Chapter 12: Final Assault
The XCOM squad stepped through the portal, finding themselves in an underwater facility. Dinky recognized it, it was the same where she had met the Elders. “Okay, Commander, stay alert. No way of knowing if they detect our-“ Central tried to warn before they all saw a holographic view of civilians getting arrested. “…presence yet.”
“Such loss. Such needless waste. You force our hand. Yet we still offer peace. Rejoin us and your world will be spared.” They all heard the voice of an Elder trying to reason with them, Dinky recognized it as the one who had been promised she nor her friends would be harmed.
“You harbor such blinded hatred for us, we cannot understand it. Our intentions for your world were never hostile. They are still not. You are a part of us.” The Elder added as the squad moved out, ignoring it, they knew they couldn’t give up, having come so far, as Central commented,
“They actually expect us to buy any of this.”
“More distrust. Perhaps you would find more reassurance on our words if…”The Elder was cut off as the Commander’s Avatar used its Psionic power to block it.
Lena ordered her GREMLIN to scan the area ahead, spotting three Stun Lancers ho waited in cover for them. The Grenadier fired at the Lancer on the very left in the next room, killing him instantly and Jane finished off the next with her rifle.
The last remaining Lancer charged towards the Commander, avoiding all shots fire on him and drew his Lance, only for the Commander to avoid it by ducking, then responded by firing its Psionic Repeater, killing the Stun Lancer instantly.
“So many lives risked to bring you back to them, Commander. And for what? More violence. More war. More death. Truly you were meant for something more than this.” The Elder sounded again as they moved on, being ignored by the Commander as Bradford had a report.
“Getting reports from across the globe, Commander. ADVENT forcers are hitting back hard. Our people are holding their own but it’s not looking good. Whatever we gonna do, we better do it fast.”
“ADVENT offered your people hope. A brighter future. To be something greater. But still you refuse. What more can we offer you than the greatest gift of all?” They heard the Speaker on their radios, making them wonder how he could have survived the angry mob as he continued, “So much time spent needlessly resisting, fighting your ascension to something greater! And yet here you are, just as we had envisioned. In your efforts to prevent the Avatar’s creation, you have followed the part we set forth, truly exceeding even our lofty expectations, Commander.”
“Shut em out, Commander. More Alien lies.” Central countered and the Speaker asked in return,
“Do you truly believe that to be the case?”
The soldiers ignored it as they moved on a long bridge, hearing the Elder’s voice again.
“Time and again you have rejected our wisdom. And still we show compassion and generosity. But as with all things this must end too. We can no longer afford to suffer your transgressions.”
“Commander! Alien forces are stepping up their attacks on both resistance and civilian targets!” Central informed them and the Elder responded to it.
“There is still another way.” Yet the squad was not thinking of it as they reached the other end, only for the Elder to speak up again. You view is as the conquerors of Earth, but that was never our intent. Each species you’re encountered, the aliens you have fought and slaughtered. None of them were given a choice. Our home was the oldest of worlds and the first to be consumed. Billions were lost, if only that were the end.”
Midnight peeked around the entrance of the next room, spotting an Archon with two Mutons. He fired on the Muton on the left, killing it as the other went to cover behind container while the Archon charged forward, only to be shot right into the head by Patch, the other Muton got shot by Kyle.
“Commander, resistance forces are pushing back against ADVENT, but it’s coming at a heavy price…At this rate, there may not be anything left on either side.” Central said as he gave another report.
“From here we can call an endless legion of reinforcements. You will be overrun. Yet our armies could be withdrawn at any time, Commander. Peace is within your grasp, if you would just rejoin us.” The Elder’s voice sounded once again, but the intruders moved on. “For decades you were part of us, Commander. You are capable of so much more, and yet you fail to grasp the true nature of your power. Return to us, and your world will live on. Resist, and there will be nothing left to save…”
The squad barely made it through the room as another of those white floating balls, called Gatekeeper as they knew from Tygan, together with a group of Chrysalids.
Midnight took off into the air, dropping a few of his bombs on the Aliens and used his own Blade to cut through the Gatekeeper. The explosions were deafening but cleared the way. “Let’s go, there’s no time to waste!”
“Hearing reports of some randomized disruptions in enemy forces on the ground. Units suddenly laying down arms or turning on one another.” Central reported.
“With the tower disrupted, it could be that the Elders are attempting to maintain the network on their own. The strain on them must be…enormous.” Tygan suspected.
“Our power does not waver. You find our forces here loyal. They require no coercion, for they know failure here means the end for all.” The Elder’s voice sounded in their ears.
“Consider all those who have sacrificed for your cause, Commander. So many many allies…for what…” The Speaker wanted to know as the squad moved on, being ignored, they all knew there was no turning back.
“When we first encountered Earth we wept for a broken world. A tortured race crying out to the stars in agony. We answered your call. We saw your true potential. The invasion was a test. But your people did not fail. You succeeded beyond measure. You need only accept your place amongst us…” The enemy leader sounded again and Central interrupted,
“Keep pushing, Commander. They’re losing their grip on the world and they know it.”
“We have lost nothing. For our greatest weapon returns to us.” The Elder countered.
“You will defeat them here as you did once before, Commander.” Another Elder added with a more eerie, dissonant tone. As they came across what looked like a human living room.
“What is that?! Some kind of human enclosure?” Shen wondered.
“There were always reports of missing civilians used before the first invasion. Could this be them?” Central added.
“Maybe they had planned to use this for some sort of psychological testing…” Tygan suspected as the team walked past, coming to another bridge, two Codex and an Andromedon, so was the name of the alien using the environment suit, guarded the other side.
