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Chapter 5: Moving into the new house.

As Twilight walked to the doors of her castle, she felt a disturbance on the magical force: it was a weird sensation that made her feel uneasy.

‘What just happened?’ she thought while looking in the direction she just came from, ‘something is not right… Please tell me Flan didn’t bite Starlight again?’

With that terrifying thought, she then hurried about in search of her (stalking) researching equipment.

Rainbow was inside her room, in bed with the envelope that Remilia gave her open, the note resting on a bedside table, having read it quite a few times already she was deep in thought.

Well it looked like that, but in reality, she was brimming with unexpressed excitement.

She sat there for a few moments more before taking off, fetching her pet tortoise Tank and hugging him tightly, then landed back on her bed with her eyes closed and let out a contented sigh.

“If I don’t mess this up, soon I’ll be ready for that test, Tank!” She let Tank go and sat up. “I have to give it my best. Remilia counts on me to look after Flan from the sidelines: she’s even paying me! She didn’t have to do that, but going against her will is not a good idea.”

Tank just looked at her, smiling that loyal tortoise smile.

“I mean, there’s nothing bad with that, those 1000 bits per week will come in handy for some things I plan to buy, but like I said, the help she’s willing to provide me if I do this right will prepare me better than any money would for the royal test.”

Suddenly, Rainbow froze, a chill going down her spine. Something had happened, she didn’t know what, but she had an idea of what it could possibly be related to.

Adopting a determined face, Rainbow got out of bed and flew out the closest window, in the direction of Trixie’s wagon.

‘Mission start!’


Flan covered her blushing face with her tiny hands: she didn’t know how high-pitched her voice was in her chibi form. Then again she hadn’t been sure if she could speak at all while like this. Unfortunately, she was wrong about that and she let out the most squeaky voice ever.

After some moments, the awkward silence in the area picked up her attention. Taking a curious peek from between her fingers, she noticed the two mares standing still with no recognizable expression on their faces. Flan tilted her head in confusion, wondering what happened to them. It was similar to the state in which Trixie was a few minutes ago, just without the silly grin. Remembering how Starlight got a reaction from Trixie, she shrugged and flew up to head-level before she slapped them both in the back of the head veeeeeeery gently, since hitting them with no restraint would hurt them very badly.

“Wha…” a dizzy Trixie blinked.

Starlight shook her head, “What happened?” Starlight didn’t look much better.

Flan showed them her chalkboard, “You two spaced out.”

“Really?” Starlight asked and Flan nodded in response.

They thought about it for a moment.

“I think I had a strange, yet adorable dream,” Trixie started and Flan froze, cheeks heating up once again.

“What was it about?”

“I heard Flan speak and she was so CUTE,” Trixie practically squealed, holding a hoof to her chest, “I felt as though my heart would explode… twice!”

Flan deadpanned and showed Trixie her chalkboard, “Did you really have to say that?”

“Yes I had,” Trixie simply stated and Flan rolled her eyes.

“Well, what do we do now? It will be getting dark soon,” Starlight commented.

Flan thought about it, then nodded and wrote something on her chalkboard and held it up for Trixie. After waving it in front of her face for a few seconds, Trixie took the hint and levitated the chalkboard from Flan’s hand before the chibi vampire went ‘poof’.

Taboo: Four of a Kind.

Four Flans appeared out of the little smoke cloud, each one showing a different expression: sadness, happiness, annoyance and indifference.

Saying that Trixie and Starlight were impressed was an understatement.

The Flans formed a line in front of Trixie and gave a salute.

“Umm…” Trixie didn’t know what to do: she was taken by surprise. Then the happy looking Flan took a step forward and signaled the chalkboard. Trixie looked at it and then smiled sheepishly at the four adorable vampires, “Heh, sorry.”

Starlight went to Trixie’s side to read the chalkboard, “Let’s buy a house?” She read it in question form for some reason, but the Flans nodded nonetheless.

After that, the happy looking Flan turned around to look at the other three and pointed at the wagon then at Trixie.

Trixie herself lifted a hoof to try and say something, but before she could, one of the Flans tied a rope on the front of the wagon and pulled it while the other two went behind and pushed. Starlight was going to question what they were doing, but before that, she saw the Flans move the wagon with no effort whatsoever.

“Ok… unnatural strength, noted,” she said calmly.

“Wait!” Trixie said, suddenly the others looked at her with confusion, “you!” She pointed at the sad looking Flan in the back of the wagon. “Come closer, please.”

The specific Flan approached Trixie. Just to be quickly pulled into a tight hug by the magician mare, “You’re staying close to Trixie while we look for a house.”

The other Flans and Starlight facepalmed/hoofed.

“Let’s just… move on,” Starlight suggested, getting the approval of every Flan, even the one being squished by Trixie.

With that everyone left the area and went towards Town Hall to see what houses were on sale. Nopony questioned how the Flans just casually pulled Trixie’s wagon through town: they were rather accustomed to weird stuff since their last addition to the neighborhood. Derpy even went out of her route to greet them. Being the owner of one herself, she wasn’t impressed by most things anymore, she just accept it as a normal everyday occurrence.

Rainbow got back to the clearing, a second after Twilight appeared via teleportation, and the two looked at each other.

“Did you felt that too?” the two said at the same time.

