This story is a sequel to Three-act Play
Warning tags refer to scenes of warfare written for a teen audience.
Sunset paused on the high balcony of Princess Twilight’s empty tower, catching her breath after all those stairs. Everypony was away setting up the Friendship Festival; the journal had been buzzing almost constantly with Twilight’s hastily scribbled one-line updates, ecstatic and anxious—until a couple of hours ago. The longer the sudden silence lasted, the more concerned Sunset became, until she hopped through the portal to see what was up. Her alicorn glowed as she fiddled Twi’s telescope into position for a look at the distant city clinging to the mountainside.
Canterlot was burning.
Takes place after CHS graduation—between seasons seven and eight.
Featured on TCC56’s Recommendsday.
There's no Alternate Universe tag, so may I assume that they don't actually change the way the crisis in the movie was resolved? I still wonder what they'll get up to instead, having brought a gun into Equestria.
I can totally see this ending with Rose and Tempest getting completely hammered together. Assuming Rose doesn’t shoot her in the face at some point.
Sunset with at lest one human firearm during the movie? Oh this could we very interesting indeed.
I look forward to seeing some of the Storm Guards get their butts handed to them. Just saying.
Since Tempest is off in another part of the world chasing Princess Twi and Co., it’s unlikely in the extreme she’ll show up in the story—except possibly near the very end. It definitely would be a fascinating encounter, though.
Correct; the story will not alter anything about the movie’s narrative. However, I may add an AU tag at a later date, if and when canon departs drastically from what I lay down in this story—say, for instance, if they do produce an EG story taking place during the movie. Once upon a time I’d have said that was unlikely, but then things like “The Perfect Pear” happened, so I’m not going to rule it out!
Rose, being a retired army officer, is a firm believer in peace through superior firepower. She never goes anywhere without her trusty concealed pistol, especially when danger is all but certain. Moreover, I’m assuming Equestria is a fully rounded late-nineteenth-century society, including all the military (and civilian) technologies that implies.
Ooh, a new Dave Bryant story. I wonder what whimsical tales of diplomatic bureaucracy and clever world building might lie within.
Well. That's a departure from the norm.
In any case, this looks like it's going to be one heck of a ride. Also, hilariously appropriate choice for Sunset's codename. After all, Janus was the god of, among other things, gateways. Thankfully, Cook doesn't have to deal with a timeline where that description's more accurate, just one where there's no telling what the portal will do to the military hardware they're bringing.
... Hmm. Depending on what happens next, he might prefer the Oversaturated World.
(Also, pardon the doubled shelf notification. Darn misclicks.)
Following. Will Starlight Glimmer make an appearance?
Good question, and an interesting idea. To be honest, at this early stage I don’t know yet!
Rose is hoping she won’t need to draw her pistol at all. Cook is hoping they’ll escape the enemy’s notice. We’ll see what happens.
It's still good that she has it, though. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
An interesting new tale. I understand Rose's desire to bring a fire-arm, I'm curious to see what happens to it and the rest of her gear when it goes through the portal.
They should probably call in a SWAT team around Canterlot high too. A couple of pale guys with spears and funny armor appearing isn't really a national security risk, but they could definitely threaten local civilians.
My guess is that after this the higher-ups are going to demand the ability to close the portal on their end from the Equestrian government.
I had you in mind when I wrote that! Janus was perfect not only because of the association with gateways, but also because of the watershed change in Sunset’s attitude. Cook chose it, of course, but he hasn’t told her about it.
Being my first story with the Adventure tag and without the SOL tag—I consider them to be opposites by definition—this is breaking new ground for me. We’ll see how it goes.
Tower house, eh? Gonna have to remember that for my stuff.
Wikipedia, of course, has articles on tower houses and all the castle-related terms Rose mentions—hence the in-line hyperlinks. Some I’d known; some I had to research. Military history is a hobby of mine, but Rose has studied it professionally, particularly fortifications through the ages, and still reads a lot about it.
Oh, but this is a fun little behind-enemy-lines setup you've created here. I look forward to seeing what adventures this little band of
brothersfriends is going to get up to while Twilight et al. are off having their movie.9118977
I hope I will deliver to everyone’s satisfaction!
The mental image of rubber-soled, nail-on horseshoes amuses me, and I don't know why.
In any case, I hadn't even considered the necessity of dismantling the portal. Still, very glad that they didn't go with Rose's scorched hyperspace approach. That wouldn't have ended well be any stretch of the imagination.
In any case, the Map is providing some very helpful strategic information, but it's not like the trio can do much with it. And the Palace-Tree is just that, a tree. It's no more designed to withstand a siege than its parent. (Arguably less so unless its awareness has access to defenses we've never seen.) Looking forward to seeing what our heroes have planned.
I’ve seen them in photos and at least once in connection with touristy horse-drawn carriages. I imagine nail-on shoes might be more common among military and other outdoor-oriented ponies. Going shoeless or wearing non-permanent shoes or boots probably is more popular in Equestria than it was in the real world up until the nineteenth century. I gather modern shoeing has developed into an amazing variety of styles and materials—but a lot of them wouldn’t be available with late-nineteenth-century technology.
