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Author's Note:

An OPTIONAL chapter based on Sunset's choice to die

“I want to die.”

“You're sure? There's no going back,” Sundown warned

“I'm sure. What do I have to do?”

“Just fall asleep. I'll take care of the rest,” Sundown replied

“I don't want my spirit to leave just yet. Please allow me to take care of some business before that happens,” Sunset begged

“If that's what you want. Once your business is done; I'll guide you to the afterlife,” Sundown decided

Just after midnight and armed with the comforting words from her guardian; Sunset found herself lying on a few desks in the dreamscape and falling asleep. Inside the hospital room, the heart monitor began slowing, before completely flat lining; signifying her death. Sundown leaned over and kissed Sunset on the forehead before fading away.


“Doctor; you need to see this,” a nurse called from over her shoulder

“When did she pass,” the doctor asked

“Unknown exactly; but early this morning after the last round was completed around midnight,” the nurse replied

“I'll contact miss Shimmer’s family,” he said

“Hello? Is this Discord? I am Doctor Hardline here at Canterlot Hospital. I'm calling to inform you that your adoptive daughter, Sunset Shimmer passed away some time this morning,” Hardline explained


“Thank you for letting me know.”

“What happened,” Chrysalis asked curiously

“She died sometime this morning,” he said, wiping his eyes

“Fuck! That's the last thing I wanted to hear,” she replied before crying

“Trust me. I've had to deliver the news about our teammates so long ago. You never get used to death; it's the unfortunate side effect of life.”

“I know; but it still hurts,” came the answer

“Luna? It's me. The fight ended this morning.”


“Dammit to Hell! Why'd it have to happen,” Luna yelled, striking the wall

“You mean,” Celestia started, only receiving a nod in response

Celestia immediately headed to the computer and logged into the school's website. A simple message was sent stating the school was closed for the day while Luna notified the news in case no one saw the message.

I'm sorry to drop the formalities; but I'd like to request your presence at Canterlot High School tomorrow

Sunset is gone, I take it?My daughter is dead? I am her mother and Princess of the Sun, Celestia

Yes. I am sorry to tell you both this. Discord informed my sister and I.

‘We will see you tomorrow Principal Celestia
-Princess Twilight Sparkle

“Sister? Discord asked if we could help with preparation,” Luna commented

“Yeah. Let me get changed.”

Celestia removed a box from her closet and pulled out a black dress and heels, along with a black jacket.

“I haven't seen you wear that since mom and dad died,” Luna mused

“I know. It's right for the occasion. Besides; you're wearing that.”

Looking over at her sister; Luna decided on knee-high leather boots over black pants and shirt. Considering the weather; a black fur-lined coat was worn over the ensemble. With both dressed; they quietly met with Discord at the school. Once all together; the next trip was to the funeral parlor in order to select the coffin.

“What do you think,” Discord asked

“I don't know. There's too many choices,” Chrysalis replied

Luna took a moment to look around the room, studying the choices. Although most of the coffins had fancy designs; one had a flat top that seemed plain in comparison.

“I kind of prefer this one,” Luna commented

“You're right. This one does seem to fit,” Celestia commented

“I'll take it,” Discord decided “Could you add one design to the lid?”

“What would you like,” the funeral director asked

“I'll draw it for you. Could I get a sheet of paper,” Discord answered

After being handing a paper and pencil; he immediately set to work drawing the two-tone sun Sunset usually wore. Once the design was finished; notes were added to signify the colors to be used.

“That's easy enough. I can have that finished in a few hours,” the funeral director commented

After the purchase was made; the casket had its design stenciled on as the process was started. Instead of drawing the entire image; only half was completed first and painted, before the other side was done later after the paint dried.


“I'm sorry for your loss,” Hardline said

“Thank you. The four of us are trying to get everything ready for Sunset’s funeral tomorrow,” Discord replied

“I have the body being delivered to the funeral parlor. Dead Ringer also said the design is done,” Hardline added


“I can't believe we have to do this,” Luna mused

“You and me both. Thankfully the gymnasium will hold everyone.”

