• Published 28th Jul 2012
  • 7,198 Views, 670 Comments

Out of the Old, Into the New - SentientHydra

Follow the spaceship 'New Dawn' as its crew explores a new universe.

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Chapter 17: There goes the Sun

In Canterlot, in the forest, atop the near mountains and in orbit above, the world prepared, for there was a day and a half to go, and so much to do.

In the courts and rooms of the Castle City, Celestia sat through her staffs ministrations with a calm smile, sipping a cup a tea and moving as they indicated, being primped and polished and fed a careful diet (with a cautious helping of cake to help it all down) before being sent to an early bed.

As the alicorn walked along the corridor to her chambers, followed and surrounded by her accompaniment of guardsmen and servants, she mused aloud, finishing her tea and placing it on a presented tray “It is amusing no? For most of the year I guide and watch over all my ponies to ensure their safety, but in the days before an official function the roles are reversed. I am the child to be fussed over and made presentable, not even allowed to polish my own horn.” she laughed, the sound light as dewdrop bells on gossamer string.

The servants joined her, a little nervously, but were silenced when they reached the door, where Celestia swept her wings up to wrap around the servants (the guards smartly sidestepping the net) and pulled them all into her side, the powerful muscles drawing them inescapably closer to where the alicorn could deliver a chaste kiss to each trembling forehead.

She cooed in motherly tones “Oh my wonderful little ponies, you are so good to your silly old princess, I do not know how I would function without you” she let them all go, tittering at the blazes of embarrassed red on each muzzle, which only got fiercer when each flank received a gentle shove from a great white wing “Now my dears, I shall leave my shoes and regalia outside the door, please let the night staff know so they can polish them overnight. But for the rest of you it's early nights all round, we have a busy day tomorrow, preparing for the alien's arrival, and I want all of us rested. Consider this an official decree, get some sleep.”

Not waiting for them to stammer a reply Celestia set her shoes along with regalia down on a convenient stand and pounded her wings to send herself shooting backwards, horn flaring up to close the doors gently behind her. The great alicorn fairly back-flipped into bed and splayed out before suddenly remembering something that made her glance towards the setting sun, giggling as she watched it kiss the horizon.

Oh. Right. Lowering the Sun... Have to lower the Sun, raise Moon” she slapped her horn mockingly “Bad Celestia, forgetting to make the night.” she laughed, a giggle that descended into a sob. “Oh sister... I miss thee already.”

But just as she rolled to get out of bed, the Great Monarch saw something else that made her eyes widen. The Moon was rising, the sun was setting. Without her.

The wrath of gods and judgement of demons would have been swept aside then as Celestia twisted and leapt across her room, landing with a crack of hooves on the balcony, her horn already flaring as she cast the simplest of cantrips, a mana detection spell. Sure enough, up there in orbit above her, there was the familiar tang of Luna's magic at work.


A few minutes earlier


Jenson bolted from cover, his machine gun forgotten in the churned mud behind him as the screams of his dying companions got nearer and nearer. The spattering of desperate shots and ending wails almost overwhelmed by the bellowing victory shouts of their conqueror.



There ahead, shelter and supplies, a fresh weapon and an ammo case lay just inside that bunker, a mere five hundred meters ahead. With fresh resolve steadying his limbs, Jenson piled on the speed and gave silent prayer to Titan that he had thought to take the upgraded sprinting augment.


Another scream cut mercifully short echoed through the trees behind him, from the sound it was probably Lt. Sandra, fighting to the last with her trusty shotgun. Jenson couldn't help but smile, Just a few more metres to safety, just a few more paces until the warm concrete walls of the bunker.

Just a fe- “AAAGH!” Jenson cried out in agony as the back of his legs exploded in pain, sending him to the ground hard, mud splattering him as he struggled to get his arms to support him.

With a straining of muscle and gritted teeth he finally managed to shove his chest free of the sucking mud, twisting round to look behind him. His eyes growing wide as they saw the moon...

