• Member Since 12th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen January 19th

Phantom Writer

Comments ( 70 )

While i enjoyed the original version, it will still be fun to read this remake.

Not sure I enjoy Braeburn being portrayed as a dick here, but I’mma remain optimistic about this story and where it’s going.

Considering this is an AU and a remake of the original where he was also a racist slave owning and trading jerk, it fits well. Any other Braeburn across the multiverse would probably stand up for Matthew and beat up their disgrace of a counterpart for how he acts as it goes against the Apple Family way. Then there's the King who if this follows the original story as the author originally meant it to, is a racist sexist monster who'd see his daughters in the dungeons as slaves and prisoners than in power undoing everything he's done. A reckoning is a coming and the KIng might die by Celestia and Luna's hooves for his crimes.

The story is a good one and I look forward to seeing what changes between the original and this one.

Oh my god yes. This was one of the first 3 MLP stories I ever read (but on FanFic) and I can't wait to see what's up.

I enjoyed the first chapter quite a bit. Even though you only have the one chapter it's shaping up to be a wonderful story. I look forward to seeing what you do with it next.

Looking forward to seeing this develop!

This is getting good! I wonder what kind of potential Matt has to be the only hope of his kind.

Can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the amazing work!!

With one finally push from the new alliance


With the defeated of the humans


ing Solar Heart daughters


I’m afraid Granny, Matthew won’t budge on this one.

Replace the comma with ‘‘that’’.

he’s toughest son of a bitch I’ve ever met.”

‘‘he's the toughest’’

Sawdust said watching Applejack walk away “

The quotation mark at the end should not be there.

Maybe I should see if Sawdust need anything.


You are a guest on my farm, Ah don’t have to be treated like a slave here.” Applejack said

The phrasing makes it seem like AJ is referring to herself.

These are not even all the errors in the chapter.

Thanks, I'll fix those when I get a chance. Feel free to message me if you have anymore error's I've made. :pinkiehappy:

I hate cliffhangers!, But I love the story.


Y'all saw that bit at the end of Mathew being the true King of Equestria right? Oh shits about to get really spicy soon.

Applejack mind wandered to his right eye


it was a dark black with a red line around it,

There is such a thing as light black?

Matthew looked to see a mare with long red hair and bright colorful eyes

I tought Apple Bloom was still a filly?

Big Mac however was watching Braeburn

Missing commas around ‘‘however’’.

Applejack looked at the picture and was amazed and how detailed it was.


use to always do farm work before being sold to Sawdust

So you use to work on a farm?


as she made her way deep into the everfree forest

It is a name, so the first letters should be uppercase.

From what I can tell he’s in good hand


rambling on about how could Sawdust could own a human.

Remove the first ‘could’.

She’s also has a record

Remove the ‘ 's ’, as it would make the sentence ‘‘She is also had’’

“I don’t understand why we need to wear these stupid robs when coming here.”

“I like wearing these robs Dashie! I feel super secret when wearing them!” One of the hooded figure said


Where is Rarity and Fluttershy?


to the east is the Smokey Mountains, their is where humans once ruled


Since your staying Applejack and Dash


gonna need tell Spike we’re going on a trip!”

‘‘need to tell’’

“I know I just wanna make sure your alright.”


Your still stronger than me and Luna mother.

Missing comma after Luna.

He ain’t got sale.


It’s not bother to make another omelette

Either ‘no’ or ‘‘not a bother’’.

she’s seen many human’s give fake smiles


ya a guess here.”


Matt would be working with Applejack on going to build vender stalls to allow those wanting to sell baked goods and setup games.

You mean ‘set up’?

Granny Smith already had some lunch for the hungry group ready with the help from Apple Bloom.


“W-What happened?” Matthew asked coming out of his trance.

“You tell yes, you were in some kind of trance after you heard a whip cracked


“I’ve seen your scars on your neck

‘‘the scars’’ ?

Wow!!!! I did not see that coming! This is getting even more interesting!

Hey, just a question if you don't mind, does the story will have clop scenes? Because it has the 'Sex' tag.

