• Member Since 30th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen February 17th


Sometimes plot holes are just untold stories. What follows is the overflow from spending far too much time dwelling on these oddities.


In the 900th year of the Celestial Era, crown land was given to a group of pilgrims to start a new life.

In only a short couple of years the Smith family carved their home out of the Everfree and established Sweet Apple Acres. Before long others began to search for their own new start in the fledgling town.

Now all were warned about the dangers of the forest, and that it was not fit to enter but the Everfree does not yield its ground easily, and the denizen's of that place are feeling the pressures of an ever decreasing habitat.

Not all the stories of those early pioneer days survived the inexorable passage of time. Some prefer they were forgotten.

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 95 )

“Grrrrrrrrrr”, the low menacing growl reverberated from within the foliage, two piercing yellow eyes glinted from the shadow. A large black wolf stepped forward, his head low and teeth bared.

This part... It made me hungry for stakes actually, But dang. good story

🍺Here's to hoping that this story is about a friendship/romance between a Wolf and a Pony 🍺

Fxck the ponies.

Hi all,

Thank you all for your comments. It is a great motivator.

I'm hoping to release about 1 chapter per week or there-a-bouts. This head-canon has been stewing for a while now, and with Season 9 approaching, I felt it was now or never to tell this story. Occasionally I might share some rough amateur sketches that I've done to accompany certain chapters.

I apologize in advance for these :P

- CO

I'm really excited for the new chapter. I wonder who they are going to capture?

aww, poor doggie

Awww, that ending. I could ship them UwU

Aww, poor Remedy needs revenge

Foalan smiled sympathetically. You’ll like this next bit I promise. Try not to think about it.

I think you're missing quotation marks here.

Love the story.

Thanks, fixed.
It was 1am or so when I finished. :P

I am currently petitioning for a proofreader so hopefully the quality will improve soon.

Ok you got me, the Faolan x Remmy ship has set sail, ain't no iceberg gonna sink this one.

This story deserves front page UwU

I am entertained keep it up.
Worder how Celestias character is gonna be like, view point and relations with carnivores other then "she doesn't like us"
And if carnivores are gone, will and can the herbivores handel the over population. The thumbnail text talk about the herbivores build closer to the forests.

lol Falon Is just learning how to catch treats. :pinkiecrazy:

All that I can say is AWWWWW!
You see that Remy, Falon is good with kids, he would be a great choice for a mate :ajsmug: just saying UwU

Talk about a twist of events...

Oh shit, I first though that Remmy and the gang were going to get caught by bandits, and Falon, being the strong, proud, honorable, brave wolf that he is, was going to save her, demonstrating again what a fine specimen of male he is.

However, it seems the tables are turned, and it's remmy's turn to save him.

Ps. Sorry I didn't comment sooner, I have to check on your story MANUALLY because I don't get notifications, so I just end up checking every-other-day.

“I will NEVER submit to you or ANY OF YOUR KIND!”

He kinda submitted to Remmy back in town, just saying UwU

new chapter today uwu

It's coming :D

Just getting proof-read. A bit bigger than normal. It also really warrants at least an amateur drawing :P

Each time he lashed, Faolan took another step, and each time Faolan stepped closer, the sister gems sung louder and louder; their cackling wailing horror.

Was.. was this a underworld quote???

Uuuuuuh I know violence and murder is bad but Uuuuuuh this chapter was satisfying, Oh and the last resort.
Thank for removing that damn flute... "later on it returns" FUCK!?

Not that I'm aware of. I've never seen it :twilightsheepish:.

Thats ok just would have been kind of surprised of it was!

Jesus Christ, I was cheering when Falon murdered the fucker.

But I still have to saw, AWWWWWW to Scarlet. She can see through her instincts, beyond his predatorial visage, to his true nature; and its so heartwarming.

Also, now that Remy has saved him, he might start considering her as more of a potential suitor. She's shown herself to be both compassionate, competent, and reliable as an ally.


Someone recommended this story to me.