… Reflected in her eyes as she stalked towards him, her steps calm as a jungle cat stalking a wounded deer fawn, the smirk on her lips that of a demon while she watched Jenson's desperate glance towards his burning leg, to where her axe had buried itself in the hamstring, it's blood soaked twin hanging from her belt.

Luna came upon her prey in perfect silence, swaying her hips loosely in her easy stride, her dainty feet barely sticking in the mud. The Princess was splattered from head to ankle in thick drops of blood, mud and effluent, the occasional leave stuck on from her trip through the forest foliage.

She placed a filthy boot on Jenson's back to hold him in place while she drew the axe from his leg, making sure he was watching when she licked the blade. At first she was smiling as if it were a piquant wine, but then her face scrunched up, tasting something horrible in the blood, that she then spat straight into her captive's face. When he cringed away her demeanour broke for but a moment for her to apologise “Sorry. Once a herbivore, always a herbivore.”

Before the situation got more awkward, or Jenson could comment, Luna reset her face and brought her arm around in a wide arc, sinking the back-spike into the side of her prey's cranium with a grisly *Crack* of splintering bone, spraying blood in a thin geyser onto her shins.

Even as she dropped her axes and exulted in victory, the world began to dissolve around her, the scenery, her clothes and her weapons breaking up into a thick cloud of specks, fading away into nothing. As virtual normalcy returned Luna found herself caught in the middle of a warm group bear-hug, her ears assaulted by the cheers of her team.

Eventually the embrace ended and the cheers faded away, the six members of her team standing back and grinning. One giant man who closely resembled a boulder with arms and legs chiseled out of it laid a heavy paw (a true paw, shaped and clawed like a fur-less grizzly bear) on her shoulder and let out a deep belly laugh while he shook her “Ha! I knew you had it in you. I told 'em and told 'em, Pony-girl got game.”

Luna kicked her heel at the compliment and smiled, sheepish in the face of such open adoration “Twas nothing really, I just did not want to let you all down.”

The only other female in the group stepped up then, smiling with two rows of shark's teeth “Well don't let it go to your head pony-girl, but you really did good back their. When this idiot” she paused to slap the boulder round the ear, earning a growl, before going on “Got us all taken out in that ambush I thought the match was over. Would have been too, if you hadn't gone all 'angel of death' on their asses.”

The team settled down for the rest period between games, letting a few minutes pass in easy chit-chat -mostly on the subject of Equestria, and how it differed from Earth- before Luna paused to some unseen signal and asked the air

“Eva?” she asked, surety and slight familiarity in her voice.

The apparition that was Eva appeared without fuss or ceremony, as if she had always been there “Yes, Prisoner Luna?” Luna didn't blink at the title, but a few of her team-mates shared uneasy glances at the reminder of their new friend's status on board.

“Can thou inform me of the sun's position on mine planet, in relation to the Castle Canterlot?” She asked, her face thoughtful.

“That is beyond my knowledge Prisoner Luna, I will query ICaAN to find out.” Eva smiled, looking away and beyond, her virtual eyes gaining a thousand-league stare while her lips moved in rapid conversation with a silent being. It was a matter of moments befoore she turned back and said

Dusk will arrive over Canterlot Castle, in precisely three point six minutes” For hat jarring moment, Icaan's emotionless tones came out in place of Eva's usual happy lilt.

Luna nodded at the news and stood, nodding to her companions “I am afraid I will not be around for the next match my compatriots, I must leave.”

Eva sighed as a mother might, hearing their child run off to school “You wish to stop playing Prisoner Luna?”

Luna nodded, her face suddenly stone cold serious.

The apparition's smile gained a sadly happy edge as she waved a hand, Luna's form dissolving away “I hope we meet again soon Prisoner Luna, I have so many games to play with you.”

