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New Home

On Monday the following week; Discord stopped by with a collection of papers for Sunset. She hated being held for observation another week; but knew it was necessary.

“The cut is healing nicely. By Friday we should be able to remove the stitches in your neck,” Hardline commented

‘That's good news. At least I have something to do. A week's worth of homework



“Celly; I have to ask you something.”

“What's that,” Celestia asked

“What are you planning on doing with the other house? It's just sitting there.”

“What did you have planned for it,” she inquired

“Moving Sunset and Chrysalis into it as a surprise. Her scheduled release date is this Friday and I thought it'd be nice. We can actually celebrate the holidays and give Sunset something useful.”

“I like the idea. The house has the bare necessities of furniture; but certainly needs a personal touch,” Luna added

“Very well. Use the week to move Sunset’s personal items out of the apartment and let us know when it’s done. We'll help in any way needed,” Celestia decided

“How's she doing; by the way,” Luna inquired

“Being occupied by homework. She actually welcomed a distraction.”


“Thanks for the help Chryssi.”

“Of course. Sunset’s our daughter and I'll help out,” Chrysalis answered

Looking around the apartment; the two didn't find all that much. In the bedroom; one outfit was found that consisted of light blue tights and even lighter blue shirt. The only other clothing was Sunset’s regular one with her orange skirt and purple shirt.

“There isn't much here in clothing. How Sunset hadn't gotten hypothermia; I'll never know,” Discord mused

“Not much of anything; actually. I know Celestia gave her the apartment, but I'm surprised not to find anything personal,” Chrysalis replied

“Just a second-hand guitar.”

“Well; let's get the items loaded into the car,” she decided

The two collected the few items and gently loaded them up. Taking a second look around the apartment yielded nothing more than an additional pair of undergarments that were well worn and falling apart that were immediately thrown away.

“I think I know what we're going to do after she leaves the hospital. Shopping,” Chrysalis mused


“Your work is lessening. If you don't mind taking a break; I need to change your bandage,” a nurse commented

“How…long…before…stitches…removed,” Sunset asked, putting down her pen

“On Friday they'll come out. Just need to wait four days,” the nurse replied

“I hope you don't mind visitors,” a voice asked

“Flash,” Sunset said

“Take it easy with the speech. I know we broke up; but I wanted to see how you were doing,” Flash said

It was my fault we broke up. At the time; I didn't know anything about intimacy and used you to increase my popularity

“Did you ever love me,” he questioned

I do have feelings for you. I actually bought a second-hand guitar to play in order to impress you

“If you're up for it; maybe we try again with having a relationship. You're a lot more mature; so to speak; and deserve it,” came the reply

‘I'd certainly like another chance. Maybe this time will be better

“I'll wait for your return to school,” Flash said, before leaving

“Nurse…paper…and…pen…please,” Sunset said

“Of course. I'll be just a moment,” the nurse said

A few minutes later; she returned carrying another pen and stack of blank computer paper for Sunset.


“Alright; I guess we can place the items in here for now.”

“There's one thing I think we can do right now. I'll drive,” Chrysalis added vaguely

She drove them to a music shop that was in the Canterlot Mall. Looking around the store; both saw countless instruments, but none seemed to be perfect.

“Can I help you,” a worker asked

“We're looking for an electric guitar,” Chrysalis stated

“Right over here. There are more in the back if you don't find what you're looking for,” the worker replied “I'll be here if you need me.”

As the pair looked around; they found enough choices, but none that stuck out to them.

“That one; up there,” Discord stated, pointing to one on the back wall

“That definitely fits. We'll take it and an amplifier,” Chrysalis decided

The worker removed a yellow Gibson Flying V guitar that had a red flame design on the body. Once it was set on the counter; a case was produced to store it in; along with a few picks and a tuner. Another worker headed out carrying a brand new amplifier in the box and rang up the items. Without a second thought; Discord removed a checkbook from his pocket and wrote a $7,500 amount for the items.

“Do you have a box to put the guitar in? I wanted to wrap it up for a gift,” Discord asked

“Certainly,” came the answer “I'll help you bring these to your vehicle.”

After the guitar was loaded into the truck; Chrysalis made a quick stop to buy a few rolls of wrapping paper. Once at home; the two items were wrapped up and placed inside an unused room.