“What happened that caused Sunset to take her life,” Chrysalis asked

“An online profile on MyStable called Anon-a-Miss; and as we all found out: the creators were Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Sunset was getting bullied by the other students due to belief it was her and she slit her throat earlier this week,” Luna replied

“Even hearing the explanation doesn't make it any easier. I just hope Sunset is at peace,” Chrysalis mused

“Tomorrow; we'll be joined by a few visitors from Equestria; a place whose entrance lies in the statue outside,” Celestia added

Once the room had been organized; Celestia closed up as the trio departed for the day. Before leaving; Luna called Rarity and asked her to head to the school.


“Miss Bell; do you have the item,” Celestia asked

“I do. Why might I ask did you want that particular one?”

“I believe she would have worn that to prom and I wouldn't want to see your work go to waste,” Celestia replied

“I see. Would you like help with it?”

“Thank you for the offer; but the three of us will handle that,” came the reply


The final stop for the day was back at the funeral parlor to have the outfit for the next day.

“Welcome back. That is what you'd like miss Shimmer to wear,” Dead Ringer asked

“Yes,” Chrysalis replied

“I will leave the changing to you ladies,” he said

Donning rubber gloves; the three carefully lifted Sunset’s body onto the table before removing the old clothes. Instead of throwing them out; they were simply put aside in the meantime. A new set of bra and panties were placed on her for modesty before the new outfit was slid on.

The dress consisted of a light pink top with the bottom being darker pink with a center of light blue and white. Following the dress were a pair of golden boots and light blue gloves. The final touch was a white choker with Sunset’s cutie mark in the middle that thankfully covered up the scar on her neck. Finally finished; they gently returned the body to the casket. Chrysalis threw the old clothes in the bag before leaving.


Unbeknownst to them; some time later in the night; CHS received a visitor. Nothing had been stolen; although something was left behind. Three particular lockers had a simple message written in a liquid almost mirroring blood.


Multiple others had a similarly disturbing message written on them with the same material.


The next morning; the news reported on Canterlot High School hosting a funeral for a slain student. As the rest of the students arrived to campus; none wore black clothing, but instead donned red and gold in memory of Sunset.


“Princess Celestia; it's time to leave,” Twilight said sweetly

“Sister; are you sure about going over there,” Luna asked

“I need to see my daughter one last time. She deserves to know she was forgiven for everything,” Celestia replied

“Be safe you two,” Luna decided

“Twi; I'm coming with. I want to be there to pay my respects,” Spike stated; allowing no chance for argument

The three headed down to Twilight’s mirror chamber before stepping through the portal. To their surprise; the portal altered their given clothing. Twilight wore a black pantsuit while Celestia had a black dress on. Looking in the mirror, found the dress to be form fitting and exposing her enormous bust.


Vice Principal Luna met the pair at the portal and led them outside the gym. Joining them were the human counterparts of Chrysalis and Discord; both in black suits.

“The funeral will begin in an hour. Feel free to take your time around campus,” Luna commented

“We're sorry you had to be here. Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Discord and this is my wife Chrysalis; Sunset’s adopted parents,” he said, with a bow

“Thank you for taking care of my daughter. I am glad to know someone was looking over her,” Princess Celestia replied

“Both of you are much different than your counterparts in our world,” Twilight mused

“What about me,” Spike asked

“A talking dog? You don't see that everyday,” Chrysalis commented

“Well; at home, I'm a dragon,” Spike said proudly

“Let's head inside the school. Just to get away from here for now,” Discord suggested

Upon heading inside the school; Principal Celestia joined the group on their walk around the school.

● CMC ●

While the others waited; Apple Bloom met her friends as they headed to their lockers. Seeing who was waiting there made them horrified.

“Care to explain what this is,” the person in front demanded, before turning around

“Princess Twilight; we weren't expecting you to visit,” Apple Bloom replied nervously

“Answer the question,” Twilight growled

“The three of us created Anon-a-Miss to frame Sunset,” Sweetie Belle answered

“What you just told us about my daughter; will be said in front of the entire school,” Princess Celestia said



After confronting the girls response for Sunset’s demise; the group began walking to their destination. In the middle of the room was the casket containing her friend's body and four chairs on either side. Chrysalis and Discord took the pair of seats on the right; leaving the others for Twilight and Celestia as Spike sat next to his surrogate mom/sister Twilight.

