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Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Here is the next song

READ THIS!!!! Some mature themes around the middle of the story.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Promise." Twilight said as she helped Zachary get up. He still wasn't entirely sure if she would hurt him or not. She was much bigger than him, he only came up to about half way up her foreleg, so he was short compared to her. But something about her deminer made her seem friendly. It was clear that she didn't want to hurt him, she just seemed too friendly and nice to want to do something like that.

Twilight lifted him up with her magic, which sort of surprised him, but he calmed when he saw Twilight's gentle smile, signaling it was alright. She put him onto her back. They walked to the other side of the library. He was shocked to find out that this was an actual building. When he wandered into the town, he thought it was just a normal tree, but it was an actual building. It was hard to see any good details in the tree, even with the moonlight, it was still hard to make out any good details on the tree. He guessed that ponies do different things than humans, they are talking magical ponies after all.

They reached the front door of the library, as Twilight used her magic to open the door. Zachary expected this, due to her being a unicorn, but seeing her open something with magic gave him a strange feeling that he could only describe as a mixture of shock and amazement. He put those feelings aside, as the door opened, and he felt the warm air flow against the front of his body. The lights flashed on, as he got a better look inside.

It was just as she said it was, a library. He saw a variety of books that he never heard of before. As he and Twilight entered the library, he felt a small, yet audible rumble in his stomach. He felt his face grow red from embarrassment. Twilight figured he might be hungry, but she couldn't be sure since he was a different species after all. "Are you... Hungry...?" She asked, her voice still had kindness. Zachary nodded his head. Not knowing what a creature like that would eat. "What... Would you like to eat?" Zachary thought about it for a bit, before realizing he was craving a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich.

"Can you make a PB&J...?" He asked, still nervous and unsure. Twilight smiled down at him.

"Of course I can." She replied. "I'll have it ready for you in a few minutes." Zachary let out a small grin. It had been a long while since he had something really good to eat. He was starting to grow warmer towards Twilight. He still wasn't sure, but he was starting to trust her a bit more now. She smiled back, as they both walked in the kitchen. As she entered, she didn't see Spike anywhere, so she thought he was either still at Rarity's, or he was upstairs sleeping.

I guess I'll have to make this myself. Twilight thought to herself, as she opened the cabinets to get the ingredients out. As she started to get the sandwich ready, Zachary sat down at the table. As he waited, his mind traveled off elsewhere. He started thinking. Thinking about how something like this could even happen. He just walked through a forest, like he did any other day. There was something different about today though, but for some reason, he couldn't remember what it was.

"All right, all done." He heard Twilight's voice, which interrupted his thoughts. She made her way to the table and sat down with him. She slid the plate over to him, which held the perfectly made Sandwich. He picked it up slowly and took a small bite. "How does it taste?" He smiled, as he swallowed the bite.

"It's really good, thanks!" He said as he took another bite, this one was bigger than the last one. She smiled, glad that he enjoyed the meal she prepared for him. As he ate, Twilight was thinking about the questions she should ask him. She did still want to get to know what he was, what others like him did, and some hobbies of his. She normally would have been prepared for something like this, but she just didn't find the time to think of conversation.

"So... um...." She started, thinking about what to say. "You're six-years-olds?" Zachary looked up at her and nodded.

"Yeah, I turned six a month ago..." He replied as he bit into the sandwich yet again. She nods, understanding.

"What kind of species are you?" She asked the other question.

"I'm a human..." He replied, remembering the books he read about his kind. Twilight was getting more and more interested with each answer she got.

"What do you like doing in your spare time?" Zachary was quick to answer.

"I like reading books and listening to music..." He replied, not knowing what else to say. Twilight seemed to lit up at this.

"Me too, I love reading!" She replied, with a smile. "If you couldn't tell already, I really like books." Zachary understood, she did live in a library after all. The next question Twilight was going to ask was one she was wondering ever since she found him.

"Where are you from?" She asked. Zachary remembered his old neighborhood, his old school, his old house, and most importantly, he remembered the name of the state.

"A place called California." He said as he finished the last of the sandwich. "I was walking through a small forest near my neighborhood, when everything started to change, then I ended up here." He said. He slightly moved in his chair, when he felt a pain in his back, which made him yelp.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked a worried expression washed over her face. Zachary sat still, waiting for the pain to fade.

"Y-yeah..." He said, the pain slowly fading, only coming back at the slightest movement. "It just hurts a lot..." A frown formed on her face.

"Here, let me take a look at it." She suggested. Zachary was a bit hesitant at first. The memory of the Timberwolf attacking him was still fresh in his mind. He shuddered at the thought. He didn't want the pain to be there anymore, so he decided to agree. He turned around, and Twilight lifted his shirt with her magic and looked. It was extremely red, with some skin torn, but luckily it wasn't bleeding.