The week passed slowly as the stack of homework was completed and turned in on Wednesday; leaving Sunset without anything to occupy herself.

“Good news. This is the last day in the hospital for you,” a nurse said cheerfully

“We're going to have to knock you out temporarily in order to remove the stitches,” Hardline stated

Do what you must

A local anesthetic was used as a mask was placed over Sunset’s nose as she breathed it in. Working quickly and efficiently; the stitches were pulled out as the wound was cleaned one final time by the nurses. The cut healed, leaving just the scar on her throat.

“Alright; we're done,” Hardline said

“Mirror please,” Sunset asked

One of the nurses handed over a mirror as Sunset took her first look at the damage that sent her there.

“Buck me. I didn't think it was as bad as that,” she muttered

“Thankfully; you had a guardian watching out. You actually died in the OR for a few seconds,” Hardliner said

As she was led out of her room; Discord and Chrysalis were waiting for her in the lobby.

“Please keep the wound clean and bandaged for at least another week,” Hardline stated, handing a bag with supplies

“I'll try,” Sunset replied

“How do you feel,” Discord asked

“Better than I did days ago when you asked,” she answered

“You're all checked out; miss Shimmer. Be safe,” the receptionist said

“Thank you for taking care of me these past couple weeks,” Sunset said

“Here; you might need this,” Chrysalis said, handing over the leather jacket

“Didn't know you were an artist,” he commented, looking at the stack of papers in her hand

“I was bored and just sketched. It's not that good.”

“I beg to differ. These are amazingly detailed images. So lifelike,” Chrysalis added

“Forgot it was winter,” Sunset said, rubbing her arms

“Well; let's get home,” Discord suggested “I'll help you in.”

“Thanks dad," she mused "That still feels hard to say."

“Excuse me for a moment,” he said “Reaper? Care to send someone to the grave?”

“Mom; what's that about,” Sunset inquired

“I couldn't say,” Chrysalis lied

● LUNA ●

“Sister? I got the message. Could you let the others know?”

“Certainly,” Celestia answered, withdrawing her phone “Miss Pie; would you and your friends care to join my sister and I?”

‘Where are we meeting?’

“At the school; if you don't mind,” Celestia clarified

“In the meantime; I'll let Twilight know,” Luna whispered

Princess Twilight-
This is Vice-Principal Luna. If you are free; we'd like to ask if you'll join us in welcoming Sunset home

This is short notice; but I'll join you. I'll be over in a few minutes with a guest


“Princess Celestia; would you care to join me?”

“You're heading through the portal again? Why so often,” Celestia inquired

“The human counterparts are welcoming Sunset home.”

“After what you told me transpired; I'd love to see my daughter again,” Celestia decided

“Good. Well; since they're waiting for us; we'll have to teleport back to the castle.”


Fifteen minutes later; a van carrying the Rainbooms arrived at the same time Twilight and Princess Celestia emerged from the portal shivering.

“Inside the van. We've got the heat on,” Rarity directed

“Bucking portal. I forgot just how cold it is here,” Twilight said through chattering teeth “Princess Celestia; go with them.”

“If you're sure; Twilight. I'll see you soon,” Princess Celestia replied

“Join us in here,” Luna said

“Thank you for your kindness. The weather is much different than Equestria,” Princess Celestia replied

After getting Twilight inside; Luna and Celestia led both vehicles to the house.


“Why did we need to spend time driving around town? Aren't we just going to the apartment?”

“You'll just have to wait,” Discord commented

During the ride around town; Sunset fell asleep just before they approached the house.

“We're here. I'll get your supplies,” Chrysalis said, gently nudging her

Picking up the bag in one hand, she draped one of her daughter's arms behind her head and assisted in getting her to the door.

“I'm awake, mom. Thanks for the help,” Sunset said


Inside the living room was a quickly made banner reading ‘Welcome Home Sunset’ and the members of the Rainbooms.

“Welcome to our new home,” Discord announced cheerfully

“It's amazing,” Sunset exclaimed “Thank you. Why are you all here?”

“We invited them. It was supposed to be a nice surprise to have your friends here,” Celestia answered

“Considering their betrayal; I am still not too sure about that.”