“Before we start; I'd like say something,” Twilight replied as she and Spike stepped forward

“Informing them about that,” Principal Celestia asked in a whisper

“I wish to inform everyone that the culprit for Anon-a-Miss has been found. Its creators are Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I believe they have something to say,” Twilight explained

“We know that simply saying ‘sorry’ is not enough as Sunset is dead due to us. In our delusion; we believed that by creating Anon-a-Miss; we'd be able to spend more time with our sisters. The blame was shifted to an innocent bystander instead,” Scootaloo explained, as they stepped up

“With that taken care of; let us start the ceremony. We know that Sunset Shimmer was not perfect. While she may have started her time ay school by manipulating others; she had changed and became redeemed with help from Princess Twilight Sparkle.

It is unfortunate that one incident changed the progress that was made. Farewell Sunset Shimmer. I hope you are at peace,” Principal Celestia said sadly, trying to keep composed

“I cannot speak for the others but the five of us were horrible friends in the end. Farewell Sunset,” Pinkie started

“We should have believed you were telling the truth,” Fluttershy said

“The dress you have would have looked better as a prom gown; but I hope you like it anyway,” Rarity added sadly

“We never should have abandoned a friend. Right now; I'm not sure that's even the proper term,” Applejack added

“I'm not sorry the bitch killed herself. Sunset didn't belong in this world and deserved the ridicule she received. Once a demon; always a demon,” Rainbow Dash spat angrily

Hearing that; most of the students were holding themselves back from charging. Although most thought Sunset was guilty; they now realized she was a scapegoat when the creators confessed. Sunset did try changing by making amends for the bullying and the students were thankful for that; but to hear someone that cruel was disrespectful.

“Rainbow,” Fluttershy said quietly

“Yeah,” Dash replied, turning to her addresser

Without warning; Fluttershy punched the rainbow-haired teen directly in the face, breaking her nose and knocking her to the ground in the process. Luna placed a hand on her sister's shoulder to prevent her from intervening.

“How dare you!? Sunset tried to change,” Fluttershy yelled

“You fell for the act as well! You're just as guilty as I am! I just wizened up to the truth,” Dash replied

“Get up,” Twilight demanded, grabbing hold of the front of Dash’s shirt

Twilight proceeded to bury a fist in her stomach, causing Dash to double over and cough up blood.

“Buck you! You were supposed to be the Element of Loyalty! That was a mistake. I, Twilight Sparkle; hereby strip you of your Element of Harmony! Sunset deserved better than to be shoved aside! I asked you to teach her friendship! If I'd have known this would be the result; Sunset would have returned to Equestria,” Twilight shouted angrily

Dash struggled to get back to her feet before immediately heading to a bathroom.


“Fuck. She can hit hard. Mom; can you pick me up?”

What's wrong with your voice?

“Broken nose.”

When she felt it was safe; she had her parents take her to the hospital.


Principal Celestia disregarded the interruption and carried on with the ceremony.

“Could I have a few students assisting with the casket? The hearse is outside in the driveway,” Celestia asked

Not surprisingly; the four remaining members of the Rainbooms volunteered along with Flash Sentry. Twilight was the final pallbearer needed for Sunset.
Together the six led the casket to the front before loading it inside the hearse. The students were dismissed; but could head to the cemetery if they wanted. Everyone decided to pay their final respects at the school, before leaving those close to Sunset to bury her.

“Right this way, you two. We'll be riding in the limo,” Discord said

Discord helped the princesses inside, before his wife. A second vehicle contained the remaining members of the Rainbooms and Flash Sentry and their families; while the third and final would be Luna and Celestia in their personal vehicle. With the vehicles accounted for; the funeral procession started.

“I wish I could have brought Sunset back with me,” Twilight commented

“If we could fix the mistakes we've made; there could be no progress,” Discord replied “You may be a visitor to this world; but live for Sunset. As long as you remember her; she won't be gone.”

“Thank you Discord, for those kind words,” Twilight said, hugging him

“You're very welcome. I've lost countless friends over the years. Both in my time in the military’s Special Forces and a few when I was a police officer,” he said

“I remember many of those myself,” Chrysalis added “I was on the same Special Forces team; in case you were curious.”

“Death gets no easier the longer you live; either,” Princess Celestia mused “Especially after thousands of years.”

