The story takes place in Canterlot, Equestria at a flight school for young pegasus foals. Follow the story told in 1st person by my oc: Scarlet Harmony.
I came up with this story while reading Gilded Sister at the beginning of today.
I hope you all like the story, and please comment below, what you think about it. This is also my first one-shot. :3
A nice little story, even if Night was more stalker material than protector xD
I wanted to go deeper into scaring the hell out of her, but I got sidetracked and it turned out like this.
That was actually what I was going for.
I like this
Heh. Thank you. Glad it made it into your All Time Favorites. OwO Such high praise is greatly appreciated.
Your welcome
This was good, I loved this story a lot :)
Thank you. OwO I'm thinking of doing a story involving Rarity and Sweetie Belle around S4. Drama, Zombies, Guns, Cuteness, Comedy, etc. Dunno when I'll actually start it, but it should be soon. I'm tired of having to switch from Gdocs to here so I'll finish it then post it.
Go for it
The best part is that he Did nothing physical to her. Everything he told her could have been nothing but words. He gave no proof that he really knew everything he said.
“You better watch your back, Lily, cause you never know, -------- “When I might be right here, ready to strike.”
All else is in her own guilty mind. Small input large results.