• Member Since 18th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen Sunday


Wait do I put something smart or stupid here?

Comments ( 67 )

Funny yet a unique look at what a Mare crazed controlled Equestria would be like unchecked.

Lol this is like Dolomite coming to Equestria and laying it down. Strong is the Pimphand when laying these thots and hoes down.

Lolll... Such thottery needs to be put in its place.

Only if we had such a mighty hero.

Where is this mighty here now when we need him most of all?

Anon nodded in understanding and placed a mighty hand on the young dragon’s shoulder. “Hoe-ism is a deadly disease, it spreads quickly and doesn’t discriminate. I’m sorry I did not sense it sooner.”

What is he a PIMP god?

If only I could be as pimpalicious as this.

I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.

Reminder that not all women are thots, but all thots are women.

Whatever you were on when writing this....

Can I have some? 🙂

I liked for the title alone.


Huh. When did Saitama get into the pimpin' business?

I have no clue what I just read but I must say that it was a glorious display.

Comment posted by IDontWatchMLP deleted Feb 10th, 2019

A thot once offered me a sex meeting... guess what I said.

Comment posted by LightnDarkGodofSalvation deleted Feb 10th, 2019

This isn't the manifest of jesus christ

The hell is this story and where can I find more?

Yeah, he’s on vacation, I’m his replacement. Nice to meet you.

You were on the goodest shit when you wrote this, weren't you?

Damn my nig anon is the pimpest pimp in all of Bitchesville i mean ponyville i have mad respect for you man😎

Comment posted by Warbar deleted Feb 10th, 2019

Well I have no clue what I was thinking when I clicked this.

No regrets tho

I saw the description, I clicked into this story and...

"Heh, good fight Celestia. You only made me use 3% of my power"

Instability go both ways. Which is not new, and this is perfect for the period we live in and if we let another Blue Like Kentucky Iowa City/Johnson County go unchecked where standards where stopped left and right. I mean, curiousity is the cat, and we need our heroes, but, I think we all get a shock to the system when it comes to the truth.


“You need not worry little wimp.” The bipedal beast spoke in a smooth, deep, masculine voice that made Spike feel like his dick gained 2 inches just from hearing it. “I’ve come to set things right.”

You sure ya nor gay spike :trixieshiftright:

He did not become erect, it became longer due to Anon’s intense testosterone

Comment posted by ZombieMan deleted Feb 11th, 2019

The figure lifted his right hand, which glowed with an awesome power. “I am Anonymous, Master of the Pimp Hand. I sensed that a great number of hoes had been stepping out of line, but things are worse than I could have possibly imagined.”

The greatest line ever said

“You need not worry little wimp.” The bipedal beast spoke in a smooth, deep, masculine voice that made Spike feel like his dick gained 2 inches just from hearing it. “I’ve come to set things right.”

Now he is gay

Anon had defeated the greatest thotty threat in any universe. He could finally live a life of peace.

No u can’t now u need to go a silly and sexy maybe even a little horny Adventure

oh my fucking god im dying and its only chapter one

Random Space Marine PURGE THE HERIT-

See's the shit going on above . . . fuck

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