• Member Since 25th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 17th, 2015



After the destructive duo's latest adventure, they find themselves hurtling into a wormhole, which leads straight to Ponyville, Equestria. With no way home, it looks like they're going to have to take a forced vacation.

Or maybe not, as it seems a certain annoyingly persistent super-villain has followed them straight to this uncharted, seemingly defenseless planet.

How will Ratchet and Clank adapt to Equestria? How will Equestria adapt to them!? How will Ratchet use any of his many weapons without hands!?

One thing is for sure though. With the owner's of the universes most powerful arsenal staying in this vibrantly colored pony land, nopony is going to have a moment's peace. Who knows though, they might just bring to light a couple of unanswered questions about the big mystery that is friendship. Equestria may have plenty friendship and harmony, but it has no friendship like the one shared by Ratchet and Clank!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 137 )

This is sort of a birthday present for the 10th anniversary of the Ratchet & Clank game series, created by Insomniac Games! (The game was made in the year 2002) If you haven't heard of it, please check it out!

This story contains spoilers, to both MLP and Ratchet & Clank! Read at your own risk!

Urgh... Far too rushed, dude. And I should know a little about rushing, it's a problem I'm currently fixing myself.


I'll try lengthening it. Thanks for the constructive criticism and all!

Nice as a fan of both series I am pleased to see someone finally did this.

A good fanfic so far. I will look forward to more.
Only adds to the bonus that I love Rachet and Clank :pinkiehappy:

Maybe you should decide if the narrator is a character or not, because it's often a little confusing whether one of the characters is thinking of if it's just the narrator.

1062612 I think your right about that. I want to be able to wright things like Random Character thought, "I'm thinking random thing's now." But I'm not entirely sure about using that method the whole time.

Sir, I thoroughly enjoyed this. So, I gift you with 3 things. A thumbs up, a fav, and this emote.:pinkiehappy:

To be honest, I liked this, could be longer though. Some description of Ratchet (Pre- and Post- pony), Clank, Aphelion, Nefarious, and Lawrence would be nice. Just because I know what they look like, does not mean everyone does.

It a good story, but it was rushed, but still good.

1062758 Don't worry, I'm working on spiffing up the first chapter!

Yeah this was written quite rush. Plus switching between the point of views was a bit wired. My advice is have something indicating that your switching your PoV like what you did with Dr. Nefarious, or make the transition of PoV a bit more smooth. Don't just jump form one PoV to the next after every paragraph. Otherwise can't wait for the next chapter :pinkiesmile:

mother... of... epicness...


A bit rushed and ponies didn't seem to pay any mind for a spaceship crashing into middle of a town. Looks promising, I'll be waiting for more. *Tracks*

This fic has amazing potential, keep up the great work!

Besides Jack and Daxter, Ratchet was my fav gaming series on play station throughout my pre-highschool years


By the way did you know a wormhole is shaped like two funnels attached to each other and has a gravitational pull all along the walls that has no effect until you are within the funnel, once inside however it is strong enough to pull whatever is inside onto the walls and into a 2-D form.

1064454 Um, wow... I didn't know that.

Uh... I'm just going to use the fact that dimensional anomalies could possibly alter the laws of reality as an excuse as to why my story still makes sense.

And don't worry I wasn't dicking out that you were wrong, you weren't.
Just a little bit of knowledge, it's theoretically possible to survive traveling through a wormhole despite the reconfiguration of your dimensional form, you would simply temporarily experience a lower dimensional acknowledgement and then pop right back into your natural state upon exit! Fun!

The other theory about it is that you die horrendously painfully and because it's a time defect it would never end...

If you need a reason for his Ponification, why not make it so that the wormhole made the Morph-o-Ray have some kind of terrible malfunction, overriding whatever animal setting it's on to pony. During the crash it would activate. Also I'd kinda like to know exactly what Ratchet decided to bring along on vacation I can see a Decoy glove,The Walloper, and the Morph-o-Ray having a recreational use, and the blaster would be in his pack if he felt he might need the protection but other than that I really can't imagine him bringing anything massive or super destructive to relax.

