[At the Castle of Friendship]
Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, sat around the front area of their new Friendship School. They had many of their students outside simply enjoying the night display. Some were checking out some stars through telescopes that were provided by Twilight, some were roasting marshmallows near small fires, and others were simply sitting around enjoying the quiet and relaxing atmosphere the night provided.
However, despite how peaceful things were, there were three mares who were too worried to relax. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were holding nervous looks on their faces, while Rarity was pacing back and forth with her hands behind her back while biting her lip a bit. "Oh, where are they? They should've been back by now."
Twilight gently placed her hand on Rarity's shoulder, trying to calm her friend a bit. "Rarity. Calm down. I'm sure the girls are okay. They just went to Zecora's and are coming right back. Plus they're taking the same and safe way we always use when we go to visit her."
Applejack placed her stetson as she tried to keep herself as calm as she could be. "Ya can't blame us Twilight. Yeah, they're taking the same path we always found to be safe to get to Zecora's. But the Everfree Forest is always unpredictable. No matter what happened once, anything can happen in there. Especially when it's this late. We just don't want the girls to get hurt by something... Or worse."
Rainbow was also trying to keep herself the way she normally is, her usual relaxed self. But like Applejack and Rarity, she couldn't help but worry. When she first met Scootaloo, she thought of her as another fan that she had inspired. She appreciated her fans and unlike some idols, she was loyal to them as much as she was to her best friends.
However, as she found herself spending more and more time with Scootaloo, she began to realize that Scootaloo didn't just look up to her as her idol. The young filly actually saw her as an older sister. And Rainbow Dash soon began having a mutual feeling towards Scootaloo. That was proven when one day, Rainbow decided to spend more time with Scootaloo and became her sitter while her aunts had a month-long business trip to tend to in Canterlot and her parents were still doing their own work out in the world. During this time, the two were as inseparable as the Apple sisters.
Fluttershy, after hesitating for a moment, tried to help with her friends' worries. "I'm sure the girls are okay. If they were out this late I'm sure Zecora would've followed them back here to make sure they came back safe."
This comment seemed to ease the three mares' worries a bit until...
"Oh. Unless they accidentally fell off the path. Or maybe they left her hut earlier but accidentally ran into a manticore or a bugbear, or maybe even..."
Pinkie stopped talking when the outburst was revealed to have come from Starlight, who along with Spike, looked to the pink mare with serious looks. "That's not helping."
Pinkie turned to see Rarity's worrisome attitude had gotten worse from Pinkie's assumptions while Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow looked at her with annoyed looks. Pinkie rubbed the back of her puffy mane while also blushing in embarrassment. "Oh. Right. Sorry girls."
The mares and dragon remained where they were for a few more minutes before Applejack stood up. "That's it. I can't just sit here and wait anymore. I'm gonna go and see if I can find them."
"Count me in. I'm just as worried about Scootaloo as you are about Applebloom."
Knowing how dangerous and unpredictable the Everfree Forest could be at night, Twilight was just about to try and persuade them to wait a little longer that way they could all go when...
The group turned to see the three missing fillies just now walking up to them. In an instant, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity tightly embraced the three. Applejack put her sister back down as she looked at Applebloom with a serious look. "Where have you three been? You almost gave the three of us a heart attack."
"We're sorry sis. We were on our way back, but we accidentally got the attention of some Timberwolves on our way back."
The moment Applebloom said that Rarity instantly let Sweetie Belle go and began to rapidly look over her for any scratches or injuries. "Oh, my! Are you okay Sweetie Belle? You're not hurt are you?!"
Sweetie Belle pushed back a bit from her overreacting, yet understandably worried sister. "I'm okay Rarity. We were able to get away from them without being hurt."
Rainbow smirked and began giving Scootaloo a nuggie. "With how awesome you are, I bet you found the way to lose them wooden fleabags huh Scoots?"
Scootaloo, while glad to hear how much confidence Rainbow had in her, smiled sheepishly. "Actually Rainbow Dash... It wasn't any of us that really chased them off. And it wasn't Zecora either."