Luna's final sense of the virtual world were her team waving goodbye with a general chorus of “Till next time Pony-Girl.”

Luna came to consciousness with a jolt, rolling over and gagging as a thick tube slickly slid from her throat, slimy with mucus, lubricant and saliva.

Shaky limbs went to support her limp body while she coughed up a wad of phlegm and examined her hooves and wing. Finding them satisfactory, the Princess looked to her horn and smiled at it's unadorned nature. Tilting her head and glazing her eyes to check some internal clock, Luna steadied herself, horn lowered in ready position.

She muttered low, her voice a stage whisper in the white cell “Even through your magical shield humans I felt the rage of Celestia's dawn.” she slowed and paced her breathing, focusing on a deep in and out. ”Your defences are nigh impregnable, but I am a god. You may have my dignity, my blood, my magic and freedom, but you will never take the moon from me. I will have my dusk.”

With some unseen signal, Luna began to concentrate, her body tightening slowly as some tension built up inside.


In the observation booth both monitoring engineers and medic watched with rapt attention as the alicorn began to strain.

“What's she trying to do? Overload the emitters?” One asked

An engineer by a different screen nodded “Apparently so” he tapped a button on the keyboard, bringing up a chart “Good effort too, get five or six more of her doing that for another ten minutes she'd break out easy”

A medic cut in with his own screen “Or have a heart attack. If she keeps at it much longer and we'll need to dart her. Dumb bitch is killing herself out there."


On sensor deck, there was a small crowd gathered to watch the light-show at Mackenze's station, much to her annoyance.

“Will you lot bog off? I'm trying to watch for spikes here!” she barked, waving a cybernetic hand at the assembled crew. Including one Chief Medical officer.

They completely ignored her request however, and smiled.

Growling threats under her breath the Sensor's officer turned back to the screen to watch for the expected spike.

There it was... But different, the dawn spike had been smooth and sharp, something done with obvious ease, this one sputtered and rose slowly, as if it were being dragged up by something under great strain. And it was rising, rising faster and faster right towards them.

Without hesitation or pause for thought Mackenze grabbed the emergency line on the comms


Captain Morgan always found dusk coming over a planet's horizon relaxing, a. Less so when sensors deck rang up on the emergency comms and screamed in his ear

“SIR! Massive energy wave heading straight for us. Big Sister Celestia level surge.” the voice sounded panicked.

Morgan sat bolt upright, letting his glass of nightcap spill all over the carpet. He asked with more than a little edge to his voice “She's attacking?!”

“No sir, chimeric frequency, millions of variants. We're getting attacked by a whole bloody army of them. No time to evade.”


The energy surge hit the Dawn as the world's largest storm surge might hit a child's sandcastle.

Their energy shields crumpled like paper under the assault, breaking as ash before a gale.

But doom did not come, instead the surge flowed to one point in the ship. All the condensed raw power of those millions of variant frequencies pouring into one space on the ship, right into the form of a straining alicorn.


A god was born in the white walled cell, unseen energies blasting through the walls and filling the air with the scent of ozone and burning copper.

Luna's eyes glowed like twin stars in their sockets as the power lifted her hooves from the ground, aches and discomfort washing away a water off duck's back. Her mane and tail growing to their fullest in an instant of glorious expansion, becoming the night-sky in all it's glory.

Luna's smile in this was not vengeful nor angry, no hint of aggression found root in her most genuine of joys. With a flourish of her horn and spread of her great wings -as the incandescent energy flew into her, Luna and her wings seemed to grow several sizes until they matched her sister's in expanse- as the surge reached it's peak Luna poured her magic into one great spell, her most base of sorceries and that which she was born for.

...For long moments there was just her and the spell, revelling in the exultant fulfilment of her most primal purpose...

It faded, the power slowly stopped, her form seemed to shrink as she came down to the floor, her mane and tail shed their dissipating glory until they were but curtains of ordinary hair.