“At least try to remain civil for the night. We did apologize to you,” Rarity countered

“You did; but it's not something that goes away with a simple ‘Sorry’. Dash is still on thin ice as far as I'm concerned.”

“You look much better than the last time we saw you,” Twilight commented

“I feel better as well.”

“I'm sorry our actions led you to attempt suicide,” Dash said apologetically

“I had nothing to live for originally. Having a family made me change my mind.”

“Let's head to the dining room,” Celestia suggested, changing the subject

Everyone sat around the table as Discord produced a knife from a nearby drawer. A simple chocolate cake was cut up and passed around to everyone; while bottles of apple cider were given out.

“There's twelve pieces, but only eleven of us. Who's the final person,” Sunset inquired

“I wanted to see my daughter again,” a voice said, entering the room

All heads turned towards the visitor to see another Celestia waiting by the door. She wore a tight fitting light pink dress that accentuated her very large bust that made even Fluttershy blush slightly.

“Mom! I'm so sorry for everything,” Sunset said, hugging Celestia

“You are forgiven for everything. Twilight told me you attempted to kill yourself; but now I see just how bad it was. I am sorry for my actions years ago that led you to run away,” Princess Celestia replied “Discord, Chrysalis; thank you both for keeping Sunset safe.”

“You're very welcome, Princess Celestia. I'm glad we could meet under pleasant circumstances,” Discord said, with a bow

“The two of you really are much different than your counterparts at home. My Discord is a chaotic prankster and reformed villain. Chrysalis happens to be a ruler of a race of creatures known as ‘Changelings’. Thank you both again for giving Sunset a surrogate family,” Celestia commented

“Fluttershy; is something wrong? You're blushing,” Rarity asked

“She's jealous about Princess Celestia’s rack,” Dash said bluntly, as Fluttershy only nodded

“You have nothing to worry about. I've lived for thousands of years and this is the first time I've had human breasts. Ponies don’t have mammary glands this noticeable,” Princess Celestia commented, grabbing her breasts

“Let's enjoy this moment with a picture,” Principal Celestia suggested

A selfie-stick was produced and maneuvered in such a way to include everyone in the room. Two pictures were taken with everyone sitting still momentarily before a much casual was taken, showing them enjoying themselves. To make sure everyone had one; a copy of the pictures were sent to the phones, while another was printed out to have a physical copy.

“Thank you for coming by,” Sunset said as everyone started leaving

“It was our pleasure. We're glad you're happy,” Celestia said hugging her


“Where are the bedrooms at,” Sunset asked curiously

“Down the hall. I'll show you,” Chrysalis answered

“Thanks. I actually forgot how little I had,” Sunset mused

“There's a spare nightgown and underwear in your room. We'll go out tomorrow,” Chrysalis said

“I can't wait.”

After getting changed; Sunset found herself enjoying sleep that night, being in an actual bed. Her apartment wasn't too bad; but at times was cold without heat to warm her.

Considering the lack of clothing she owned, most often she slept in the nude; even in winter. With the years spent in the world; Sunset had never gotten sick.

“Morning. Pancakes and bacon are ready,” Discord said

Sunset tried to suppress a chuckle at the sight in front of her. Discord was standing in the doorway wearing a chef’s hat and jacket with a pink apron with the phrase ‘Kiss the Cook’ written on the front.

“Looks good on you,” Sunset said jokingly

“Well; according to the princess; my counterpart is a master of chaos. I thought you'd get a kick out of it. Now come on and enjoy breakfast before it gets cold,” he replied

"Do you mind telling us a little about yourself," Chrysalis asked

"What brought this about?"

"Seeing another woman that looks like clone of a friend of mine is definitely curious," she answered

"Princess Celestia, and Twilight are two of four princesses that rule Equestria; a world of ponies," Sunset started "I made some mistakes and ran away from home through a portal here. Principal Celestia took pity on me and gave me the apartmentand the rest is history," Sunset simplified

"What about our counterparts," Discord asked

"Just what mom said. All I ever saw was just a statue of my world's Discord. As for Chrysalis; I'd never heard of her."

Once everyone enjoyed their food; the girls got changed for their trip out to the store.

“First place we need to go is a clothing shop. Two outfits isn't enough and neither is designed for cold weather,” Chrysalis decided “Hold it. There's one thing you're missing.”

“Alright. Surprisingly; I've never gotten sick since arriving here. What exactly am I missing?”

“A scarf to cover your neck. That way, you don't have people staring at the scar,” Chrysalis replied, wrapping the scarf

“Thanks. I really don't need the looks.”

Upon entering the store, Sunset was completely in awe at how much was there. Her usually worn skirt was from her initial arrival through the portal; while Rarity made her other outfit before Anon-a-Miss happened. After it started; she refused to wear it as a reminder of her former friends.

“Find anything you like so far,” Chrysalis asked

“I don't know. There’s too many choices.”

“Let's start with finding some actual pants for you to wear. Tights aren't going to keep you warm,” Chrysalis said

Looking around for just the one item limited her shopping anxiety. A few pairs of black cargo pants were picked out for practicality and comfort. After heading to a changing room; all three were determined to be kept as they fit in both length and around the waist.

“Shirts next if you're done,” Chrysalis suggested

“Thanks mom. Looking for them individually helps not getting overwhelmed.”

“Glad I could help,” came the reply

Some long sleeved shirts were found that would keep her warm; along with a handful of short sleeved for after winter.

“New shoes and jackets are next,” mom added

Wanting to keep her new shoes similar; a pair of calf-length boots were chosen that fit with everything else.

“What do you think,” Chrysalis asked, holding a jacket “Throw that one out for a new one?”

“I certainly can't part with my old friend; but I'll definitely retire it.”

The black jacket her mom had picked would come down to her thighs. A red fleece lining was made inside that definitely could keep the cold out.

“It's perfect. Are you sure about this?”

“Don't worry about cost. I can afford everything,” Chrysalis replied simply “Of course you will need new underwear. I'll leave that to you.”


“Centaur; if you're free, I need a little assistance.”

What do you need help with?

“A few electronics I was hoping to buy. For starters; a nice size television and the newest game systems as well.”

PonStation 4 and MareBox One? I don't know about games, though

“Yeah; both of them. The three of us can pick some games to play afterwards. I'll pay you back for everything.”

No need. I'll buy everything as a gift for the family. I'll come by in a few hours

“Thank you old friend. I'll see you soon.”

“I just hope the girls can stay away from the house most of the day. Get your ass here soon; Tirek,” Discord thought


“Anything in particular you'd like to check out next,” Chrysalis asked

“A couple stores of interest I'd like find. Somewhere I can get art supplies, for one thing.”

“And the other,” Chrysalis inquired

“Buying or creating a stuffed animal,” Sunset said with a blush

“Nothing to be ashamed of. I had a collection of plushies when I was younger,” she said “I still have the box someplace.”

Heading into an art store; Sunset grabbed a few plain sketch pads while Chrysalis retrieved a box of varying supplies. The contents read paints and markers amongst other tools.

“What do you think,” she asked

“Not bad; but it seems to be a bit much. Colored pencils are one thing; but I haven't used charcoal or paints and I wouldn't want them to go to waste.”

“If that is what you wish. There is a box of colored pencils that might be useful. It's a 125 pack of varying shades,” Chrysalis replied

Once the items were purchased; they were stored in the car before returning inside to the toy store. Sunset looked around before finding a stuffed pony.

“Wish it came in a different color,” Chrysalis joked

“Honestly; no. I'm glad it's not like home. That would be awkward.”

Having second thoughts; Sunset put the pony back and grabbed a couple different teddy bears. It seemed to be a much better decision than sleeping with her (former) species.

“That all,” Chrysalis inquired

“Yeah; that's it. Thank you mom.”



“Sorry, it took so long,” Tirek apologized “Everything is giftwrapped.”

“There's nothing to worry about. The girls are still out.”

“Let's get these inside the house. Where do you want them,” Tirek asked

“Room at the end of the hall. It's currently unoccupied.”

With each taking an end; the television was brought inside first and carefully placed to avoid any damage. Following the biggest item, each grabbed a game console to put in the room.

“Thank you again; old friend. Maybe you could join us on Christmas?”

“I'll try, but I can't make any guarantees,” came the reply

“Take care, in the meantime.”


“I don't know about you; but I'm getting hungry,” Chrysalis mused

“Now that you mention it; so am I. I never knew shopping was so exhausting.”

Without any other detours; their final stop for the day was the food court. Each decided on a small pizza parlor and were weighing choices.

“What's a Stromboli?”

“A sort of stuffed pizza. Want to try one,” Chrysalis asked

“Sounds good to me.”

After enjoying the food; the next trip was home. Walking inside; the first thing they saw were boxes near the wall.

“Have fun at the mall,” Discord asked curiously

“We did. New clothes and a few other items,” Chrysalis replied

“Once you get everything put in the room; how's about we put up and decorate the tree,” he commented

Chrysalis helped hanging the clothes in the closet while Sunset put the art supplies and toys on the bed.

“It's not a traditional tree; but it'll do. Decorations are in the box nearby,” he said

“It's the first tree I've ever used; so it's fine to me,” Sunset replied

“You never celebrated Christmas,” Chrysalis asked in shock

“Not since coming through the portal to this world. In Equestria; we had to celebrate Hearth’s Warming as it was tradition. Other than that; I never cared for the day.”

“Well; now you have a family to share this day with. Besides; I'm not big on traditions,” Discord replied, before hugging her

Once the tree was removed from the box; they made sure to have everything connected before decorating. Sunset grabbed a container of large ornament balls and placed them around the branches. Following behind the ornaments was the tinsel Chrysalis attached as Discord stuck the star on top.

“Looks good,” Discord said “We all did a good job.”

“Thanks. I'd say it looks good; but I wouldn't know what a proper design looks like.”

“What do you want to do for the next couple of days? Or on Christmas for dinner,” Chrysalis inquired

“How's about tacos for Christmas in three days and takeout tonight and tomorrow,” Discord suggested

“Sounds good to me.”

In the days that followed; leading to Christmas morning; Sunset decided to break in the new art supplies by sketching. Although she never met their counterparts; Sunset drew what she believed her parents would look like.

“Looks good. Not sure if I'd be a pony; though. Perhaps something more sporting, like; say a little bit of everything,” Discord joked

“True. When I studied under Princess Celestia, I heard just the name; so I don't know what he actually looks like.”

“Shall we open gifts,” he asked

“I forgot today's the 25th. Merry Christmas dad.”

“Merry Christmas Phoenix,” Chrysalis replied “Your dad and I love you. Now let's head to the living room. Santa came by last night.”

“I am a sort of phoenix; aren't I?”

“You did momentarily die before coming back to life. It's lucky your demon was watching over you,” Discord commented

“I'll see Sundown once more in the future. For now; I'll just live each day.”

“Well; enough of the reminiscing; it's time to be happy,” he said excitedly

“Close your eyes,” Chrysalis directed

Discord led the group out of her room and down the hall to the living room with Chrysalis guiding Sunset from behind.

“Alright; open ‘em up,” Discord said

“Holy shit! I've never seen anything like this!”

Without hesitation; she headed to the biggest present in the bunch and started ripping off the paper.

“A flat screen TV!? That's awesome!”

“I'm guessing Santa decided on something for the whole house,” Chrysalis pointed out

The next two gifts she opened were revealed to be a pair of game systems.

“Looks like we need games to play now that we have a console.”

“That's the best part about that. It's up to you to choose the games,” he mused as she opened the final gifts

“That's an awesome guitar! This is actually better than Rainbow Dash’s.”

“Merry Christmas sweetie. It's not much but we're glad you're happy,” Chrysalis said

“This is more than enough. For years; I spent the day buried inside my room, while everyone else celebrated.”

“Well; now you have reason to celebrate. You have a family that will take care of you,” Discord said hugging her

“The guitar and amp were our gift to you after seeing the second-hand guitar you have,” Chrysalis explained

“Thank you again for this. But; there's nothing here for either of you.”

“That's alright as you've given us a gift; anyways,” he mused “A family and daughter of our own. If you'll excuse me; I need to start the taco platters if we're going to have enough tonight.”

“I'll invite a few friends over, if that's alright,” Chrysalis asked vaguely, before writing a simple message

“That's fine with me. My friends are busy with their families.”

Reaper; think you could over this evening?