They nodded and started looking around, but Starlight, Trixie and Flan weren’t anywhere around the area, even Trixie’s wagon was missing.

“Where did they go?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight thought about it, searching for any information that could help them in her mind.

‘Let’s see, Trixie is now in charge of Flan and just received a big amount of bits... Also Miss Remilia said they won’t be living in her wagon, so…’ She then looked at Rainbow and said aloud, “Town Hall.”

“Town Hall?”

“Yes, Town Hall. Trixie needs to buy a house, and every transaction goes through there. That has to be the place where they went.”

“Let’s go then,” Rainbow said before quickly flying off.

“Wait!” Twilight shouted, but Rainbow was out of hearing range by that point, she slowly lowered the hoof she had raised. She sighed, “I was going to teleport us there…”

She then did just that for herself.


Trixie and company had just gotten their papers for their new house. Mayor Mare was kind of hesitant at first when she saw Trixie, but ‘sad’ Flan reassured her that everything was fine.

“She was a little rude, don’t you think?” Trixie mentioned.

“It’s disappointing to see ponies holding a grudge like that,” Starlight pointed out with a sad sigh.

Trixie and the Flans just looked at her with unamused looks.

Starlight took notice of this, “What?”

“Nothing, nothing at all,” Trixie waved a dismissive hoof in her direction.

Starlight was about to ask again, but the ‘happy’ Flan stopped her by shaking her head, meaning that it wasn’t worth the bother. Starlight took the hint and just sighed.

When they turned the corner on the way their new house was, Rainbow flew over them overhead without noticing.

“I was a little skeptical, but since she’s done nothing bad so far and having one of your otherworldly guests with her, I decided to comply in her request for a living place. Besides, she paid the full price for that two story house at the edge of the lake, which nopony wanted to buy for the longest time, it was quite the relief if I must say so myself,” Mayor Mare finished telling Twilight what happened just as Rainbow all but crashed through the doors.

One big apology and a Twilit recap later, Rainbow got filled on what happened, “She likes to burn that money doesn’t she?”

Twilight still couldn’t believe Trixie’s lack of money management, shaking her head, “It seems like it. There were more economic houses in better locations; why she chose that one spending more than half of what Miss Remilia gave her is beyond me.”

“Well, at least we know where Flan would be from now on, that’s a plus in my book,” Rainbow prepared to fly away once again, but a lavender hoof stopped her.

“What?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

“I have an idea of where you’re going, but what do you intend to do there?” Twilight replied with a question herself.

“Obviously I’m going to call Trixie on her-“


“Jeez Twilight, you’re too picky, it’s not like there’s anyone here to listen or anything like that,” Rainbow complained, then she remembered something, “Oh… right…”


Once they arrived at their new home, Sad Flan freed herself from Trixie’s grasp and set out to explore the inside with the rest of the Flans.

“You really had to buy this place? It was kind of pricey,” Starlight looked at her friend’s new abode.

“Flan wanted this house for some reason. I can’t say no to her, just look how cute she is!” Trixie said the last part with some weird enthusiasm.

“But you still need some furniture here.”

“I know, thanks for stating the obvious,” Trixie nonetheless smiled at her friend, “but yes, especially for Flan. I have my personal belongings with me in the wagon, but she doesn’t have anything here.”

Then some light in the second floor caught their attention.

Arriving at the only room that was lit for some reason, they were greeted by a room covered in bright red coating. On one wall rested a long shelf with multiple stuffed animals carefully placed on top; next to it a big four door wardrobe that had an ancient design carved into its surface. In the center of the room was a queen-sized bed with red and black covers, the window next to it had some light yellow curtains, standing out sharply among the other colors. Next to the window were a couple of chairs and a single potted plant, healthy and green. The floor was adorned with a smooth blue carpet, not a speck of dust in sight. Finally, from the ceiling, a very expensive looking chandelier hung.

The mares were slack-jawed.

“Emm…” Trixie tried to say something when she heard some noise downstairs.

Going down, they saw the Flans placing tables, chairs, a fridge, some cabinets, and decorations on the living room, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, etc. After some time, the Flans reunited outside and cleaned their foreheads of some non-existent sweat. Both mares stared down at the Flans with unreadable expressions, turned to look at one another...and shrugged.

This wasn’t the weirdest thing that’s happened today, after all.

“Uuu!” all four Flans suddenly ran out the front door.

Curious, Starlight and Trixie followed them, looking in the direction that they saw all four Flans looking. The unmistakable color palettes of Twilight and Rainbow could be seen approaching just some meters away.

Spellcard Cancel

The Flans went ‘poof’ and after the smoke cleared, the original Flan stood there, looking greatly satisfied. She stretched some with a smile, faced Trixie, and with timid blush, she said “Twank you, Twixie!”

Trixie and Starlight froze and a chill went down their spine after hearing that.

“So… It wasn’t a dream…” Trixie said, at which Flan responded with shake of her head.

Trixie dropped to the ground soon after, unable to take so much cuteness. Some feet away, just within earshot, two other bodies could be heard hitting the ground as well.

Starlight, the only one who could resist the D’aww Attack, recovered enough to say, “You should be careful with that. It can be disastrous in the wrong situation.”

Flan just shrugged and proceeded to pull the unconscious ponies inside the house, one at a time.

Author's Note:

Weaponized cuteness always wins :raritywink: