• Member Since 9th Sep, 2012
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little big pony

Remember kids, eat your veggies, go to school, and murder all your enemies.... I murder all my enemies....

Comments ( 150 )

You never fail at writing amazing clop! Thank you!

Couldn't have said it better.

Thank you for posting.

This glorious in its absurdity! But now everyone is going to wonder what the other situation was Twilght saw Apolo in.

this totally needs a sequel. :rainbowlaugh:

Just one problem...he still has one princess to go. How convenient for her to walk in just in time :twilightblush:

I know it has been said before but this needs a sequel.

Story was great right up until he decided to fuck Shining, then the story just slit its throat and put a gun barrel in its mouth.

“Twilight.” He paused, thinking over what he was going to say. Two minutes passed before he opened his mouth again. “This… isn’t the worst position you’ve seen me in.”


*Does a slow bow while tipping a tophat*

Funny and hot.
This needs some kind of sequel or epilogue.

Very hot. Kinda disappointed he didn't knock up Cadence.

Utterly silly, wish fulfillment human wank.

Will there be a sequel?
Honestly, the idea of a story dealing with both sisters almost casually and happily pregnant with a miffed Cadance has me grinning.

This was so dumb…

I love it.

AKA, "I don't know how to read an Author's Note that was at the very top of the page."

I really didn't think I was going to like this after listening to the first several paragraphs.

I was so wrong. This is great work.

The Monk

If there is a sequel, I would hope to see more of Shiny, and not just to make a certain user even more salty.

If only it doesn’t ever end

thia needs at least an epilogue and the scene after he said the last line

Going through a rough patch with my stories, but this story lifted my spirits, both literally and figurately.

Please more, good sir. Your subjects demand it.

“Twilight.” He paused, thinking over what he was going to say. Two minutes passed before he opened his mouth again. “This… isn’t the worst position you’ve seen me in.”

I'm slightly disgusted, but curious anyway.


I feel bad for the cleaning staff. Hope Celestia pays them time-and-a-half. Or at least lets them watch from the servants alcove.

Shining needs some love too. Apolo is, indeed, just being a bro.

Besides, I mean.... the dude DID just let you fuck his wife. It's only common courtesy.

"Let's be honest Twilight... This is far from the worst position you've ever caught me in."

That was pretty much how I thought that would go the moment you switched POVs to Twilight approaching Cadence's room. I was not disappointed.

Having trouble deciding if good or bad rating.

On one hoof, shameless, brain-dead clop. Standard HiE trash, even.

On the other hand... it was actually pretty good. It expanded the dong, coz Muh Fetish! And Muh Luna!

Hmm... Fuck it, 8/10.

Points deducted because Twilight wasn't Sparkled, Shining bang, and HiE.

Overall good!

Hahaha! Awesome Story! 10/10! Will there be a Twilight Epilogue? If so that would be awesome.

totally-not-gay-stuff-it's-just-a-bro-helping-a-bro shenanigans

Nope! Not fooling anyone. That was straight up homo~ :trollestia:

Pretty good. Usually I just throw all HiE to trash, but I'm a big fan of ahegao and considering the whole "muh human stamina" meme plays very well into it so I checked it out. Good porn, reminded me of Kanashii's universe where the whole royalty is just big sex orgy. It was also nice to see Shining treated as equal rather than just a competing male to be thrown under the bus or made into butt of all jokes(pretty much his every appearance in HiE fics involving Cadence). The whole princess blowjob scene was good, but his time with Apollo was left really short, which was a shame but nothing too drastic. Cadence's and Celestia's scenes were great, but somehow I felt Luna's wasn't as engaging.

Overall, it's a shitty HiE, but personally it was good enough to ascend that.

That was a good read! Keep up the good work.

That was really good. Kudos to you! :rainbowlaugh:


Pros: Luna and all the princess sex, impregnation and brief mare-in-heat (muh fetishes), more than a few thrusts of sex, decent attention to detail, humor didn't fall flat generally.

Cons: genaric setting of HiE self-insert douchebag, actual vaginal sex scenes too short overall, human is the one impregnating ponies, m/m sex.

Overall: 8/10, better than expected. Would like to see an epilogue or sequal with two preggy princesses and two more getting preggy. ^^

Really fun fic. You built a great sence of history between the characters and the descriptions were in depth and engaging :)
Gotta love the whole "human vitality" trope. It's always interesting seeing how writers depict a "relationship" between ponies and humans.

I esspecially love the whole "Stamina, and Predatory" trope.

well this is well written but i dont swing both ways so the shining part kinda made my boner go down!:rainbowlaugh:

Oh. It's the same author who did "Friendship Lessons". Of course.

I'm going to have to read more of your stuff.

Edit: and 'What is love?' and C'est la vie!

So yeah. This just turned out to be one of my most favourite stories.

Your cover image is from here. (I didn't link the tumblr source because that seems to be a NSFW blog.)

Poor Twilight is going to need a shit load of therapy after this.

you had him lewd everyprincess but bookhorse im sorry but im just gonna have to wait here for that update then.

Definitely want to see more to this. Maybe a short chapter as Apollo and the others recover, then things get explained to Twilight and sorted out (no clop, just story). Then a chapter where we slowly learn the results of this chapter ;) and Twilight gets pulled in somehow... another chapter a few months later, where the princesses make announcements to Equestria, then Twilight pulls Apollo aside privately and has her own little announcement...

Throw a full stop or exclamation point at the end of the short description.

i’d probably just fall asleep if you tried to rut me,” Cadence continued at a whisper, giving his earlobe a nibble. “Big, tough Apolo can’t even make a mare moan in the bedroom. I bet he couldn’t even do it if he held her down and used those grabbers of his to play with her teats, or grab her clit~”

The human’s eyes narrowed down to slits. “I’m not a smart man, but I know when I’m getting played, you pink fuzzball,” he said, once again making his way down the hall. “I know what you’re trying to do.”

Cadence chuckled. “Is it working?” she sing-songed as the tips of her wings brushed against his groin.

He didn’t bother answering her, simply picking up his speed. Though the princess didn’t see it, his teeth were bared ever so slightly.

Shining’ eyes widened as his friend made his way down the hall. “Wait, Apolo! You can’t go yet!” he said, raising a hoof in protest. “You’re supposed to wreck my colt pussy, or fuck my throat until your cum is shooting out of my nose! At least do that thing with your hand again! Please? Please?! ”

LOL XD, poor shiny.

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