• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 4,685 Views, 33 Comments

Rising From The Ashes - Midnight_Song95

While dealing with her own insecurities and the fact that her friends seem to be excluding her. Sunset finds herself getting wrapped up in the mystery and chaos brought on by three new students.

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Chapter 4

The next two days passed all too fast for Sunset who was not looking forward to returning to school, however, there was no way she could get out of it short from lying to Celestia, who she knew from experience wouldn't fall for it. Sighing she headed toward the kitchen, pausing only to steal Celestia's coffee on her way through.

“Good morning to you too.” her mother manage to grumble after getting over the shock of the girl's comfort level, only to earn a smirk in response.

“You're worse than Luna.” Celestia grumbled, although as she walked past Sunset she paused to put an arm around her, letting the girl lean back into the touch.

“Sorry mom but it's early, what do you expect?” Sunset replied cheekily, earning a light flick to the back of the head.

“obviously not you being a little brat.”


Celestia just chuckled “go eat breakfast...We'll have to leave soon.”

“Don't remind me...I am not looking forward to it.” Sunset responded before handing her the coffee back “although I guess it won't be too bad since I can always just hide out in your office at break if things get too rough.” the last part was said uncertainly as if she was afraid to know the answer

“you know that you can come to either Luna or me for anything,” Celestia responded.

Walking into the school was no easy task for Sunset, even if the whole mess of Anon-A-Miss had been settled and her name cleared people still wasn't willing to forgive her, but she couldn't blame them. Not really. After all, she had been pretty terrible, but still...having everyone leer or step away from her as if she had the plague wasn't the easiest to deal with.

“Hey, Sunset! Over here!”

To the redhead's relief, she heard Applejack's voice through the crowd and so she made her way toward Rarity's locker.

“Morning guys. How were your holidays?” Sunset asked as she walked over to them, careful not to bump into anyone accidentally as she walked over.

“well...Besides the fact that most of my holidays were spent listening to Sweetie belle whine about being grounded it went well. How was yours?” Rarity replied

“Yeah! I mean we had that thing at your place on Christmas Eve before AJ had to fly out to visit her family so we haven't really talked much since.” Rainbow Dash stated, earning a shrug.

“I guess it was a normal Christmas. I mean, Chrysalis, her three sons, and Discord came over for dinner on Christmas day and nothing happened except that Pharynx dumped a glass of wine on discord's white suit.” Sunset stated just as the bell rang “Come on, I don't want to deal with getting yelled at on my first day back because I am late.”

Author's Note:

will post a longer chapter either tomorrow or the day after, Dealing with some slight health issues currently.