"Huh? If it wasn't Zecora who saved you from them Timberwolves then who could've possibly-?"
"Ummm... Excuse me?"
With the whole group being so relieved to see the fillies were alright, they never noticed that they didn't come back alone. A couple of steps away from the group stood Gine with a somewhat awkward look on her face. "I... take it you know these three."
Not knowing who or what Gine was, the three older sisters moved the girls behind them in a protective way. "Stay back Scoots. I'll keep you safe."
"Wait. Rainbow Dash she's."
Scootaloo's words weren't fully heard before Rainbow Dash charged at Gine with her famous lightning fast speed.
Rainbow closed in on Gine only to soon witness her disappear right before the Pegasus could tackle her, resulting in Rainbow coming to a screeching halt. "Huh? Where did she-?!"
"That wasn't really the greeting I was expecting."
Rainbow's eyes went wide, as did everyone else's when she turned around to see Gine looking at her with a blank stare.
"What the? How did you? Okay. That was a nice trick I'll admit, but I won't fall for it aga-."
"Rainbow Dash stop!"
Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom ran out from behind Applejack and Rarity and stood between the Pegasus and Saiyan.
"She's a friend. She's the one who saved us from the Timberwolves. We're okay thanks to her."
Rainbow's jaw dropped at what the girls said. "Say what?!"
"Everypony just calm down," Twilight yelled out as she walked up a bit. "Obviously there are some questions about what happened and what's going on. Let's all just calm down and head into the castle to straighten this out a bit."
The mares and Spike hesitated for a moment doing as Twilight had asked them to do. "Good. Now I'm sure you can tell we'd like to talk to you about how the girls know you so please would you mind following us Ms... Ummm?"
"Gine. My name is Gine. And sure. I actually have quite a few questions myself. Hopefully, you all can answer a few for me."
"Great. Just follow us please."
The group then began leading Gine to the castle with Rainbow Dash, unknowingly to everyone else, kept her eyes on the Saiyan.
[A couple of hours later]
Everyone was in one of the lounge rooms of the castle as the mares, fillies, Starlight, and Gine sat around while Spike began pouring tea into multiple cups. Twilight decided to be the first one to speak. "I suppose the best way to start is by introducing ourselves. I'm Twilight Sparkle. The Princess of Friendship in Equestria."
"You're royalty?"
"Yes. I am. But please don't worry too much. I may be a princess but I prefer just being seen as any other normal pony. As I was saying these are my friends: Starlight Glimmer."
"Nice to meet you."
"Hi ya."
"It's a pleasure."
"Ummm... Hello."
Gine noticed Fluttershy trying to cover herself with her mane. "Is she okay?"
"She's just really shy around new people. She'll get used to you. Anyways this is Rainbow Dash."
Gine looked to the Pegasus who still gave her the look that screamed 'Whoever you are, I don't trust you.'
"And last but not least, this is Pinki-."
Twilight was cut off when Pinkie instantly appeared right in front of Gine, startling the Saiyan a bit. "Hi. I'm Pinkie Pie. YousaidyournameisGineright?That'sanunusualnamebutitalsosoundsuniquesinceI'veneverheardofit.Anywaysdoyoulikeparties?Ihopesobecausenowthatyou'rehereI'mgoingotthrowyouabig'WelcometoPonyvilleandThankYouForSavingApplebloom, SweetieBelle,andScootaloo'party."
Gine began to feel a bit uncomfortable with how Pinkie was looking right at her with her big eyes and a big smile. She was soon relieved when Twilight pulled Pinkie back to her seat with her magic while also giving a bit of a nervous chuckle.
"Is she always like this?"
"Like you wouldn't believe. And let me go ahead and warn you, if you want to stay sane, don't try and figure her out."
"If you say so."
"Tea's ready." Spike placed a tray with cups of tea for everyone on the table in the center. Everyone took a cup while Twilight placed a cup beside Gine with her magic. "Would you like anything else? Are you by chance hungry at all?"
"I'm okay. I actually ate right before I came across these three. I must admit the fruit around here is quite delicious... As is the meat."
