• Published 27th May 2018
  • 830 Views, 60 Comments

Digimon Tamers Despairing Hope - Sornos

A new age has begun in Equestria, one that deals with the Digital World, where many mysteries that are waiting to be uncovered. But a big threat from that same world threatens to destroy all of Equestria.

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Courage Ignites! The roar of Growlmon!

After the fight of SkullGreymon, the group rested on some rocks while BlackAgumon and Renamon sleeps soundly and cuddles with each other as well. Both of them start to wake up and and Renamon says blushing heavily, “Th-that was nice.”

“Y-yeah.” He said doing the same, “Um… should we… um... t-t-train?”

“Yes we should.” Renamon smiled.

“Yeah, we should.” BlackAgumon smiled back.

The both of them gets out of the tent smiling and they go to training.

“Hey Selve? Look at BlackAgumon and Renamon, do you think they seem different now?” Gold Hoof asks Selve.

“Ya, both Black and Rena seem at peace.” Selve replied.

“And look closely on how they smile.” He replied.

“Ya, it’s like they are starting to look like a couple.” She replied

“I’m beginning to think that… they might become more than just friends.” He smiles at the thought of his partner and her partner being a couple.

Selve smiles as well, as she watches all the digimon train.

*Wow, I never thought that Rena would look this beautiful while training…* Black thought.

*I never thought Black could move like that* Rena thought.

BlackAgumon starts to move more gracefully like a Chineighese Dragon.

While Renamon starts to get even more fluid in her motions as if in a trance.

*Am I this lucky to see a Digimon like her?* He thought with a small blush.

*Is he the one? The one to be mine?* She thought as she trained.

*Is she the one I’ve been looking for all of my digital life?* He thought as he trained more fluidly.

“Wow… Selve?” Gold Hoof asks Selve.

“It is as if they are in a dance.” Selve noted.

“I agree, I think… they are falling in love with each other.” He smiles warmly.

“That they likely are.” She said back.

“I wish you luck in finding the love of your life.” He wishes Selve luck.

“You too Gold.” She says back.

“I already have.” He said, “And no, it is not you.”

“Well I could guess that, after the princesses looked so well before we left.” She winked at him.

“Yep, that’s right, I love them.” He smiled happily.

“If only I could find a mate.” She sighed.

“One day, you will.” He said hugging her in comfort.

“Only if the dragons change, tell then I will only be the outcast!” She cries into his shoulder.

“Let it all out.” He lets her cry on his shoulder.

“There is no hope, of me ever finding love!” She wails.

“There is Spike.” He replied to her.

“Maybe someday but right now, he is way to young.” Selve said.

“I asked how old Spike is and… I was… surprised to know that he’s… 17!” He replied.

“Sadly to a dragon that is still a child, I am 45 yet still only a teenager.” Selve replied.

“In pony culture, that’s different.” Gold Hoof replied, “He is considered a teen.”

“Fair enough, but while he might be in pony culture, I am not.” Selve replied.

“Who cares what your culture thinks?” He replied again.

“If I choose to court him, I lose any chance of dragons ever believing in my message.” Selve replied.

“I’m not saying to court him now, I’m saying to think about it.” He replied.
“That I will Gold.” She nods.

“But anyways, I think our partners will find out soon that their crushes is not one sided. Am I right?” He asks her.

“Maybe not soon, but before this is all said and done, likely.” Selve replied.

“I agree.” He replied. *I wonder what Spike and Guilmon are doing?* Gold Hoof thought.

Meanwhile with Spike and Guilmon...

“Hey Spike, got a sec?” Shining Armor asks.

“Sure what is it?” Spike replied.

“Well, what do you think of the Digimon?” Shining asks again.

“Well the ones with us, are pretty friendly. Why?” Spike replied.

“I just have the feeling that… one of these days that one of them might go berserk.” He said worriedly.

“So far only time that has happened, had been due to one of us in serious danger, even then from what I heard, he focused on the enemy.” Spike repiled.

“What I mean is that, what if they focused on an innocent… pony?” He said more worriedly.

“They would never! They are not like that!” Spike exclaimed. “You need to have more faith in them Shining.”

“I know… I’m sorry. I just want to keep an eye out for you, okay?” He said.

“I know, but relax. All that stress is bad for you.” Spike replied.

“You have my word, I won’t attack an INNOCENT pony.” Guilmon added.

“Yeah, you’re right.” He agrees.

“So just trust the Digimon. It will be our only chance to survive against the foes we face.” Spike said.

“Yes… against the other Digimon that truly threatens Equestria.” He replied.

“Just like ponies, dragons, griffons, and others, they have both good guys and bad.” Spike said. “Don’t paint them all for the sins of a few.”

“Yes.” He agrees again, “I’m surprised of how mature you’ve been getting.”

“Well when you find out your life might be on the line, it tends to change you.” Spike replied.

“I absolutely agree.” He agreed again

“Doesn’t mean I won’t act like a kid at times, but that is for the best.” Spike said.

“Good, you’re still a kid to me Spike.” He said giving him a bit of a noogie.

“CUT IT OUT!” Spike said.

