• Member Since 12th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen January 5th


Ponyville Botanist by day. Wholesome vore writer by night.

Comments ( 9 )

Lovely! Patches sounds like a looooot of fun :twilightsmile:

If you like plush ponies without the sex, give this a read.


You just got a new follower. Congrats.

Just further proves my theory that Withania is boneless. Nice story by the way.

Hum, this was a fun read, I hope you will have more plush ponies vore stories in line I would love to see one and would be willing to help out with a cover maybe.


Omigosh, that was absolutely adorable and hit every happy button I have! >u< Fat plushie mares are soooo gooooood~

“Oh! You’re here! Come in, come in!” she said in a squeaky voice, vanishing behind the door as she pulled it open. Withania stepped in warily - she hadn’t seen much of her client, but that charcoal grey was familiar, and quite akin to Chrysalis’ changelings. But this was a new era, there were so many new creatures finding a home in Ponyville now that nothing would surprise her.

who can even argue to this so many timelines so many stores gose throughtgis town

Gives plush story a big hug

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