• Published 19th Sep 2018
  • 752 Views, 69 Comments

Xcom: Alien Unknown - Bronycommander

A few weeks passed after Dinky returned from Earth but it calls her again for another adventure, one against an enemy she has never seen before

  • ...

Chapter 1 A familiar return

Chapter 1 A familiar return

It was another beautiful day in the land of Equestria. A few weeks had passed since Fletcher brought Dinky home with her new friends Katja and Blau Streifen.

The little unicorn was, at the moment in school and Family Appreciation Day was around the door once again.

Unfortunately for the filly, both her parents were very busy at work today and so was her sister, Sparkler, but there was a new “family” member that would come instead.

Still, she was always interested in what the other parents or family members had to say; for example, Rumble’s big brother Thunderlane, about becoming a Wonderbolt, or Pip’s mother, Nancy, telling about how hard it sometimes could be to launder sometimes. It may sound boring, but for Dinky, it was very interesting; by knowing such stories, she could help her parents better in the house.

And even if she wasn’t interested in becoming rich, the stories of Diamond’s father were very useful financially if her parents should need a hoof.

Dinky could also still remember how Apple Bloom’s grandmother, Granny Smith, told her how she helped in the founding of Ponyville, which fascinated the young unicorn.

“Hey,” whispered a snide, yet familiar voice off to her side. She turned around to meet the smug grin of a unicorn colt. “Where’s your family member for this year, blank flank?” He asked. Dry Ice, so was his name, was the new bully of the class after Diamond stood up to her mother and respected the CMC.

“I got one, just being busy,” she replied with a slight grin.

“What, is it your mom? Given how clumsy she is, I wouldn’t be surprised she shows up after this is over.”

“You will see.” Dinky countered.

“Thank you very much, Filthy Rich,” Cheerilee said to Diamond’s father, who gave a proud grin before he returned with his daughter to her desk. “Now then, is there anypony else who we haven’t introduced yet?” There were a few seconds of silence before Cheerilee spoke again. “Nopony left? Alright then, well then I suppose that would conclude-“

“Excuse me, Miss Cheerilee?” Dry Ice spoke in a polite tone as he raised his hoof, “but I think we forgot Dinky.” Then he gave her a smug grin.

“And where is your family member, Dinky?” The teacher asked as all eyes fell on her.

“He’s delayed.”

“Well, perhaps another time then.” The mare said as it was almost over.

“I knew it,” the colt snickered. “You’re nothing without your parents, and your mother with her crossed eyes it just as stupid as your father.”

That was a harsh insult and Dinky disliked it to see her parents insulted, yet she just took a deep breath. Her parents had taught her to ignore such things, that anger wouldn’t be good for her.

“Excuse me, young colt?” a new voice spoke out.

Everypony turned around as a unicorn stallion with green coat, long blond mane, and pupil-less blue eyes entered the room, causing the female unicorn to smile. “Uncle Fray!” She hugged him, he returned it.

“Sorry, got a little caught up.”

“It’s okay,” the filly said and turned to the class. “Everypony, my uncle, Fletcher Fray!”

“Hello there.” The stallion greeted with a smile.

The foals smiled, as they all knew him for his bravery in getting Dinky back, while their parents looked at him rather curious, having heard of it but never met him.

“Before I start, any questions?” He asked the foals.

A small hoof rose up amongst the crowd and Fray turned his head towards a pink Earth pony. “Yes?”

“How did you become her uncle?” Lilly asked.

“Well, finding and rescuing her from a parallel universe gripped by war, we established a sort of rapport, as it were,” he answered.

“What is wrong with your eyes?” Rumble asked, causing Fray to think of an explanation.

“Er...Well, that's kind of a long story. Let's just say 'Don't Play Around With Science' and leave it at that.”

Noi then asked, “Where are you from?”

“I may live in Equestria, but I was born in Farmany. It was Princess Luna personally that brought me to Equestria, as I was interested in exploration and knowledge of the world outside.”

“Just 'cause Miss Perfect has a mum with 'special needs' and a dad that's friends with the Princesses....” Ice mumbled, which was not unheard by Fray.

“What was that?” the stallion asked, his friendly expression became serious.

“Nothing!” squeaked the colt in a tiny voice.