"That looks like it hurt, that Timberwolf must have been scary..." She said. Zachary looked back at her, with a confused look on his face.

"You mean a giant wooden thing?" He asked, and Twilight nodded.

"Yeah, they live out in the Everfree, is that the first place you were at when you came here?" She asked.

"I found a sign in there that said it was the Everfree forest." He said as Twilight continued her examination on the mark. "I guess that's where I was..." Twilight smiled, knowing that the injury could have been a lot worse.

"Hmmm, well we can make this better easily..." She said, as her horn lit up. Zachary felt something on his back. It was a nice, warm, soothing feeling. Slowly, he felt the pain evaporate, finally granting him the relief he desperately desired.

"What did you do to my back?" He asked curiously. Twilight smiled at his curiosity.

"It's a healing spell I learned back when I was a filly." She said as the shirt fell back down over Zachary's torso. He turned around, being grateful for her healing technique.

"Thanks, I feel a lot better now." He said. Twilight felt proud of herself. Even though it was a simple spell, and couldn't heal open wounds or broken limbs, she was happy that he no longer had to feel pain, thanks to her.

"You're welcome," she replied, Zachary smiled, ad Twilight smiled back. Suddenly, they were interrupted by the sound of knocking at the door.

"Who's that?" Zachary asked. Twilight looked back at him, still with a soft smile.

"I'm not sure, but it's probably somepony I know, don't worry." She replied. Zachary took note how instead of saying someone, she said somepony. Twilight made her way to the door as Zachary following closely behind. Twilight used her magic to open the door. When she did, she saw five ponies that she recognized. Her friends.

"Hey, Twilight." They all said, not noticing Zachary, who was hiding behind her foreleg.

"Hey, girls." She replied. She noticed that Spike wasn't with Rarity, which confirmed that he was upstairs sleeping, considering he had nowhere else to go or do. "What brings you, girls, here?" They all looked at each other, before looking back at Twilight.

"Well," Applejack started. "My little sister thought she saw you bringing some sort of creature like thing... So we wanted to check it out..." Twilight thought she was being watched by somepony, she guessed she was right.

"Your sister is right." She replied. There faces changed to ones of interest. Twilight turned around, and gave a reassuring smile towards Zachary, giving him a single that he could come out of hiding and so he did. Her friends looked curiously as he came out from hiding behind Twilights foreleg.

"What... is that...?" Applejack asked. "Who is that?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "What happened to his clothes?" Asked Rarity.

"This is Zachary," Twilight said. "He's a human that I found. He was all alone out here, so I brought him in. He's only six years old." Zachary, now fully out in the open, gave a small wave towards them.

"H-hi..." He said, his nervous nature was clear in his voice. They were shocked at the facts. He was a six-year-old never before seen creature, and he knew the same language they knew. There was a silence between them, and so Twilight decided to break it.

"Why... Don't you girls come inside." She suggested. Her five friends agreed and came inside the library.

Once they all came inside, they all went into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Can I get you, girls, anything?" Twilight asked, and they shook their heads. They all already had dinner before they got here.

"So, you just found him by the side of your library?" Fluttershy asked and Twilight nodded in response.

"Yeah, he got attacked by a TimberWolf earlier." They turned their attention back to Zachary and that's when they noticed the back of his shirt had a claw mark through it.

"Did he get hurt?! Is he okay?! Does he need to go to the hospital?!" Pinkie rambled. Twilight quickly shook her head.

"No," She started. "The wound luckily wasn't anything too serious, so I just used a simple healing spell to numb the pain, though it was probably scary for him to be in that situation." She looked at Zachary, and he nodded his head.

"Y-yeah, I thought it was going to..." His voice trailed off. He didn't want to imagine what would have happened to him had he not escaped.

"Okay, well that's good!" Pinkie replied. "So how did he get here?" This was when Zachary himself responded.

"I was walking through a forest, w-when everything started to change." He started. "Everything was starting to become more colorful, and then next thing I knew, I was here..." The mane six all looked at each other.

"Well, I think we should all introduce ourselves to him." Rarity said. "I'm Rarity, I own a fashion shop, and I love to design clothes, it's also what I do for a living. It's nice to meet you, little one." Zachary let a small smile form on his face, as he gave the fashion designer a small wave.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, but you can just call me Pinkie!" Pinkie said, in her normal hyperactive self. "I like to throw parties for all of my friends, and I just love being around other ponies! It's nice to meet you! I should throw you a big Welcome to Equestria Party!" Zachary again gave a little wave. Equestria, he never bothered to ask what this place was called, he just must have forgotten to ask.

"Okay, we can hash it out later..." Twilight replied. It would be nice to have a welcome to Equestria party. The next pony to introduce herself was Applejack.