You may end up having to take revenge on them for that. :trollestia:

Because I've read many stories of this theme over the years, and if this follows the typical pattern for such tropes, I shall be... unamused. :pinkiecrazy:

Immediate question: The Everfree was the pony capital for quite some time before Celestia abandoned it after NMM. It's not that far from Canterlot, given that a few hours train ride is all it takes to get there.

I'm rather confused how it's taken 900 years for this to come to a conflict.

“That’s very kind of you. In return for your kindness, these little flowers carry a big secret.” Natara leaned close to Remedy as if spies were listening. Remedy craned her neck, twisting her ear to Natara in suspense. “They’re actually a powerful medicinal herb.”

So... the predators have medicinal value? I'm not getting the analogy here.

Unless they believe wolf parts are aphrodisiacs (lol, China).

Also, the little plants aren't eating anyone. I'm going to wager if they were, they would be plucked out and destroyed... like the Plunder Vines were. (again, this analogy makes no sense)

Also, from what I see here, the wolves act like mere animals. And they've broken the boundary and attacked like beasts. Well, you shall be treated exactly as you behave, in my book.

“This council meeting will be historic. It will be addressing the food shortage problems we’ve been facing and it needs a special guest in attendance,” the old owl paused in hesitation, or perhaps for dramatic effect, “I need you to capture a pony, ALIVE.”

Capture... not 'invite'... no word to Celestia, the one with ALL THE FRIGGIN POWER... not ask for an embassador... nope, just going to abduct a pony.

Wow, the Idiot Ball slammed into everyone early today.

So they go to abduct the pony... WITHOUT HARM... by doing what will absolutely guarantee the pony will be harmed.


The cliché is strong with this one...

Seriously... Celestia in this story has clearly dropped the ball worse than I've seen in a while. Also, 900 years and this is the FIRST trouble? With creatures barely able to contain their bestial natures despite possessing sapience? I don't buy it for an instant.

"Unreasonable? UNREASONABLE! In what world is any of THIS reasonable!" She waved her good leg at... everything,

Well, at least one of the characters realizes this is all insane. :rainbowlaugh:

Abidah frowned at her cruel response. “You haven’t been met with the best first impressions and I don’t blame you for the animosity you show. Our tribes have never seen eye to eye, but do you truly believe we all deserve death? Wouldn’t that make you more the monster than any you’ve seen so far?”

Oh wow... so we're playing the most ridiculous projection card ever vomited into fiction of any kind.

God, even DBZ poked fun at it with Goku vs Freezer.

F: "Really, killing them is a kindness. I could remit that kindness if you wish, but then who'd the villain?"

G: "Y-you are."

F: "N-no, that was a rhetorical question."

G: "And I gave you a rhetorical answer!"

Fine, I'll bite. I'm the biggest and best monster of all in that case, and I kill everything and become Galactus. So there. Or how about this: Don't star a war you have no chance of winning. Or this: I don't start fights, but I will finish them.

I HATE with a passion the stupid argument, "Hurr durr, if you can haz keel me, den JOO R DEY VILLANE!!" It's such a pile of circle-jerkin' crap.

Sorry, I just cannot ignore the facts of the backstory. This problem has been looming for decades, and clearly every single creature has waited until the very last moment to do anything about it, and the action they decide to take is patently insane.

Monsters or not, they deserve to die by virtue of being too stupid to live.

Simple question to all these predators: all your prey are equally sapient. How exactly do you expect them to choose which of their people they cast aside to be torn limb from limb and devoured?

They say they'll do anything to protect their kind... and so will the prey. Their own argument, right back in their faces. This is a zero-sum game.

I will say this in support of this story: this is the conflict "Zootopia" pathetically ignored in favor of a very bland and rote 'prejudice is bad, m-kay?' moral. The obligate carnivores COULD NEVER have formed a stable society with the prey in the first place. It's an intractable issue with no possibility of resolution outside of something utterly bizarre.... like, some kind of vore cult where prey find it hot to get eaten... which I'm not saying I'd object to, mind you... :pinkiecrazy:

Using history as a reference, pride causes irrationality... especially when power is so concentrated - the monarchical system they have in place is doing them no benifits.

