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Very nice. Sleep now, but will be reading later.
It's cute, it's steamy, and it's only getting better from here. I can't wait.
Surprised B_25 hasn't been here yet.
Fuck... I was hoping this was a romcom with Ember and Thorax.
Usually I'd call foul on the semantics of Griffins vs gryphons, but considering the context, they're probably closer to the former, for the time being. I'm going to let it slide. Furthermore, To take a line from Legacy of Kain: Defiance,
From time to time, it is necessary to feed. And the unusual event of a feast prepared by the Sarafan... must be savoured.
Great work
Really enjoyed this, nice pairing that we don’t see written about all that often. Well written, fun and engaging, I wouldn’t mind seeing more of these two. Thanks for a great story!
I love this ship and there is a criminal lack of it on this site
This was ridiculously hot, and the bigness hasn't even started yet! I can't wait for more of this story.
This fic has surprised me in so many ways I'm a little flabbergasted.
I originally started reading purely for the clop, but instead I found well-written characters with great motivations, solid conflict and drama, and a really, really sweet romance.
Kudos for that.
"Building Destruction"
You've got me on the hook now.
death-defying stutnts - death-defying stunts
miss anymore meetings - miss any more meetings
It’s body - Its body
which he he realized - which he he realized
aslarge as Ember - as large as Ember
Loving it so far and eager to see where things go from here!
Oh my god it got freakin' better. I love love LOVE this story, both the plot and the clop. This is definitely up there among my favorites.
Good timing, heh. I just put up the third chap.
Mmmmmm-mm-mm-MMMMM-mmmmmmmmmmmm 🤑
Oddly, reminds me of
Y'know, this isn't my kink, but I am loving this story. Very well done!
Holy SHIT. This was thoroughly enjoyable to read. I can only imagine how Thorax feels after all that
The level of scale of this fic is amazing
Love this story
I’m not really a fan of growth clip or whatever it’s called, but I do love these characters and that scene was really cute
At the Rate they are going the two lovebirds would be able to carry multiple large cities on their backs.
You know what? Nice.
Cadance laughed . - Cadance laughed.
was ike a ton of bricks - was like a ton of bricks
like fizzy drink - like a fizzy drink
He could already tasting - He could already taste
He could feel his stretchy skin - He could feel the stretchy skin
all iit needed - all it needed
sensations from body - sensations from his body
more thin orbiting rings - more thin, orbiting rings
as she she stroked - as she she stroked
Your must show - You must show
That drawing is hilarious
This is already excellent.
Love your work
(Whistle) Pulling out all the stops, I see.
Hah, I love this stuff... the way you establish the characters so well first, before they start growing. I never thought about the reformed changelings doing something like this before, but they do it so well.
The Crystal Empire must be an interesting place to live, if stuff like that happens regularly. :)
I'd read this even without the fetish shenanigans. Just the "Shapeshifting invaders body-snatching people adapting and being adapted to becoming shapeshifting aggressively cuddly and campy dudes" angles are worth it.
Now I'm curious as to how a hugely preggo Yona would look like 4 legged.
Really clever with the names, there. You get a bonus point for that.
Best bird-horse-fish
so how long until both ember and thorax have kids??
I'm loving this story ^^
BTW are Smolder and Pharynx going to get together soon?
just asking out of curiosity
yay. new hybrids.
Lmao — “And by that, I mean hard. I’m always hard after sex.”
Is the story cancelled or will it resume? I am asking because it has been awhile since the last chapter came out.
I am guessing this story is cancelled. It has been on hiatus for nearly 2 years.