• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014
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Horseword maintenance and installation specialist. Mareschizo extraordinaire.

Comments ( 44 )

Always a pleasure to read your writing. Best of luck in the contest!

The build-up, the build-up, the build-up. I adore this setup and how smoothly it moves from scene to scene. In spite of the pony element, there's this deep dread that organically develops until it's practically choking the prose with its totally shrouding atmosphere. Really gives the sci-fi the room to sink its inky teeth in. A lot gets laid out for Celestia, but even with all the details in place, there's still no clear path forward.

There's just forward. No going back.

Excited to see this one to the end.

I'm loving this so far!! Getting some SBS-like vibes, with the whole weak!Lestia in an apocalyptic world

Cooperation mandatory, compassion eternal

I like

This is definitely my favourite type of horror.

Wonderfully written, I hope you do well in the contest!

This is sad. I hope that the satellite is able to recoup more power and resources so that Twiley can afford to give Celly, Lotus, and Codex a little bit more life next life.

I can't decide if the slow decaying bleakness of the situation is the terror or if some horrific twist/revelation is going to pop up at any moment. I'll say Twiley is obviously unnerving, especially with her nonchalance for pony life, but what really strikes me as creepy is the overall crippled and seemingly forgotten state of what should be pony kind's most important mission. If they can build a station, they can build resupplies to said station. Heck, in the almost 100 years the mission has been going they should have been able to research wildly superior space technologies to upgrade said station instead of letting it decay into a barely shambling metallic corpse. It almost feels totally forgotten, but if the elements are there that seems hard to believe. The ship was also clearly built with a much larger crew in mind, all of which have been sacrificed, and now there's conveniently just 'no time' to let them communicate with home? Things decay, but the state of the ship feels much much older than ~80 years. Celestia's "pod" also feels too... organic? I can't help but wonder how long they've really been out in the black, how far they've strayed from their original mission, and if there's even anyone back home waiting for them to complete it. Hyped for more!

I'll be honest, that all looks like a very cool concept :twilightsmile:
And I think, I actually see from where inspirations come from
Can't wait to see how it will be resolved

My face when the mare I love more than anything wakes up from suspended animation only to still remember experiencing the hundreds of deaths she was forced to suffer at my own hooves.

It’s been a minute since I was so eager to get new chapters of a FIMfic story. Damn it, Norris, I am truly enjoying this excellent story! :rainbowwild:

Yeah, I figured our Celestia was a copy. Makes too much sense if they can already copy brain states. Why send the "real" Celestia when a duplicate will do?

Wow, this is beautiful.
I've dropped everything I was doing, read it, and did not regret it at all.

Even if Celestia will end up like that child from A Space Odyssey, but in artificial womb in depths of cosmos, I wouldn't mind it at all. Seems chaotic enough


There is still hope, then.

It's all very good. Thank you, for writing!

And somewhere, a million miles away, the gnarled ruins of an ancient space station lost the last of its purpose, as the point it had been orbiting for a dozen lifetimes ceased to be.


The most ambiguous part of this ending is the fact that Celestia was carefully written to neither express memories of her time on the satellite nor lack them. I choose to believe that she remembers.

Wondrous work. It's a real use of the word refreshing to come to this conclusion while following in the wake or such a profoundly grinding start. It's just the perfect juxtaposition.

Amazing story, thank you for bringing it into the world

Depressive and hurting but in a right way ... Thanks for the great story!

holy fucking shit dude

i just


words do not do
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y e s

I just finished this and you said everything I was going to say.

I liked this story. Dark and somber, but always with a note of hope.

Holy shit, this was good! 🤘

We need more hard sci-fi fics like this.

You should check out Cypress Zero. I helped with the prereading, and it really did scratch a hard sci-fi ponyfic urge I've felt myself for ages.

Justy #26 · Apr 25th, 2023 · · 1 · (---) ·

Thanks, I'll check it out right away!

You really captured that spicy fish out of water feeling and that sense of something larger happening... looming is excellently explored.

Breathtaking. This is breathtaking.