“Right…” Fray said without emotion and looked at the colt. “Let me tell you something. Princess Luna helped me personally in securing the future of Farmany, something I’m grateful to this day. And Dinky’s parents are hardworking ponies who would do anything they can to make her happy. I believe that you’re just jealous and I highly advise to overcome it, or you will suffer from it. Believe me, I've seen more ponies suffer from its curse than you've seen days in your life. It never ended well for them. Do you what to share the same?”

Dry Ice took a couple seconds to find his voice. “No, sir!” he squeaked.

Fletcher nodded. “Good. Now, any other questions?” he asked into the round, the other foals and their family members, Cheerilee included, still tried to process what had just happened, before a little colt with brown marks broke the silence.

“What is your story for this presentation?”

Fray chuckled. “Well, sad to say, out of all the Eternal Knights, I probably have the least amount of stories I can tell, not for lack of trying. When they called me 'Greenhorn', they didn't necessarily mean this one”. He tapped his horn with another chuckle. “Still, I might have one that you will like.” He cleared his throat.

“Do any of you really know what a ‘siege’ is?”

Pipsqueak raised his hoof. “Yeah, I...I know this one. Um...There’s a castle. And...one army outside is attacking it. And one army inside is defending it. So the defending side hides behind the walls and shoots at the attackers with arrows and stuff and the attacking side tries to break down those walls with um...catapults and stuff.”

Fletcher smiled with pride. “Very good. But you know, what they don’t tell you is that, often, you don’t need catapults or anything other than an army at the gate and plenty of time. The word 'siege' is taken from the Old Prench word for ‘seat’. That’s what they do. They sit outside and wait. Because while you may have your castle, they have your fields, your villages, your woods, your rivers...they have your food. How much food does one make inside the castle if its gates are always closed? Can you guess?”

Apple Bloom raised her hoof. “Well, I mean...Ya'll have had cooks and bakers an' stuff, right?”

“Yes, but where do you get all the vegetables or grain or fruit for them to cook and bake with? Remember, the gates are closed...”

“You don’t have any food?!” Silver Spoon exclaimed in shock.

“Nope. Only what you had inside before the siege began. And Lunich...hadn’t a whole lot in its larders. In a siege, the enemy’s greatest weapon is your own hunger. Your king and his soldiers have to guard the granaries as if they were his own keep, dividing and measuring what’s left of the food for everypony inside. You watch your meals get smaller and smaller by the day until you get to the point where you’re lucky if you see three meals a week, let alone a day!” Fray exclaimed.

Truffle Shuffle looked at him with a shocked expression. “...I can’t even imagine going whole days without food.”

“I’d pray you never have to. Me and Conrad pulled up every blade of grass and flower in the district, every root and seed, stripped the bark from the trees and then chopped the trees up as well, anything we could eat, however bad it tasted or how hard it was to chew. And outside, our enemies in the Gildenpakt, feasted in full view from below the walls. Every fine dish cooking on roaring fires and bubbling pots, the scent of all that food nearly driving the sentries mad. We pulled off most of the guards from the wall-tops for fear they’d throw themselves off in hunger. Then, word spread around the castle of just what they were eating. We started dreaming of that feasting table. And that was when the real troubles started. Our soldiers and the refugees began turning on us. More and more were arrested trying to break into the larders or out the gates or even murder us. Our cells began to overcrowd...and we couldn’t afford to feed them anymore.” The unicorn told in a calm voice as he remembered every detail.

Sweetie Belle shook her head in disbelief. “That must have hurt. D-did the food run out before you were rescued?”

“For some, yes. When the food really began to dwindle, we’re talking less than all of what this class could eat for supper tonight here, Conrad, me and the rest of our lords, knights and all those who were definitely prepared to go out fighting volunteered to bar themselves from the larders and make do with whatever we could find.”

Dinky’s eyes went wide with admiration. “Wow! That was really kind of you to do that.”

Her uncle shrugged. “It was more out of practicality really. We knew that if the already-unstable populace were to hear we were completely out of food, that would be the end of it. So for the next couple of days, we found a way to make a truly vile but filling soup out of...go on, have a guess...”

The class was quiet. They looked to each other as they waited for his answer.

