• Member Since 11th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen April 15th


An aspiring writer who loves to wile away the hours by reading.

Comments ( 12 )

This is a realy good read.

keep up the good work.

Wohoo you are back. Cant wait for more updates. I realy want to know how they will handle the pegasi.

I am so glad to be back. I missed having a computer. I'm just thankful I was able to save all my files! I would've been devastated if I'd lost all that work!

We are getting closer

I just looked at the likes for this story and it was 14. How does this story only have 14 likes

Well, it's got one more now thanks to you! XD

Interesting idear to use the beads as currency. The concept of money comes from something like this.

Anyway. Good chapter. Still waiting for the pegasi to arrive.

Btw. This story reminds me of a Fanfic with the name "Herd life". Its like reading 2 storrys in the same timeline/universe. Pretty cool aktually.

Is this storyy still alive?

Definitely alive, just....hibernating. Sooner or later I'll rebuild my buffer and wake the sleeping bear.

This is a great story any word on anouther chapter?

Still hibernating or is this story dead now?

I just noticed that you still sign into Fimfiction sometimes, so I wanted to let you know that Thistle's story is still one of my favourites here, Helping Ponies in particular. There's something really comforting about reading about her journey, building up civilization from nothing. Your stories never got as much appreciation as I thought they deserve, so I thought you'd like to know that I still come back and re-read them once or twice a year. <3

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