One individual's pride can lead to the destruction of entire nations

(A loud, rhythmic thwacking sound is heard for several moments... then Alondro enters with a red mark on his forehead) Was just banging my head against a wall for a while.

Anyway, the last couple chapters... wow... forget an Idiot Ball, forget Idiot Ballpit. These characters are in the Idiot Ball Pacific Basin. They're just marching across Equestria with a wolf and NOBODY THINKS TO SEND A MESSAGE TO CELESTIA, THE ONLY PONY WHO'D INSTANTLY KNOW WHAT THE BUCK THIS IS ALL ABOUT AND COULD ARRANGE TO MEET IN A SAFE LOCATION?!

My god, it's like riding a tank into a city with which you're at war, with the intent to talk peace but never even bothering to let anyone know beforehand! How the hell do you THINK they're going to react?!

Who says this is the first conflict? :ajsmug:
A lot can be forgotten in 900 years. The entire history of modern USA is a little over 400 years, and modern Australia is only a shade over 200.

Hi Alondro.

Thanks for reading. I can see you are quite the passionate reader :rainbowlaugh:. I do appreciate the feed back though, direct though it may be. It's ok. I have a thick skin.

As I say in my Bio: "Sometimes plot holes are just untold stories."
And while I won't say that every trope or plot hole is by design, there are definitely some that are, as of yet, unexplained and others that have reasons but will remain unexplained in this story.

I invite you to discuss – there are definitely little tid-bits of other entire stories from characters that come and go. I also admit I may occasionally suffer from a certain perspective bias (I know what I'm thinking, but may not show you properly). I would, however, encourage you to consider why something seemingly so obvious was not obvious to a character. A perspective you might be missing, or one they are missing due to their own culture and biases. I find that activity to be very enjoyable, and is the reason I've even written this story. Of course, some of it will be contrivance for the sake of an enjoyable tale :derpytongue2:

On the other hand, while I am no professional author, I have thought a lot about this story and the world in which it takes place. The essential elements are built off show lore and this story in particular is stemming from an examination of, mostly, two observations.

  1. Where are all the natural predators now? - We know they existed once.
  2. How would an intelligent civilisation of herbivores interact with carnivores. After all; some of the vegetarians in our own omnivore culture can be downright militant – and they're not even on the menu! :rainbowlaugh:

I hope my story isn't causing you too much high-blood pressure :rainbowlaugh: and I do enjoy reader feedback. But I won't promise to address every one of your questions. After all: the best of our fandom's content has, I believe, been created in the void left by the unanswered questions of lore.

Finally, I say thank you to all my other readers as well (both of them :twilightsheepish:). And if there are indeed other burning questions – please ask. If it's something I feel should have been explained already, I may let you know. But if it is still to come, or better left to reader imagination, I would graciously ask your permission to leave it a mystery. :twilightsmile:

- CO

9653732 It's bringing to me the issues of granting sapience to other species and totally ignoring how sapience altered human behavior relative to other great apes (taking the evolutionary position). As species form into a society, their behavior, indeed their very genome, is changed by societal pressures.

Then we're dealing with Celestia, an effective immortal who has led a nation for 900 years. This is something totally outside of any living thing's experience. She would possess a level of perspective and wisdom impossible for a human, based solely on witnessing countless lives over dozens of generations. There would be nothing any pony could do that she wouldn't recognize and predict the outcome of with a reasonable degree of certainty, since 'young people' do tend to fall into the same patterns from one generation to the next. For her not to already anticipate this conflict, given her character is living in this world, when ANY REASONABLY INTELLIGENT READER can see it coming just from the synopsis alone... it's not sensible.

We expect somewhat competent, average characters to act in a like manner to somewhat competent, average people. We expect expert characters to generally act like experts. It's called 'characterization', and so much of writing and studio production today appears incapable of grasping how it works. Are there situations where they falter? Of course, but it must be a reasonable failing. Perhaps built out of a flaw or bias in their natures, perhaps out of a moment of great stress they make a bad choice. But when they have time to sit and think for a little while, to reflect on their actions... and these otherwise competent characters still follow THE PLOT like puppets on a string, we can't believe in them anymore.

