Twilight makes a mistake after reading one dusty old book and a naughty letter she should not have touched. Now she must make amends to Princess Celestia and fix a long-broken heart in the process...
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This was a enjoyable read for sure. I would honestly really love to see a follow up story with Spike and Twilight. Maybe jump a few years where Spike is a teenager and he start to develop feelings for Twilight. And thy must come to terms with their feelings as well as how a princess and a dragon being together could change things with their friends and all of Equestria
OH MY CELESTIA! This was such a great story. It had me smiling the whole way through! Keep writing the Gospel there Dusky!
Will there be a sequel about twilight and spike?
I’m glad you enjoyed the story! I’ve had and heard some interesting ideas from you guys about how a future story regarding Spike x Twilight, if I get enough interest in the idea then I’ll look into it.
Thank you again!
All good things,
Thanks for supporting this tale from start to finish, Belle :D I’m glad you enjoyed it, hope there’s more stories to come that will whet your appetite.
All good things,
If I get enough interest for the idea then yes, a Twilight x Spike fic will come along as a sequel.
Thank you for your question and favouriting,
All good things,
Can’t wait!
Wow, this is precious. The story got me hooked, I took my time reading because its one of those stories that you must read slowly in order to truly enjoy. Heck, I was even working, yet reading this. Such a piece of fine art. Truly wonderful. I am also aboard the train for Twilight x Spike. Sounds very promising.
Once more, great work. Keep it up.
Thank you for this.
Really kind comments, thank you!
My next decision will be to do a quick clopshot off the back of this regarding one of the ponies who missed out on some of the fun...
All good things,
Thanks for that spot, will correct
If ever there was a story to touch my heart in a way few ever have... if ever there was a story to leave me experiencing a contemplative thoughtfulness that has left me lingering on the subject for days, perhaps even weeks... if ever there was a story to leave the resounding impact of the emotions of joy, sorrow, laughter, melancholy, and most importantly of all, love...
...It was this story.
Well done, Scara--this is a masterpiece. And don't you ever forget it.
To think one night I was just searching for a Story with Sombra, not caring exactly the genre or details of it. But then I came upon yours. This story filled with so much, and nothing was left on the cutting room floor. Everything in this story meshed so well together and just fit so well that it just felt like it was wrapped up in a Bow and wrapped in wrapping paper, perfect to be laid as a present underneath the tree.
I don’t read a lot and I’m very picky with what I read honestly, but your story managed to touch me. No grown adult is gonna sit and say that this story did not have a profound affect on them, because it really did on everyone.
The tale of a long lost love, and those lovers reunited albeit briefly.
This one really made me sob, and I’m a grown man. My gosh Scaramouche what have you done!! You can’t be writing stories so good they make me cry!!!
I wish you all the best in becoming the best writer on this site because this, this is amazing!!!
P.s. Please keep writing anything wholesome with Sombra in it though, you’d do me a great service.