• Member Since 6th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Sunday


I wrote hoers (Ko-Fi/Patreon)

Comments ( 27 )

Well... I can now say I was a part of something greater than myself. I can die happy. Or at least I can die. One of those.

Alex_ #2 · Jun 1st, 2018 · · 2 ·

I approve

Why did you cancel this after only one chapter?

Because life is canceled.

so if this is part of every offensive thing ever, why the hell is this not in the Project Horizons Fall of Equestria cinematic universe?

I MEAN it might be?

Once in a blue moon... No. Once in a family lineage does a story come along that presents itself with such tact, such beauty, such artistic integrity that it simply can no longer be called a story. It transcends the laws of writing and becomes something else entirely.

It becomes art.

That's what this is. Art. Plain and simple. Knick Knack, Paddy-Wack, Give a Dog a Bone, because I'm rolling on home with this one. The last artist to produce something of this magnitude needs no introduction, but I'll show you them nonetheless. Now is the time to come alive.


Well, that was awful :yay:

Why the hell did your reply post to mine show up as "1 minute ago" when mine was listed as "41 second ago"
are you a wizard

preist, i hope you're happy with yourself. this was somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes of my life i can never get back. i think i need to see an actual preist now, too. so thanks. :pinkiesick:


Site Blogger

Oh fuck, not you too

Comment posted by Breakfateschain deleted Jun 1st, 2018

This cracked me up.

By Poseidon's tits this is fucking stellar.

The most glorious of train wrecks.

You are all terrible ponies and you ought to be ashamed...

...except you are all very talented and obviously drunk.

Good on you!

Have fun!

Fimfic needs more crossdressing stories.




This dude right here knows what's up

Cancelled? On the first day?

its beautiful, upthumb and also asked everyone I know on earth to upthumb 7/10- IGN

I knew what I was doing when I clicked on this story. I regret nothing. :pinkiecrazy:

Omg this is so sad (:raritydespair: :applecry: :pinkiesad2: :fluttercry: :fluttershbad: :raritycry: (like that))
Can we research the Lavon Affair

What in the fucking fuck did I just witness

“Dude, I’m so high right now,”
~Princess Celestia

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