Fletcher and James managed to take out both Codex before they could do anything, moved toward, trying to cover its faceplate with a hand as the others fired on him, damaging quite it’s armor as it managed to get to a support beam for cover and aimed at the squad, its weapon throbbing.
“Oh you, you don’t!” Dinky yelled as she used her shield ability again, nullifying the acid damage before the Commander gave the alien the rest, raising a hand, cheering in the Alien language. As the shell reactivated, Wolf fired at it, throwing the remains of the suit back and over the reeling.
“Enemy down!” She announced and they came to a big room, Dinky recognized it as the one where she had talked to the Elders.
“Astounding. This entire facility submerged beneath our oceans. But for how long I wonder…”The scientist commented at the sight.
“One problem at a time, Doctor.” Central reminded him as the pods started to glow purple.
“Your form is but a shadow of our truth. We seek to defy that which would consume us all. Your efforts deny the sacrifice of those who came before. You leave us no choice.” The other Elder said as three bright purple lights appeared and the same number of Avatars came into sight. “You are our greatest adversary. You are our Avatar. You can lead our armies. And save your world. Return to us, there can be no more delay.”
“Though I find the possibilities proposed by the creature intriguing I believe we passed the point of rational discourse,” Tygan commented.
“We didn’t come here to talk,” Bradford added.
“Yeah, take it down.” Shen shared his opinion.
“Your persistence is admirable, but tired. It is time to accept the part laid out before you, Commander.” The speaker taunted.
“Return to us. You were once our greatest asset against this world, it can be so once again.” The Elder spoke.
“Okay big guy. I would love to believe you once had our best interests at heart, if only because it would make us look less stupid for ever believing you did. But everything I've seen from you convinces me that you don't give a damn! Whatever you are and whatever you hoped to do here, we don't want it. You might think of us as weak, ignorant and destructive, hell even some humans think that, but we're not and when it comes down to it, we're pretty good at proving those people wrong. Do you understand? You're beaten! We are humanity, this is our planet and You! Aren't! Welcome! Here!” Lukas shouted at them in an angry tone for what they did to him.
Two Archons guarded one of the hostile Avatar’s, firing their weapons, pinning the XCOM squad down.
Said Avatar reached for its Psi Amp and shot a purple beam towards the squad, creating a dimensional rift and they all cried in pain, Dinky was behind a wall out of its effect. They couldn’t move and she knew they would probably die when it would collapse.
The filly breathed steady, concentrating as she reached for her own Psi Amp. “You will be safe!” She yelled as her Psionic power surrounded everyone and in a blink of an eye, they found themselves out of the rift and in flanking positions of the Avatars, having been teleported.
Fletcher and James drew their pistols, killing the Archons with well-placed headshots before two of the Avatars fired at Heavy, who grunted in pain from the hits. “Can’t take much more of this!” He yelled with a pained voice.
The young unicorn reacted quickly, sending a beam of Psionic power to him that healing his injuries. This action allowed him to suppress one of the Avatars, Patch used this to fire a shot, throwing it slightly back an Jane used her hook to freeze it in place then swung her blade at it, followed by a shot from Bianca, having used her suit to get on an elevated position, before the Commander’s Avatar made the finishing strike, killing the Avatar with a clean shot in the head.
Fletcher fired an arrow at the second Avatar, it got also thrown back unable to teleport as it got hit by Wolf’s throwing knives and Midnight teleported next to it, slicing the Avatar with his own Blade
Lena pointed at the last Avatar and her GREMLIN flew over it, releasing a shock, making the Avatar unable to move as she fired at the chest and Lukas took aim, firing at the head, killing the last avatar. “By the numbers!”
Suddenly all Psionic gate started to spark and Shen warned the squad, “Without the Elders stabilizing the Psionic network, everything’s gonna haywire! That gate’s not gonna hold much longer!”
“You heard her people, MOVE!” Central yelled as they made their way to it but it collapsed just as they reached it. “Shen, tell me you got a Plan B here.” She said with worry.
The woman tipped on the console as suddenly the gate came back to life and she took a step back in confusion as Central said, “Nice work.”
“Wasn’t anything on my end. This shouldn’t even be possible. Unless…”She mumbled and Bradford understood.
“Commander, Dinky, whatever it is you’re doing, it’s working. Just make sure you save enough juice for your own trip home.” He advised as both used their powers to reactivate the gate, allowing the rest of the squad to go through it.
A loud screech sounded and the connection broke, Dinky saw how the Commander held its head and laughter echoed through the room.
The squad joined Central as he looked with Shen after the Stasis suit. “What the hell is happening here, Doctor?!” Bradford yelled as a purple glow came from the suit.
”It’s the Elders! They’re overwhelming our link…enveloping the Commander’s consciousness!” Tygan replied with worry.
“Then server the connection!”
“We do that, we risk a complete overload!” She warned.
“And Dinky will be lost!” Midnight added.
Dinky was thrown back by a shockwave, seeing three projections of the Elders, purple beams leading from them to the Commander.
I have to help!
She used her own powers to boost the Commander’s Avatar, it stood up and used its powers against the Elders as it raised its hands, a blue beam pushed the purple beam slowly back.
As the blue beam reached the Alien leaders, everything exploded in a white light, overpowering Dinky’s senses.
Pretty sure the moment the Dr. learns of there action toward his own familie... The elders will learn of true dispare...
You will see
X-Com Interceptor would be a fun remake.
I hope to see it in my lifetime.
i hear ya