“Alright, alright.” He said chuckling a bit.

“This feel nice though.” Spike smiled.

“Yeah, it’s nice, just relaxing a bit, huh?” He said smiling a bit.

“It feels though, like the calm before the storm.” Spike says.

“So you feel it too, huh? Something big is coming.” He said sensing great danger.

“Ya, like danger is coming.” Spike said.

“I don’t what danger lurks… but I know for sure, it’s something bigger.” He stated.

“This is bad, even I can feel its waiting for the right moment.” Spike replied.

“And I have a bad feeling it is NOT these… Demon Lords nor Devimon.” He replied back.

A dark digimon comes out of nowhere and it is the digimon known Devidramon.

“Crap what is that!?” Spike exclaimed.

The scanner on the Digivice scans the dark dragon digimon and reveals the name of the creature.

“Devidramon? Champion level, special attacks are crimson claws,and demonic gale.” Spike reads off his digivice.

“Ah… Devidramon, thought that thing bit the dust…” BlackAgumon said tiredly.

“We have to try and huf, fight him.” Renamon said, getting ready to attack.

“Not right now Rena… we’re too tired to digivolve right now…” He said more tiredly.

“Black is right Rena, you two need to rest. Spike, Guilmon it’s up to you two.” Selve said, as Guilmon charges in. “PYROSPHERE!” He cries as he launches an attack at the devidramon.

Devidramon avoids the attack and does a counterattack on Guilmon.

“OW!” Guilmon gets thrown back. “Why can’t we go a day without a digimon trying to KILL US!” seeing his struggle Spike swipes a few cards at random. “Hyper wings, speed, stamina active.” his digivice said as Guilmon keeps firing off pyro spheres.

Devidramon smirked evilly as it uses Dark Gale on everyone and throws Spike into a rock.

“Spike! No!!!!!!” Guilmon roared as he tries to defeat the Devidramon. “You hurt my tamer! You will pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Spike’s digivice begins to glow and Guilmon begins to glow too.

“GUILMON DIGIVOLVE TO!!!!!” as the glow fades, he looks a lot taller and bulkier, with wing like blades on his arms. “GROWLMON!!”

“Look at… Guilmon!” Black said to everyone.

“He digivolved.” Renamon said.

“Go Growlmon!” Spike shouted.

“Go Growlmon fight for all of us.” Gold Hoof said.

Devidramon roars in fury as Growlmon stood his ground against him.“PYRO BLASTER!” Growlmon roars, as he attacks something strange starts going on, the arm blades retract, and he gets even more bulky yet seems to be incredibly fast as well. Two wing like appendages form on its head, and some of the markings on its body vanish.

“Guys, this might be jumping the gun, but he might be a Growlmon X.” Renamon stated.

“No, you’re not jumping the gun, that IS Growlmon X.” BlackAgumon added

“X? What does the X mean?” Spike asked.

“Rena, can you explain?” He asks.

“Spike your partner is one of the rare few with the powerful x antibody in their code. It is a very good thing as a digimon with it will be much more powerful than the normal digimon, and in a lot of cases, in more control of themself.” Renamon said as Growlmon x was not even breaking a sweat as the Devidramon didn’t see having to fight a holder of the x-antibody coming.

“Why is this one DIFFERENT?!” Devidramon said with great anger.

“Wh-what?! He can talk?!” BlackAgumon said with great surprise.

“Doesn’t matter, you have hurt my tamer, and tried to kill him, for that, face deletion!” with one cry of “DRAGON SLASH!” Growlmon X stabs devidramon with his claws.

Devidramon coughs up blood, “Looks like I’ll retreat for now… I’ll be back. I promise.” He said as he vanished

“We will be waiting, and ready.” Selve said.

“That… was too close…” Black replied.

“You said it.” Growlmon said before he starts to revert back to Guilmon. “Now I need some bread.”

Black starts to laugh hard, “Guilmon! You crack me up.”

“What’s so funny? I really like bread, especially cheese bread.” He said back to Black.

“You remind me of an old friend.” He replied.

“That’s good right?” Guilmon asked.

“Yes that is good.” He answered Guilmon.

“Yes, I am good!” Guilmon said.

“Yes you are and I wish you the best of luck mastering your new forms.” He said.

“Ya it feel so weird, it’s like my energy was once just a small flame, but now a huge inferno.” Guilmon said.

“The X forms are a bit more powerful and if you master the X antibodies, you can switch forms from your standard to your X forms.” BlackAgumon stated.

“Why would anyone switch out of such a form?” Guilmon is almost giddy with power.

“It drains your energy quicker for one” BlackAgumon states.

“Weird, It feels like I’m not using more energy.” Guilmon said.

“It may feel that way but take a look at your energy right now.” He replies back.

He take a close look at his energy.

“What do you see?” BlackAgumon asks.

“It’s not going down very fast, if anything, i’m using less energy than before.” Guilmon said.

“Hmm, that’s good. But you need to use it as a last resort, okay?” He states.

“Why? It feels normal, the form I was once in feels weird.” Guilmon said.

“You mean it feels natural?” BlackAgumon asks again.