Author excuse is likely “they used magic based technology to send the ship to the void so they can’t do it anymore” or something. Kinda of like the fact that dalek’s precursors, a post industrialized species, never developed concept of stair.

It’s sci-fi horror and a mop fanfic. You can’t really do much without being really out there.

Eventually, she did stumble upwards, her eyes fluttering open. More of her feathers littered the floor where she had fallen, and the room still had an opaque sheen that Celestia realized was thanks to her eyes and no fault of anything else. Light was shining down from some point of the ceiling—too high up to be artificial, but she knew the feel of her sun and moon on her back better than the feel of her closest lover’s lips.

love this entire introductory section! really lets the reader get into Celestia’s sensorium as she tries to make sense of it all. and very reminiscent of Changeling pods!

It was too difficult to spot a source through the limited space she’d been given in the roof’s speckled holes, but if it was the sun, it wasn’t doing a very good job.

and Celestia would know!

The entire tone of the room shifted, as though Celestia had announced her return to consciousness by pulling the pin off a grenade and casually setting it down on the end table beside her. Celestia opened her eyes further, scanning the room more carefully. The mare had shirked further away, her eyes wide in shock. Celestia could see that she was dressed in a wrinkled lab coat, and medical scrubs underneath. She was a bat pony, and her partner a pegasus.

“You don’t seem to mean me harm.” Celestia said slowly. “Medical staff, it seems?”

so very Celestia, love it

“Sorry.” Lotus sighed, rubbing her withers where Celestia had struck her. “This ain’t really my profession. I ain’t a very good nurse. But we’re all ya got, so enough with the kickin’, eh?”

i mean, sounds like a typical day in the profession, sadly

“How much do you remember?” Codex asked. “Normally when you awaken, you retain some knowledge of our mission. But considering you awoke about nine whole months before Twily had you scheduled to, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that everything’s still a bit hazy.”

hehe, great plot device to have Celestia learn about the setting alongside the reader

And then, Lotus re-entered, a videotape held in her mouth. There were hundreds of teeth marks all along its surface—she’d clearly carried it around many, many times before in a similar fashion.

augh, love this detail. also, love ponies

“Naturally, I’m running with Scenario C for the purpose of any potential Scenario C Princess Celestia or Twilight’s. The quick answer to our current predicament is that we are presently in the middle of an explosion of chaos magic the magnitude of which has been unrecorded since before known history. This means we are all in a presently dimensional-apocalyptic circumstance, held together by the will of ponykind everywhere. Co-operation is mandatory, and compassion remains eternal.”

ooh, the way that last line echoes “friendship is magic”, while being both benevolent and ominous at once… love it

A short walk of about five minutes took Celestia and Lotus to what seemed to be a cafeteria or living space. It looked as though it was intended for a group of a dozen or so ponies, judging solely by its size and the number of tables--four--arranged throughout the room.

ooh, makes the question in previous line even more pressing! physical proof that the crew we see is far more short-hooved than intended

Celestia blinked. Twiley. There it was again, the second time she had heard her ex-student’s name, but said with such a degree of casualness that she was unsure if her student and this ‘Twiley’ were truly the same.

guessing this is the onboard AI?

“Alicorns have it worse than us little-ponies.

hehe, “little pony”, love it every time

And that was to say nothing of the speed… it had been less than twenty four hours since she had parted ways with Lotus, but the decomposition seemed to be in the middle stages already.

oh, wow! the whole sequence with Lotus and Codex felt so “solid” that it should be the reality, but this is calling all that into question again. maybe Celestia is mixing up her memories and experiences from past revivals? or the Chaos Magic itself distorting what reality even means? what a delicious premise


no idea how or why you did this but i feel like it is meaningful somehow

Finally, she returned to the infirmary to grab more painkillers, blankets, and the ‘Science Tape’, as it had been called. She didn’t know if she’d have any way of viewing it again, but even having some slim reminder of home and of Twilight felt necessary to her.

a great Chekov’s Science Tape for a future revelation later!

just beautifully paced and absorbing! the concept of being the last member of a spaceship crew that is hibernated and revived over the eons leading to a haunting and lonely mystery is a great one, and you really set it up to its full potential here. what’s especially interesting is that Celestia is very much not the “everymare” character one expects to be the protagonist to this type of story, and that makes me especially excited to watch the mystery unfold, as you absolutely nail what she would be like here


“Beep… beep, beep…” Lotus was saying. “Boop!” She extended a hoof to gently but firmly prod at Codex's snout, resulting in an indignant scrunch and growl from the stallion.