“Books. We took paper and parchment from the local libraries and printers, boiled them into stews and drank it, then chewed on strips of the hard covers if we were still hungry.”

A collective “Eeeeeeeew!” came from the class.

Fletcher chuckled in response. “Yeah, but it got worse, if you can believe it.”

Diamond Tiara asked in disgust “How could it get worse than ‘book-stew?!’”

Fray grinned. “You sure you want to know?”

Snips and Snails grinned back. “Yeah, we’re sure!”

“Well...one day, I remember, me and some other guards were patrolling drainage systems and found moss and fungus...” The green stallion smiled awkwardly, “Now...”

“Ugh, you didn’t eat stuff growing in the sewers, did you?!” Tiara asked.

“It was alright. We boiled it soft and then rubbed it with salt to get rid of anything deadly then ate it...”

“And...you were okay?” Sweetie Belle was curious.

“What? No, no, it was growing in a sewer for crying out loud! It was still covered in germs. Woke up every night to vomit till my face went blue.” He chuckled. “But it was better than starving!”

The class let out another collective “EEEEEEEEW!”

“I know, but drastic times call for drastic measures. We did anything to survive. And survive we did.”

“How?” Noi asked.

“We had an ally. A smuggler, which slipped through the siege via the canal, bringing a great shipment of fruit, vegetables, grain and milk, revitalizing us nicely. She'd also brought a secret weapon.”

“And that was?” Pip wanted to know.

“A full shipment of reflective glass. At midnight, when the Gildenpakt concocted another volley, the defenders lined up on the walls, I commanded them, and produced an enormous row of mirrors that reflected Luna's moon at its peak. It blinded and disorientated the archers below while we rained arrows freely upon them. During this, my friend Conrad, together with Luna and her knights managed to lift the siege, which marked also the end of the Gildenpakt. This victory also marked a new era of peace for Farmany.” Fray finished.

After he had finished, there was silence and the pupils looked in fascination at him.

Pip started to clap, followed by Tootsie, Ruby, Noi and the CMC, then the rest of the class. “I’m pleased to see you liked it.” Fray said with a smile.

Shortly after, class was over and Dinky went home with her uncle. “That was great, uncle Fray!”

“Glad to hear it.”

“I hope Katja and Blau enjoy their school trip, I’m pretty sure their parents had also a lot to tell at Family Appreciation Day.”

“You could ask them once they are back.” Fletcher suggested.

“Of course.” Once they arrived at home, she called out, “Mama, Papa, I’m home!”

“Welcome home, sweetheart, how was school?” Derpy asked with smile as she walked out of the kitchen.

“Great! Uncle Fray’s presentation was wonderful!” the little unicorn exclaimed happy as she dropped her school bag and ate a muffin.”

“Glad to hear it.”

“Yes, it’s nice to hear that everything went well,” Derpy’s husband smiled with pride.

“Yep, better than expected! Now come, uncle, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are waiting for us!” The filly hopped out of the door with a happy smile.

Fletcher just laughed and followed her, with her parents watching after them. “I never thought he could be so good with children.” The brown stallion commented.

“If you ask me, after all he went through, he earned it to have somepony at his side that makes him feel joy. Same goes for Wolf and Midnight,” Derpy said.

The two unicorns walked towards Sweet Apple Acres where Midnight was currently helping out. Apple Bloom greeted them. “Welcome. That was really a nice presentation you two made.”

“Thank you, Apple Bloom,” Dinky replied as the earth pony led them to the bat pony.

He was helping to buck the trees, he just bucked another one as it friends arrived but strangely no apples fell from it. “Huh?” Midnight looked up in confusion before an avalanche of apples buried him. He poked his head out and spit out an apple that had landed in his mouth.

“Did you become a fruit bat?” Fletcher joked at the sight.

“Haven’t planned on it,” Midnight replied as Apple Bloom helped him out.

Dinky looked up into the sky and saw Scootaloo with Rainbow Dash and White Wolf on a cloud. It was a sunny day, perfect to fly around and Scootaloo seemed eager to enjoy it to the fullest, the two mares looked with smiles at the foal.

“Ready to learn to fly, Scoots?” Wolf asked as the filly climbed from Rainbow’s back.

Scootaloo nodded. “You bet.”