"Hey there, little feller, my name is Applejack." She started, reaching out her hoof for a handshake. Zachary also reached out his hand and grasped her hoof, accepting the greeting. "Ah live and work on an Apple orchard just on the outskirts of Ponyville. It's nice ta meet ya, Zachary." He nodded.

"It's nice to meet you too, Applejack." He replied, with a soft smile. After her introduction, it was Fluttershy's turn next.

"Hi... My name is... Fluttershy." She said, in her usual quiet voice, similar to how Zachary was. "I like to take care of all the little creatures that are in the forest." Zachary nodded. He also was someone who liked animals, so there were similarities between him and Fluttershy.

"It's nice to meet you too Fluttershy" He replied with a small smile. Fluttershy smiled back at him, as the last pony to be introduced walked up.

"Heya kid, my name is Rainbow Dash. I'm a wonderbolt and I like to go extremely fast. Nice to meet ya!" Rainbow greeted, hovering over to him. He gave a small nod, now knowing all of Twilights friends and their personalities.

"My friends are probably some of the best ponies you'll meet," Twilight said towards Zachary. "There really nice and even helped save Equestria. Though, most ponies in Ponyville are nice, so you don't have to worry about that. My friends might be the ones to help you the most in a sticky situation." She looked back at them, with a soft smile.

"Before you girls came here, I was just asking Zachary a few questions about himself and what not. He was really good at answering them." Zachary nodded in agreement, before realizing something. They probably wouldn't keep him here. They might either send him through the forest to get back to his world or do some sort of spell. He didn't know why, but he didn't really want to go back. Was it because they're magical talking ponies and he just finds that amazing or was it something else? He just couldn't remember.

"So um, what are you going to do with me?" Zachary asked Twilight. She looked back at him, going into thought. She felt like walking him back through the Everfree forest wasn't an option, since she had been there many times and not once has that ever happened to her, so this was probably a rare event. Plus, the forest would be too dangerous for him to go in again, considering what happened the first time. There was probably a spell that would need some powerful magic to do something like this, so if she did find a spell, she would need the magic of maybe three alicorns. Until then though, he would need a place to stay. Twilight, already feeling somewhat attached to the child, decided that if he wanted to, he could stay with her until then.

"There might be a spell that could send you back to your world, but I would have to look in the library for it, which could take a while, so until then, you can stay with me if you'd like." She told the small child.

"A-alright..." He said. For some reason, he felt like he didn't want to leave. It was probably because he didn't really have any friends back in his world, and he finally made some here. "Do you have a bathroom I could use?"

"Sure," Twilight responded. "It's right over there." She pointed at a door. Zachary replied with a quite "Thank You" before walking to the restroom and going in. As soon as he walked inside, he walked over to the mirror, using a stool to get up higher for a better look at his face. He didn't have to go to the restroom, but for some reason, he just stared at his reflection, with a blank expression. He felt like he done this before, but he must have forgotten for some reason.
It probably happened after he came here, or maybe it was something the TimberWolf did. All he could remember was that he lived in California, and a few minor things, but he couldn't remember anything from his personal life.

Whatever caused this, he wasn't going to get his memory back by standing in the bathroom. Plus, he didn't want to be in that bathroom any longer. As he exited, he could see Twilight and her friends, getting out blankets. Twilight noticed him, and let out a warm smile.

"We decided to have a sleepover tonight," Twilight said. "Tomorrow, we'll see what we can do to bring you back, don't worry." Zachary nodded, appreciating the concern she had for him, and that she actually seemed to care about his well being. They were all bringing there pillows and blankets upstairs to her room, so he followed them up there. As soon as he went up, he saw one bed, and a basket, which looked like it already had an occupant of someone that was green, but he couldn't really see his face at all.

"Who's that?" Zachary asked, pointing at the small dragon in the basket.

"Oh, that's Spike. He's my personal assistant. Who... Well likes to sleep a lot, to be honest." Twilight said, with a giggle. Zachary nodded, looking around the ponies setting up there sleeping spots but noticed that he didn't have one.

"Um... here should I sleep?" He asked, with uncertainty. Twilight did notice that she didn't really have any extra blankets or pillows.

"If you want, you could sleep with me tonight." She suggested.

"Really? Would that be okay?" Zachary asked, and Twilight nodded. As all of her friends lied down and covered themselves with the soft and warm blankets, Twilight herself got onto the bed and gave a gesture for Zachary to come over to her. He did so and got into the bed with her. Se pulled him into a warm embrace to get him comfortable, She covered both of them with the blanket with her magic.

"Goodnight Twilight..." Zachary said, leaning into her chest for warmth. She smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest. She felt a growing warm in her chest, as she seemed more and more attached to the child.

"Goodnight Zachary," Twilight said softly, as she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep, cuddling the small child, keeping him warm from the cold.

