resting on her bed, the highly advanced monitoring equipment beeping as to keep track of her heartbeat. Near Spitfire's bed, a human doctor walked towards the three pegasi, a somber expression on his face as Soarin' spoke to him. "What's her status, Doc?"
Looking to the incapacitated Wonderbolt behind him, the man spoke. "We've tried everything, Sir... but due to her injuries and the delay in medical assistance in your mission, her wounds have begun to affect her to a fatal degree." The three ponies' eyes were wide at the news. "..There's nothing I can do."
Rainbow Dash's mouth dropped as she looked to Spitfire, who slowly opened her eyes as the other Wonderbolts attentively looked to her.
"..I'll leave you to say your goodbyes." The doctor said as he made his way out of Spitfire's room, Rainbow's parents trotting inside as the three ponies sat near the dying mare.
Breathing lightly, Spitfire spoke to her fellow flyers and mother. "...I'm glad you all are okay... I heard we lost a few of our flyers back there." The Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash all looked to the yellow mare, who cringed slightly as her pain began to take hold.
"We wouldn't have wasted a second for you." Rainbow Dash said to her leader, her building emotions beginning to affect her voice as she braced for the coming moment.
"And there's still more ponies we've saved." High Winds said to Spitfire, the mare holding her smile as she replied to her teammate's comment.
"And a lot more down there waiting for help, too." The captain grunted again as she felt another surge of pain in her back, her body feeling numb as she looked to Rainbow. "...Rainbow Dash?"
Rainbow replied through teary eyes as she listened. "Yeah, Ma'am?"
"As my final act as Wonderbolt Captain... I'm placing you in charge of the Wonderbolts." The mare in question let out a silent gasp as she took in this final order, the other Wonderbolts and her parents looking to her as Spitfire continued. "You're our best flyer, and... you know what it means to be a Wonderbolt better than any of us... And right now, our people need you to help them." Feeling another surge of pain in her back, Spitfire said her last words. "Please... don't fail them."
Rainbow's tears fell freely down her cheeks as she replied. "..I won't..." Then, raising a wing to salute the captain one last time, she finished. "I won't."
Spitfire smiled at her friend one last time, confident in the new Captain of the Wonderbolts before she shut her eyes, her monitor beeping a few more times before it beeped consistently, indicating Spitfire's passing.
As the monitor droned on within the room, Rainbow hugged Soarin' tightly, her emotions getting the best of her as she cried. Scootaloo joined in too, crying with her as the rainbow maned pegasus' parents soon joined in their mourning of the fallen captain...
-...The Next Day...-
7:02 AM
Twilight yawned as she woke up from her bed, wiping her eyes as she looked over to Spike. "Spike?"
The little dragon followed Twilight's actions as he woke up as well, the much needed rest proving to be helpful as Twilight began to look around the room. Standing on her hooves, she trotted over to check the nearby wall panel, the blue screen displaying the date in what Twilight heard was Earth's time. "JULY 4, 2036"
"What time is it?" Spike asked his friend as he opened up the complimentary fridge within the room, trying to find something to eat as Twilight answered.
"It's about seven in the morning." Twilight made her way to the fridge as Spike picked out an apple from the fridge, Twilight also picking up one as she closed it.
As Spike took a bite out of the apple, he looked up to his friend. "Twilight?"
"Yeah, Spike?" Twilight replied as the young dragon spoke to her.
"Do you think we'll be able to save Equestria? I mean, those ships destroyed our home, Twilight, and from the looks of it, they've taken Ponyville from us."
Twilight shared the drained expression Spike had, but then put a hoof on his back as she answered him."I'm sure we'll find away, with these Resistance guys, they should be able to help us."
Spike smiled at his friend's comforting words as the two bit into their apples, savoring every chew before swallowing them. As they finished, an chime sounded within the room, a male voice speaking up. Attention, briefing will begin in five minutes, all personnel and guests to the lobby."
With that, Twilight motioned for Spike to hop on as he did so, the two then exiting the room through the door as they ran into three hippogriffs. One had a light magenta coat and light blue hair, the second one next to her had a white coat with a faint green tint, and cyan hair. The last one was the tallest one, bearing a yellow coat and purple hair. All of them smiled at her as the tall one spoke to her. "Hello, you're Princess Twilight, right? From the rescue mission?"
"The same." Twilight answered the Hippogriff mother continued.
"My name is Ocean Flow, these are my children, Silverstream and Terramar."
As Ocean Flow was introducing her offspring, Silverstream raised a claw as she asked the Princess of Friendship, "We've been looking for our dad, Sky Beak. We haven't seen him since he left for that patrol mission."