I wouldn't have it as a tag if I wasn't planning on adding a clop scene :raritywink:

Nightfire sat on the train heading to Ponyville. Her mind set on getting Matthew and taking him to the ruins of the old kingdom of Avalon “ I must not fail the Queen. Matthew must be ready for the war ahead. ”

Oh boy.... this can't be good.

Are you sure your well enough


Where is Apple Bloom and Big Mac?


You mother light still shines bright within you.

Your mother's

I still see so much of Pear Butter in Applejack then Bright Mac

‘‘much more of’’

In the picture was a stallion with Bright red hair

Uppercase B should be lowercase.

He’s Sawdusts human.


Ah wonder where she ran off too?”


“I’m sure, you need a break.”

Would a period be more fitting?

They may have came from different worlds but their love was strong.”


“You can cook, your an artist, your good at buildin’ and now your givin’ advice.”


You did help Matthew

Missing comma.

which forced her to shut down earlier then she wanted.


she saw the two sitting on a bolder


Applejack heard the yell causing her to slowly open her eyes

Missing comma after ‘yell’.

She quickly un-panicked her mine as she greeted him

She had an explosive?

and she was sold off before I was sold of too


His right eye, it just like his.

it's/it is

“Names Blaze!


Before we get into looking let’s get a base camp set up.”

Missing comma after ‘looking’.

you don’t act like your a slave.”


Then let’s get the base camp up and running then we can find the lost knowledge

Missing comma after ‘running’ ?

After a few hours base camp was set up and ready to go.

Missing comma after ‘hours’.

we can the trail tomorrow

Can what?

just knowing their is books hiding somewhere

‘‘there are’’

knowing their is a library hiding with lost text from an ages ago

Revome ‘an’

Once they returned to camp they saw Pinkie Pie and Blaze

Missing comma after ‘camp’.

Oh this look wonderful Blaze

Missing comma after ‘wonderful’.

asting the spices Blaze use wash over her taste buds


I mean my dad knew what it was life


was never his plan till he met my mother

‘ 'till/until’

Y-Your a half breed!?


sometimes they take more human side then the pony side.”

‘‘more of the human side than’’

“I’ve did some research

EIther ‘‘I've done’’ or ‘‘I did’’.

So the myth of half breeds aren’t myths, this opens up doors!

Comma should be period.

She sent both these two here

‘‘both of these two’’

she quickly wiped the tears from “Y-Yes?” Applejack called out.

From what?

they would be endanger from Solar

by? Particularly uncertain about this one.

You Nightfire are the only one who can do this,

Missing comma before and after Nightfire.

They could yes however if the King

Mising comma before and after ‘however’.

I do not wish to see the princesses killed, however I do believe they should know.

Comma should be period and a new comma should be put behind ‘however’.

by it’s right ear there was a apple shaped pin.


Applejack hit the targets except one target that was going too fast for her

Feels like there should be a comma before ‘except’.

Big Mac your not thinking big here!

Comma behind Big Mac

He still have the training like a slave!

‘‘He will’’?

She has told you already no

‘‘already told you’’

Matthew said with rage in his eyes/

Forward slash should be a period.

I see a stallion who’s heart still need time


Your right, my heart is mixed


Braeburn said walking off leaving three alone.

Missing comma behind ‘off’.
‘‘leaving the three’’

Out of all the ponies I was chosen

Missing comma before the uppercase i.

I want to read the suffering of the slavers'

Will this get an update in the near future or what?

I thought this story was dead but welcome back!

Glad to see you're still around.
This was a great chapter and I can't wait to see more.

I have waited oh so long~

Now for potential errors:

getting an early breakfast going for, Pancakes, hash browns

Why is there a comma behind ‘for’?
I think that the uppercase P should be lowercase.

Matthew made his way over towards the door and opened it, they’re standing in front of him was none other than Applejack


*She said as she watched Matthew cook.

Unnecessary asterisk.

You’ve been listing to those radio dramas again


“Ah’ll see you both later today if you need anythin’ please let me know.

The part in italics seems like it should be a new sentence.

and Nightfire slowly made her off the train

‘‘made her way (...)’’ ?

made her way towards Sweet Apple Acers.