Zachary felt something hard and cold against his back, as his eyes slowly opened, his vision returning to him. Though it didn't seem to matter, due to the fact that it was obscure from some sort of thick fog. As he got up, he looked around his surroundings. He saw some buildings, ones that looked like they were in his worlds instead of the ones in Equestria. He felt small particles of something falling on him. He reached his hand out as one of the particles fell on his hand.

It was snow.

"What the...? How is it snowing?" He asked himself. He thought he was back in California, but he guessed he wasn't due to the snowing. He decided to walk around, trying to find someone to explain the mysterious fog and the snow. As he walked, he thought he heard someone or something in the distance, so he decided to go for the noise. He started running, starting to feel creeped out by everything.

"What should I do, what should I do...?" Zachary wondered, but his thoughts were cut off by the sound of something in the distance. A loud, ear piercing siren. It was loud, and it only got louder and louder every second, as the world around him suddenly started to change. That's when he really started to run. As he ran down the street, he saw that one of the doors on a building was opened.

He quickly ran inside and closed the door behind him. Inside the building, there was nothing but pure darkness. He couldn't see anything, as he fumbled around, trying to find some sort of light or anything to clear away the darkness. Eventually, he did come across something, or more like someone. There was a woman, standing in the dark, for some reason he could see her clearly. She had black hair, a blue shirt, and jeans. It looked like she hadn't had a good shower in a while, her hair dirty and unkempt, with some dirt covering spots on her face.

"Why did you let me die, Zachary?" The women asked, throwing Zachary off guard. He didn't recognize the women, then again, he did forget a lot of things when he came to Equestria.

"W-what...?" He replied, confused at what she exactly meant.

"You heard me." She said. "You let me die, I don't understand. Even after everything I tried to do to let you live, you let that happen to me." Zachary was silence from shock until he mustered up the words he wanted to say.

"B-but I never met you... How could I-I have anything to do with that?" He chocked. He truly didn't remember who she was, but this answer seemed to make her angrier.

"You don't remember me?!" She nearly screamed. "I know you, I've known you for a long time now, up until you let me die, how can you not remember me?!" Zachary felt the tension build up in his back, as he tried to back up, but it seemed that he could no longer move.

"I just don't remember you, m-maybe you got me confused with someone else?" He suggested, making the women frown.

"How many other six-year-olds do you know that have the name Zachary Baker, because I only know one, and it's you..."She replied, with a slight growl, as she walked up to him. "I asked for your help, and you didn't help me. You never helped me, even after all I did for you, even after I begged you ever cared about me. You killed me, and I should have never cared about you." Zachary didn't know what to say. Could he really be responsible for this woman's death, a women that he never even remembered meeting, but he might have... He just didn't remember.

"I'm... Sorry if I did something... To cause that...." Zachary tried to apologize, but she wouldn't accept it.

"Sorry?! Well sorry isn't going to bring me back, is it?" She asked, with a spiteful tone. She let out somewhat of a frustrated sigh, before looking intently at him. "You couldn't save me then, let's see if you can save me now." With that, she turned around, walking further into the darkness. Zachary, not knowing what else to do, decided to slowly follow the woman.

After a few minutes of nothing but walking in the pitch darkness, he could see a light bulb, shining over a certain, lighting up the area, revealing a door. When the women reached the door, she turned around.

"You can never save me, you lost your chance. Goodbye." She said, before opening the door. Zachary could feel the wind from inside the pitch dark room. It was chilling cold, deathly cold. The women didn't seem to be phased by this, as she entered the room. As soon as she did, however, the door slammed shut, the light bulb blowing out. Zachary felt panic wash over him as he heard a noise of what seemed to be something screeching against the road, before the deadly sound of something heavy crashing.

The door slammed open, but not to reveal a dark room. It revealed the site of a car accident. One care smashed into the other, a blaring horn is loud and clear in the distance. Zachary didn't really have time to take it in, as the door slammed shut again, leaving him in pitch darkness. He felt ice chilling air form around him, as he began to shiver at what had just happened. After a while, he heard something behind him. Footsteps.

His body was frozen in place, as he felt that he couldn't turn around. He felt something touch his back, as he felt a few quick flashes of things he couldn't make out flash before his eyes.

Zachary awake, cold sweat covering his forehead, as he breathed in heavily. He realized where he was, and remembered everything that happened before that terrible nightmare. He felt a comforting warmness next to him. He looked up, the moon shining light on the pony sleeping next to him, cuddling him. He didn't mind though. It was a comfortable position, and she was keeping him warm. He really liked this. He ever expected this kind of kindness to come out of anyone... Or anypony in this case. He felt grateful for what she was doing for him. With that, he drifted off to a more peaceful sleep, wondering what the next day would have In store for him.