• Published 8th Sep 2018
  • 1,033 Views, 12 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Side Of Friendship - True Wolf

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Meeting Vinyl

Yugi looks at the box, and back up, the girl, he had just met was gone, but not far, for Lyra was watching, hoping there was a way to save her sister, Bonnie. Yugi walks back to the girls as he wonders who that girl was. Meanwhile the girls, found some interesting news. Yugi walks up and is the first to speak. "Hey guys, what's up?" As Yugi takes a seat Pinkie hands him a newspaper.

Opening the newspaper, she tells him to read it. Yugi, reads it, and looks at the picture before responding. I don't get it, it says 4 people disappeared, but, that doesn't sound life-threatening or dangerous." High above the group, a balloon floated.

Behind the Balloon, a girl appeared, then, another. "Bonnie, my friend, everyone is worried about you." The other person said.

The same person then said "Its Vinyl, she's found it". Then the two went to the Desert. At the Desert, Bonnie, Lyra, and a few others arrived. One of the Security/Body Guards pulls out a gun and aims it at Bonnie's back.

Bonnie felt something against her. "ugh, you got me or do you?" then a cube appears in Bonnie's hand, as a strange mark appears on her forehead. the guard screamed as the guard's whole body starts to glow, they were turned to golden digital dust, as they disappeared.

Vinyl turns around and sees the girl, then she says "It's interesting, how you are here, now, since my cameras caught you in Canterlot City, seconds ago." then people started running away.

Bonnie comes closer to Vinyl, then says "call it a kind of magic, in fact the same magic, these others use to get here." the others, appear out of nowhere.

Then Lyra said "Be careful, Bonnie. Vinyl, is a formidable adversary."

Comments ( 7 )

Wonder what will happen next?

And is there anything in store for Spike too?

I didn't even think about Spike, I always thought of Kaiba as the Dragon Duelist, but playing the LOTD Games, I made a Dragon Deck, I could throw Spike in there, with the Dragon Deck. Basically, it's the Dark Side of Dimesions story, with MLP EG thrown into the mix. https://www.amazon.com/Yu-Gi-Oh-Dark-Dimensions-Shunsuke-Kazama/dp/B071JZL98S/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=dark+side+of+dimensions&qid=1617768308&s=instant-video&sr=1-1

Looking forward to that.
Wonder what dragons are in that deck there that he will be using? :0

thats kinda reduntedthen why not just make it a one shot instead of making abunch of little chapters

Funny, you should say that, actually... I'm trying to get what I can, once the story is complete, its all going to be one chapter...

How is it going?

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