Mudbriar's birthday and 5-month anniversary with Maud is around the corner, and Pinkie Pie can't wait to plan it out. Unless another party planner offers to plan it himself.
Writing My Little Pony stories for you so I can one day become an amazing author! Please comment and tell me what you think.
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I can’t see Cheese and Mudbriar being brothers, in all honesty. I feel like it’d be just another comparison to Pinkie, and Cheese deserves to be treated differently than Pinkie. They’re not the same pony.
But that aside, if Cheese were Mudbriar’s brother, I could totally see this happening. And I admit I squealed in delight when Pinkie and Cheese hugged each other without hesitation. Hey, for a shipper like me, I’ll take what I can get
You wrote both Maud and Mudbriar very well. They were both in-character. You even got Maud to smile without going into the OOC-area!
As a CheesePie fan, I absolutely approve this story!
I like it I could totally see cheese and brier as brother I mean they do look a little alike!
Heeeeey, this is a good headcanon!
Headcanon accepted!
I wonder did the Mane 6 and Spike ever met Mudbriar?
This was good, after the last line I immediately thought about "Love is a yummy smore" cheese and pinkie are too cute in that video,
Are there any sequels in progress?
Pinkie, you don't get to be uncomfortable when your privacy's invade, because that would make you a hypocrite.
Or, y'know, Sticks and Stones
This is fantastic!
OMG finally somepony who thinks that Cheese and Mudbriar are brothers! I thought I might be the only one!
I mean, same eye color, same body shape and long legs, they both have brown hair and even Mud Briar's grey coat is tinted slightly on the yellow/orange side ^^ to me though I prefer to think that their more estranged.
It's so fitting!
@ geometry dash breeze: Nice little one-shot. I'm curious about what Pinkie Pie will plan for the party.