The moment Gine spoke the last word, some of the girls choked back on their a tea a bit before looking at her with looks of shock and a bit of horror to her confusion. Her confusion grew when she saw Fluttershy looked at her with the most horror. "Did I say something wrong?"
After getting over a bit of her shock, Starlight was the first to speak, "I'm sorry. Did you say you eat meat?"
"Yes. I do eat meat." Gine then watched as the group began to gain nauseated looks while Fluttershy gained a look of despair. "Is there a problem?"
"Ummm... We don't know honestly. I mean Shy's just a real animal lover and as for the rest of us-."
Gine grew more confused until she realized what might be wrong. "Wait. What do you all eat mainly?"
"What kind of question is that? We're ponies. We eat mainly plants and vegetables. Except for Spike. He also eats gems."
A realization came to Gine as she gained a smile. "Okay. I see the problem. You all are strictly herbivores. But I'm not."
The group looked to Gine with confusion as she continued. "You see, unlike you all, I'm actually an omnivore?"
Rainbow looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "A what?"
Before even Twilight could answer, Fluttershy spoke, "An omnivore. A type of animal that, by nature, requires to eat both natural plant-based foods and meat in order to survive. Now it makes sense."
The girls were surprised by how Fluttershy quickly stopped being upset. "What? I can't really be upset with her. It's in her nature. And I can't really be mad at her for doing what she's supposed to do."
"Well... Thank you, Fluttershy is it?"
"So if you eat meat, then you're not a pony. So what are you Gine? A monkey?"
"Pinkie! Don't be rude! Sorry, Gine darling. Pinkie comes up with quite imaginative assumptions."
"Actually," Gine uncurled her tail from her waist and raised it up to where everyone looked at it with wide eyes. "She's not entirely wrong. I mean I'm not completely a monkey but-."
"Alright." Rainbow sat up with her wing unfurled, "I'll be the one to ask this right now. You're not a pony. And while you do have that tail on you, you're not a monkey and even I know that since you don't have the fur. So just tell us this. Who or what in the world are you?"
Everyone looked to Rainbow's forwardness with the question before looking to Gine. The Saiyan held hesitation for a moment before speaking, "Alright. But you may find it hard to believe."
Rainbow held her look of determination. "Try us."
Gine took a deep breath before placing her cup back down on the table. "Okay. The truth is... I'm not really from your world. And from the look of your home, the best way I can tell you this is... I'm what you'd call... An extraterrestrial."
Twilight and Pinkie Pie spat out their tea before they all looked at her with astonished looks. Rainbow, however, remained unconvinced. "Okay. Nice joke. Now seriously what's your true story?"
"Ummm... Dash? She ain't lyin'. She's being honest."
If anyone else had told her that, Rainbow would've continued saying it was a joke. But with Applejack being the Element of Honesty and always being able to tell when someone's lying or not, Rainbow soon began to be as astonished as the rest of them. Gine held her hands together. "I know. I'm quite different."
Twilight managed to shake off her shock and astonishment first before speaking, "Well it's not just that. It's just... If you're from another world, what made you come to ours."
Gine's eyes widened. She had to avoid that topic until later in the conversation given how she was still taking in the reason she left her world herself. "I... *sigh* Okay. I can tell you that, but in order for you to really understand, I need to start from the very beginning of my kind and what our way of life was like."
Gine was a little puzzled, however when Twilight made a pen and notepad appear in front of her with her magic. "We're all ears."
"Okay. To begin, I'm of a species known as the Saiyans."
"Yes. You see a long time ago, our kind lived on a world called Planet Sadala. With us living another species called the Tuffles. We coexisted for the time despite how our two races were far from similar. The Tuffles were a race of science. They built, created, and improved many significant types of technology. Such as this."
Gine pulled her scouter and presented it to the group. Twilight was the most amazed. "What is it?"
"It's called a scouter. It scans a living being measures their energy waves and displays them on this lens. In simple terms, it can tell you how strong or powerful someone is."
"That's incredible. Oh, I may have to study this later."
"Save the egghead time for later Twilight. So Gine, you told us what Tuffles were like, what about your race, the Saiyans."
"Like I said. Our race was in a way the opposite. Saiyans have been born with an urge to fight. We're born warriors. Fighting is in our blood. Our motivation is an urge and drive to always improve and get stronger. In fact, because of how Saiyans are, war broke out between Saiyans. And unfortunately, it led to the complete annihilation of Sadala."
The mares gasped at this information while Spike stood with his jaw dropped. "So wait. If your world was destroyed, what did the Saiyans do to survive?"
"Well, Spike. For a time our species explored space. Thanks to some of the Tuffles who escaped with us, we managed to survive until we soon came across a world where we decided to rebuild our race. It a world called Planet Plant. But after we arrived we renamed it Planet Vegeta, after our king himself. After that, our race was soon hired by multiple other races to cleanse planets for business."
"Excuse me, darling. But what exactly do you mean by 'cleanse' planets?"
Gine was about nervous in explaining what exactly Saiyans did but knew it would also allow her a better possibility of them trusting her if she was truthful. "I mean... Our kind cleared planets of all native life."
Everyone looked horrified the moment after Gine said that. "You killed people?"
"Yes... But don't get me wrong. For a time I just did what our kind was hired to do. But that doesn't mean I don't regret some of the lives I took."
Applejack could tell how sincere Gine sounded before looking to her friends. "She's being honest y'all. I can tell she ain't proud some of the things she did in the past."
Starlight responded, "Even so... How could you and your kind take so many lives just to make money."
Gine gripped her hands in her lap. "In a way, there were two main reasons. One reason involved how I mentioned Saiyans' have the urge to want to get stronger and stronger. Doing jobs like that put us on the field and allowed our power to grow with each battle. You see our bodies have a unique ability."
Fluttershy spoke quietly, "W-what kind of ability?"
"In battle whenever a Saiyan suffered a life-threatening injury, but still managed to recover their power would increase drastically. In a way, it's how our bodies adapted to new threats. The more we fought, the stronger our opponents, the worse the injury to recover from, the stronger we became."
This information left the entire group speechless. Even Twilight was amazed, she knew what didn't kill someone made them stronger, but she never thought something so literal existed even outside of her own planet. "So if you were to receive an injury that could be a near-death experience, but still recovered from it, you'd become even stronger?"
"Yes. Like I said, it's basically how we always adapted to new opponents and challenges."
Sweetie Belle then brought something up. "You said that was one reason Saiyans cleansed planets right? What was the other reason?"
Gine flinched a little at having to bring up what she was about to say. "The other reason is also the primary reason. You see in a way, we didn't have a choice in what we did."
"What do you mean? Did you have a life or death policy on your planet? Was it because your king didn't allow any other jobs?"
Rainbow covered Pinkie's mouth. "Maybe we should just let her tell us."
"Thank you Rainbow Dash. What I mean is... As time went on with our 'business' we soon gained an employer who we never thought we'd have to worry about. His name... was Frieza."
"Yes. He was a powerful member of a race called Arcosians. They're reptilian-like creatures who are born instantly with massive levels of power. Frieza soon became our primary employer. He hired us for many jobs and he paid very well, but those who attempted to deny a job he assigned... Were met with suffering filled punishments and deaths."
Twilight and her friends were beyond horrified knowing that someone like that could even exist. Twilight knew of how Sombra made many ponies suffer during his time ruling the Crystal Empire, but even he never made the lives he took slow and painful. "He sounds so..."
"Evil? Believe me, you have no idea."
"Wait a minute. If your kind were able to get stronger so much, why didn't one of Y'all try to stop him?"
"Because... None of us was a match for him. Even with how strong Saiyans could get and with how many battles we fought, not a single of one of us could hold her own against him. Even with how strong King Vegeta himself was, compared to Frieza's power, it would be like an ant hill next to a mountain."
Scootaloo then spoke up, "So is that why you came to our world? To escape that life?"
Gine clenched her teeth as they all soon noticed tears began running down her eyes. "No... It was to make sure at least some of our race survived a terrible fate. In a way, it was a punishment for our sins."