Wolf then lifted the filly up onto a forehoof, and hovered into the air. “Alright, remember what I told you, concentrate and breathe deeply.”

The Mare took off and hovered over the cloud as Scootaloo tried her hardest flapping her wings fast, and strong.

Rainbow Dash smiled proudly. "Look kid, you are doing it."

Scootaloo looked around, and below herself, she saw that she wasn't falling. She looked side to side to see that she was keeping herself in the air by her wings. “Yes! I'm flying. This is so awesome!” She beamed with excitement as she tried out her luck by doing a loop in midair. Oh, yeah.” She then turned to Wolf and hugged her. “You're the best, Auntie Wolf!” The other Pegasus cleared her throat. “Next to Rainbow of course,” Scootaloo corrected with a weak smile.

“I think it took a little working your way from the bottom. It was much the same for me. I didn't know how to use my wings until much later in life. Late-learners need a little more complex teachings,” the Stormrunner told the filly as it reminded her of her flying lessons years ago.

“Say, Wolf, ever thought of joining the Wonderbolts? You look like someone that has what it takes to be one.” Rainbow complimented her.

The Knight chuckled. “Thank you for the compliment, but that would conflict with my job as Eternal Knight.” They then landed on the ground next to their friends.

“Congratulations, Scootaloo,” Dinky said, she felt happy that the orange Pegasus could finally fly.

“Me too!” a new, young voice exclaimed and they saw Sweetie Belle join them as she pulled out a box with cookies out of her saddlebag. “Your cooking lessons really paid off, I improved a lot!”

“Glad to hear it,” Fray said and tried one with his friends’ cookies, they were delicious.

“Looks like I’m just in time.” They turned around and saw Dawnwind walking towards them.

“And I thought an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” Midnight joked as the deer was a seer and druid.

“Yeah...If you throw them at him. Besides, I'm as good a doctor as any,” she replied as she ate one of the cookies.

“Rainbow! There you are!” two very happy voices called out.

“Oh no…” Rainbow mumbled before she and Wolf got pulled into a group hug. “Wolf…meet my parents…” She said with discomfort as Wolf looked at the mare and stallion.

“Rainbow, your parents are touching me.” Wolf also had discomfort in her voice.

“Yeah, they do that.”

“Can you get them to stop? It's making me feel very uncomfortable.”

Dash’s father let go. “What? Sorry, sorry, I wasn't touching anywhere...personal, was I?” he asked nervously.

“For Wolf, anywhere is personal.” Fletcher pointed out.

“I'm afraid Miss White Wolf isn't such a fan of pony contact.” Midnight added.

“Sorry, dear. We'll try and er...keep it real...is that what the kids call it?” Windy asked embarrassed.

“I wouldn't know, we’re about as old as Luna,” the blue mare replied.

Windy Whistles gave a weak smile. “Ha! Did you hear that?” she laughed. “And they said the Eternal Knights had no sense of humor.”

“I wasn't joking. In fact, Midnight's about twenty years older than her,” White Wolf explained, causing the two parents to be silent for a few minutes.

“...Wow...er...what was she...like? At...that age?” Dash’s father wanted to know.

“Cooler than you ever could be, old timer, take it from me,” Wolf said with a grin.

“Hey, can we now go to Sugarcube Corner or not?” Apple Bloom interrupted. She was getting impatient.

“Of course, Apple Bloom. You go ahead and reserve for us, we still get a few trees to buck.” Midnight replied.

She hugged him. “Sure thing, uncle Midnight!”

“Dawnwind, would you and Rainbow escort them until we join?” Wolf asked her aunt.

The deer laughed sarcastically. “Wolf, a quick word, if you please?” She grabbed her without waiting for a reply and whispered angrily, “This was not part of the deal!”

“It was not. And yet, here we are,” the Pegasus replied calmly.

“Helping raise you and your siblings was bad enough! I am not, under any circumstances, wasting my afternoon babysitting a trio of sugar-hyped town-ponies!”

Apple Bloom growled “We ain't babies! We're grown foals!”

Dawnwind responded to her, irritated, “And I'm older than your princess! Bite me!”

“Dawnwind!” Wolf looked at her sternly, “What was it you promised Farseerer before coming with me?”