Luna was contented, to judge by her expression, and tone of voice “I am restored.” She sighed happily “Now to escape” if a little maliciously “and teach these apes a lesson in humility before a god.”

With a flourish and a grin Luna lowered her horn too face where she knew the observation wall to be, chuckling darkly before closing her eyes and concentrating...

A minute passed, a familiar look of annoyance took hold and the alicorn growled “Traitorous horn! Thou shall obey and serve me!”

Another minute, followed by vigorous horn shaking and an annoyed roar of “I. SAY. THEE. WORK !”

Annoyance gone, only rage now. “Thou Hast GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!”

The would-be god proceeded to reel off every swearword in every dialect from every language she knew, punctuating each one with a kick to her bed.

Five thousand words, two bleeding hooves and one very battered bed later, Luna's hind hooves gave out under her, flopping like a rag-doll's under her weight. Gasping in exhaustion Luna growled “Traitorous limbs *wheeze* thou truly join mine horn in rebellion? *Cough-Cough* So be it.” Unable to fight her body any longer, Luna sand into an uneasy unconsciousness, barely moving as a white suited medical team came through the hidden door.


The observation room was rife with relief as the engineers wiped their collective brows, some gasping for air and clutching their knees.

“Thirty seconds to change all the fuses on all twenty emitters. I am impressed” The CEO spoke from the entrance.

One of the engineers thumped his heart a few times and recovered long enough to say. “Impending annihilation is a wonderful motivator sir.”

The CEO nodded “A fair point. Perhaps we could make that into an inspirational poster of sorts.”


Up on observation deck, CMO McConnell couldn't stop laughing, apart from to say “I was right”, “I knew it” and words to that effect.

She finally calmed down enough to explain when the captain entered and raised his eyebrow, being silent at her.

She wiped away a tear and explained following her salute. “Sorry sir. I just couldn't help it, after all this time my most outlandish theory was proven correct.”

The silence was deafening.

The CMO smiled nervously and explained, pulling out a holo-screen “Alright sir, I'll explain. My theory was based on what I found out from Luna, essentially explaining how this bigger sister, and now Luna, have broken the theoretical upper limit to their powers.” she pulled up a profile image of Luna, with the 'magic' crystal structures superimposed over “this is an image of Luna as you may recognise, here used as a control subject to extrapolate from”

Another tap brought up a chart, with four bars on it, two low and two high. “This chart indicates on the left the upper limit to their powers that I and the CEO calculated, based on body size and an assumed similar crystalline density; the bars on the right here indicate a theoretical upper limit, if the two of them were made entirely out of compressed crystal. Even at the extreme impractical level, this is the far upper limit of what they could generate.”

More silence, but more thoughtful than deafening.

The CMO tapped the screen once more, spawning two more bars on the chart, both utterly dwarfing the older four, going literally off the screen. “This is the power level recorded just now. Impossible, they simply can't generate this much psychic energy, it's completely beyond them.” the medical officer smiled “So they don't..”

The captain's silence was broken just long enough for him to ask “then wh-?” and be interrupted.

By the CMO, as she swept back to make a sweepingly dramatic gesture, indicating the globe below “That does!” She turned back and spread her arms in revelation. “By the look of thing, every single creature capable of it donates their power to these princesses every dawn and dusk. The entire planet is a gigantic psychic generator!” She pointed to the picture of Luna “That's where they get their power from. They're not generating all that power, they're two big fucking focusing lenses, taking all that raw energy, distilling it, amplifying it and shaping it into something useful.”

Morgan had the look of a man far out of his scientific league “okay..” With a few glances about to the stunned crew he stiffened his resolve and asked “.. How do they do it?”

The CMO coughed at that, scuffing her boot “I have no idea yet sir. The way these crystals work should make what they're doing impossible, Luna and Celestia are breaking the rules.” A light lit behind her eyes “But come Titan or Tartarus I will find out how and why.”