“Heart skipped a beat./And when I caught it you were out of reach.” – The xx, ‘Heart Skipped A Beat’
A colt working on the farm seemed to have caught Applejack's eye. She noticed how he's a strong worker, despite things not always going in his favor and how he keeps screwing up. Now, if only she could remember his name.
Image created by DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt.
Isn't that Caramel? Isn't he related to the apple family?
1086741 Yes, it's Caramel, and no he's not. Granted, it depends on who you ask, but not in this one.
1086759 Oh, okay then. His last name being "Apple" is confusing sometimes.
1086768 Acutally, Caramel Apple is an entirely different pony.
Caramel: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Caramel
Caramel Apple: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_ponies#Caramel_Apple
1086785 Oh. Well. Would you look at that.
1086834 Though I won't lie, in one of my future fics, I'm having it that Caramel is related. That's the beauty of fan-speculation.
ಠ_ಠ I am very intrigued.
Good starter.
Just asking did you base this off anything? like a comic, other?
1087757 This was not based off anything other than my own story structure of it, why do you ask?
Oh, its just I have looked at a lot of comics and stories on Deviant-art, and it bases caramel being best friends with Apple Jack in Manehattan as they drift from Apple Jack moving and Caramel finding her, that Apple Jack has forgotten him therefore linking to your story.
Great work on the story by the way.

1087789 Oh, well, I would be lying if I said that story didn't help inspire this. DespisedAndBeloved and Caramelmlp are my friends on dA and I got ideas from them before I started writing it (October of last year)
Well that's where I got the thought from then heh
1087816 In fact, DespisedAndBeloved (the one who does the Caramel comic) drew the image for me. (We jokingly call it the film poster)
ಠ_ಠ I can see the resemblance
DAAAAH! epic build up is epic!
Every time the characters take a step forward (e.g. when he confesses, the she confesses, then a little talk, etc.), I can't help but think "well played
" You have a good way to make characters interact, and I really enjoy your stories for that 
Interesting. Good work.