"You see... One day, my mate, or in your terms: husband, Bardock returned home from a mission. He was beaten, bruised, and bleeding badly. I was about to help him when he told me I needed to get off world. And the reason for why... Was because Frieza had come to get rid of us."
"You mean-?"
"Yes. Frieza had come to destroy our planet and all of us with it. Bardock tried to warn everyone on world, but unfortunately, I was the only who really believed him. So he told me to leave the planet while he tried, in a desperate attempt to stop Frieza. Unfortunately, Bardock couldn't do it. And I to watch as both he and all of Planet Vegeta were destroyed."
"B... But why didn't you stay to try and help?"
"I wanted to Fluttershy. Believe me, I wanted to. But we both knew that even together we couldn't stop Frieza by ourselves. But that wasn't the only reason Bardock sent me off world."
"What's the other reason?"
"Well, Applebloom... It was so I could our sons."
"Yeah. Bardock and I had two boys. Our first born, Raditz, and his baby brother... Kakarot."
"You mean they weren't on Planet Vegeta when it was destroyed?"
"No. Raditz was a part of Prince Vegeta, our king's son's squad and Frieza had them off-world at the time. Kakarot was actually born the exact day before Frieza destroyed our home and on that day, he was sent off world. So we both knew they'd be safe and hopefully I could find them."
It was then that the began to understand Gine's situation better. "So Bardock wanted you to be safe so you could find your sons? Wow. Talk about heroic. Wait a minute... If one of your sons was sent off-world during that time and you came to our world does that mean-."
"No. He's not here. From what Bardock told me he was sent to another world different from this one. I ended up here by complete accident. When I landed here, I found out from scanning my ship and reviewing its footage that I had accidentally been knocked into a wormhole that held a temporal distortion."
"Temporal misfortune?"
"Temporal distortion Pinkie. It's a kind of thing where time and space meet."
"Ohhhhh... Okay."
Then Fluttershy managed to bring up a question that came to mind for her. "Umm. Gine? If you don't mind me asking... Why did Frieza destroy your world? It sounds like you were the kind of people he really needed to hire for a lot of jobs."
Gine crossed her arms and leaned back against her chair as she gained a serious look. "My best guess Fluttershy. The Super Saiyan."
The mares and dragon looked to Gine confused as Rarity responded, "Super Saiyan darling?"
"You see back on Planet Vegeta, there was a legend. A legend that stated that years ago a Saiyan ancestor managed to somehow tap into an unbelievable kind of power. And it was said that one of Frieza's ancestors, Chilled, faced that Saiyan. Chilled was said to have been just as powerful if not stronger then his current bloodline, but even so, the legend said that the super Saiyan managed to completely defeat Chilled. And that's the reason I bet Frieza decided to get rid of us. He feared that with how powerful our kind was becoming with every battle we faced, that eventually one of us might become a Super Saiyan. Frieza wanted to rule the galaxy, if not the whole universe, and he more than likely feared that if a Super Saiyan emerged that his position as one of the most powerful tyrants and warriors would be threatened."
Gine looked at all of their faces that showed amazement. With how Gine described him, Frieza would make Tirek, even with all of the magic in Equestria, seem like a flea. And to hear that someone of Gine's race could've been even more powerful was beyond belief.
"Incredible. I've never imagined someone so powerful could exist."
"Trust me Twilight, the universe is endless when it comes to surprises."
Starlight then brought up a good question for their Saiyan guest, "So what are you going to do now? Are you going to leave and keep trying to find your sons?"
"I'm not sure that's an option right now. My ship was damaged when I crashed here. And even if I could... there's no guarantee I could find them."
"What do ya mean?"
"Remember how I said I went through a temporal distortion?" The group nodded to her, "Well I can't really tell if I'm in my original time, the future, or the past. I could've very well ended up in a time in the past before Kakarot and Raditz were born, or even in a time where they've passed away. And if it's the latter..."
Gine then began gaining a few tears in her eyes as she was realizing what could possibly be fact, "I could be in a time where I'm actually the last of my kind."