“It almost feels like a part of my soul, is back.” Guilmon said. “So yes it feel natural.”

“Hmm, that’s interesting.” He said with curiosity.

“If anything there is no turning back, now that my power is awake.” Guilmon said. “I can never be normal.”

“That’s true and the power of the X antibody could have an opposite too, like maybe a Y antibody.” He states, “Who knows.”

“Perhaps Black, but for now I need rest.” Guilmon said.

“Go rest Guilmon, you need it.” He replied, “Rena?”

Guilmon heads to bed. “He has so much power, yet is still so carefree. How?” Renamon asked.

“The kid is still a kid and he needs to stay that way.” He smiles a bit, “He reminds me of an old friend.”

“Yes he needs to stay a kid as long as he can.” Renamon agreed.

“Yeah, I agree.” He said as he smiled at her.

“I have always wondered, can a digimon bare a child?” Renamon asked

“Why are you asking?” He asked back.

“Just curious is all. You have to wonder, why is the number of digimon increasing.” She replied.

“I agree with you, one day I’d like to have kids.” He smiles at the thought.

“Well I think we have gotten much stronger.” Selve said.

“Yeah.” Gold Hoof replies.

“Now what though?” She asked back.

“We train more to get much stronger than this.” He answers.

“If only it were that easy.” Sevle fired back.

“I’m not saying it’s going to be easy.” He adds.

“The Digimon can get stronger, but for me and Spike, dragons have built in maxes, it’s never been found to find a way while still so young, to break past them.” Selve said.

“You remember my friend Dragonius?” He asks.

“I remember about him why? Are you saying he might have found a way?” Selve asked.

“Yes he did at the age of 50.” He answered.

“WHAT!? You are telling me he did all he did in the legend, at that young a age!? He is just a teen!?” She exclaimed.

“Yes he did, if he could do it, then you could too.” He said.

“But with no clues, what are the odds I will just stumble upon it?” Sevle said.

“Like I said before, train and you might get it early.” He said trying to cheer her up.

She simply nods and goes back to training by herself a good ways away from the others .

Then the Cloaked Figure approaches Selve while she is training by herself and says, “Hello there.”

“Stand back! Don’t hurt me!” Selve exclaims.

“Calm down, I’m not here to hurt you, okay?” The Cloaked Figure said to her.

“Why should I trust you? You smell of dragon, and dragons hate me!” She fired back.

“I don’t hate you, okay? I’m here to talk to you, okay?” The Cloaked Figure said to her.

“Then prove it, take off the cloak.” She replied, not yet convinced.

“Okay then, I’ll show you who I am and promise me you won’t tell a soul of what I’m going to show you, promise me.” The Cloaked Figure said to her.

“So long as you tell me why, deal.” Selve said, a lot more relaxed.

Then the Cloaked Figure took his cloak off and he revealing himself to be Dragonius, the dragon of legend, “Now do you believe me?”

“NO WAY! First i met Gold hoof, then the dragon I grew up hearing stories of! Pinch me I must be dreaming!” She says loudly somehow the others don’t hear it.

“You’re not dreaming but keep it down!” He exclaimed quietly.

“Sorry sorry, I grew up on stories of your legend. Now why have you come to me?” She asks regaining composure.

“I’m here to warn you of the threat that is coming to threaten all of Equus.” He said.

“We know of Devimon and Piedmon.” Selve said.

“I know of those two Digimon, they are big threats in of themselves, there is another coming to threatening all of Equus.” He tries to warn her.

“Really? Then if their such a threat, we will have to rise to met them. If only I could figure out how to break my limits.” She said.

“Like my friend Gold Hoof said, it takes training to get stronger and break past your limits.” He states truthfully.

“That can’t be all there is, many dragons our age have tried that, and have always hit a wall, a limit that can’t be broken no matter how hard they train.” She fires back.

“That is all there is, all I’ve done was training and when I hit 50, I broke through the limit. You could be able to breakthrough your limits earlier than me.” He replies back.

“I feel stuck, I have trained since I was old enough to hold a weapon, yet since 25 i have hit the wall.” Selve said.

“It takes time and training, do you know why dragons seem to hit this wall? It’s because they don’t believe in themselves, they believe they can’t break through the limits.” He replied.

“So belief, that’s what we have missed?” She asked. “How could so many miss something so easy!?”

“It’s hard for them to believe that they can, it also takes perseverance and patience as well, not many have that.” He added.

“Well unlike most, I have people to fight for.” Selve smiled. “For my new friends, I will break past the wall.”

“Good and I’d better go right now, I need to get to the Dragon Lands.” He said to her.

“Good luck.” She smiled at him.

He puts his cloak around him to conceal his identity, “Thank you and good luck with your training.” He said as he went on his way to the Dragon Lands.

She smiles and goes to train with the group.

Author's Note:

Next time on digimon, despairing hope. our  gaze now turns to this new face, what role will he have to play in the battles to come?

Renamon, BlackAgumon, Guilmon and other Digimon is property of Toei Animation, Bandai and other respective owners

Twilight, Trixie, Spike, Ember (MLP) and other My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic characters belong to Hasbro.