Twilight's face became one of apologetic sorrow upon hearing the late hippogriff's name, the family looking worried as she answered them. "I... I'm sorry, but when we were evacuating the prisoners, he decided to stay behind to cover us..." The young hippogriffs grew teary-eyed hearing the news, Terramar hugging her sobbing sister as Twilight finished. "...I'm so sorry."
"It's alright," Terramar replied, his sister wiping her eyes before looking to her. "It's not your fault."
Twilight shared the sorrowful expressions with the family, Spike looking past her to see a familiar, yet not so welcome face.
"Uh, Twilight?" The dragon said as the mare in question looked to where Spike was looking at, sharing the shock Spike had as they watched Queen Chrysalis come closer to them.
As she started to pass the group, the changeling queen stopped as she recognized the pony and dragon from Canterlot. "Well, if it isn't the savior of Canterlot herself."
"Yeah..." Twilight said to Chrysalis as the two looked down at each other, the latter breaking the brief-yet intense silence as the hippogriffs watched the two talk.
"I must say, it is a rare occasion that I don't find your prescence... annoying." Chrysalis said calmly as Twilight replied.
"Yeah, what brings you here?" It took Twilight some effort to hold back her rude tone, but she did.
"Like many of your cities, those Harvesters destroyed our hive." Chrysalis replied as Ocean Flow added her bit to the altercation.
"And Mount Aris." The two rivals looked to the hippogriff for a moment before Chrysalis replied.
"Yes, that place as well." Looking back to Twilight, she continued. "And seeing as we're all in danger here, Princess, I believe it would be wise to not fight about our pasts. We wouldn't want to be rude guests here, now would we?"
Twilight took a breath before looking back to Chrysalis, agreeing with the queen for what must've been the first time as she replied. "Yes, you're right." She then looked down to the hallway, several other creatures walking down it before finishing. "And frankly, we can't afford to at this point."
With that, the group began trotting along with the other various creatures from Equestria, all of them reaching a before Twilight and her companions stepped through.
The walk was long, but after a good four minutes of hallways they finally reached the door, Twilight and Spike passing through it as it opened. Upon stepping into the lobby, she saw a large audience of ponies, changelings, dragons, and countless others, among them were her friends, standing with several other familiar friends in the audience. As Rainbow Dash took a look back, she saw Twilight and her friends entering the room, she waved at them before Twilight saw them, returning the gesture before she continued scanning the room.
At the other end of the room was a large window, giving a full view of Equus as it slowly rotated around on it's invisible axis. Underneath it was a stage, several Resistance officers standing at the edge as they awaited the start of the briefing. At the center of the stage was a pole, holding a small microphone within it's handle. Above the stage were two large monitors, each depicting an image of a various location in Equestria. One was of Saddle Arabia, one of the delegates standing in the middle of the image, another of what looked like the inside of the Crystal Palace, Twilight recognizing the royal guard, Flash Sentry, representing the Empire. The sight made Twilight's hope fade slightly, where were Cadance and Shining Armor?
As Twilight and Chrysalis split up to go to their respective places, Spike cried out as she saw another familiar friend. "Ember!"
The tall, blue dragoness turned as she heard her friend call out to her, smiling as she saw the small dragon hop to the floor and run to her. "Spike! You made it!"
As Twilight trotted over to the two dragons with Ocean Flow's family in tow, Spike spoke to Ember. "What happened down there?"
"Well, as I've figured out, one of those alien ships arrived and attacked the Dragon Lands with their cannon underneath, then they sent fighters to try and finish us off!" Ember then looked to the other side of the room, smiling at the sight of the Resistance officers nearby. "Thankfully, they helped us get out of there before things got real bad."
Twilight and Spike smiled at the news, the former looking past Ember to see other dragons next to her, Garble and his friends, as well as another orange dragon with purple spines that she didn't recognize.
Looking around once more, Twilight saw Princesses Celestia and Luna standing near the other race leaders, recognizing Prince Rutherford of the Yaks, as well as two more hippogriffs she didn't know the names of.
The royal sisters looked to see her too, both waving to her as Twilight looked to Ember and Spike before speaking. "I hate to leave you two, but I think I'm needed somewhere." The two dragons nodded to her as she took flight, flying over the audience before landing near the princesses.
"You're finally here, Twilight. Good, the proceedings are about to commence." As Twilight got into position with the other princesses, another chime sounded, Celestia and Luna trotting up the steps to the stage near them as Twilight followed them. As they came onto the stage, Captains Hiller, Morrison, a white, levitating sphere and another Resistance human met them from the right.