The girls looked to Gine with sympathy as they saw that despite being of a warrior race as she described, she was not afraid to show any emotion. Twilight soon placed her hand on Gine's shoulder causing the Saiyan to look back up to her. "Gine. I don't how but... We'll try and do everything we possibly can to help you."
"You... You really to help me? Even after all of what I've told me and my kind have done?"
"You bet we do. Besides, your actions are enough to say you ain't like other Saiyans. If you were, I doubt you would've saved our sisters from them wooden varmints."
Gine looked around to see if any of the others were against what Twilight and Applejack were saying. To her relief, their faces said they agreed with the two. "Thank you... Thank you all so much."
"Tomorrow you can show us where your ship is. In the meantime, until we find out if or when we can help you fix it, you're more than welcome to stay here at the castle. We'll show you around and make sure you're treated fairly around here."
Gine smiled at Twilight's words as she wiped her tears and nodded. "I appreciate that Twilight. Thank you."
[An hour later]
The rest of the girls and their sisters had left for home to get some sleep and the students of the school had headed to their rooms to do the same. In one of the guest rooms, Gine had placed her Saiyan armor on one of the tables along with her scouter. Starlight and provided her with a nightgown to sleep in until they were able to get her some clothes to wear if she wanted.
She stared at her black armor for a moment as she remembered how it was given to her by Bardock years ago when they fell in love. Back then, she wondered if Saiyans were even capable of feeling love at all. But somehow, she and one of the most stubborn Saiyans she had ever met fell in love with one another. She ran her had over its chest area as she spoke with sincerity. "Rest in peace Bardock. You and our friends."
Gine then walked to the window of her room and stared out at to the stars. Luckily for her, she couldn't see the moon, and she was glad for obvious reasons. Her eyes ran over multiple stars as she began spoke to no one present, "I promise you both. Raditz. Kakarot. If you're still out there, no matter how far or how long it'll take, I will find you both. For you, your father, and all of our kind."
Gine turned from the window and began walking towards her bed when...
(Spoke in mindItalic)
Gine shot around as she heard a deep male voice speak her name, yet she saw she was alone. She looked around to see if anyone could be spying on her or something but still saw no one. "I must be hearing things."
"Or maybe not," Gine held her guard up as she looked around. "Who's there? Show yourself."
"I cannot. I am without a physical form. This was caused by Bardock's arrival to my planet Kanassa."
"Yes. You see, Bardock knew Frieza was coming to destroy your world because I was the one who showed him after giving him the power of my people after he and his band of murderers killed all of my kind. The power to see into the future."
"While I don't appreciate hearing someone, even I guess a spirit speaking ill about Bardock, I let it go if you answer me this. If you gave Bardock your powers, then how am I hearing you now?"
"Because I took the action of transferring my powers to you from Bardock the last moment you saw him."
Gine was stunned to as she now understood why Bardock wanted her to leave and how he knew Kakarot would play an important role for something in the future. "But why. Why did are just speaking to me now? Or better yet, why did you give me this power?"
The voice remained silent for a moment causing Gine to panic a little. "Please Kanassan. Tell me why you're just now revealing this new power to me?"
"Because I needed to make sure you weren't a murderer like the rest of your kind. I could sense you had compassion within you, but I waited until I was sure you had deserved this."
"Deserve what?! Tell me!"
"Tell me Gine. Do you believe you landed on this world by accident?"
"Wh... What?"
"I've seen a glimpse into your future. And you were meant to land on this world, and I was meant to warn you."
"Warn me? About what?"
"I'm afraid I cannot reveal your full future yet, but I can tell you that during your time on this Planet Equis, you will be the best defense of its natives for a threat that will be coming. You will learn more about it as you progress. But for now, I can only tell you this. Prepare yourself. You will need to become much stronger for when the time comes. I will aid in preparing you in what ways I am able to. You will need to learn what I have to offer in order to fully prepare yourself for what is to come."
Gine was puzzled. She had just arrived on this world today, and now she was hearing a voice that allowed Bardock to learn of Frieza's plan to destroy all Saiyans warning her that she will be the best defense this new world will have from a powerful threat in the future. "I'll do what you think is best, but I must ask, with how my mate and my former squad killed you and your people, why do you want to help me?"
"I have looked into your past. You do not seem as cruel as other Saiyans were. And I know the universe has a plan for all living things. And even death could not prevent the purpose it has now given me. And while I have no love or sorrow for your kind's extinction, I do not wish to see this innocent world suffer a fate they do not deserve."
Gine could hear how sincere the Kanassan spirit sounded. "I give you my word. I will do everything you need me to do to prepare. And I will protect this world from whatever is to come."
"You speak with honesty. I will reveal more as you move forward. But for now, you must rest."
Gine then felt the presence of the Kanassan spirit fade from her mind as she looked down at her hands and clenched them into fists with determination. "I promise. No matter how difficult, how long, or how many, if the universe sent me here to protect this world, I'll defend it to my last breath if I have to."
nice work.
Thanks. What did you think of unexpected twist?
it was great
So Gine can now See the Future.
Not entirely yet. She'll learn to as the story goes on. Along with what's to come.
Very nice! I spotted a few minor grammar errors but they didn't detract from their sentences.
I wish we had Gine in the anime.
You and me both brother. You and me both. It would've been so badass. We've seen how popular Bardock has become, what harm would it do to finally have her in the show. Not to mention finally answer the question of who would do her voice if she was in it.
Nice job. So far I really like it.
A few grammar issues but I read through those and it didn't lessen the experience.
A few small things that I don't agree with but that's okay.
The story kept me wondering and engaged and I'm curious where you will take this. Keep it up and have a nice day
Thanks for the encouragement. And I'll do my best to keep it good. The reason I didn't fully revise and edit like I should've is because I'm just exhausted. The weather where I'm at now, has gotten me so sick I haven't had a goodnight sleep for the past couple of days.
By the way, what did you think of the chapter title?
I don't remember the reason anymore, but I remember that I wasn't the biggest fan of stuff from recently episodes suddenly being added even if the story hasn't planned to have it in it.
However there existed stories where you noticed it more and where it really annoyed you.
aaaaaaaawwwwwwww nnnnnnnnnooooooooooo I forgot that they aren't ponies again. I don't know I just like it more if they are ponies because the difference is even bigger then.
That's always a good idea, if it's dark and you don't want to see the moon, go look for the moon to see in which direction you shouldn't look.
To be honest I kind of wished she would have a situation in which they want to get her out to see the beautifull night and she is tryinhg to hide from it. I don't care if that would lead to her transformation or not.#
To be honest I hope this sayan story isn't only about fights after a fight, like a boss rush. I mean yes there should be fights, but I wish either not every fight is someone who nearly someone has to fight (you know endboss like kind of fights), or the story actually has some slive of life elements to it.
I also still hope she finds Raditz and needs to show him his place since he would be still the angry and evil raditz (that could be comedy if you want).
I'm going to think about something, but I hope you aren't just going to copy Gokus or Vegetas abilities, if there is much room for creativity than maybe try to think of something unusual and let her keep her tail.
I'm rewally curious to see them reacting to all her abilities or weaknesses like someone maybe Wiona pulling her tail/biting down on it.
Okay. So are saying the chapter is good or bad? I'm just kind seeing mix.
what twist? the added power?, well....it wasn't overdone so I liked it, but normally I'm glad if there aren't added any godlike being that doesn't need to be there.
(I know this wasn't a reply to me)
honestly I hope she can never really see into the future. that would take away the suprise and some of the possible interessting reactions she could have and stuff like that I think.
I still enjoy the story, but you could say I hope it doesn't try to hard to be amazing.
I may have some future seeing scenes, but I promise, they have anything real spoiling. And the twist is having Gine gaining the ability that Bardock had before he passed away.
Right now I thing that you are a person who likes straight forward titles right? And that's great. Everyone likes their own brand of certain things. In fact I like the choice for your titles even though I'm the kind of guy who goes all out with puns and corny jokes. (fe a title that I would use in your scenario would be "Just saiyan the truth"). But I think that people can't make titles too overly complicated, so most of the time it would be just better to go with a straight forward one.