Hiding her belongings and dressing like a normal pony she blended in with the crowd

Maybe add a comma after ‘normal pony’?

Nightfire watched as Matthew entered the house, after a while, he stepped out

“Here he can feel some freedom that is all that matters.

The part in italics looks like it should be a new sentence.

“Sorry ta startled ya Matt,


Nightfire watched as Sawdust laid their motionless


It's been a LOOONG time. How have you been?

It alive! It's alive!!!!:pinkiehappy:

I'm glad your enjoying it :moustache:

I am! :raritystarry:

Yeah it's been some time :ajsleepy: I'm doing pretty good. :twilightsheepish:

I shall fix those when given the chance!

Two thousand years ago humans and ponies lived in peace. The land of Avalon was pure and rich with life, humans built a great kingdom within the mountains of Othrys. They claimed the Goddess Lucy watched over the lands and protected the kingdom of Avalon. It is said this mountain was the birthplace of humans and where humans were given magic.

Do they have different types of magic?

Yet our story shall focus on a young man named Matthew, born into slavery and forced to wear a magical collar around his wrist. His story will connect with a young mare whose farm will be one that will start the true freedom of humans.

If it’s around his wrist, wouldn’t that make it a bracelet?

“Sawdust was a former undefeated chess master! She also has a record for breaking humans out of a train car and declaring war on the king.” Twilight said “Why she owns a human is something that doesn’t add up.”

Damn, she’s an OG.

“We don’t need anyone knowing what we are doing.” A hooded figure said walking out from behind a wall and stepping forwards “The elements of harmony must be kept neutral.” The hooded figure removed their hood revealing a young woman with brilliant amaranth hair with light apple green stripes vivid crimson with brilliant yellow stripes in her hair. She let out a smile as she took a seat “Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, I’m so glad you three could make it.”

Who’s that?

She walked over towards her window and looked out at the humans in the garden doing their work “Your true king was taken from you, but maybe one day your king will return and free you all.” A tear ran down her cheek as she heard a baby crying. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who’s the baby?

How did she get that scar on her hand?

“I mean my dad knew what it was life, he was an ex-slave who worked in a blacksmith shop. When my mom freed him from his chains they left for overseas.” Blaze said “Dad said loving a pony was never his plan till he met my mother.” He chuckled at his father's words.

“Y-Your a half breed!?” Twilight asked shocked. “Yeah, half breed.” He said proudly.

Does that me they can’t make him a slave?

“Do you have magic as well?” Twilight asked.

“No, my mother was an earth pony and my father wasn’t born with magic even tho they made him wear those wrist things.” He said taking a seat and eating his fish.

Don’t earth ponies have magic?

“I will tell them when the time has come.” Moonlight said walking up to Nightfire and handing her a piece of paper “Give this to Sawdust, this will help you get Matthew out of there.”

What is it?

“What I’m about to tell you, you cannot tell your sister, and you cannot speak of this to anyone.” Luna was a bit confused as she watched her mother brought forth an orb “Do you remember the human we saw in Ponyville?” The orb changed showing Matthew in Sweet Apple Acers with his sketchbook. Luna nodded as she watched as the orb moved away “I have sent Nightfire to protect him, for he is the king of the humans.”

Why not tell celestia?

“I’m afraid the moment you take that off a spell will give off his location and he’ll be hunted by the slavers.” Sawdust said as Matthew placed the plate of food in front of her “With the blood spell in place on the collar at least he’s safe with me.”

But, they wouldn’t be able to do anything.

From across the room, Sawdust and Granny Smith watched them dance. This brought a smile to her face as a hand touched Sawdust shoulder and there standing behind her was her late husband “It’s time to go sweetheart.” He said softly as she took his hand and slowly followed him “He will be perfectly fine with the Apple family.”

Oh no.

I thought this was dead.


It has been living, mostly in my brain but I'm slowly working on more chapters

Sorry I'm late to reply to this life and such but I've been good!

Cant wait to see what you come up with and hope they come soon

Poke Poke... do something

holy crap you did something

A rather interesting scenario, how not all is Black and white

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