Once they arrived; Twilight and the others carried the casket to the grave site before watching it sink into the ground. Afterwards; the girls grabbed a shovel and started filling in the hole.

“Goodbye Sunset. I'm sorry we broke up under such circumstances,” Flash said, throwing the first shovel of dirt in the hole

“I'm sorry I never listened to you,” Applejack said next

“You really deserved more credit than what we gave you,” Rarity added

“Thank you for all the help you gave me at the shelter,” Fluttershy said sadly

“I'm sorry we screwed up in the end,” Pinkie finished

“Sunset; I'm sorry I caused you to run away. It was selfish of me not to allow you to continue your training. One little incident didn't mean you were bad. I was thrilled to hear about the progress you had made before this incident. I love you dearly and wish you could be here,” Celestia said through tears “Rest well, my daughter.”

“I'm sorry I didn't come through the portal and help you. At the least; you could have returned home to your family. Rest in peace,” Twilight added sadly

“Chrysalis and I may not be the perfect family, but we hope you are at peace. We'll meet again in the afterlife,” Discord finished

To everyone's surprise; the spirit of Sunset appeared before them, wearing the same pink dress she was buried in. Twilight and Princess Celestia noticed a set of alicorn wings and horn that appeared.

“Farewell Sunset,” the group said together, before she disappeared



“Have you made your peace with everyone,” Sundown commented curiously

“Yes. I'm glad to see my friends one final time,” Sunset replied “It's a shame Rainbow Dash had to be such a rude bitch.”

“Shall we go,” Sundown asked, as Sunset nodded

With that; Sunset and her demon self walked towards a door in the dreamscape. Once inside, Sunset knew what to expect before officially going to the afterlife in that she would face judgement for her actions.


“Let's head to Sugarcube Corner. I propose a toast,” Pinkie suggested

“That would be nice. Thank you for the suggestion; miss Pie,” Princess Celestia answered

After the funeral was finished and they headed back to the school; Discord drove the princesses to their destination. Inside the room; the girls took various seats and crowded together.

“Mrs. Cake; can we get some bottles of cider please,” Pinkie asked

“And hard cider for the rest of us; if you don't mine,” Discord added

“Twilight; would you like an alcoholic cider,” Princess Celestia asked

“You're an adult? Just how old are you,” Luna asked “You look like a kid.”

“I'm twenty-three back in Equestria; while Sunset would have been twenty-five. The portal altered my appearance to blend in with the students. I'll take a regular cider please,” Twilight answered

The Cakes headed to the back before returning a short time later with a case each of regular cider and alcoholic. Everyone took one before raising them.

“A toast to Sunset Shimmer,” Princess Celestia said

“To Sunset,” the others added sadly

● RAINBOW DASH (after leaving the school) ●

“I'm afraid you have a broken nose,” the doctor said “And bruised ribs.”

“I knew that after getting hit. Could you at least set my nose properly? I need to meet someone?”

“Very well. I can get a nurse clean up the remaining blood as I fix it,” was the reply


“Room for one more,” a voice asked

Twilight and the girls turned around to see a still bloody Rainbow Dash standing in the open doorway. She was lucky the doctor quickly reset her broken nose; although it would take time to heal.

“What are you doing here,” Twilight asked

“I realized I fucked up big time. Having a broken nose, and bruised ribs can change your opinions. You hit really hard,” Dash replied

“I have a reason not to show it. I've been a black belt in martial arts for years. My instructor had me promise not to get into any fights,” Fluttershy said

“You really did mess up. My daughter tried to change; but many students chose not to see it,” Princess Celestia countered

“Dash; you need to think about your actions before acting out,” Principal Celestia added

“Yes, Principal Celestia. My parents removed me from the sports teams, and I'm letting you know now; I resign from all teams,” Dash decided “Although the injuries would keep me off anyways.”

“Why'd you blame Sunset for everything,” Luna asked

“I was being stupid,” Dash said “There's no excuse for my actions; and I don't expect to be forgiven at all.”

“You'll have to earn our forgiveness before anything else. It's the same thing Sunset should have been given; the benefit of the doubt,” Applejack decided

“The presence of all of you is requested tomorrow at school,” Celestia decided

“It's a Saturday. Why do we need to be there,” Rarity asked

“It involves the fate of your sisters,” Luna added

On Saturday; the members of the Rainbooms and their families were sitting in the school lunchroom with Celestia, Luna, Discord and Chrysalis. Three police officers entered the room as well.

