I was getting into your story until you started putting in modern firearms in. I was hoping you"d focus on the lich king relaying on his magic and you should look into getting an editor and maybe a proof reader.
I find your story very amusing and enjoyable to read. But you should try to get a proof reader. Not everyone can read through horrible gramer like some.
9254247 I've asked time and time again for one, but no one wants to do it, I DID have one, but he quit on me in the middle of my bill cipher story so *shrugs* if you can find me one that happens to have a discord account feel free to lemme know, ill check back every hour or so on here till 8, its 11 rn so I should see your reply if you do reply
I like your story and I don't want to be rude but you need a editor
I was getting into your story until you started putting in modern firearms in. I was hoping you"d focus on the lich king relaying on his magic and you should look into getting an editor and maybe a proof reader.
I find your story very amusing and enjoyable to read. But you should try to get a proof reader. Not everyone can read through horrible gramer like some.
I've asked time and time again for one, but no one wants to do it, I DID have one, but he quit on me in the middle of my bill cipher story so *shrugs* if you can find me one that happens to have a discord account feel free to lemme know, ill check back every hour or so on here till 8, its 11 rn so I should see your reply if you do reply