The population of Ponyville heading to the ruined Castle of the Two Sisters for safety...makes perfect sense to me. I've had a plot thread of it being restored in my stuff for the express purpose of being used as a shelter in the event of attack. Among other things.
I wouldn't be surprised if this were one of the many, many Ponyville disaster preparedness drills. Twilight likely expanded them, but most were probably in place before she arrived.
"Mayor Mare! The airships are headed this way!"
"No ground forces yet? Plan 25-C it is."
Also, I was a bit worried that Steven might be offended by questions about the river's purity. I could see that being a touchy subject for a serpent.
In any case, I can only hope for minimal fatalities... though I do find myself wondering if the Tree of Harmony has anything to contribute to the current situation.
Could be, though I imagine Canterlot being taken by surprise probably knocked a lot of their planning into a cocked hat.
Well, he was a bit nettled, as mentioned, but Cook is a smooth sort.
I’d written much of the next chapter when this comment came in, and it made me chuckle. Stay tuned.
If the ease at which the Manes and their backup took down the forces left in Canterlot at the end of the film, most of the Storm King's forces are probably fanning out across Equestria at this point. Going through conquered territory's still a dangerous proposition, but not as much as would have been the previous day.
Yeah, bit hard to give a definitive statement there when the show refuses to.
Traveling on hoof, it's entirely possible that by the time the group gets to the Crystal not-an-Empire-anymore, the conflict will have resolved itself. Of course, first they have to deal with miles and miles of tundra. And the intervening country before that. This isn't going to be at all enjoyable.
Pretty much, though of course Cook’s mentally running over all the other possibilities as well. Part of his calculus is the difficulty of reaching the Crystal Whateveritis—if it’s hard for the three of them, it’s much harder for an army. And they don’t plan to get there entirely by hoof. . . .
Well, I knew they wouldn't have an easy time of it. Still, would've been nice if they had an easier time of it.
Are we sure Cook isn't actually a changeling in Equestria? Sounds like he could give Chrysalis pointers.
Also, I really do have to feel sorry for the functionaries in that little town. None of them were expecting to deal with this when they woke up this morning.
And wow. Anything going through the island portal is in for a bad time.
He probably could. But then, I wonder if because changelings can imitate other creatures, they never bothered to develop their skills beyond that. Moreover, in the late nineteenth century systematic espionage and covert operations effectively didn’t exist yet—certainly not beyond the most rudimentary level.
Like poor hapless civilians throughout history, the town’s inhabitants are going to experience war up close and personal. It won’t be pretty.
Oh yes. It isn’t likely, but then good military leaders don’t base their planning on “not likely”.
Well done, Rose. Good to see she has a competent grasp of Civil War era tactics...though it's a shame they don't have a ready analogue to the Gatling gun handy.
I'm impressed! It takes a lot of discipline to hold a line-fire formation, those ponies did admirably!
While war is hell and all its glory moonshine, I love the way you've been painting it so far! That formation skirmish was on point.
Oh, I wish I could favorite this multiple times over!
They may already have one; breech-loaders are in service, and the Gatling repeater is only a short hop beyond that, conceptually.
I'm not surprised we didn't see one here, though. A field artillery piece like that would have had a hard time keeping up with what looked like an infantry detachment in full retreat.
Oh, I wasn't saying Equestria doesn't have some analogue to the Gatling gun, just expressing regret that one wasn't available for use against the Storm Guards.
Huh, seems that the Ponies keep losing because their bosses are all McClellan and not Lee, Jackson or Grant.
Yeah, Twilight's off running around elsewhere and I don't think Sunset's up for that yet.
Well, there is a long-standing precedent for military incompetence on the show. Putting aside things that were out of the Royal Guard's league like Nightmare Moon and Discord, they've been utterly useless against first the changelings under Chrysalis and later the Storm King's forces. Flash Magnus whipping them into shape was a sorely-needed step up.
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As far as I can tell from other indicators, Equestria’s technology is supposed to be somewhere in the equivalent of the 1860s–1880s, which puts it smack in rolling-block (and US Civil War/Wild West) territory. Roommate and long-time friend Baron Engel recommended the rolling block because it’s easy to work with hooves and, historically, was quite successful on the international military market.
I’m assuming Equestria has all the other military, and civilian, technology one would expect for the era—including equivalents of the Gatling gun—but the infantry company indeed was in full, if disciplined, retreat along the road. (Moreover, artillery hadn’t been attached to them in the first place, since their original assignment was a simple road patrol, which I may address in a later chapter.) It wasn’t until the unit reached the railroad town they found a big enough clear space to deploy in line. Otherwise the Storm Minions would have caught up with them in another mile or two, and things would have gone . . . badly.