Of course. Celly and I will join you tonight

Chrysalis had the television set up and programed before helping out her husband in the kitchen. In the meantime; Sunset started getting the game systems ready for use.

“Let's see. Create gamer tag. I know; ‘DarknessRisin666’. Yes! It's available and mine.”

“How's it coming in there,” Discord asked

“The MareBox is ready for use. Next up is PonStation 4.”

After reentering the same username; both games were set up as she started playing.

“What game is that,” Chrysalis inquired

“YourBuild. It was preinstalled on the MareBox. Other than avoiding monsters; the purpose is just create different objects.”

After spending the next few hours playing; Discord saved the game before shutting it down for the evening.

“Time to give it a break. Besides; dinner is ready and guests will be arriving,” he commented

“Who's showing up?”

“You'll see,” he said vaguely

Just before they could sit down at the table; someone was knocking at the door.

“I'll get it,” Sunset said, heading to the door “Principal Celestia? Vice-principal Luna? Come in.”

“It's just ‘Luna’ and ‘Celestia’. You don't need to use a formal title at home,” Celestia corrected

“The house looks good. More filled out than it was originally,” Luna mused

“This is your house!?”

“Our other house. It wasn't being used and Discord thought this would be better than your apartment we paid for,” Celestia explained

“Thank you for giving me a place to live. I can't begin to repay your kindness.”

“It's our pleasure to help you out. You may have made some mistakes; but it's helped you grow,” Luna said reassuringly

As the two newcomers joined the table; a second knock caused Sunset to return to the door.

“Whatever it is; I didn't do it!”

“Permission to enter,” Tirek asked

“Get in here you two,” Discord called from the kitchen

“Yes sir,” the two said in unison

With that; everyone finally sat down at the table just as Discord was bringing out the platters and Chrysalis poured a glass of wine for the group.

“It's been a while since we've been together,” Chrysalis commented

“Once a Changeling; always a Changeling,” Discord replied

“If you don't me asking; what exactly were you all?”

“Captain; mind if I answer that,” Tirek asked, turning to Luna

“Go ahead General,” Luna replied

“The Changelings were an Army Special Ops group consisting of Luna, Discord and Chrysalis. Sombra here was the Operations expert while I oversaw everything,” Tirek explained “Alright you lot; show ‘em.”

With that order; each removed their jackets and pulled up their sleeves. A series of tattoos were revealed that surprised Sunset.

“I didn't know you were inked.”

“Your friends saw mine when I questioned them after your incident. Rainbow Dash certainly had an immediate reaction to one,” Discord replied

“And not many students need to know their vice principal was a killer,” Luna added

“I'm guessing Dash freaked out upon seeing your ‘Death Before Dishonor’ tattoo. Sombra; why don't you have one?”

“I didn't feel as much a member as the others as I was just about recon,” Sombra replied “Can you guess their names?

“A Reaper and centaur I recognize; but the other two are unknown to me.”

“I went by ‘Centaur’; Luna was ‘Reaper’; Discord was ‘Chaos’; while Chrysalis was ‘Queen’. It helped as no one knew the members outside of our group,” Tirek answered “And you already know my current job as police chief.”

“After I left the Army; I became a police officer for a while before taking a post as CHS’s janitor,” Discord said “Hell of a lot peaceful.”

“I speak for everyone here when I say that I'm glad you're alive,” Celestia said

“With that; I propose a toast. To health and family,” Discord said as everyone raised their glasses

“Health and family,” came the chorus of responses

“You're underage. You shouldn't be drinking,” Celestia commented

“In Equestria; I'm 25 years old and of legal age. Besides Twilight is two years younger than I am.”

“I'd really like to see your home of Equestria,” Sombra mused

“I'm not sure that's a good idea. Apparently Sombra was a ruthless tyrant and was defeated by Twilight and her friends. From what I was told; each of you were villains there and would certainly terrify the residents with your collective presence.”

“Damn. It seemed interesting to visit a new world; but perhaps it would be safer not to go,” Sombra said sadly

“Alright. Eat before the food gets cold,” Discord said

“Before we forget; Merry Christmas,” Luna said

“Merry Christmas to all of you. And thank you for giving me a family and reason to live.”