As they got stopped in front of the onlooking crowd, Dylan grabbed the microphone from it's stand before speaking into it. "Good morning, everyone. Thank you for attending this meeting. My name is Captain Hiller of Legacy Squadron." The human's voice sounded throughout the room thanks to the speakers built into the walls of the room. "As many of you are aware, an alien force has attacked your world, several cities having been destroyed by the large vessels sent from the mothership nearby. Many of you are concerned as to who and what they are, and that is what we are here to explain." Motioning to the human newcomer, he spoke into the mic once more before handing it to him. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Head Advisor and former satellite technician, Mr. David Levinson."
Several members of the audience clapped as David took hold of the microphone before continuing the briefing. "Thank you, Captain Hiller. Now, about this invasion, we call those aliens the Harvesters, and they've plagued many other worlds before yours, one such case was our homeworld of Earth forty years ago. Now, I know it's a bit rough to put a history lesson into here, but I'll try to be short with it." As he said that, David pulled out a remote before pressing a button on it. Shortly after, blue lights emitted from the edges of the window before the image of Equus shifted to show an image of a large, white building, above it was one of the destroyers, firing a beam down to it as David explained.
"In July of 1996, one of their motherships arrived in orbit and sent several city destroyers to the surface of Earth. Because I was able to figure out that they were using our satellites to coordinate their attack, we attempted an evacuation. Unfortunately, the call came too late and the destroyers reduced over a hundred of our major cities to rubble. At least three billion lives were lost in the span of two days."
The crowd gasped in shock as Twilight watched an image of another large building, similar to the Manehattan State Building, exploding in an enormous fiery blast as the destroyer's energy pulse struck it. "At first, we thought we were done for, but on July 4, thanks to a virus that I gave one of the Harvester fighters, we pushed them back. This day, or Independence Day as we usually called it, would be a day the whole world would remember. The day when we resisted and won against the invading alien force." The crowd watched in astonishment as the image shifted again to show the burning wreckage of a city destroyer, several humans in the footage cheering as the vessel burned to the ground.
"Twenty years later, in 2016, they returned to Earth, this time bringing a larger ship carrying their queen." The image changed to show a gargantuan Harvester ship, many audience members watching in horror as the ship covered almost two continents on Earth. "During the conflict, we had help from another alien species. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to... the Sphere." The crowd of creatures looked at the robotic alien in awe as it began to speak into David's microphone.
Thank you, Mr. Levinson. Like so many other species, my kind was harassed by the Harvesters. In fact, I am the last of my people, carrying all of our history and information about us." Some of the crowd gasped in shock as they took in the Sphere's news. "The humans attacked my vessel at first, believing me to be one of the Harvester vessels, but after witnessing them fight the invaders, and after defeating the queen, I personally elected them to be the leaders of the Resistance."
Many in the crowd looked on in awe as the screen shifted once more to show the large Harvester queen falling to the ground, the sphere released from it's large claws shortly after. As the Sphere motioned for David to continue speaking, the image shifted back to the planet of Equus. "Ever since, we've gathered up several other alien races and fought the Harvesters for the past twenty years... and as of right now, we want to help you with fighting them. At the moment, we've manage to save a few settlements, one of them being a city many call the Crystal Empire."
The Saddle Arabian mare spoke up, I am Amira, I speak for the ponies of Saddle Arabia. We've been holding our ground, but they have slowly begun to take our land."
"What about the Crystal Empire?" Luna asked as Flash spoke, the stallion's face full of sorrow as his voice sounded through the speakers.
"We were saved, your Highness but... at a cost." The crowd gasped as Twilight listened fearfully to Flash explained the situation. "Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance have been in the medical ward since the first attack... and in critical condition."
One pony near the front of the crowd raised a hoof to speak up, a pleading look on his face as he asked, "Please, can you get the rest of our people off the planet before they attack again?"
"Why not fight back?" Rainbow Dash retorted to the pony, another mare stepping out before continuing the argument.
"We have no spaceships, we can't fight their attack ships!" A hippogriff flew into the air as he tried to argue against that claim.
"We have the pegasi! They can work with us to fight them!"
Another pony called out, "Are you crazy?! Did you see what happened to the Wonderbolts?! This is a hopeless plan of yours, hippogriff!"
"They have powerful shields! How do we get through that?!" A dragon exclaimed as he defended the former argument.
"We're only alive because the Resistance helped us! We don't stand a chance without them!" A changeling cried out as he took flight.
