• Member Since 19th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Jul 16th, 2023


Voracious reader and writer but living with severe depression. Please treat unexpected hiatuses gently.


Please be advised, I don't consider this a good example of my work, but I'm leaving it up because I wrote it for a contest, i.e. for someone else.

Discord tells Twilight a story about an old enemy of Equestria, and how she was defeated the first time.

Written for Super Trampoline's Fimfiction Feghoot Festival.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 8 )

I'm sorry, I know there's a joke, but I don't get it

Oh, wow, that a stretch to put elastic to shame. I'm honestly impressed.

The YouTube link's there for a reason. Goodness knows I wouldn't have gotten it without looking.

I did hope more people might get it because it was used for an episode title ("Make New Friends But Keep Discord") but honestly I had fun writing something this ridiculous, even if it doesn't win anything.

Discord looked appalled and hurt. It said something that Twilight wasn't sure if he was genuinely wounded or just messing with her. "Why, Princess! I am shocked, shocked, that you would think such a thing of me. Why I ever do something like that?"

I think that last sentence was supposed to be "Would I ever do something like that?"

Dang! I didn't get the punchline until I hit the link. :facehoof:

Aha! Sadly that's a piece of cultural knowledge that I don't think has made it into England, so I didn't have any chance of getting the reference unaided. But I'm grateful now that I understand what that episode title was a reference to! :twilightsmile:

Nonetheless, congratulations on an impressively contrived setup for a feghoot. Best of luck in the contest! :pinkiesmile:

Author Interviewer

Weirdly, the feghoot was almost a non-entity; this was plenty funny on its own. :D

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