“Ouch! Watch it!”

“Oh come on. That hurt. Seriously? That buckin’ hurt? Damned pussy.”

Celestia cleared her throat gently.

definitely underscores Celestia’s earlier comments on the youth of these crewmembers. considering that this is a mission of utmost importance and weight, this really adds to the mystery of the whole thing!

“Righto! Remember this ugly fella?”

Celestia managed a little smile. “He’s not ugly, and his name is Codex Haze.”

love my Princess

“We… had been hoping for a lead-in to that, Princess…” Lotus eventually said, quietly.

“We imagine that was… frightening for you to see,” Codex added. “But we promise there’s a logical explanation.”

ooh, cloning?

“That’s… that’s horrible.” Celestia gawked. Not just upon considering such a horrific fate, but in the casual, comforted way that Lotus herself had referred to it. As though they were as disposable a resource as the water they were drinking. ‘Little ponies’. To Celestia, they seemed anything but.

augh, love this, and solves the mystery above. also, given Celestia’s immortality and long reign, doesn’t this make Lotus and Codex’s attitudes a difference in degree, rather than kind, as the other mortal ponies that lived their lives and died and kept Equestria running?

But besides their commendations, the real reason for their presence soon became rather obvious to Celestia. She had suspected it strongly before, through her interactions with them, and the more she got to know them the more she convinced herself of the fact. They were, simply put, exactly the sort of pony that Celestia herself would have selected for such a dangerous and soul-crushingly lonely mission. Lotus’s bubbly optimism, Codex’s calm, collected demeanor in the face of such an existentially humbling fate…

It took a certain sort of pony to remain loyal in such a time and place.

much like she carefully selected the future bearers of the Elements of Harmony, perhaps? really makes you think

“We weren’t meant to be up here this long, were we?”

Codex went silent for a moment, a heavy sigh leaving the stallion. “I think the original assumption was that we’d be heading home in a few loops. We never put an end-point to this mission. ‘As long as it needs to last, until the Tear is closed.’ But… nothing is built to last this long.”

“Not even ponies.”

Codex gave a little laugh. “No. Not even ponies.”

and oof, you could really feel this in every description in the story so far!

“What about fuel for a return?”

Codex exhaled. “Well. Priority of the mission is making sure there’s a home we can come back to.”

oof. truly giving their lives for Equestria!

A little giggle, which… sounded distinctly stilted and synthesized. Subtle enough that if one had not known Twilight they might not have noticed. But for all the decades they had spent together, Celestia felt confident not even a changeling could fool her on the sound of her faithful student’s voice.

oh Celestia, little do you know the power of AI!

Oh! Thanks for booting me up, by the way!” Twiley continued. “Running on safe mode is weird. Like you’re stuck only thinking a few thoughts. I can see here that I’ve been offline for nine hundred and ninety nine…”

She went silent for a moment, and then;

Er. Well, that database is scuffed. Just showing me a buncha nines. Long time! Been offline for a long time!”

and oof, this makes me wonder if that estimate of 80 years is itself accurate…

Twiley let out another synthesized chuckle, though her voice went grave before too long. “I, uh. Sapped a bit of...her, so that your bodily constitution would be a bit stronger. N-nothing personal, but, er. You are the mechanic. And I figured power was vital, and she only had to be alive long enough to stabilize you and the Princess, so…”

Celestia blinked. Codex did, too, and he looked to Celestia with an expression of blooming horror.

