I want nothing more than to bring a smile to your face with a light-hearted clopfic! If you want to bring a smile to mine, leave a comment!
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dont you think it would be more efficient for dragonfly to get the energy DIRECTLY from the source? as in HER and mark?
Thought about it and came up with two issues:
1. In my headcanon spending emotion like lust also creates a drain, so it would be less efficient.
And more importantly:
2. I really want Glimmer to get a good ol' human pounding!
You are a terrible person for this.
Of course, considering the matter by weight of volume, a mouse has stronger farts than the shift you took with doing this, if that makes sense.
*Sigh* One more thing to read on my list...
Hahaha, yes I am terrible!
I had to do something for us poor smut fanatics in such a sexually tense fic, and I knew Kris finds the idea a bit squick.
That said, most importantly I hope I can get him and his fic more exposure, which it deserves.
Plus this is really fun to write! Kris has made a great sandbox to play in!
This caught my eye but now you have my attention.
...after reading that description, I now have the image of Chris Pratt fucking a changeling.
Thanks clop.
Oh dear god. You madman. Imma just fave this even though I haven't read it yet.
Actually it was played by Matt Damon.
*Sees title*
*Sees author*
Oh my.
I know this was just put out. . . but when can we expect more?
Btw, love the similarity and it fits really well in with the regular/original story.
Thank you so much!
I'm not nearly as prolific as Kris. Blame my cushy corporate white collar job!
That said I'll try to update at least weekly, if not more quickly!
Okay, I have to admit. You've gotten me curious as to how this could turn out.
Cool and thank you!
A bit different from your usual modus operandi, but I'm certainly not complaining.
Well, I've got to get my Marklight fix somewhere, and this will do quite nicely. Thank you.
Welp, this can only end... saucily
Sign me the fuck up
Well, I suppose an eventual Maretian clopfic was inevitable. Really, I'm surprised it took this long.
I have mixed feelings. Personally, I find Starlight to be by far the most appealing candidate. If it were me, yes i'd want to pick her too. That said, like others are pointing out...it doesn't make a lot of sense. Clearly it would make more sense for Dragonfly to be sexing up Mark directly. You've tried to create a backstory to explain it...that it's "too dangerous" and so forth, but ultimately your delivery is not very convincing. The way it's presented, I don't believe it. It feels contrived.
More damning though, there's something about this this feels a bit juvenile. There's too much embarassment and contrivance. It kind of feels like a teenager who knows nothing about sex trying to create a sexy story. "And her ginormous boobs were like sandbags, oh so hawt!" By this point in the story, these ponies have been struggling together against death for over seven months. They're past the point of needing to act like shy little teenagers.
Think back on Spitfire's rant from Sol 119:
We are not children. We will not let you act like we are children.
We are a team. We will not let you act like some of us are not team.
Next time remember that.
When NASA wanted "cute" pictures of them, Spitfire got angry and lifted her tail on camera to make a point. Everypony was on board for this. And yet here you have Dragonfly and Starlight acting all shy and embarrassed about this. "Oh dear me! What is the sexxors?!? Blush!"
It just doesn't feel right for the characters to act like this. They know the score. They know what Dragonfly's deal is. And they're not children.
Don't treat them like children.
You want a more plausible setup? Here you go: Dragonfly knows she's in a bad situation. She knows Mark thinks she's cute. But going all xenomorph mind-sucker on him has created distance between them. Seducing Mark was always her backup plan, but now she can't. And so, because she's a changeling, rather than being upfront and honest about it...she manipulates the situation behind the scenes to make it happen. She knows that Mark and Starlight already had their morning wood incident when they were in the rover together, so she figures that the ice has already been broken, and that they just need some nudging.
Granted, that would actually be a story, not just a clopfic. If all you want to write is a clopfic without all the backstory...then just write one. Mark and Starlight in the rover, except Starlight doesn't kick him when she feels his erection. Starlight and Mark stuck in the cave when it collpases and after 12 hours they think they're going to die...and hey, this is kind of our last chance.
Plenty of ways to bring these two together.
well, as been said Maretian clopfic was inevitable... we did have the one time when Mark "poked" Starlight by mistake... i really didn't think it would take so much time to someone to write it.
the basic thing that wasn't covered in the original Maretian was how they handled their heat cycle so i was assuming this will be the case, but "code pink" also works.
the end is a bit, strange, for me with dragonfly diverting the whole thing to starlight, but who knows... might develop well.
I think I'm going to have to disagree, at least on the "treating them like children" part. Dragonfly wasn't embarrassed or anything at any point in this chapter. She was actually quite blunt about it. The only one who got all blushy was Starlight, and given her past and her age, it's entirely possible that she is, in fact, still a virgin.
