Fluttershy has long since had a secret crush on the lord of chaos himself. Worried that she would ruin their friendship, Fluttershy has chosen not to act on it. Choosing to watch from afar and simply enjoy their relationship as is, she now fears that she risks losing him to another pony. One that is better suited to him in every sense of the word.
What to do, what to do....
This is cute
Is there going to be a sequel in the future because I really like this story I just want to know what twilight and the rest of her friends (not including rarity) say about fluttershy's growing relationship with discord
This was a great story.
I see you have made all the characters in character.
I wonder where did Fluttershy and Discord went off to?
Thank you! I love the characters as they are, especially with the effect that Discord seems to have on Fluttershy's growth. Had to try and retain some of that.
Well they had very important matters to discuss... and talk about... *wiggles eyebrows* vvvvvvveeeeerrrrryyyyyyy important matters~
There might be. Have a few other projects going on right now so it's on the backburner... for now.
I'm so happy that you enjoyed!
Thank you :)
Poor, naive, oblivious Twilight Sparkle. Lol She was probably the only one of fluttershy's friends who didn't realize that she liked Discord.
I think she was a little too caught up in her princess duties to notice that some friendship lessons had gone off topic ;)
HAHAHAHA! You knew all along, Rarity!
This was delightful!
Rarity must pay attention to all details, big or small! .... for fashion... and gossip....
Thank you! I'm happy that you liked it!
This was a lovely story! I love any fresh Fluttercord! Bravo!
"Poor" Twilight is much too busy with reading and her royal duties than to pay much attention to what maybe occurring outside the pages of her books XD
I'm so happy that you enjoyed it! Fluttercord is awesome~ XD
Much adorableness in this story, I love it! And Twilight at the end had me giggling so hard, the obliviousness was perfect. I would love to read a continuation to this XD
oh this is so well written! i love how the story progresses and doesnt feel forced or rushed, the characters seems in character as well which i love especially the excitable tone fluttershy seems to have once she realises discord said her blush was adorable because she does seem to have a more happy and playful tone with him in the show. i also looove that rarity knew it was discord, i was hoping she would and was disappointed that she didnt seem to say anything about fluttershys crush being him after her talk with fluttershy but i was pleasantly surprised by the end aha. you did an amazing job! ill for sure read this a few times more.
Thank you for all your kind words! I was considering that Rarity confront Fluttershy about Discord but decided not to. In my humnle opinion (and experience) it might have scared her off, thinking that everyone knew and was playing with her. She hadn't wanted everyone to know just yet so.... Rarity is a good friend and seems to be a pony who can read a crowd or situation.
But hopefully you enjoy it every time you reread it!
Hey! Thank you! I was working on one. Just on hold for a bit as I do my other projects. But I'm hoping it will be worth it!
no yea i think in the end you made the right choice with rarity not saying anything. preheaps one day you will write a sequal about the truth coming out and fluttershy and discord tellying the news to their friends however in the mean time im happily content re reading this a bunch more aha.
This is totally like my headcanon that Rarity is one of the first to notice Fluttershy and Discord growing closer, and Twilight being one of the last.
This is the most relatable fanfic I have read this week! I love it, you did a great job writing! The ending when Rarity reveals she knew the whole time really sealed it for me.
Apart from needing a bit of proofreading, it's a nice story! Very pleasant.
Rarity knowing without being told, and Twilight being completely oblivious. Why does that make so much sense?
Also, loved the little cartoon logic/chaos magic jab with Discord's heart-shaped pupils.
This story is a gem