Can…. Can you tell her that I’m sorry? It wasn’t an easy call at all, and it’s…. I’ve been thinking about it ever since I had to reconstitute her, and…”

“I’ll tell her,” Celestia spoke up. “I… have my doubts she’s going to hold it against you, Twiley.”

and augh. sometimes you can’t beat the cold equations

The further back in time she went, the more the specter of digital distortion and degradation consumed the younger version of Twilight Sparkle. The more recent tapes instead featured a mare who looked the part of her Twilight, but much, much older than Celestia had been expecting. It wasn’t as though she was some weary old mare, yet the youthful spirit that had hung about Twilight for much of her early 100’s had matured into a taller mare standing with a prouder stature and a newfound patience in her muted smile. She was a different sort of beauty that Celestia had wanted more than anything else to have been able to watch Twilight grow into, together, over the many long years they would face together.

and augh! way to make me feel the inevitable weight of time, mare!

“I wouldn’t dream of telling Lotus or Codex that they are no longer themselves,” Twiley said eventually. “Would you?”

says everything without needing to say more. really makes you think about the continuity of identity and its meaning

The Harmony Cannon flared to life. For a brief moment, the lonely little corner of space that Celestia, Lotus, and Codex had found themselves drifting was flooded in brilliant, wondrous light of every hue, as the magic of Harmony burst out from the barrel of the Harmony Cannon. It traveled, on and on, colliding with the Chaos Magic Tear…

…and sputtering out, fading away like the last traces of summer on a cool September night.

about what i expected, given everything so far. really taking to its natural conclusion the transformation of the Elements from the civilization-defining artifacts the show centered around to the source of villain-zapping rainbow beams.

The fact that it was progress at all was… as encouraging to Lotus as it was discouraging. When she’d looked at the print-outs, she had scoffed. “Looks like we’re just good enough to justify havin’ to do this for another eighty years.”

and oof. just enough progress to make it seem like continuing to do this and suffering through the growing decay is the right course, and just too little to make it seem anything other than hopeless and horrifying. an excellent balance to strike

On the final burn, they were moving well over 25,000 hooves per second.

should i love that this is what they use instead of “feet” or hate that they don’t use the Pony Metric System? i am so torn you have no idea

“Ever take the el train from Fillydelphia to Baltimare, Princess?” Codex had asked her. “Think that one cracks, like. Five hundred klicks per hour.”

hell yeah, love the absolutely inexplicable pony version of the American mid-Atlantic

Lotus snort-laughed. “I, uh. Look, I don’t do well with speed.”

“As we saw on your space-walk.”


“Yes. Which is why I would... Rather expedite the completion of our mission than bother wasting my time making myself miss it anymore.”

Lotus and Codex shared another glance. Both ponies looked like there was more that they wished to say, but neither could find it in them to offer anything.

and, oof! looks like this is the first real break that Celestia has had with her past selves. and there’s still the reveal that awaits on the other side of the Science Tape that could very well recontextualize everything

The plaid, polka-doted one had nearly given her vertigo. Twilight couldn’t have imagined how Rarity would have reacted to such a garish display.

the “would have” doing a lot of work here, augh. and yes, it would have been the worst! possible! thing!

In a way, the inherent silliness of the residual Chaos Magic still infecting Equestria was a welcome distraction from the more sobering reality of the distant horizons. They were stained black with pollution and refuse, as Equestria immolated itself struggling to fight against the encroachment of a magicless future.

oof, love this. the true feel of a dying world…

Twilight gave a nod as Luna trailed off, and pulled her in for a hug with a wing. “Hey, me neither. Equestria’s stuck with the two most awkward princesses. Lucky them, right?”

“Yes, quite…” Luna said, somewhat distantly. “But… not for long, yes? We are attempting optimism.”

so very Luna

A copy of something is not that thing. "

oh wow! augh i love this. excellent stuff!


aww, the Venus symbol!

