• Member Since 7th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 21st, 2020



Twilight and Soarin' enjoy their first Hearth Warming together

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 102 )


Suggestion: Make em pull cute pranks on each other. C'mon its winter, whats winter without a good prank involving snow. Comedy is in the tag afterall. :ajsmug:

Just don't read this and be done with it okay? Later.:facehoof:

Yes, yes it is :pinkiesmile:
But the troll that doesn't know what 'Slice of Life' genre means has given me a headache. I'll tolerate him but don't worry, Team Joker is planning this out well.


:rainbowlaugh: Sorry dude but your username was just begging for it.


Why do you keep removing my comments for no reason? It is simple criticism, you do not have to flame me for giving it.

57964 I'm removing your comments because you insist on spamming them to me, really. don't read it. this isn't for people who didn't like purple skies, this is a holiday special we are doing because of how many people loved purple skies before we go to the real sequel.
"You should not have posted this." And your not trolling...? Seriously. its annoying.


It isn't spam. I've read through what you wrote, and I gave you my concerns in a constructive manner. In response, I was told that I should "Deal with it" "Stop reading" "Stop trolling", etc. Now, you're removing all of my comments and accusing me of spamming. It isn't spam.

Also, I didn't say you shouldn't have posted it, I said I don't understand why you posted it. I don't understand the plot of Winter Skies. What is truly annoying, is having any of my opinions simply thrown away without consideration when they were only meant to help you write better.

No, I'm not trolling.

the fuck is purple skies

anyways cool read!!

The plot to Purple Skies was made by just me, the ending was aided by a friend, those comments don't really apply to me anymore considering I have a writing team and we make the plot together.
Feel free to stay if you want to keep reading something you 'criticize' so often, its your call.


You are confusing negative criticism with blatantly hating your story and flaming you for it. As I have said before, I do not resent/hate anything that you and your team writes. I've just given my advice on how to improve it, and by doing that, it could not possibly be a positive comment.

I'm not going to leave, I'm sure you've figured that out by now. I'm also going to continue giving my opinions, whatever importance you hold them to is beyond my control. Please, do not call me a troll/spammer.


Deep fried Mayonnaise balls, ha ha ha. Yes, they do exist.

Hi, I'm the co-writer of this and its predecessor.
This my perspective as the guy wrote most of the plot and subplots.
For some of the skeptics: This story goes deeper than just a plot about a gift. Just wait and see. If you hated this chapter because nothing really happened other than the main plot point being established then I swear that get's better in next chapter. This is a holiday special and it's supposed to be campy, diabetes inducing and lighthearted.
If you have any questions or concerns please address them to me, instead of WinterTwister and I'll my best to respond in a civil manner.

Peace Out.


Thank you, I'll be sure to forward my opinions directly to you instead as you create this story.

Expect an inbox message later.

Hey, I read your story about pinkie taking you into equestria
It's divinely absurd lol

58068 That is somewhat disgusting. The thought of mayonaise balls:rainbowwild:, not the story. The story is awesome. Much daaaaw was had.:twilightsmile:

When writing this we wanted to send Rarity and Sweetie to be with their parents. I needed a place with an easy horse pun that her parents could be from based their accents. So, Minnesota was the easy choice and since it's fried food capital of the world and we saw Rarity's dad eat all the burnt food. I decided to make him eat some gross disgusting fried foods(Fried Mayo being the grossest) in front of her. Oh and her mother is based on Fran Drescher.

Lets all remember to be loving and tolerating up in here. It is Hearth's Warming after all. :ajsmug ::rainbowkiss: :raritywink: :pinkiehappy: :yay: :twilightsmile:

Well, that emoticon failed... :ajsmug: *facehoof*

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww (With Simon's voice from The Yogscast)!!! :heart::heart::heart:


Proofread, please. I hate reading stories where everything is rushed and half the things are misspelled... It is, however, a good start, and if you can fix up your spelling errors, I would love to read more.

Could be good. Too many errors for my liking though.
Keep up the good work.

58537 58578
Our supposivley pre-reader has gone missing, trust me im aware of this and I would love to find a replacement but waffle told me to give him some time, so i apologize for the mistakes, good writers, horrible grammar.:twilightblush:

I noticed it in your other story, too. Purple Skies. I left a more... detailed comment on that one.

