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I liked it a lot until the betrayal. That ruined it for me.
A version where Twilight casts the spell on RD like she was intending would be a lot better. This is just the usual "Twlight screws up a spell" story we've seen over and over again with a unnecessarily betrayal tacked on.
I typically like Macro stories, but this felt like you teased Twidash, then ripped it away.
It's kind of like reading something marked comedy but it ends up being a drama.
It's not bad, just not what I expected. And yes I did see Starlight tagged, but I didn't expect her to play such a big part.
I'll probably read it again , knowing what to expect and will most likely enjoy more.
For now though its only OK to me.
Yeah, that ending just... killed it for me. Jesus Christ, add a Dark tag, dude.
It was decent until the end, I tend to find 'betrayed and effortlessly over-powered because starlight' PAINFULLY boring... Suelight glimmer is such a tired trope 'in the show' that recycling it for fetish material is just bland.
Good stuff, took maybe turn that's a little dark, but I still liked it a lot.
Size stealing and absorption and upgrading to godhood here apparently is criminally underappreciated
I really like this, and I have to agree that the ending took a quite unexpected turn, and left it feel like it lacks a proper ending.
Hope that you take it into acount when you do another one of these
I really liked this from start to finish. I enjoy stories where a charcuterie ascends, especially when it’s in a somewhat malicious way. Really great and would love to see this continued.
I mean, I'd like that part too, if she just wasn't such a cunt about it xD In my mind, such an attitude inevitably leads to a future downfall, no matter how far one things they are into invincibility... She's supposed to be smart, not making enemies of the only creatures genius and magic enough to eventually break her power. XD
There's also that old trope of 'starlight out-smarts/powers Twilight because twi did a stupid... again' XD
It might not have been a trope at the time I wrote this story, which was very soon after the finale episode where Starlight relented and didn't destroy existence out of her spite at Twilight.
ohhhh, old story that wasn't posted until now then? xD
also it's kinda funny how, due to icons, it looks like your icon is displeased with comments below it XD hahah
What makes me dislike this story is that Twilight trusted Starlight, and the fact that she took advantage of that trust to betray her like this changes it from being really nice to just tragic. Each to their own but for me that 180 at the end was a massive disapointment.