• Published 6th Aug 2012
  • 3,475 Views, 30 Comments

Operation:Equestrian Assault - SPkon107

War has haunted the UNSC Colony for almost three decades but the Covenant still wants more.

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Chapter one: Covenant Invasion

Hey kon here well this is my first story and yes I’m sorry for my terrible grammar. Writing isn’t my best but I like to do it anyways this is my first story and please comment and give me a few tips to write better. This is the first part of three hope you enjoy and again sorry for my grammar. Spartan over and out

Operation: Equestrian Assault

Chapter one: Covenant Invasion
Year: 2552
Location: Aerospace on Covenant corvette.
Date: October 15, 2552
Time: 12:25 P.M
A fleet of 30 Covenant corvettes all out to find their next planet to attack. They recently found a planet filled with gems that they can use for ammunition and to create a new weapon of mass destruction. This will devastate the UNSC but what they do not know is that the United Nation Space Command (UNSC) will send one soldier to explore the planet before engaging on a full assault battle.
“Ship master we have the location of the planet.” The brute radar shouted to the ship master.
“Perfect once we have the planet in our hands we will take the gems and take the natives and they will become our food for the war!” the ship master was filled with relived that the location of the planet was near. The only question in this fact was that how the natives of this world will resist on the Covenant assault.
Location Canterlot, Equestria Planet Counter Earth
Time: 6:45 P.M

Luna was out on the balcony raising the moon, but she had a bad feeling that something was coming toward them, Celestia sees her sister worried.
“My dear sister why do you have a worried face is something bothering you?” she asked as if she did not have the same feeling.
“Celestia we know that thy have the same worry feeling as us. So do not act that you don’t know, but this feeling is more of the rage of war.” the white alicorn sees her sister eyes as she knows that she was right.
“Luna we have not had a full scale war since the last War of the Known World. But we will mobilize the royal guard to all over Equestria.” Luan stopped her as she slightly raised her voice.
“Sister we both know that the royal guard will not be enough if are to mobilize, we will have to use the Elite Royal Armor.”
“But Luna that is a supreme level action this armor is equipped with magic shield no one has seen this kind of warfare for over 1,000 years ago.” She said trying to convince her not to take this action.
“Trust me Celestia we must do whatever it takes to protect our loyal subjects” they both stood there for a minute with not another word being said until her sister broke the silence.
“Your right Luna, I’ll mobilize the troops and you prepare the armor as well as ours.”

Location: Orbital Defense Station, Earth’s orbit
Date: October 17, 2552
Time: 5:17 A.M

“Spartan-107 you are needed at the drop-pod section B-4 at once.” The intercom announced as the oversize human ran to the room. As he arrived there already in the room was Sergeant-Major Johnson along with Master Chief John-117.
“Sir what are your orders?” as he stood in front of them.

“Son we called you because as you know the Covenant bastards have found a new planet that they will us the resources there to make a new weapon. Your mission is to explore the planet and see if you can negotiate with the people living there.”
“Consider it done sir” he walked to the armory packing things in the drop-pod. As he close the door the Chief warned him.
“Remember 107 we will send another pod two minutes after we launch you. The beacon is on the other pod you have exactly 120 hour before we assume that you are killed by the natives on the planet or by the Covenant and we will have a full assault on the planet. Do you copy that Daniel?”
“Copy that John.” As the dropped him to the space jump portal he left out of sight. Now all they have to do is wait.

Location: Counter Earth’s orbit/ Germaney , Equestria
Date: October 17, 2552
Time: 6:55 A.M

Five Covenant corvettes enter the planet, the first country they reached was Equestria the ponies of the land just looked at the strange vessel. Wondering if they were friendly or foe they were over Germaney. They saw the middle of the vessel glowing in a split second the corvette glasses the city. Troops began landing and the royal guard was launched to fight, but the basic armor was no match for the plasma base weaponry.
“Shipmaster we have the natives in our hands we can take this planet in no time.”
“Perfect now drop down the troops we take this planet with no one who stands in our way.” The troops drop to the city and attacked the civilians. A group of royal guards ran to the alien invaders to defend.
“Private take the cannon and kill them.”
“Yes sir!” the guard shot the group of Brutes, but the Covenant energy shields protected them from the blast. “What how is that possible not even a hydra can take a blast from…” the guard was hit by the Brute’s plasma rifle.
“Commander the cannon operator is dead we have to fall back now.”
“Ok all guards fall back we have to protect the people at all co…ahhh!” the stallion was hit and fell to the ground his lieutenant.
“Commander are you ok?”
“I…I don’t think so.”
“No I don’t think I’m going to make it.”
“Don’t say that you’ll make it.”
“We know that’s not true make sure that the ponies make it out of here alive promise me you’ll do that.” The commander’s head fell and his lieutenant just stared at the stallion’s lifeless body.”
“Sir you are in charge now what do we do?”
“We get these ponies out of here now!” the guards were able to escort all of the remaining ponies in the country but with a huge cost of the land being lost by the new aliens. As news reached the castle it was now certain that the Elite armor is now needed to be use. An hour later the Covenant took the city and used a blitz to conquer the rest of the country. In five hours they reached Canterlot because the troops were still not equipped with the armor. Now the rulers now have to hold off the fighting in their capital.