The deer sighed before she mumbled begrudgingly, “Be nice to the town-ponies.”

Wolf grinned. “Well, this is your chance. Bye!”

Dawnwind muttered something in a foreign language as Rainbow said, “No problem. Let’s go, Scoots.” And with that, the four Pegasi took off into the air, followed by the two foals and mare, but Dinky stayed with the Knights.

“Mind if I help you? My father always told me, first work, then play.”

“Not at all, Dinky,” Fray smiled, he appreciated her helpfulness.

The filly picked and put the apples in the buckets and carried them away, while the adults did the bucking. Since they worked together, they finished the work in just a few minutes. “Well that went smoothly. Now, let’s go.” The bat pony said and they made their way towards Sugarcube Corner. Dinky hopped ahead and hummed, which warmed the hearts of the Eternal Knights.

“Derpy can really be proud of her,” Wolf commented. “Dinky is a daughter any parent could wish for.”

“Yeah. She reminds me of Adalie,” Fray mentioned in a sad voice, his head lowered.

“Fletch, cheer up, don’t look back, Midnight comforted him.

“I know, she is just so familiar, it was also one of the reason I swore myself to get her back.” Fletcher let out a sigh.

“And you did great, you can be proud of that, I’m sure your parents and Ruhlinda would be too.”

The unicorn smiled weakly. “I hope so....”


A loud explosion started everypony, Dinky jumped into the air in fear. “W-what was that?” She asked. She noticed the knights had their weapons drawn and looked around but couldn’t see anything.

“I don’t know,” Fletcher replied before he noticed that the filly stared at his bow. “Sorry, old habit, we mostly are only unarmed when doing work with Patch or Luna,” he replied as he put his bow back into his saddle bag.

“Guess it was nothing,” Midnight put his blade away.

“Let’s hope so,” the filly replied before a loud humming sound crept her ears.

Dinky turned into it’s direction and spotted a large purple-colored rift on a field. “What’s that?” She asked in confusion.

“I don’t know, I have never seen anything like this before,” Midnight said suspiciously. “We better report that in.”

“Right, led the way.” Wolf said but suddenly, the rift grew brighter and they felt how they got sucked towards it. “Hold into something!” she yelled and tried to grab something before they heard Dinky scream, and got pulled in with her.

The little filly gasped and breathed heavily as she awoke. She looked around her surroundings and tried to remember what happened. Wherever she was, she found herself in a dark alley, and rain was drenched her heavily. Dinky took deep breaths.

Okay…calm down, don’t panic.

She noticed Fray and his friend weren’t next to her. “Fletcher? Wolf? Midnight?” she called out but got no reply.

She was startled by a loud thunder. The sound scared her, that caused her to cry and tremble as he covered her ears. “Mommy! Daddy!” he called out instinctively.

“Did you hear that?” a female voice called out and reached to her ears.

“Yes, sounds like a lost child.” a male voice replied.

Faintly, the filly saw two human-like silhouettes. They came closer and she was able to see them fully once they stepped into a light.

The filly saw that they were really humans, like she had seen on her first stay in Earth before. It was a man and a woman, both wore raincoats.
Due the darkness, she could only make out that they both looked confused at her.

“P-please can you help me? I’m lost,” she asked them. Her voice caused the humans to take a step back, and shook their heads in disbelief. It made sense to Dinky, they had, like many humans never seen a unicorn before, let alone a talking one.

Still, somehow, the filly could tell these two would help her, like Escher, a human soldier had done before when he found her as she ended up on Earth before. Maybe it was the look in their eyes, or their expressions, she couldn’t really tell.

The woman kneeled down with a friendly expression. “Of course we’ll help you.” she gently took Dinky into her arms and covered her with her raincoat to keep her warm and away from any more rainfall.

As the two humans walked out of the ally, the filly noticed how the city looked.

Most buildings were skyscrapers, they protruded meters into the sky. The streets were lined with them, all of them seemed to be built from some sleek, chrome-like material. Statues of an alien creature Dinky had never seen before. Its body resembled that of a human, but had four arms instead, stretched out like it was about to give a hug. But most notable was the head. It could be mistaken for a mask the way it opened up into a void like some kind of clam or starfish or unknown creature of the deep.