It's much easier to write stupid characters, since we anticipate that most of what they do will be stupid and they'll ceaselessly make stupid choices. We don't accept this from characters who aren't presented from the outset as one of the Three Stooges or Homer Simpson.

In this story, we have leaders who've apparently known this problem was mounting for a very VERY long time. And thus far, there's no mention of them ever trying to talk to Celestia about it. Not even the wisest of these predator demi-gods has done so. That I find very convenient for the plot, but very unbelievable from a character and conflict perspective.

And there are also the two insurmountable issues behind this entire story: the predators in general do not see equally-intelligent species as worthy of dignity (something which has led to rather nasty things in our world between tribes of humans.. and is a rather bad mentality to hold when the ones you look down upon vastly outnumber you and possess radically more advanced technology), and they appear to expect their SAPIENT AND INTELLIGENT prey herds to willingly allow themselves to be brutally slain for 'hurr durr the balance and gaia and shit!' (I've seen this neo-hippie trash in enough terrible fanfics already and loathe it as much as anyone with at least a fraction of a functioning brain).

The outcome seems already pre-ordained. The predators LOSE and lose BADLY. And the entire rest of the ride is a slow decent into misery as the ponies and prey fight back, which there is no possibility that they wouldn't. The ponies have unicorns, at least thousands of them. Swords, spears, crossbows... the predators are utterly doomed.

But even if they accept a truce, then what? They starve. The prey are sapient. They're not going to accept being killed by what are in essence what we'd term psychopaths if they were of the same species. Only a few weirdos will gladly leap into their jaws (because lol, vore).. and then they're out of food.

This is, again, what annoyed me so much about "Zootopia". I could not believe in the world because I could see absolutely no way it could ever exist other than being built that way by some all-powerful God Troll who wanted to watch the species rip each other to pieces. There were no foundational principles to build such a co-existence upon from the start.


I-I have one question... when will Remmy and Falon get together UwU

new chapter tomorrow! :pinkiecrazy:

Goody chapter, pretty solid reasonings of both side, now that conflict and choas will run lose, what will the chaos tribe(-s?) do? Those mentioned by the horned owl.

Abidah’s feathers bristled. “There is more to life than the shallow pursuit of happiness.“

There is life and there is liberty as well. :raritywink:

Given that happiness is an abstract concept which differs for individuals, it was with wisdom that the natural right was stated as the freedom to pursue happiness, not a guarantee to obtain it. No one could make such a vow and apply it to everyone equally, for one's happiness is another's misery. Therefore, wise law grants freedom to seek, not the promise to find.

“Death is forever,” Celestia rebuked, stepping down to the next tier of her throne, her head almost eye-level with Abidah’s. “It cannot be cured, or reasoned with. There is no reformation, no second chances, no encore – it is the final curtain.”

Now I really don't know about that in Equestria. What with immortal spirits of chaos, bug ponies that can eat love, and an astral realm that grants godhood... is some kind of afterlife really out of the question?

I find it sometimes very perplexing the things people absolutely refuse to allow to exist in Equestria given what we know for certain actually does exist there, in spite of the absurdity of much of it with respect to our reality.

“And yet only a predator can turn it into life. Can you not appreciate the beauty of our cycle?”

Ah, now that's a bit of self-righteousness on the predators' part which I could easily counter. Decomposers of all sorts can do exactly the same thing to dead material. Worms and flies, fungi and bacteria... all quickly break down a body in natural conditions. In concert with scavengers such as vultures, a body doesn't last long, not even in New Jersey (where I get to watch the process often with all the deer 'preyed' upon by cars...).

They will grow stronger, obviously. In the end, it they chaos creatures which will endure, as they feed off this sort of thing.

And in a mere century, they'll welcome their mad master's return... only to see him cowed by Fluttershy. HAH!! :yay:

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