• Member Since 17th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday


The Spice must flow.


Scootaloo is failing school, and her life has been turned upside down. Compromising pictures she took of herself in a very vulnerable state were stolen from her bag, revealing a secret she's kept hidden from the world. Pictures no one was meant to see other than the young mare she cares for the most. When it's revealed that an old friend wants to help her, Scootaloo doesn't know what to think or feel.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

10/10 Story. Absolutely eloquently written, looking forward to the next part!

It's nice and gripping. I can't wait to read more :raritystarry:

Cute and interesting at the same time
I saw keep an eye on this

Not the subject matter I was expecting, I must admit. Though it became pretty obvious pretty quickly. I won't be reading the rest. It seems pretty obvious where it's heading and it's really is not for me. But I did finish this chapter. That says something, every other story about this subject I encountered I avoided as soon as I discovered what it was about.

It's food for thought though, what would I do if I had a close friend who had something like this accidentally revealed about themselves? So kudos for that.


Thanks for finishing the chapter. I'm glad it gave you something to think about! I respect your decision to not read further, and I hope you find an interest in my future work not on this subject :)

cute story, I doubt it'll be continued but it would be nice to see where it'll go, but meh

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