Another stature showed an alien with a more humanoid posture helping a human up.

She also took notice that billboards appeared to be holographic, something she thought only existed in Science Fiction. The cars that were parked or drove around had a low and thin design, they looked very elegant. Everything looked overall very futuristic, like a city in Science Fiction but it also reminded her of Canterlot somehow.

“ADVENT reminds all citizens that tonight’s curfew is for your protection,” a female PA voice informed to the streets, “Citizens without a valid exemption should report immediately to their nearest ADVENT peacekeeper for assistance.”

The filly spotted what appeared to be a human soldier in the distance. He wore a dark gray body suit with black armor plating. The boots reached up to his knees, each marked with a red light on the knee pads. A pelvic plate covered the human's groin, lined with a pair of red lines where the leggings met the plate, and six gray ammunition packs line their upper legs, three packs on each leg she counted. Additional ammo packs were attached to the front and back of the trooper's belt, with a buckle consisting of two square notches. The breastplate took the shape of a gray, stereotypical bulletproof vest, decorated with even more ammo packs. A pair of pauldrons guarded the shoulders, each marked with a red light. Also, the human's forearms were protected with gray bracers and gloves marked with red knuckles.

But most interesting was the helmet he wore. Gray in color, angular, and covered the entire head, save for an opening on the front that revealed his mouth. He held a black colored rifle in his hands. Overall, it made him look like a futuristic foot soldier.

The soldier spotted the two humans and made a stop sign. He said something in a language she couldn’t understand.

“We were just about to go home,” the man replied calmly as the child saw another soldier walked up to them.

Like the other, only the mouth was visible, but the armor was colored red and he had a cape. He also wore a pair of red plates that protected the outer sides of the upper legs. Their entire torso from neck to groin was covered with angular gray armor plating with red markings on the breastplate. The helmet had a peaked design with a red front and top and gray sides. It held onto his head with a metal chin bar, Dinky assumed it was an officer.

He said something to the other soldier, who replied in the same incomprehensible language. Then the officer looked at the two humans, nodded, and stepped aside.

“The ADVENT Administration reminds you to report all suspicious activity to your nearest peacekeeper,“ the PA voice announced again, “Remember, only together we can build a better tomorrow.”

It didn’t take long for the two humans to reach their home. It looked like a normal house, but in the same chrome-like material. The furniture was simple for the living room, it contained a radio, a TV and a couch.

“Looks like a very nice home.” The filly looked at it with a smile.

“Glad to hear it. “Would you be nice and get a towel?” the woman asked the man, who nodded in response.

“Of course, dear.”

After the man had dried Dinky, which she appreciated, she was able to see them fully.

The man had brown hair and green eyes, while the woman had brown hair with blue eyes. Both had an average build, apparently in their late twenties or early thirties. The male’s face was thin with a narrow chin, the woman’s face was broad and a wide chin.

“It's alright, kid. You're safe here. This is our house. I'm Lukas Barber, and this is my wife Lena,” the man said and he introduced himself and his wife.

“I’m Dinky Hooves,” the filly replied in a still shaken voice, which caused her hosts to look at each other in surprise before both smiled.

“Interesting name. Let me make you a soup to warm you up,” Lena offered and walked into the kitchen, to make a potato soup for their young guest.

In the moment, the unicorn was about to walk into the kitchen, when another loud thunder came that caused her to flinch and cover her ears again.

“Shh, don’t be scared, we’re here for you.” Lena said in a comforting voice as he hugged her.

Dinky smiled weakly. “Thank you, thunder kinda scares me.”

“It’s okay. Now, time to eat.” The woman helped her on the chair and the unicorn lit up her horn to use the spoon, her yellow surrounded it and lifted it up as her horn glowed in the same aura. Her hosts look with fascination.

“Did you just?” Lukas asked surprised.

“Well, yes, where I’m from, every unicorn can do that,” Dinky explained.

“Then, would you like to tell us more?” Lena was curious.

“Of course.” The filly took a deep breath. “I’m from a country called Equestria. Ponies live together in harmony. There are unicorns like me, who can use magic, Pegasi ponies and Earth ponies. Pegasi can fly and manipulate the weather. The Special Talent of a pony is represented by a ‘Cutie Mark’ on the flank, which I haven’t got one yet. Equestria is ruled by Princess Celestia and Luna. They’re Alicorns and they control the sun and moon.”