58600 yep.I read it, That story was made by just me, the plot was weak until the end when i actually got help on it, it was my first ship-fic after I wrote action stories, so it was hard to go slow for me. We still want to know where our pre-reader is though, if it was my call I would remove him and such, but this team isn't a monarchy and waffle doesn't want to burn bridges

I read it and...

It's rushed, there's no clear plot (as of yet) outside of "Everypony's getting ready for the hilodays", and there are quite a lot of errors.

"her some last minuet gift."
I think you meant minute there.

Anyway, it wasn't interesting enough to keep me reading, and I feel like I'm missing a lot of background info. Is this a sequal?

So anyway, I always enjoy seeing new stories, but this one isn't for me.:twilightblush:

58618 Yes, its like a sequel , its mainly just a seasonal special, the real sequel comes after this. The first is story Purple Skies

Well, now that the semester is up and college has slowed down, I bet a lot of people will have more time to read and/or edit. If you, or anybody else that reads this, needs a pre-reader, I'm available. I may, however, get a bit distracted by TOR.... However, the option is open if you ever need one!

Meh. Not so much daw. It's kind of all over the place really :/ I didn't read Purple Skies or whatever it's called so i don't get some of it, but it's *alright*.

58623 hmmm... excuse me but i don't know what that ''slice of life'' category means, could someone please tell me?
nice story beginning, i'm looking forward to this. but please, it's ''Ponyville'' and not ''Ponyvile'' and it's ''sweetie Belle'' and not ''Sweetie Bell''

58769 Yeah, like Winter said our proof reader kinda ditched us, then again since there's four other members of our team we should proof read it together and thanks for the support.

Oh, and Slice of Life refers to character driven fiction. Stories that show you a glimpse into the lives of the characters: daily situations, misunderstandings, fun, friendship, heartwarming moments, etc.

Hi i'm also on the team for this story and the idea for Sorlight came from me. If you have not read Purple Sky's go read it. To understand some of this you kinda need to had read it. Also we are getting a prereader so don't fret over the small stuff. We are all working really hard on this and we love feedback. Thanks yawl.

Cheers, Joltttix

Very good but it is spelt minute not minuet. Just trying to help! :pinkiehappy:

You might want to put "sequel to purple skies" somewhere in the description of the story. It seems there's a lot of people confused over this. :facehoof:

Good to see you have a new proof-reader, but there are still some pretty simple issues around. A few misspellings, a lot less than before, but I see a few run-on sentences in there still. Might want to take a look in there at some point. It is, however, a much, MUCH easier read now than it was before.

59210 saddly, I'll admit it, I am not that good at fixing run on sentences :twilightblush:
But I will try my hardest to fix as much as I can :rainbowdetermined2:

Hearth Warming is obviously a combo of a ponified Christmas and a pun on "Heartwarming".

I see you took the advice I gave to waffle and put a notice at the top of the page.

Good work.

Now, they should all be fixed.
Ch.2 comes out possibly tomorrow.:pinkiesmile:

YAY, IM FROM MINNESOTA, err *cough* Manessota

Do you have any idea what will happen if the Daaw levels get any higher? My God man, you could kill someone through oxygen deprivation! Or worse, you could rip a hole in the fabric of space and time and drag all of your readers into the story!:pinkiecrazy:

Well written. Few mistakes. Loving it so far, it's certainly the right season for it. :raritywink:


62480 lol, that sounds like fun actually...:pinkiecrazy:

When in doubt call in artillery support, nice to see the CMC having some good military sense. All in all a great chapter and I'm quite happy to see it being posted... for some reason I've been gettng update messages but no new chapter.

Fucking Awesome! Just like I just like imagined and you kept it varied enough to surprise the hell out of me.
It woulda been funnier/creepier if the ginger bread creature had spoken and screamed. Like an angry cookie Frankenstein's monster.
AJ X Spike for the win
My favorite scenes to make with were Apple Jack and spike's day, the ginger bread monster and spilling hot boiling coffee on Ace the tennis player's nads.

Peace out.

Lmao :rainbowlaugh: wow that snowball fight, oh that gingerbread pony, oh that Pinkie, oh that spanish inquasition, OH THOSE CANNONS! ALL MY D'AAAAAAWWWWWW. Great job team joker :yay:

62528 Yeah sorry about that, alot of grammar changes to chapter 1, our pre-reader felt that he could do a better job, so he did and we are glad he is doing the best he can to help us bring you this story :pinkiesmile:

That's what I figured, after the second time. And thanks fro trying to make this good.

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