The sounds of marching boots echo throughout the forest, as lines of men dressed in partial plate, mail, and gambeson march along an old forest path. With each step echoing for miles as the 11,000 strong Human army continues onward towards its goal. Each man knowing a battle is to come soon, and are prepared for any ambush or air skirmishes by the flying horses. Thus, one tenth of every man that has a ranged weapon has it loaded at all times. prepared in case they need to repel an attacker. With around seven thousand men being well trained from the king's own retinue. While the remaining four are volunteers, crusaders, and militias from all around the human territories. Varying in equipment and training. Some wealthy crusaders bearing full plate and riding on destriers while wearing their holy symbols on surcoats. While others wear simple chainmail or gambeson, coming in for the chance to rid the world of the false gods of the equines. Or merely for adventure or gold. Each being assigned to groups, singing their songs, conversing and loudest of all. Marching. Flanked on both sides by dense forests.
But all noise in the forest is practically nonexistent compared to the marching of the men. And the clopping of their cavalry, screening the front in a wide arc and protecting their back and supply train. Which carries the various things needed for an army on the march. Food, water, families of some men, assistants, feed for horses and livestock, spare weapons, blacksmiths tools, armorer tools, carpenters, and various other necessities to keep the army ever marching.
The Army's leader, a king, a warrior, statesman, and strategist all in one. As close to a perfect ruler as you can get, leads this invasion into the lands of the talking horses. So arrogant that their magics and their fictional control of the celestial objects will scare him from invading. He will prove to the world that there is only one god and thus this crusade of his will reveal the lies of these 'alicorns'. Perhaps even annex some vital arable land for his kingdom and set up a puppet in the 'alicorn's' place so rival kingdoms do not see this as a power play, and so his holy volunteers do not desert. But that it is all in the future. He must focus on the present, as they march ever deeper into the 'equestrian' lands, the horses will have noticed by now. Hes sure of it. Clouds do not move on their own so quickly.
But hearing the chants of his men, the cries of 'deus vult' and marching songs to pass the time calm him down slightly. Wishing he could be there for his pregnant wife, but a job like this cannot wait. He has prepared for this for too long and any longer and volunteers will begin to return home to their farms and families, and weapons will rust and become a waste. Especially the new powder powered weapons he has acquired from the lion birds. While they took some work from his master blacksmiths and woodworkers to make them suitable for human hands, they appear to be well worth it. able to penetrate armor easier than arrows, and half the time and strength to train to use them. While slow to reload, one of his commanders had an idea to fire only the front row and have them rush behind to reload, while the next line prepares to fire. A Genius idea. He claims god gave him a vision, yet whether or not he did, it will suit us well on the battlefield. Not to mention the Pikes tactics that his mountain living Mercenaries were payed to teach his army such an effective tactic, Especially one against cavalry. The king smiles as he ponders the effect of these new weapons and tactics on the battlefield. Finally they will have a match for the horse's magic and flight. They cannot avoid a projectile they cannot see, and the sound will make their more sensitive ears bleed in close range.
He looks ahead of him to his army. All on guard yet happily singing along to an old song about an old battle long romanticized. He cannot help but sing along, While his personal guards sing along with the king. And soon the whole line is singing merrily in sync as they march into enemy territory. Coming closer and closer to a large bridge over white river...
The sound of clopping hooves echo across the vast farmland of the equestrian countryside. As the royal guard march to the defence of their homes. Over five thousand royal guardsmen from nearby Cities have been assembled, Clad in plate and mail, While holding their lances on their sides. Most are unicorns, whos only weapon are their horns. While the remaining few are predominantly pegassi, as earth ponies have difficulty attaining royal guard status with the massive advantages the other two races have in combat.
Yet the army consists of mostly earth ponies, as the local towns and village militias flock to the guards army as they are levied to defend their farms. With any pegassi given scout and skirmisher roles, and any unicorns being taught basic missile spells by the guards at each day of camping to increase their combat effectiveness. But most militia members are earth pony farmers, few wearing proper plate armor, as only the richer of the landowners can afford such luxuries. Most make do with chainmail handmedowns and gambeson. Armed with swords, spears, and crossbows. Their militia training vairying deepening on the wealth of the town, city, or village they come from. With the more skilled ones giving the rest some degree of training.
Altogether the force is roughly 16,000 Strong, with only Five thousand being trained royal guards. from the nearby garrisons. The captain of the royal guard, Whom leads this army of ponies contemplates his situation. Various scouting parties have been sent out and found out where the human army is. Giving them an advantage, Yet reports state they are well armed. And many appear to be trained, at least in marching. The scouts estimates vary from a few thousand to tens of thousands. They may have an advantage in the amount of trained infantry they field, as well as their affinity for melee combat, They may be outnumbered, according to his more reasonable estimates from his own guard scouts. And due to the path they follow. Using a map to find the best suitable defensive ground for his army.
As he stares at the map. The words and symbols eventually melding together as he daydreams. He ponders about retreating to a more defendable location, perhaps awaiting re-enforcements. But His thoughts go to his family in the nearby city. What might happen to them and the ponies of the undefended towns and villages if this army is defeated and they are able to ransack the country. There arent any guard garrisons near enough to stop them from storming a city. He has heard many stories of the brutality of these.. Barbaric humans. How they treat their own kind in warfare. How they disobey the honorable rules of war, to not stick their arrows in poisonous things, to spare nobles and ransom them. No these humans only wish to win. And care not for the value of honor and glory.
No. There can be no retreat. No surrender. He must defeat this invading band of barbarians before they spill the blood of innocents. Who have done no wrong other than be in the direction of these monkeys. He cannot fail here. Let Celestia help him in this time pressure. He will not let her holiness down. Lest he get sent to taurtarus for failing his oath to her. He checks the map again and spots a point that the humans MUST cross in order to reach the populated areas of the land. A Unfordable river with only a single bridge on it. He will make a stand at white river......
---------------------------------------To be continued---------------------------------------
I'm interested.
i hope this battle will be like battle of zenta switch was fought during 1697 at river Tisa
The humans must win! Deus vult.
Uoull find out
Deus Vult! I'm obviously rooting for the humans but I am still very much excited for how this goes about. Shame it'll just be battle story but I believe it'll still be good.
if it gets popular enough i might create a full story starting from before the battle. Though i shouldnt be counted on that considereing ive abondoned three other stories already, Thus why im doing a short story this time.
I kinda want the humans to win, just to suckerpunch the princesses for proclaiming themselves gods. But in the end I hope for each side to respect the other as equals.