• Member Since 20th Sep, 2016
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Comments ( 138 )

Is this a fusion dic, or siamese containment?

this is really good so far will be following along

they will be fused together

Yeah, ever since they introduced it in Steven universe, I've seen a lot of fusion artwork not just from mlp but other media as well.

Shit, I meant siamese. Sometimes I just view them as the same thing...
I havr never seen an episode of Steven Universe

A siamese Sunset and Sci-Twi. I honestly look forward to that. I'm guessingnrgeir conjoinment will give them some type of powers, or enhanced abilities, or...

Maybe? I mean, atm, Sci-Twi is pre-Friendship Games, so she doesnt know about magic

Wait if she hasn't even met Sunset, then how the heck do they get conjoined together?

Im working on chapter two right now. But there is a reason Shining Armor was the cop that was put as the cop to locate Sunset

your welcome and looking forward to the next chapter.:twilightsmile:

So how exactly is this surgery going to save Sunset?:trixieshiftright:

Not gonna lie, was a little on the fence about this story. But you've got me interested in this. So I'll be looking forward to seeing what else comes out of this.

Her organs are failing, and her left side is completly shut down, so she will have to rely on Twilights to stay alive

Well Im glad I am able to hold your interest

Ok I get it now thanks.

I like how this is going so far, i just wonder; does the operation mean Sunset is going to share her body by either having 2 minds in Twi's body, 2 heads on Twi's body, or are they gonna mix the bodies together or somewhere along those lines? ( not the brightest person around, if there was some clear info what's going on, just saying.) otherwise, love the story.

Their body will be split down the middle, everything on the right will be Sunsets, and the left will be Twilights, and they will have both of their heads on their body

Comment posted by CosmosGalen deleted Apr 12th, 2019

that... thats real nice...

Huh weird
this is fascinating

Comment posted by CosmosGalen deleted Apr 12th, 2019

if you dont like it, dont read it. simple as that.

Wow this....this just went from crazy (in a good way) to fucking intense!! Let’s keep those chapters rolling!

Thank you ^^ I have started Chapter 3, but Ive been distracting myself with some art. Ill try and get back to it tomorrow

You are no acceptation.

I think the word you wanted here is exception.

nice work. looking forward to the next one.:twilightsmile:

There, should be fixed now

yeah that part took a bit of a rework but Im glad you like the new ending ^^

I have yet to see a decent experimental operation fan fictions. They usually are some villain does it because of revenge, or it looks like it work only to have the body to be found dead. It never ends good and these are always rushed. So I’m highly critical of these stories but since it has a fair rating I’m giving it a chance

well I hope to keep it on the good side for you and everyone. Im always up for suggestions on how to improve my stories even though i just do this for fun and dont take my writing super serious unlike my art or videos. So heres hoping youll like chapter 4 whenever I decide to work on it

The other flaw is they they start and then don’t update for 2-7 years. That’s why I don’t upload anything less I have 65% of the story done or more

worst Ive done is not update a story for a year due to my rl interfering. And I was planning on writing this story fully before releasing it, but I got impatient and uploaded it. Im planning to do that with my next set of stories once i finish everything else I have going. I just get distracted from typing easily and end up getting buried in other projects that it gets to the point I sometimes cant write for months...

One question will Sunset be able to cross the portal now she’s attached to another person?

Here is the list of the common flaws for these stories which make them the hardest two write:

1 rushing.
2 not telling from both prepectives( most just do one and then who cares about the other they are one so only one matters. But they never ever use both which they should because each of them have their own strength, flaws and personality quirks) ( if you can manage the same chapter twice like one from sunset and the other from Twilight and keep doing it that’s a way to keep my interest because it has NEVER been DONE)

3 raw emotions. Most don’t let the story go in deep with raw emotions

4 massive time skips. Basically as it says. Like the story goes Cause, Accident, surgery aftermath skip 4 months anger, skip years. Completely fine skip death.

0. Yeah, Sunset can still go through the portal. I was considering having her show Twilight who she really is once they both show signs of magic and Twilight notices Sunset isnt freaking out as badly as she is.
1. well I guess you can say Im obviously not rushing right now.
2. well since I joined Sunset and Twilight together I cant do the "write the chapter twice from both perspectives" as itd be about 900% the same, but I can at least try and show off how they both feel about things, while maybe typing the same chapter from another characters perspective?
3. Ill admit Im not the greatest at Raw emotion, but I can give it a whirl.
4. if for SOME REASON I do a time skip, it will be cause Second Chance, the story, has been finished, and I want to do a sequel.(which I do, but I want to get this done first before even considering it.

Well the best start I have seen in a conjoined fic is that the author remembers that although their body is one but they have two different personalities.

Sunset and Sci-Twilight clash a lot.

Sunset Shimmer is a lot more active and driven to prove herself while Twilight is more medthatical and rashinal and sometime irrashinal and unrashinal.

So you can basically have two chapters about a fight and have two different openions.

Like sunset wants twilight to leave magic alone but isn’t telling her everything. And Twilight knows this energy is special and won’t give up on studying it and an accident happens and they both blame each other. Or if chapters are too much have the chapter flip from one point of view to another and just keep it going for a bit. You already missed a good opportunity to do it. Rainbow and sunset confrontation after the surgery.

Here is how I would have ended the chapter:

Sunset cry’s in her sister arm.

Twilight POV

I think you should go, Twilight said angrily.

Rainbow leaves.

I know Sunset is upset but I need more information. I have to be careful not to upset her.

I’m sorry for breaking down like that.

Everyone is allowed to cry. It must have been bad.

I don’t want to talk about it.

Now I really have to know Twilight thought but I’m going have to be extra careful.

Then you can have the Rainbooms get the news from Rainbow

well... I personally dont think that would of worked out for the story... but hey, what do I know? I do this for fun and am honestly quite shocked alot of people are loving this story and wanting to see more

I notice that. A lot of people are fascinated by the conjoined story. In fact Futurama’s Put your head on my shoulders episode was one of the top rated episodes. But it is a very difficult story to write. Don’t be surprised when the likes plummet. A lot of those likes are probably writers who have attempted a story like this and got slammed who may or may not have a thing for making sure a story weren’t complete.

Just I warning because I attempted one for a Winx Club story and got slammed hard. Within the first 5 chapters it ended with 12 like and 2,000,00 dislike

“WERE GOING THE WRONG WAY!” Sunset snapped as Twilight ran Link away from the keep where King Dodongo just spawned. “ARE YOU INSAIN? WERE NEVER GONNA BEAT THAT THING WITH HOW WEAK WE ARE!!!” Twilight screamed back as Sunset tried getting them to turn around with the camera. All the while, The Doctor was shaking his head hiding it behind his hand.

Oh hey, it's one of my favorite games. Definitive Hyrule Warriors Legends. :pinkiehappy:

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