And for you that perfectly works. (In short I like it).
Try and rest maybe if you are feeling a bit under the weather, don't let this story get priority over your health. I hope you get better.
A bit of TFS there.
Not intentionally actually. I've really watched any team four star. Where do see it?
the whole thing of Chilled, that is a TFS original idea.
Oh. Then I stand corrected. There is one episode from TFS I do like to watch. Especially since in a way that's how the whole Super Saiyan legend even started.
too silly for me personally.
I can agree with you on the voices. But gotta admit, it was good to see what the planet was like before the saiyans took over.
Will Gine see Goku while he's in the Mastered Ultra Instinct state? it will be awesome if she sees the ever growing power of her son from his first time turning into a Super Saiyan to his greatest achievement, the power beyond the Gods's, the Mastered Ultra Instinct. and why not? Goku visiting Equestria by accident or after have discovered where his mother is.
Can’t tell you that.
"Why is there an 'I' in it?"
"There isn't..."
"Huh... gonna have to fix that when I get back..."
8863640 Actually, it's not: http://ultradragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Chilled
It was an official spinoff.
Also, about the story... Freeza isn't an Arcosian. His race has never been named.
Okay first off, a lot of people use an I in Frieza’s name and if you google it with an you’ll still get him.
Second I didn’t know exactly what to call his race so I googled and went with that after searching for a bit.
it's part of the GT stuff thus not canon. But stand corrected that it isn't TFS either.
I call it a error in traslation. considering the other names of his race. So it's Freeza
Okay. I might change it or I might not.
I said it because no one thought of a meeting between Goku and his parents yet, both in the official Anime and in the fan-made Crossovers. I know it is a little early to talk about this due to Gine have just arrived in Equestria and even you don't know if it will be possible or not, But if it is it would be Awesome. Gine would be proud to learn what kind of person her Son became, how powerful he is and even more happy if she discovers that she is Grandmother and Great Grandmother ( learning that they are not the last Saiyans anymore ). Not to mention all the possibilities that meeting would unleash to proceed with the story. Anyways i can't wait to see the Next Chapters: Good Job.
I just don't want to say too much and risk spoiling anything. I have an idea on Gine meeting Goku, maybe.
Also while not on this site, I have seen a few fanfics that have Goku meeting Gine and Bardock.
Hmm Maybe i didn't see those.. but thanks for info. And i agree with you about the spoilers: Surprise us! 🙂
I will.
What season does this story take place in?
Current season of Mlp.
Okay then
Episode of Bardock Special was made to promote Dragon Ball Heroes games and explain how in said game Bardock got so strong. It was orginally a manga made by a female mangaka named Naho Oishi. Who would later work on the Dragonball SD parody manga as well.
It takes places eons into the distant past long before events of Dragonball proper. It has no bearing but no relation to GT what so ever. It is optional canon or 'B' canon at best.
However with both Dragon Ball Super, the introduction of Yamoshi through the mouth of Toriyama himself via interview, and the upcoming DBS film in Dec. 2018 featuring Saiyan origins, its validity is even more in question.
Until we hear more that is. Whether or not that is a good thing depends on your and others' opinons on the matter.
is there going to be romances and sex in this story or is there going to be story's that have it?
Haven't fully decided yet. Probably not. Just some mention and off screen. I mean I may throw in some romances. A big if though.
I feel you made Gine to intelligent in knowing the word omnivorous and about wormholes and space-time seeing as Bardock was a low class warrior he would really need to be taught that sorta stuff what chances are she would learn.
Also I'm against her arbitrarily getting future vision for no reason and I believe doesn't really help future plot points
Will still continue reading to see if it improves or worsens
Just keep reading on. I have another reason for the link between them. I just won't say cause I don't want spoilers.
It was the one I was expecting.
It was the one we were all expecting......
I re-read this chapter (chapter 2) purely to check what you called Frieza's race. I like the name and have been using it myself when talking to.... myself about them.
The pause was for me thinking about whether or not i have ever used the term in an actual 2 person conversation about dragon ball only to remember that you are the only one i know that i have ever talked to about it.