She offered her withers instead, for the tranquilizer injection. Her last thought, before her mind went black, was the horrible whirring of the reconstitution machine.

absolutely horrifying sequence, wow. the comfort of the short lives of this crew had clearly been pared down a lot from its original parameters, but now we are seeing just how far it can go

She turned away from Celestia, to rifle with something on a medical counter behind her. After a moment she turned again, a videotape in her mouth. “We got a transmission from home, while we were…under.” She offered it to Celestia. “It...might be from decades ago, and the signals just reachin' us now. But somepony there…was still thinking about us. Still appreciates us. We don’t…really have a way of watching it without power. I can try and get that up. But… at least we know that we’re not forgotten.”

i just know that literally no matter what is on that tape it’s going to destroy me isn’t it

Celestia did not agree. But she did not wish to spend the remainder of her life... If it could be characterized as such, arguing with the only one left who was able to hear her do so.

and augh. you are really making me feel for these characters. though i am glad Lotus seems to have found an answer to the question of identity that is meaningful for her in this moment. and augh. that moment of getting to speak with her Twilight again that this Celestia we have been following this whole story had been waiting her entire interrupted existence for, turning into this…

“Alrighty. Hold onto somethin’, I’m firin’ the retros,” Lotus replied. “Once, to get us lined up. Then, we’ll go give that damned chaos tear the boop of its lifetime.”

aww, love it

She was encased within an embryonic structure, and when she pushed her hoof against it…

It pushed back.

full circle! nice touch

And so, she waited.

And somewhere, outside of the nothing, the universe carried on.

and a beautiful and cosmic end and not end

And somewhere, a million miles away, the gnarled ruins of an ancient space station lost the last of its purpose, as the point it had been orbiting for a dozen lifetimes ceased to be.

beautiful, beautiful stuff. the use of Celestia is brilliant in this, as reducing the guiding Princess of Equestria to a copy and a tool (by Twilight herself no less!) really adds to the weight of the desperation these ponies face, while Celestia’s personal connection to an immortal pony makes her hope of survival and communication with Equestria more meaningful, in contrast with her mortal crewmates who only really have each other left. and there are so many wonderful closed loops here, from the cyclical nature of the resurrections themselves to Celestia’s last action being to save her Equestria by using the Elements of Harmony against the remains of Discord. and throughout, the way you made the decay and its progress felt was just amazing. thank you so much!

Depending if a copy pricess is conservative or destructive

So happy that it ended happily because if it had all been for naught and Equestria was already apocalyzed decades ago and they didn't even manage to close the Tear I might've literally never gotten over it the same way I've never gotten over The Enigma of Amigara Fault.

Fantastic story. The creativity of the premise honestly has me in awe, and the execution was immaculate. I put off reading this for so long, but I'm glad I got around to reading it. I'm glad this is one of the stories I've gotten to experience in my mortal lifetime.

And so, Celestia waited.

We won't be seeing her again.

It was Lotus. Lying dead and decomposed on the corridor, with half of the keratin of her left forehoof broken off and detached from the rest of her body.

Called it. I kinda liked her, too.

But we all saw it coming.

Then, a steady store of food--as much as she could carry, though she knew it would probably only last her a week or so.

Celestial in survival mode now. Let's hope nothing challenges her immortality.

On the final burn, they were moving well over 25,000 hooves per second. It didn’t feel like it to Celestia, she felt quite stationary, all things considered. It was strange to think that she was traveling something like three hundred times faster than she could ever recall traveling.

The earth spins around the sun at 97513 feet per second, assuming that hooves per second and feet per second are the same value then celestia is moving about about 4x slower than she would on earth/equis.

That's such a scary concept honestly

Holy shit, I am at the loss of words. This was absolutely beautiful, and horrifying. Elaborately horrifying. I'm so sad that we didn't hear Lotus at the end though, it was such a heartbreaking moment for me

This is a masterpiece. I am so shocked right now. It's haunting. I cannot sleep now. It's the kinda story that makes you think long and hard after

I finally got to this story and it was amazing. Thank you for this wonderful story:twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

sure, Celestia c_c lay down in the amniotic fluid and then lick it off the floor, I'm sure you'll be perfectly fine

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