“What is this regarding,” Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s father, Hondo Flanks asked

“In light of recent evidence; the culprits for the MyStable account Anon-a-Miss have been found. Will Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo step forward,” one of the officers replied

“That's not possible. Sweetie Bell couldn't have done it,” Cookie Crumbles answered

“The three of us did create the account to frame Sunset Shimmer. We didn't know about the bullying that led her to taking her own life,” Sweetie Belle answered

“The three of you are being arrested for cyberbullying,” Chrysalis said

“I am police captain Tirek. You will be lucky to spend the next eighteen months in juvenile hall until your eighteenth birthdays. Thankfully, the unfortunate death of miss Shimmer cannot be attributed to your actions,” Tirek explained

To everyone's surprise; their siblings said nothing in their defense as the handcuffs were placed on them. Each of the Rainbooms would have been glad to join the CMC if betraying a friend was an offense worth being arrested for.

During the return to school for the students; a noticeable difference was seen. Instead of the graffiti on Sunset’s locker; a mural of her as an angel was painted on inside. Cards and flowers were placed in and around the area in her memory.

Rainbow Dash found herself getting shoved from behind by someone, knocking her to the ground. Instead of someone kicking Dash while there; she instead felt two arms lifting her up.

“We've got you; Rainbow,” Applejack said

“The same thing we should have done with Sunset,” Rarity added sadly

“This may be our chance to make things right,” Pinkie mused

“Thanks; girls. Hopefully things change for the better,” Dash

After the arrest of the CMC, they were sentenced to a year in juvenile hall, which would end just after their seventeenth birthdays. Chrysalis convinced a judge to add the possibility of early release on good behavior. Rainbow Dash asked for an assembly in the gym in order to explain her actions.

“I asked everyone here to apologize for my outburst during Sunset’s funeral. It was my arrogance that led me to believe it was her fault. As the now former Element of Loyalty; I should have been the first to stand by her side, but I turned away.
It's true that I abandoned her; but that is nothing compared to your actions of bullying Sunset. Slamming into her or throwing her schoolwork out of her arms just to show displeasure, only led to shifting the blame.

After the assault I received from my friends, I was given time to reflect on my actions over this semester. Effective immediately; I resign from all sports teams,” Dash said

The reminder of the year passed slowly as the students attempted to recover damaged friendships. With input from the students; it was actually agreed to disband all sports teams for the year to allow more time to spend with friends.

In addition; that year's prom would have a theme of ‘Rebirth’. Sunset’s cutie mark was hung on the back wall, flanked on either side by a phoenix. A moment of silence was held in her memory before the event started. Lyra and Bon Bon were named as prom queens to their surprise. Everyone knew it would take time for everything to return to how they were; but hoped prom was the perfect reminder.

During summer the next following year; the CMC were released from juvenile hall due to good behavior. Each willingly stayed away from one another during their time inside. Any job that was needed, one of them would assist.

“Welcome back you three,” Pinkie commented

“Farewell, Miss Belle; Miss Bloom,” Scootaloo replied

“What's with you,” Dash asked

“We've agreed to part ways. We'll remain friends; but need time to ourselves,” Apple Bloom answered

“Have you learned your lessons,” Principal Celestia asked

“Yes Principal Celestia. We deserved what happened,” Sweetie Belle said

“We're sorry you had to go to juvenile hall. Now you know the dangers of cyberbullying,” Vice-principal Luna added

“We can never fix what happened with Sunset; but at least we can make sure it doesn't happen again,” Apple Bloom replied

“By the way; congratulations on your graduation,” Sweetie Belle said, hugging Rarity

“The three of you are going into your senior year; right,” Fluttershy asked

“If that's what you choose to call it. I just see it as school; considering the mass amount of work we were given in juvenile hall from CHS,” Scootaloo answered

As summer ended; the Rainbooms were starting their freshmen year in college. Having quit playing sports; Rainbow Dash had to get in by applying the hard way; as did most of the others. Rarity was accepted under a fashion scholarship; not to anyone's surprise. As a reminder of everything they had been through and their deceased friend; each had a tattoo of Sunset’s cutie mark on their arms.