I would also like to point out that Spitfire is not, by any stretch, a good bench mark for normal reactions. She's military, and that puts her responses to things like that into its own category. Also, as a slight aside, I didn't think the pic she sent back was outright pornographic, I thought it was just extremely suggestive. I can't find the right sol in the main story to check
What. Is. This?
I love it, the Maretian has been a great ride, and this imitates the writing style pretty well. Please continue!
I know i’ll give the first few chapters a read. I don't care much about the shipments, so the rest better be good.
Also, is this a point of divergence or is this compatible with canon?
Dragonfly is still a clown at this point. Never tasted respect and all that.
The first and only virgin cult leader? I don't buy it.
Sol 116, Spitfire most definitely flashed Mark her goods in all their glory. And Starlight actually was acting like a embarrassed virgin then as well.
Considering the nature of her cult and why she started it? I'd believe it. Especially in MLP.
Was it?
Huh, welp, now I have the image if Matt damon fucking a changeling in my head.
Thanks clop
Excellent comment!
Don't worry my friend, this will NOT be a teenager level clopficing! I have plans for how this will unfold, and it will NOT be treating the poners like children.
That said, I would still expect Starlight's very initial reaction to the proposition to be a bit off-putting. Remember the poking incident led to not talking for some time: pretty juvenile for a clearly biological and unintentional reaction. SG either has hang-ups about sex or she hasn't thought of Mark in that way and it's going to take some time for her to catch up.
But yeah, don't worry, I want to try to explore these two as much in character as possible (while keeping it believable).
Still, great feedback, thanks!
Heat will factor into it.
I thought the same thing about the Spitfire pic. More butt than overt pussy/ass.
Not that I would be opposed to that.
I have really not considered SG's virginity for this story. My assumption is that with her age and status she's not, but I'll have to consider as it would obviously play in.
I'll do my best to make it compatible (in terms of weaving dates and the like), but I am sure at some point I'll be unable to sustain that.
I will also do my best to entertain even those not looking for the raw meat on meat slapping, and just the fun side story bits instead!
I have to ask. "Why?" you know this is going to be non-canon so why? I personally dont and wont read clop, but I just had to ask.
PS: I am not trying to be mean or rude, I am just genuinely curious
I love the story! I want to play around with some of the characters and share my clopficcy-shippy ideas!
Most importantly - I hope to drive some/any of my readers to the story to enjoy it themselves!
Ah I see!
Well while I do not (as said) read clop I wish you luck with your story! The original Maretion really is a damn good series and I too look forward to seeing where it goes
Well written. You caught Kris' style well. Other than the theme, it feels like a real chapter of The Maretian.
Ride dat pony, Mark. FOR SCIENCE!
Kinda contrived reason for her not to go to Mark directly... And to be honest I'm much more of a MarkFly shipper myself and I'll be severely disappointed if the buggy doesn't get some action (I this is fanfic, Cannon be dammed!), but I'll follow this nonetheless. The fave might come later.
Fake news! There are no trees on Mars so there can't be any logs. :P
(I'm not sorry.)
Sol 116
"She hopped onto the worktable, crouching so her barrel just barely cleared the tabletop while her rump waggled high in the air. Just to make her meaning clear, she lifted her tail well out of the way. “Shoot me like one of your Fancy girls,” she purred in Equestrian."
I always saw it that she was so hung up on Sunburst, she never even thought about sleeping with any pony else due to not wanting to let anypony close to her in fear of losing them, like she did him.
She did seem awfully distant from her villagers despite insisting that they were her friends. Plus, I just don't see her as a character that would sleep around.
And she is shy when it comes to these things. Remember when she walked in on Spike? Despite how she usually sees him in less.
Because there are others who would enjoy it.
Oh yes. This is going to be top shelf stuff.
Success on FiMfiction can occasionally be noted by people writing clopfic of your characters.
True success comes when people start writing GOOD clopfic of your characters.
I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this in the feature box. Off to a great start, made me laugh a lot. You're pretty good at matching Kris' writing style. I think I'll be tracking this alongside the main story. Has anyone told Kris? lol
Aren’t there cameras and mikes throughout the Hab recording everything? Where are DF and SG talking? And is it in English?
Didn’t do this for features or for heat?
Funny. You’re getting a lot of that now.
Also, SOMEBODY tweet this to Matt Damon. He needs to know that someone out there is having his character make love to a mentally unstable unicorn.
Ahh, thank you. I would have never found that without rereading the whole story, and I just don't have time for that right now.
Still doesn't make her a good baseline for that sort of stuff, but it looks like she did take it farther than I thought.
I'm actually shocked but extremely humbled by the reaction today.
If anything it shows me what a great community exists around the fic... So many great comments!
Thanks for each one!