1065547 Actually, the reason behind Ratchet's ponifcation involves the large amount of magical energy in Equestria. I won't go into to much detail though, wouldn't want to spoil anything. Also, Clank has the ability to store a near infinite amount of objects, so It's very possible that Ratchet and Clank just brought everything they owned with them. (Just ignore the fact that you start with only one or two weapons every Ratchet & Clank game.)

Hurray, I did some editing! The first chapter now makes slightly more sense, enjoy!

Fairly relevant topic: Okay, so I was playing some Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction, and during a cutscene, I realize that Talwyn Apogee and Twilight Sparkle sound a whole lot alike. So I go on Wikipedia to look up Tara Strong, the voice actor for Twilight Sparkle, and guess what I found out? It says on Wikipedia that Tara Strong voiced Talwyn Apogee! So yeah, pretty awesome. Makes you wonder what would happen if the two wound up talking to each other.

lasted waaay too short. although i strangely heard nefarious' voice while reading his dialogue. try making the next chapter alot longer. :twilightblush:

where's it's sitting right now, feels to be about the right amount of depth. You've really got the characters spot on, I can't wait to read more!:twilightsmile::fluttershysad:

Interesting idea, and you have good potential in writing. Try to edit it a bit more, perhaps add a little reluctance to Ponyville's population reaction. Like they hover around, do not answer to the newcomer's question and they look sligthly scared. That's when RD comes crashing. Also as other say try not to rush, it looks nice so far.

Wish there were more chapters. This has some amazing potential.
1065547Um, it's Ratchet and Clank, they're going to bring every god damn WMD they can get their hands on because that's exactly what they need to do.

1205988 Yes, I will eventualy update. It might be a whie though, I'm not actualy the best at story writing, and I've been quite busy lately. Keep an eye out though!

1372786 I'm working on it! Seriously though, I'm actually working on the new chapter right now. It should be coming soon, and I have to say, I'm quite proud of what I've got so far.

i was waiting for some more chapters till i started reading but it seems it takes longer than i thought it would... writers block???

1429706 A little bit, yeah. My pet chicken (I did not name her Scootaloo if that's what your thinking) recently died from hypothermia. So I've come under a bit of depression lately, and I'm trying to get back on my feet (erm... hooves?) You should expect a nice little something on the day of Full Frontal Assault's release though.

take it easy, and i will see it when your back
R.I.P chicken who's name is not scootaloo

I love Ratchet and clank.
I love MLP
Therefore I love this fic! Not to mention the whole thing about the decoy was great.
Keep it up. :moustache:

You've just made someone Very happy!! Ratchet Pony!!:pinkiehappy:

"Oh. That is... rather unfortunate." ,said Clank.

This should either be "Oh. That is... rather unfortunate," said Clank, or "Oh. That is... rather unfortunate." Clank said. Other than that, nice chapter. :pinkiesmile:

ABOUT F:twilightangry2:KING TIME!
...Could have been longer. That is all.

1707155 Yeah, I should have made a longer chapter, but I'm backed up at the moment. I've got work to do, chickens to feed, and new MLP episodes to anticipate. I have a lot planned for the story though, and I'll get to writing it even if it takes me all year.

Please tell me ratchet has the rhino from crack in time in this fix, that would freakin awesome!

1707385 Why just one RYNO? They could use any RYNO they wanted. They probably won't use them any time soon though. Those guns could tear through some of the toughest enemies in the games, just imagine what they'd do to a town like Ponyville. Yikes!

1707393 Soon TM

Actually, I can't be sure when a new chapter will come. I'll try to get one out as soon as I can though, but it's more then likely I'll run into setbacks. If I could give you an accurate time to wait, I'd say about a month, but it might be sooner then that or later then that.

Here, have some scootaloos:

17074452 things.
1) What's the TM for?
2) Can't see the pics. School computer blocks them.

1707461 The TM is joke. It stands for "trademarked". And your school's computer should be ashamed, blocking something as adorable as a scootaloo.

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