The crowd eventually devolved into mindless bickering, the lost hope present in almost all of their voices. Twilight looked to the royal sisters, both of them looking to her as a sense of determined bravery entered her heart. She knew they could win, and she was tired of seeing Equestria cower before their new enemy. They needed motivation, they needed a moral boost.
Grabbing the mic from Levinson in her magic, she yelled into it. "NO!"
The crowd jumped into silence, Twilight's friends, Chrysalis, Tempest, and every other creature in the room ceased in their fussing. Having the room's attention, Twilight continued. "Do you all really believe that we can't resist? Equestria has seen many storms in it's time, and survived them. And while the Harvesters are strong, they aren't invincible! Humanity fought them twice before, and if they can withstand them, then so can we!"
The crowd watched as the Princess of Friendship looked up to Flash's monitor, faint tears forming in her eyes as she kept on. "Right now, my brother and sister in law are down there, badly hurt and probably dead after the first assault from yesterday. But thanks to their efforts, so many lives were saved, and that won't be the case for long if we just stand by and watch our land burn away, and I'm not about to do that!"
The crowd seemed to gain hope as Twilight continued, her tears of anger flowing freely as she continued. "I'm asking you, all of you, not as a princess, but as a friend. I ask you to take a stand, to put aside our past grudges and join together as one! To show those invaders what it means to challenge the creatures of Equestria!"
Turning towards the window, Twilight looked to the world of Equus as she continued. "Today is the day we fight back! Today..." Then, turning back to the now determined crowd, Twilight finished her speech. "..is OUR Independence Day!"
At those final words, the crowd cheered and applauded, some of the hippogriffs and pegasi on the ground taking to the air to let out an excited cry into the air as Twilight looked to them, a smile forming on her face as she watched the races of Equestria stand as one. Rainbow Dash, Soarin' and the other Wonderbolts took to the air as well, both raising hooves to the air as they let out a cry of excitement. Twilight's friends cheered as well, Applejack letting out a whistle as Twilight and Rainbow's parents cheered on the Princess of Friendship.
Celestia wiped her teary eyes as she watched her former student, Luna applauding the speech as Twilight levitated the mic back to Levinson, who gave an impressed look to her as he took the mic, Twilight jumping down to the crowd before speaking up once more. "Let's saddle up, everyone! We've got a fight to win!"
"Yes Ma'am!" One stallion said with a salute as the crowd began to disperse, heading out of the lobby to prepare for their final fight against the Harvesters.
As the room was nearly emptied, Twilight was surrounded by her friends, Chrysalis, Novo, Tempest, and several others joining the group as Rainbow spoke up. "That. Was. Awesome!"
"Yeah, you really sparked a fire in us." Applejack said with a smile as Hiller and Levinson walked over to the group.
"And now we're ready to end this once and for all." Celestia said as she flew into the air, her sister doing the same as the two landed.
As Chrysalis trotted over to Twilight, the mare and her friends looked up to her as she spoke. "You know? I take back the rude things I said about you, my army has been motivated thanks to you, Princess."
"Good, cause we'll need that motivation when we fight the Harvesters." Twilight replied as she looked to her friends, all of them smiling to her as she finished the discussion. "Come on, let's form a battle plan."
"I'll take you all to the command center." Hiller added, and with that, the group began to make their way out of the near empty lobby, Levinson walking up to Hiller as he spoke to him briefly.
"I think I'm starting to like this girl."
Look like the war for Equus is about to heat up, RD manages to acquire a harvester fighter it seems, someone needs to teach RD on how to pilot that thing effectively and no heroism act during engagements.
by the look of this description the first ship is a human-inspired ship, the second ship belongs to that green alien species, the third ship maybe belongs to the sphere and the last one I have no idea but I guess is a support ship made by all of them?.
The debriefing scene I have an inkling suspicion that Hiller, Morrison, Dr. And the sphere let the native argumed just to see who shall bring unity among them, and it works.
I blame Levison for giving twilight that idea
One of my favorite action stories
Okay, so the Humans arrived in time to save nearly everypony around along with the other races too, quick question though, what happened to the Equestria Girls Mirror Portal, did Twilight or Discord grab it and bring it with?
It doesn't say, but I'm sure that Discord could create a working replica if they didn't
I'm liking this very much. Deserves more attention than it has :P
Okay, so Discord can use his chaos magic to teleport most of the Ponyville population to the ship, but why can't he use chaos magic to Thanos Snapped the Harvesters and their ships all over the world to dust?