Twilight makes a mistake after reading one dusty old book and a naughty letter she should not have touched. Now she must make amends to Princess Celestia and fix a long-broken heart in the process...
Hope you all enjoy! It's an amazing project that Dusky has been working relentlessly on, and I'm happy to have been a part of this beautiful production. Of course, feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Dusky deserves whatever good comes to him from this story, and I'm more proud of him than can be imagined. All of his late nights and early mornings, diminished hopes and reignited fires have all contributed to this work of art. So, without further ado, enjoy!
Hope you all enjoy! It's an amazing project that Dusky has been working relentlessly on, and I'm happy to have been a part of this beautiful production. Of course, feedback is always welcome and appreciated. Dusky deserves whatever good comes to him from this story, and I'm more proud of him than can be imagined. All of his late nights and early mornings, diminished hopes and reignited fires have all contributed to this work of art. So, without further ado, enjoy!
Faints from both nosebleed as well as blood rushing to fast to a major boner. "Hot damn this was good! Please keep it up. I need chapter two already!"
Thanks Belle :D next chapter arrives 23rd Dec.
I only skimmed this, but what I saw looks promising. Just one quibble on the archaic English, though. "Thy/Thine" is the correct second-person possessive form, so in this sentence:
The last "thou" should be "thine."
Thanks for the hot tip! I’ll correct it.... nnnnnnow!
No, wait... Now!
... Now!