“While you live with the scar from your suicide attempt; dwell not on the past but instead look to the future and what can be changed,” Tirek said wisely

“Thank you for the advice. I wasn't in a good place mentally when the ‘Anon-a-Miss’ event happened and I wanted to end the pain.”

“Why didn't you decide to return home,” Celestia asked

“The last time I was there; I fought with my mom; Princess Celestia. I didn't want to be reminded of my screw-ups.”

“Well; we might not be perfect, but we'll be there for you,” Tirek said “Changelings Forever; Forever Changelings.”

With that; everyone enjoyed their time together as though untraditional; didn't make a difference to the family. Before everyone left; Tirek held out his right hand out in a fist as the others followed suit.

“Sunset Shimmer, I hereby induct you as a member of the Changelings. Just know we will be there for you,” Tirek said

“Thank you. I'm glad to have an extended family.”

Even though none shared blood; the bonds that brought them together had been created in different ways by either war or fate and all knew they wouldn't change anything even after parting.

The next day; Discord took the family to a game store in order to find something they liked. Sunset turned her head to take in the sight of all the games surrounding her.

“Take your time,” Discord said

Looking over the shelves for MareBox One games, she came across a few popular titles that were picked out. Finding a few that she liked; Sunset wanted to have both versions.

“Call of Duty? Forza? Gears of War? Are you sure about these,” he inquired “And for both systems, no less.”

“I am. Something we can play together if you want to. Although Gears apparently is just on MareBox.”

“I'm fine with it. The racing should be fun to play with family and the dueling shooters are fictional,” Chrysalis replied “Well; a little bit historical on CoD.”

“Well; let's get a couple extra controllers for both systems. That way everyone can play,” he decided

After the purchases were rung up; Sunset decided to start playing Forza at home.

“The graphics are amazing in here.”

“Just don't wreck too badly. Game or not; it's hard to drive a beat up vehicle,” Discord commented

“I'm trying. Thankfully it's just a game I can restart.”

“When you do; dad or I take over,” Chrysalis stated

The three took turns playing; each saving the game before switching accounts. Some time later in the evening; Sunset decided to start playing Gears of War to get used to the controls.

“Even though this is a game; I'm glad I've never had this bad a time.”

“Two groups fighting over resources and beliefs? Unfortunately; many wars are fought for those exact same reasons,” Discord mused

“Monsters attacking citizens definitely makes a bad day,” Chrysalis added jokingly

By the next day; the story mode was completed and Sunset decided to start playing against other players online.

“Take that! Another one down.”

“You're doing pretty well for only playing a day,” he commented

“The others must not be trying too hard.”

“Don't take the game too seriously. It's just for fun,” Chrysalis warned

“I just want to take some frustrations out. Considering the hell I went through with Anon-a-Miss; I deserve some virtual payback.”

“I guess it's reasonable. Just make sure the violence stays in the game,” Discord decided

“I promise. Real life differs from the game. Whatever happens in the game, stays there.”

“Good. Now that that is settled; how's about passing the controller,” he joked “It's our turn to kill some ‘grubs’!”

Throughout the next few weeks and heading into the second week of January; Sunset found ways to occupy herself. A few days would be dedicated to practicing her guitar, while another would go to her artwork. The next time she started up the games; a message was waiting for her.

“Check it out; I just received this.”

“Oh? What's it say,” Discord asked

‘DarknessRisin666; you have reached the rank of number 1 in the world on Gears of War and Call of Duty.’

“Congratulations Sunset! That is an awesome feat,” Chrysalis said, hugging her

“Who's the other top players,” he asked curiously

“Lightning Dash#1, #1Fashionista, Apple bucker, Bunnyluv and Partycannon. No guesses as to the aliases.”

“Your friends. That is a surprise, but do they who you are,” Chrysalis answered

“If they worked it out. Darkness rises just after sunset. I thought it would be fun.”

“Well, you know this will be your last week of free gaming; right? No games until after homework is finished entirely,” Discord stated definitively

“Yes dad. The rest of the year is certainly going to bring about change.”

“Oh? Care to elaborate,” Chrysalis inquired

“There's some things I need to do. Sorry; but that's all I can say right now.”

“If that's what you want. Your mom and I will help in any way we can,” he said

“Thank you both. If I need help, I'll ask.”