“Interesting, Dinky,” The man commented, still being fascinated.

“I know. I was born in Ponyville, a village in Equestria. My parents are a pegasus pony called Derpy Hooves and an earth pony named Time Turner, some ponies call him Doctor Hooves. I also have two sisters, both are unicorns, Tootsie Flute and her big sister Sparkler. I also have an uncle called Fletcher Fray. As for how I got here, me and him were near a purple rift that appeared out of nowhere and sucked us in. As I woke up, I found myself in the dark alley,” she explained as she ate her soup and enjoyed the warmth.

“Sorry to hear that,” Lena said with sympathy. She smiled weakly. “We are humans.”

“I’m actually familiar with your species,” Dinky continued, “Some time ago, I landed on Earth before due to an accident. Fletcher was dispatched by Luna to find me and we befriended each other in the process, and became like a family. He is one of Luna’s most loyal and experienced guards.”

Both humans stayed quiet for a few seconds, before the man broke the silence. “Sounds very fascinating, Dinky. Here, the world changed after…an invasion.”

The filly’s eyes went wide. “I-invasion?”

“Yes.” Lena replied. “Now it’s 2035 in March. 20 years ago, in 2015 also in March, Earth was victim to a global alien invasion. As the conventional militaries failed, an Elite unit called Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, XCOM for short, was founded to repel the alien invaders, being the first and last line of defense. They did well, but eventually, the world leaders had offered unconditional surrender to the leader of the aliens, the Elders.”

“Were those the statues with the four arms?” the filly asked.

“Correct. They made humanity believe that they came in peace, and that the forces of Earth retaliated aggressively and with prejudice. The ADVENT Administration is the global government and law enforcement, being founded after the Unification in 2015. Those two soldiers you saw belong to ADVENT.”

“How…how do you know all this? And why humanity would allow this all after this...Invasion?” The filly could not understand.

“Well, my father used to fight in XCOM back then, wanting to protect me and my mother. I and my wife witnessed the invasion, it was horrible.” Lukas told with unease in his voice. “As such, we don’t believe it, but pretend to be to avoid trouble. As for others, with ADVENT, hybridization of human and alien technology occurred in various ways, enabling humanity to conquer many formerly incurable diseases. They made City Centers out of the old cities, like this one, which is Berlin, our hometown.

Many, who never witnessed the invasion, directly believed that the Elders came in peace and the war being an unfortunate misunderstanding. For every collateral damage and civilian death, the Elders were deeply saddened.”

Dinky blinked, trying to understand. “It…makes sense…kinda. What else is here?”

Lena continued to explain, “Well, there are slums, where the…not so kind people live. Outside of the City Centers are ramshackle ‘Shanty Towns’, those are colonies or people who prefer the old way of living, and Small towns still exist, populated by people who need time to decide to accept to live in the City Centers or prefer the life before the aliens. Still, ADVENT maintains order here.”

“I see,” the filly replied before having to yawn. She noticed that the rain had stopped and the evening sun came out.

“Yes, it’s a complicated world. You should get some sleep. It was an exhausting day for you. We have a guest room with a bed. Lukas, would you be so kind?”

“Yes, my dear,” the man replied. Lukas guided Dinky to the guest room and tucked her in. “Goodnight, Dinky, sweet dreams.”

She smiled. “Thank you.

“If you need something, the door to our bedroom is open.”

“Okay.” The unicorn let out another yawn and drifted to sleep. She hoped that Fletcher, Wolf and Midnight would be alright. Although one thought entered her mind.

Why does this feel like a déjà vu?

Lena waited in the corridor. “Look at her, fast asleep in no time. Little angel.”

“Yes, she does. Can you actually believe that our favorite filly from our favorite kids show back then is with us?” he asked as they both got to bed.

“It was hard to believe at first, but we owe it to her family to keep her safe,” his wife replied.

“Indeed. I love you."

“I love you too,” they both kissed before they drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note:

The sequel to Blood in the Sand, an Xcom crossover. Due to the gameplay mechanics, I thought this could suit.