Line infantry does require good leadership and constant drilling to function properly. They had the drill, but when the only experienced officer keeled over, they lost the leadership. Rose stepped in to provide the latter and, what with her own maturity, discipline, and limited grasp of just how difficult it should be to maneuver, managed to save the day.
I think the poor job the canon writers have done with portraying military affairs comes down to two factors. First is the “little green army man” problem prevalent throughout the entertainment industry, staffed by people who, in general, do not understand, sympathize with, or respect military institutions, tradition, or history. Second is the nigh-impossibility of portraying war without exceeding the limits of a PG rating—much less the far greater restrictions on a children’s television series—along with the current unconscionable squeamishness about anything to do with firearms. Goodness, writing about war is difficult even within the non-explicit “teen” constraints I’ve adopted.
In fairness, Equestria may not have fought a major conventional war in a long time, which can lead to a decline in force quality. Also, consider the effort Chrysalis and the Storm King put into making sure their attacks were unconventional, perhaps to work around the EUPG’s readiness levels. I’m proceeding more or less on that basis—that the EUPG is not large or top-tier, rather like the US military before the Great War, and that enemy planning and execution were designed specifically to match their strengths against the Guard’s weaknesses, including the use of subterfuge and surprise.
I was mostly just referencing this.
Military action done very well indeed. If that didn't earn Rose a cutie mark, then I can state with confidence that humans flat-out can't get them (assuming they didn't come with them. I follow so many different takes on the topic that I can't remember the specifics on this one. )
Eagerly looking forward to more.
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If what Pinkie managed with Twilight during the wedding invasion is feasible without party pony powers, the group may already have a repeater in Sunset.
(And my apologies for repeating Arkonfleight. Didn't notice his comments. )
Rose does have a mark, but I haven’t had much of a chance yet to cram in a digression on the subject. Rose was fully clothed after coming through the portal, and Our Heroes had other things on their minds than butt marks. Moreover, she’s received enough background briefing not to be surprised by the concept in general and its applicability to her in particular. My assumption, based on the fact we see obvious equivalent marks associated with at least some EG-only characters, is that people in the human world—particularly those with counterparts—tend to gravitate subconsciously to marks as a sort of personal heraldry.
Real life isn't a game, video or otherwise. You don't just move on to the next random encounter, especially not with civilians in tow. Rest and recuperation are essential if you're going to get anything done effectively.
Also, Rose may end up in the awkward spot of receiving a medal and/or court martial from the most foreign foreign power imaginable.
All told, excellent breather chapter.
Yes. I think too many authors, even professionally published ones, forget that about traumatic events. Rose, of course, is agonizingly aware of it from both her careers, and she’ll be spending the morning talking to quite a few ponies.
I’m reminded of the line from Babylon 5: “Half of Earth Force wants to give you a kiss on the cheek and the Medal of Honor. The other half wants you taken out and shot. As a politician you learn how to compromise—which by all rights means I should give you the Medal of Honor, then have you shot.” I do have some ideas about how it all will turn out, mixed up with some of the comments folks have made about the subject, but that of course is far in the future.
Well, at least they've gotten a little relief. Thank whatever deity you follow for small favors.
Hoo boy. This is going to be problematic. Let's just hope the trouble is relatively minor and not, say, an aerial raid.
I'm willing to chalk up that short decisive war mentality to the Storm King being both arrogant and stupid. Because let's face it, the Storm King is arrogant and stupid. And the only reason he got as far as he did was because the plot demanded it.
Not sure how I missed the start of this one, but I am loving it so far. Keep up the good work!
Heh. Cookie Pusher, literal diplomancer.
In any case, yeah, that airship armada was an imposing sight, but it's not jearly enough to secure the whole nation. Still enough to do some irreversible damage, though.
He also hasn't really dealt with an entity as large as Equestria before. The southern part of the continent consists of wide tracts of wasteland and isolated city-states. And that's putting aside the fact that his main goal wasn't even Canterlot, but four specific ponies. He didn't need to take the country. He just needed to delay it long enough to charge the Staff of Sacanas.
Of course, there's the question of "Then what?" Ol' Stormy isn't exactly the best at foresight.
Still, the way he set things up, he could've been stopped that the ponies been more competent in their defense. Just saying.
Then again, I am related to an armchair quarterback, so yeah.
I spent quite a while scratching my head over what Cook’s special talent was. It took writing the conversation in question for the realization to hit me: it’s intuition—similar to, but not exactly like, Sunset’s “element”, which may be a partial explanation for how well they get along. Given how unicorns seem to work, it’s a good bet his magic revolves around that talent.
That summation pretty much matches how I believe the military situation would have to work given what we see in the movie. Even canonically the Storm King indeed is not exactly portrayed as a paragon of foresight. His aims are quite narrow, but there’s no way for Our Heroes to know that—as Rose says, they can guess, and they might even guess correctly, but without taking more risks than their self-assigned mission would permit, it’s hard for them to be certain.
How do you reconcile your use of firearms in this story with the fact that in the show the only projectiles used are food?